1 Selected Publications Books Is Philosophy Androcentric? Penn State University Press, 2006 (hardback and paperback) Articles 1. "Metafiction as a Rhetorical Device in Hegel's History of Absolute Spirit and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude," CLIO 21 (1992): 401-410. [Reprinted in Jeffrey W. Hunter and Tom Burns, eds., Contemporary Literary Criticism (Detroit: Thomas Gale, 2002), 322-337.] [Reprinted in Harold Bloom, ed., Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude (Philadelphia: Chelsea, 2003), 115-24.] 2. "Early and Later Deconstruction in the Writings of Jacques Derrida," Cardozo Law Review 14 (1993): 1895-1909. 3. "Should There be Separatist Feminist Epistemologies?" The Monist 77 (1994): 462-471. 4. "What's Old in Derrida?" Philosophy 69 (1994): 279-290. 5. "Modernism, Postmodernism and Politics," The International Journal of Applied Philosophy 10 (1995): 39-45. 6. "The Paradox of the End," Philosophy 70 (1995): 555-565. 7. "How Androcentric is Western Philosophy?" The Philosophical Quarterly 46 (1996): 48-59. 2 [A reply to this paper is Susan Mendus, "How Androcentric is Western Philosophy? A Reply,"The Philosophical Quarterly 46 (1996): 60-66.] 8. "Mendus on Philosophy and Pervasiveness," The Philosophical Quarterly 47 (1997): 89-93. 9. "Are You Entitled to Affirmative Action?" The International Journal of Applied Philosophy 11 (1997): 17-22. 10. "Why has the Question of the Meaning of Life Arisen in the Last Two and a Half Centuries?" Philosophy Today 41 (1997): 263-270. 11. "On the Definition of Sexual Harassment," Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (1999): 216-223. 12. "Is Sexual Harassment Research Biased?" Public Affairs Quarterly 13 (1999): 241-254. 13. "Sexual Harassment as 'Wrongful Communication'," Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (2003): 225-234. [A reply to this paper is Edmund Wall, "Reply to Iddo Landau,"Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (2003): 235-241.] 14. "Sexual Harassment and the Repetition Requirement," Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (2004): 79-83. 15. "An Argument for Marriage," Philosophy 79 (2004): 475-481. [A reply to this paper is Dan Moller, "The Marriage Commitment-Reply to Landau," Philosophy 80 (2005): 279-284.] 16. "The Dialectic of Authenticity and Inauthenticity in Jesus of Montreal," Film and Philosophy 9 (2005): 113-125. 17. "To Kill a Mandarin," Philosophy and Literature 29 (2005): 89-96. [A reply to this paper is Amihud Gilead, "Why Not Kill a Mandarin?" Philosophy and Literature 31 (2007): 153-158.] 18. "Response to Amihud Gilead," Philosophy and Literature 31 (2007): 158161. 19. "Two Notions of Objectification," Philosophy Today 51 (2007): 312-319. 3 20. "Haack on Preferential Hiring," in Cornelis de Waal, ed., Susan Haack: The Philosopher Responds to Her Critics (Amherst: Prometheus, 2007), 298-305. 21. "Problems with Feminist Standpoint Theory in Science Education," Science and Education 17 (2008): 1081-1088. 22. "On the Marginalization of Feminist Philosophy," International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (2010): 551-568. 23. "Violence and Postmodernism: A Conceptual Analysis," Reason Papers 32 (2010): 67-73. 24. "Immorality and the Meaning of Life," Journal of Value Inquiry 45 (2011): 309-317. 25. "The Meaning of Life Sub Specie Aeternitatis," Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (2011): 727-734. [A reply to this article is: Joshua W. Seachris, "The Sub Specie Aeternitatis Perspective and Normative Evaluations of Life’s Meaningfulness: A Closer Look," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (2013) 605-620.] 26. "The Nights of Cabiria as a Camusian Existentialist Text," Film and Philosophy 16 (2012): 53-69. 27. "Should Marital Relations Be Non-Hierarchical?" Ratio 25 (2012): 51-67. 28. "Foundationless Freedom and Meaninglessness of Life in Sartre's Being and Nothingness," Sartre Studies International 18 (2012): 1-8. 29. "The Meaning of Life," in The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Hugh LaFollette, ed. (London: Wiley Blackwell, 2012), 3043-3047. 30. "Sartre's Absolute Freedom in Being and Nothingness," Philosophy Today 56(4) (2012): 463-473. 31. "Neurology, Psychology, and the Meaning of Life: On Thagard's The Brain and the Meaning of Life," Philosophical Psychology 26 (2013): 604-618. [A reply to this article is: Paul Thagard, "Nihilism, Skepticism, and Philosophical Method: A Response to Landau on Coherence and the Meaning of Life," Philosophical Psychology 26 (2013): 619-621.] 4 32. "Coherentism, Brain Science, and the Meaning of Life: A Response to Thagard," Philosophical Psychology 26 (2013): 622-624. 33. "Conceptualizing Great Meaning in Life: Metz on the Good, the True, and the Beautiful," Religious Studies 49 (2013): 505-514. 34. "Perfectionism and Non-Perfectionism in Camus's Myth of Sisyphus," in Beatrix Himmelmann, ed., On Meaning in Life (Boston: De Gruyter, 2013), 139-151. 35. "Standards, Perspectives, and the Meaning of Life: A Reply to Seachris," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (2014): 457-468. 36. "Feminist Standpoint Theory," in Denis Phillips, ed., Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy (New York: Sage, 2014), vol. 1, 332333.