ANALYSIS OF DELAY COMPENSATION METHODS FOR HYBRID SIMULATIONS NUKOON MANGKALAKIRI* University of California, Irvine Program: Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Host Institution: University at Buffalo (SUNY) REU Advisor: Dr. Gilberto Mosqueda* PhD Student: Mehdi Ahmadizadeh August 2006 ABSTRACT The hybrid simulation test method is a versatile technique for evaluating and analyzing the seismic performance of structures. Its ability to seamlessly integrate both a physical and numerical simulation of a structure into a single model allows for a cost-effective test method that can be chosen as an alternative to other tests, such as shake-table tests and quasi-static tests. A difficulty in the application of the hybrid simulation test method is that the delay and dynamic response of the servo-hydraulic actuators can introduce errors into the results. These actuator delays tend to add more energy to the structural system, and as these errors propagate, the system may become unstable. The compensation of these delays is critical to the stability and the accuracy of hybrid simulation. Various procedures have been introduced to help compensate for these delays in order to improve the effectiveness of hybrid simulations. In this study, four different delay compensation methods were studied: the polynomial extrapolation method for both force and displacement, kinematic equations used in explicit Newmark’s Beta Method, and the Force Correction method. These tests were evaluated analytically, numerically, and experimentally. The results of these tests showed that all of these methods greatly improved the stability and accuracy of the simulation through modifications of the command and measurement signals. The polynomial extrapolation procedure for displacement and Newmark’s Beta method proved to be the most effective in compensating for the actuator delays that occur during hybrid simulations. Introduction In the midst of catastrophic earthquakes affecting the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and recognition of these risks closer to home, more and more Americans are shifting focus to reducing the existing vulnerabilities in our nation’s infrastructure. Earthquakes are known to cause devastating damage, and as engineers, we seek to lessen this damage. More research is needed to improve our current knowledge of building behavior during such severe earthquake shaking. The most effective method to understand the behavior of structures and components is through experimental evaluation. Three main experimental methods exist to evaluate the performance of structures during seismic excitation. This includes shake table tests, quasi-static tests, and hybrid simulations. Shake table tests allow for models to be subjected to the most realistic seismic loadings. The disadvantage of using shake tables is that they are very expensive to build and payload is limited to the size of the table and its payload capacity. Expenses increase greatly when building larger shake tables with multi-degree of freedom capabilities, so the reduction in scale required for models remains a major drawback for using shake tables for seismic testing. An alternative is quasi-static testing which is much simpler to perform at large scales, however, predefined displacement history is required and is often difficult to relate to the seismic demands of the structure (Mahin and Shing 1984; Mosqueda et al. 2005). Hybrid simulation is another alternative that offers a cost-effective solution for large-scale laboratory testing of structures subjected to seismic excitation. The principles of hybrid simulation techniques are based on the pseudo-dynamic testing method developed over the past 30 years (Magonette 2001; Mosqueda et al. 2005; Nakashima 1984; Nakashima and Takai 1985). Hybrid simulation combines numerical simulations with that of physical simulations to evaluate the seismic performance of a given structure when subjected to dynamic excitation. The hybrid simulation test method consists of the physical and numerical parts actively interacting with each other during the test. The first part consists of an experimental test specimen that undergoes dynamic excitation from actuators as if under the force of an earthquake. The second part is a computational subsystem which models the remainder of the test structure. Hybrid simulations are efficient when modeling structures that display complex non-linear behavior, especially when this behavior is concentrated around certain areas of the structure. For instance, during strong earthquakes, a base isolated building has non-linear isolation bearings at its base while the rest of the structure remains linear. For such a case, a hybrid simulation would be able to physically test the isolation bearings while simultaneously model the response of the linear structure numerically on the computer. Components whose behavior can be easily predicted are often modeled on the computer, while the subassemblages that are difficult to model numerically are done so experimentally. This aspect of hybrid simulations show that this method of testing is much more economical than shake table tests since a full-size physical model of the entire structure is not needed. The test specimen consists only of substructures since the rest of the structure can be modeled numerically. Figure 1. Example of Hybrid Testing Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of a hybrid simulation test of a multi-story structure. In such a structure, the columns at the ground floor may be tested experimentally since they may potentially suffer the most severe damage during an earthquake and not enough is known about their behavior and reactions of structural elements under large deformations during seismic excitation (Sivaselvan 2005). Numerical Methods for Hybrid Simulation Hybrid simulations are used to determine the seismic response of a structure by combining both experimental and numerical elements. The governing equation of motion for the complete structure can be expressed as Ma(t) Cv(t) R(t) f (t) (1) where M is the mass, C is the damping coefficient, R is the restoring force, f is the applied load, and a(t), v(t), and d(t) are the time-dependent acceleration, velocity, and displacement, respectively. One difficulty regarding Equation (1) is the difficulty in determining the restoring force R. The problem can be simplified by doing a linear elastic analysis and letting R(d) = Kd, where K is the stiffness factor. This allows the problem to be reduced to a linear second order equation. However, this limits the scope of the problem to linear elastic analysis. Structures are designed to respond in the nonlinear range during strong earthquake shaking and this should be considered in the analysis. The main task of the numerical model is to integrate the equation of motion using the restoring force data R(d) measured from the experimental setup. The solution to getting this restoring force is based on a time-stepping integration procedure and enforces the discretized equation of motion mai cvi ri f i (2) at time intervals ti it for i=1 to N. The time-dependant variables are noted by the subscript i and t is the integration time step and N is the number of integration steps. Therefore, the displacementresponse time at time step ti1 is calculated based on the response from time step ti (Mosqueda et al. 2005; Stojadinovic 2005). For hybrid simulations, the most widely used method for solving the equation of motion are explicit methods. One of the more popular explicit methods is the Central Difference Method. The Central Difference Method is most widely used for simple to moderate applications of hybrid tests (Magonette 2001; Nakashima 1999). For all explicit methods, the limiting factor is their stability criteria, where the Central Difference Method has the stability criterion of t Tn (3) that limits the maximum allowable integration step size t that is based on the lowest natural period of the structure, Tn. The Central Difference Method is based on the difference approximations of velocity and acceleration (Chopra 2000). Taking constant time steps, ti t , the central difference expressions for velocity and acceleration at time i are vi di1 di1 d 2di di1 , ai i1 2t t 2 (4) By combining these two expressions with the descretized equation of motion (2), the target displacement at the end of step i+1 can be seen as 2m m 1 c di1 di 2 (5) di1 ri f i 2 m c t t 2t t 2 2t Now that the displacement at time ti+1 can be solved, the numerical side of the hybrid simulation is functional and only needs to follow a simple stepwise procedure to advance the hybrid simulation for each time step until the simulation time has elapsed. Figure 2. Flowchart of hybrid simulation procedures The procedure shown in Fig. 2 describes the steps taken for each integration timestep until the number of iterations desired has been achieved. For each time-step, the process starts with computing the desired displacement and then sending it to the actuator as a command (step 1). In step 2, the actuator imposes the required target displacement and holds it while measurements are taken and calculations are computed so that the next target displacement can be found (steps 2-4). Step 5 is where the counter is incremented by 1 so that the iteration process can repeat until the number of integration steps needed is reached. Once the simulation time has elapsed, the computer exits the loop and the hybrid simulation is complete (Mosqueda et al. 2005; Stojadinovic 2005). Delays Associated with Hybrid Simulations In a hybrid simulation where the integration steps rely on the controlled displacement, there is delay between the actuator response and the displacement command. When the rate of testing in increased, the delay becomes critical since the errors may propagate. Delays also affect the structure by acting as a negative damping force, which in effect adds more energy to the system, causing the structure to become unstable (Mosqueda et al. 2005). One of the most widely used method to compensate for this actuator delay was introduced by Horiuchi et al. in 1999 (Ahmadizadeh et al. 2006). Horiuchi devised a procedure using a polynomial extrapolation of the command displacement to help offset the delay and to lessen the errors that may have been produced. Following Horiuchi’s method, the last four data points are fitted with a third order polynomial and is used to predict the command displacement ahead of the actual simulation time. Figure 3. Polynomial extrapolation of command displacement. As shown in Fig. 3, four data points for the command displacement are fitted with a third order polynomial. The current displacement is xo and the desired displacement at time t is x1. Knowing the actuator delay to be jt, the polynomial extrapolation indicates that the next predicted displacement will be x at time t + jt. Therefore, in order to compensate for the actuator delay, the command displacement x at time t + jt is sent to the actuator instead of the desire displacement of x1. Horiuchi was able to verify the reliability and the accuracy of the hybrid simulation with delay compensation by comparing the results of his hybrid simulation test with those obtained from shaking table tests (Horiuchi et al. 1999). Another method one may use to find the command displacement is to use Newmark’s Beta method. Knowing the delay jt, the desired and command displacement can be computed using simple kinematic equations that assume constant acceleration. 1 Ýo x1 x o t xÝo t 2 xÝ 2 1 Ýo x x o (t jt) xÝo (t jt)2 xÝ 2 (6) (7) Plugging in the known quantities into Equation (6), the desire displacement can be found. Similar to Equation (6), taking into account the delay jt and plugging in the other known quantities, the command displacement can be computed. A newer method currently being studied for delay compensation involves the correction of the force measurements based on the displacement measurements. Figure 4. Estimation of force corresponding to the desired displacement. Figure 4 illustrates this method where two polynomials are fitted to the last few force and displacement measurements, creating a curve separate from the actual measured values. When the desired displacement is known, the corresponding time is found by using the fitted displacement polynomial. The force correction can then be found by using the previously found time and replacing it into the fitted force polynomial. Delay Compensation The effects of actuator delays have been studied for many years in the areas of both hybrid simulations and active structural control. The delay in a hybrid simulation in effect can act as negative damping, which causes more energy to be added to the system. In some cases, this negative damping can eventually cause the system to become unstable. Compensation of delay is therefore very critical to the accuracy of both the experimental and numerical simulations of hybrid experiments. In this paper, established methods of actuator delay compensations have been tested. The accuracy and reliability of these tests were studied analytically, numerically, and experimentally. Based on these results, the effectiveness of each procedure was evaluated. Procedures The behavior of the structure is modeled numerically during the hybrid testing by the equation of motion (1) in discrete parameter form. The equation of motion (1) is solved using numerical integration algorithms. These algorithms can also incorporate errors into the model such as actuator delays and random noise from the load cells to better study the actual experiment. Proper care should be taken to effectively tune the actuator controllers and to calibrate the measurement instrumentation. Hybrid simulations are very sensitive to these errors since experimental measurements are used to compute future commands in the time-stepping algorithms. Errors caused by actuator delays and faulty instrumentation may cause for errors to propagate as the simulation progresses, possibly causing for the structure to become unstable. Methods have already been discussed to help compensate for actuator delays in order to minimize the effects of experimental errors. These methods will be explored further into detail later on in this report. Simulink, a computer software often used for simulations and model-based designs, was used to help model the system (Mathworks 2003). Shown below is the Simulink model used to replicate the equation of motion. Figure 5. Simulink model of equation of motion. As shown in Figure 5, the input to the system is the displacement. The displacement is multiplied by the stiffness factor while the first and second derivative of the displacement is taken to yield the velocity and acceleration, respectively. The velocity is multiplied by the damping factor while the acceleration is multiplied by the mass. The sum of these three terms are then taken to yield the force, which is the output of this system. The main Simulink model that was used for this hybrid simulation is shown below in Figure 6. Following the flow of the diagram, the simulation begins with the excitations caused by ground acceleration. Switches can be seen where different simulations can be turned on or off, based on which delay compensation method is to be tested. Subsystems, or blocks, are positioned to perform certain tasks, such as the delay compensations methods that are being studied in this report. Two different polynomial extrapolations are being used in this test, one for displacement and one for force. Newmark’s Beta method is also used to compensate for the actuator delay as well as the force correction method. The subsystem labeled “Experiment + Noise” simulates the test while also incorporating random noise caused by the load cells that are often found in these type of tests. The Simulink routine that houses the equation of motion is located in the block labeled “Exact Specimen.” This block simulates the behavior of the structure under exact conditions. Delays, random noise, and other discrepancies are not taken into account when this block is used in the simulation. Figure 6. Simulink model to numerically reproduce system behavior. Shown below in Figure 7 is the Simulink model for delay compensation, employing Horiuchi’s method of using a polynomial extrapolation of the displacement curve. The unit delays are used to call previous displacement measurements. These four points on the graph are then put through the “polyfitval” program where it fits a polynomial to the previous four points and predicts the command displacement for the next time step plus the delay time in order to compensate for the actuator delay. This model is also used for the force measurements, where a polynomial is fit to the previous four points and predicts a force command. Figure 7. Simulink model for polynomial extrapolation of displacement curve. Shown below in Figure 8 is a schematic drawing of the test setup used in these experiments. Two actuators were installed to apply the displacements necessary while two load cells, capable of measuring 5 kips of force and displacement transducers capable of measuring up to 5 inches of displacement, were installed to help take measurements. Coupons were used to connect the columns to each other and to the frame to allow the coupons to fail before the actual columns yielded. This allowed for a more cost-efficient test and allowed for multiple tests to be performed. Figure 8. Schematic drawing of experimental test setup. Results Delays present during a hybrid simulation tend to add more energy to the system. This can often lead to the structure becoming unstable. This unstable characteristic of the structure can be seen in Figure 9. Figure 9. Simulation without delay compensation One of the first compensation methods studied was the Polynomial Extrapolation method for displacement developed by Horiuchi. This method calls for a polynomial to be fitted to the previous four displacement measurements and the corrected command displacement is found by using the fitted polynomial. The results from this method can be seen in Figure 10 where it is being compared to the exact simulation. This method can be seen to efficiently compensate for the delays that are present during the simulation. Figure 10. Simulation with compensation using Polynomial Extrapolation for displacement The second delay compensation method tested was the Polynomial Extrapolation for force, which was also developed by Horiuchi. This method is comparable to the extrapolation method for displacement since a polynomial is fitted to four previous force measurements. The corrected force command is then found by using the fitted polynomial. The results can be seen in Figure 11 where it is compared to the exact simulation. Compared to the polynomial extrapolation for displacement, it can be seen that this method is not as efficient and is not very accurate when trying to compensate for the delay. Figure 11. Simulation with compensation using Polynomial Extrapolation for force The third method tested was Newmark’s Beta method. This method utilizes Equation 7 which uses a basic kinematic equation assuming constant acceleration and evaluates the equation at time t + jt to find the command displacement. This is a very simple method that is very easy to use. The results shown in Figure 12 also show that this method is efficient and very accurate in compensating for the delay. The graphs for the experimental test and the exact test are very similar and indeed do show that this method is accurate despite the noise that was introduced during the experimentation. Figure 12. Simulation with compensation using Newmark’s Beta method. The last method tested was the Force Correction method. This method calls for two polynomials to be fitted to the displacement curve and the force curve. The time for the command displacement is found by using the fitted curve and the corrected force is then found by evaluating the fitted curve at the corresponding time. The results for this method can be seen in Figure 13. It can be seen that when compared to the exact test, this method did not perform as expected. The graph is seen to have many jumps and outliers. These jumps in the graphs are due to the fact that often times, the quadratic equation yields a complex number. Trying to avoid complex and imaginary numbers, the uncorrected force is used, which results in the jumps seen in the graph. Looking at the graph and the results, it can clearly be seen that this method is not the preferred method for delay compensations due to its jumps and discrepancies. Figure 13. Simulation with compensation using Force Correction method. Conclusion Hybrid simulations are considered to be very accurate and cost-effective method for testing structures subjected to dynamic excitations. Delays present during the hybrid simulation, however, tend to add more energy to the system, which can cause it to become unstable. These delays can stem from measurement delays, calculations, or actuator delays. More focus is often given to actuator delays. This paper researched four different delay compensation methods analytically, numerically, and experimentally. These methods included the Polynomial Extrapolation method for both displacement and force, Newmark’s Beta method, and the Force Correction method. It has been observed based on the tests that the delay compensation methods that performed best were the Polynomial Extrapolation for displacement and Newmark’s Beta method. Not only were these tests most accurate and effective, but they were also very easy to employ and use during the simulation. Other methods that can be used to better compensate for delays during the hybrid simulation can be the subject of future studies. Acknowledgements Support of this work was made possible through a NSF grant within the George E. Brown Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) program. I would like to acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Gilberto Mosqueda, a professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo, as well as Mehdi Ahmadizadeh, a PhD candidate also from the University at Buffalo, for their assistance and guidance throughout the research program. Much appreciation is also given to Dr. Reinhorn, Tom Albrechcinski, Carmella Gosden, Sofia Tangalos, and Melanie Brown of NEESinc for all their help and support. Lastly, I would like to thank NEESinc and NSF for giving me the opportunity to participate in this NEESreu program. References Ahmadizadeh, M., Mosqueda, G., and Reinhorn, A. M. (2006). "Compensation of Actuator Delay and Dynamics for Real-Time Hybrid Structural Simulation." Chopra, A. K. (2000). Dynamics of Structures, Prentice Hall. Horiuchi, T., Inoue, M., Konno, T., and Namita, Y. (1999). "Real-time Hybrid Experimental System with Actuator Delay Compensation and its Application to a Piping System with Energy Absorber." 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