8-9. EYE AND SKIN Total number of publications: 30 Total number of cases: 784 Total number of amplifications: 152 Eye tumors: 86 amplifications out of 580 cases Tumor 8.1 Loss Eye melanoma Amplicon 1p 3 6p 6p21-pter 6q* 8p 8q 8q24-qter 8.1 8.1 9p21-pter 11q23-qter* 16q12-qter 22q11-q12 UVEAL MELANOMA (0/333 cases) Percentage (number of cases) 19 (4/21) 57 (12/21) 40 (4/10) 55 (6/11) 33 (7/21) 19 (4/21) 100 (10/10) 64 (7/11) 27 (3/11) 24 (5/21) 19 (4/21) 40 (4/10) Amplified genes (studied from the same cases) Reference 1,2 1,2 1 2 1,2 1,2 1 2 2 1,2 1,2 1 Tschentscher F, Prescher G, Horsman DE, White VA, Rieder H, Anastassiou G, Schilling H, Bornfeld N, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Horsthemke B, Lohmann DR, Zeschnigk M: Partial deletions of the long and short arm of chromosome 3 point to two tumor suppressor genes in uveal melanoma. Cancer Res 2001, 61:3439-3442. UVEAL MELANOMA (?/31 cases) Comment: Number of cases was not clearly defined, but high-level amplifications were present at 1q, 8p11.2, 8q11.2qter, 8q, 20q11.2qter, 20q13.1qter, 22q13, and 22. Aalto Y, Eriksson L, Seregard S, Larsson O, Knuutila S: Concomitant loss of chromosome 3 and whole arm losses and gains of chromosome 1, 6, or 8 in metastasizing primary uveal melanoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2001, 42:313-317. 8.1 8.1 UVEAL MELANOMA (1/5 cases) amp(8q13qter) Naus NC, van Drunen E, de Klein A, Luyten GPM, Paridaens DA, Alers JC, Ksander BR, Beverloo HB, Slater RM: Characterization of complex chromosomal abnormalities in uveal melanoma by fluorescence in situ hybridization, spectral karyotyping, and comparative genomic hybridization. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2001, 30:267-273. UVEAL MELANOMA ADDITIONAL LITERATURE Tschentscher F, Prescher G, Zeschnigk M, Horsthemke B, Lohmann DR: Identification of chromosomes 3, 6, and 8 aberrations in uveal melanoma by microsatellite analysis in comparison to comparative genomic hybridization. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 2000, 122:13-17. 8.1 Eye melanoma: 36 amplifications out of 390 cases 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 Spitz nevi, benign melanocytic neoplasm SPITZ NEVI (3/22 cases) amp(11p)/amp (11p) /amp (11p) 11p 18 (3/17) 3 Harvell JD, Bastian BC, LeBoit PE: Persistent (recurrent) Spitz nevi: a histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular pathologic study of 22 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2002, 26:654-661. MELANOMA, SPITZOID MALIGNANT (0/1 case) Mihic-Probst D, Zhao J, Saremaslani P, Baer A, Komminoth P, Heitz PU: Spitzoid malignant melanoma with lymph-node metastasis. Is a copy-number loss on chromosome 6q a marker of malignancy? Virchows Arch 2001, 439:823-826. CONGENITAL MELANOCYTIC NEVI (?/29 cases) Comment: Amplifications were not determined. Bastian BC, Xiong J, Frieden IJ, Williams ML, Chou P, Busam K, Pinkel D, LeBoit PE: Genetic changes in neoplasms arising in congenital melanocytic nevi differences between nodular proliferations and melanomas. Am J Pathol 2002, 161:1163-1169. 8.2 Spitz nevi: 6 amplifications out of 69 cases 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 RETINOBLASTOMA (4/20 cases) amp(1q21)/amp(1q21,2p23p24)/amp(2p11.2p13,2p15p21,2p23p25)/amp(2p23p24) Mairal A, Pinglier E, Gilbert E, Peter M, Validire P, Desjardins L, Doz F, Aurias A, Couturier J: Detection of chromosome imbalances in retinoblastoma by parallel karyotype and CGH analyses. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2000, 28:370-379. RETINOBLASTOMA (?/50 cases) Comment: Amplifications were not determined. Chen D, Gallie BL, Squire JA: Minimal regions of chromosomal imbalance in retinoblastoma detected by comparative genomic hybridization. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 2001, 129:57-63. RETINOBLASTOMA (9/26 cases) amp(6p)/amp(6p)/amp(6p)/amp(1q,2p13p25,6p,Xq26q28)/amp(Xp11.2p22.3,Xq12q13)/amp(1q32,6p)/amp(6p )/amp(6p)/amp(6p) Comment: 1/13 young (2.0-9.8 mo) or (median 6 mo) children age at operation: amp(6p) 8/13 older (36.4-84.1 mo) or (median 50 mo) children age at operation: amp(6p)/amp(6p)/amp(1q,2p13p25,6p,Xq26q28)/amp(Xp11.2p22.3,Xq12q13)/amp(1q32,6p)/amp(6p)/amp(6p )/amp(6p) Herzog S, Lohmann DR, Buiting K, Schüler A, Horsthemke B, Rehder H, Rieder H: Marked differences in unilateral isolated retinoblastomas from young and older children studied by comparative genomic hybridization. Hum Genet 2001, 108:98-104. RETINOBLASTOMA (16/25 cases) amp(6p)/amp(6p)/amp(1p11q32,6p)/amp(6,20)/amp(6p)/amp(1q11q24,6p)/amp(1q,6p)/amp(6p)/amp(Xp22)/ amp(6p)/amp(2q12pter)/amp(1q,2p12pter)/amp(2p)/amp(2p21p25)/amp(2p12pter)/amp(2p22p24) Lillington DM, Goff LK, Kingston JE, Onadim Z, Price E, Domizio P, Young BD: High level amplification of N-MYC is not associated with adverse histology or outcome in primary retinoblastoma tumours. Br J Cancer. 2002, 87:779-782. 8.3 Retinoblastoma: 44 amplifications out of 121 cases 8.4 ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE CILIARY EPITHELIUM, PLEOMORPHIC (0/1 case) Nicolo M, Nicolo G, Zingirian M: Pleomorphic adenocarcinoma of the ciliary epithelium: a clinicopathological, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, DNA-ploidy and comparative genomic hybridization analysis of an unusual case. Eur J Ophthalmol 2002, 12:319-323. Skin tumors: 66 amplifications out of 204 cases 9.1 Skin melanoma None 1p21-p22 3q 4q12 5p14.3-pter 5q15-q34 6q21 7q32-q34 7q33-qter 8p21-pter 8q12-q13 9p22-pter 10q21-qter 11q13.3-q14.2 17q25 9.1 13 (4/32) 13 (4/32) 3 (1/32) 3 (1/32) 13 (4/32) 28 (9/32) 33 (1/3) 3 (1/32) 25 (8/32) 3 (1/32) 78 (25/32) 59 (19/32) 3 (1/32) 3 (1/32) 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ACRAL MELANOMA (17/30 cases) amp(7p21pter,12q14q21)/amp(3q11q13.3,11q14q22)/amp(5p,5q11.2,11p15,16q22qter)/amp(1p31pter,12q14 q21)/amp(11q13)/amp(11q13,22q11)/amp(7p15pter,22q11q12)/amp(11q13,22q11q13.1)/amp(11q13,22q11q1 3.1)/amp(11q12q13,20q)/amp(11q13,16q21q22)/amp(5p12p13,22q13)/amp(22q13)/amp(5p22pter,6p23pter)/ amp(1p13,1q32qter,21q21q22)/amp(6p12p21,6p22p24)/amp(11q13) Comment: 15/15 acral melanomas: amp(7p21pter,12q14q21)/amp(3q11q13.3,11q14q22)/amp(5p,5q11.2,11p15,16q22qter)/amp(1p31pter,12q14 q21)/amp(11q13)/amp(11q13,22q11)/amp(7p15pter,22q11q12)/amp(11q13,22q11q13.1)/amp(11q13,22q11q1 3.1)/amp(11q12q13,20q)/amp(11q13,16q21q22)/amp(5p12p13,22q13)/amp(22q13)/amp(5p22pter,6p23pter)/ amp(1p13,1q32qter,21q21q22) 2/15 superficial spreading melanomas: amp(6p12p21,6p22p24)/amp(11q13) Bastian BC, Kashani-Sabet M, Hamm H, Godfrey T, Moore DH 2nd, Brocker E-B, LeBoit PE, Pinkel D: Gene amplifications characterize acral melanoma and permit the detection of occult tumor cells in the surrounding skin. Cancer Res 2000, 60:1968-1973. 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 MELANOMA, NODULAR MALIGNANT (1/1 cases) amp(6p,8q22qter) Greulich KM, Utikal J, Peter R-U, Krahn G: c-MYC and nodular malignant melanoma. Cancer 2000, 89:97103. METASTATIC MELANOMA, CUTANEOUS (?/1 case) Comment: Amplifications were not determined. Wiltshire RN, Dennis TR, Sondak VK, Meltzer PS, Trent JM: Application of molecular cytogenetic techniques in a case study of human cutaneous matastatic melanoma. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 2001, 131:97-103. MELANOMA (10/24 cases) amp(1p13)/amp(1p12p21,1p22p31)/amp(4q12q13.3,8q23qter)/amp(7p11.2pter,8q22qter)/amp(7q11.2qter)/a mp(7q11.2qter)/amp(7q21.3qter)/amp(1p12p13,1q,Xq21.1qter)/amp(1p12p21,1p22p31)/amp(20q13.1qter) Comment: 7/16 primary melanomas: amp(1p13)/amp(1p12p21,1p22p31)/amp(4q12q13.3,8q23qter)/amp(7p11.2pter,8q22qter)/amp(7q11.2qter)/a mp(7q11.2qter)/amp(7q21.3qter) 3/8 metastatic melanomas: amp(1p12p13,1q,Xq21.1qter)/amp(1p12p21,1p22p31)/amp(20q13.1qter) Balázs M, Ádám Z, Treszl A, Bégány Á, Hunyadi J, Ádány R: Chromosomal imbalances in primary and metastatic melanomas revealed by comparative genomic hybridization. Cytometry 2001, 46:222-232. MELANOMA ADDITIONAL LITERATURE Llewellyn K, Barnhill RL: Distinguishing Spitz tumors from malignant melanoma: potential role of comparative genomic hybridization and fluorescence in situ hybridization in diagnosis and prognosis. Adv Anat Pathol 2001, 8:249-254. 9.1 Skin melanoma: 60 amplifications out of 91 cases 9.2 9.2 9.2 SKIN CARCINOMA (1/1 case) amp(17q24q25) Popp S, Waltering S, Holtgreve-Grez H, Jauch A, Proby C, Leigh IM, Boukamp P: Genetic characterization of a human skin carcinoma progression model: from primary tumor to metastasis. J Invest Dermatol 2000, 115:1095-1103. SQUAMOUS CELL SKIN CARCINOMA (1/1 case) amp(7p12p13) Shimizu T, Izumi H, Oga A, Furumoto H, Murakami T, Ofuji R, Muto M, Sasaki K: Epidermal growth factor receptor overexpression and genetic aberrations in metastatic squamous-cell carcinoma of the skin. Dermatology 2001, 202:203-206. SQUAMOUS CELL SKIN CARCINOMA (?/21 cases) Comment: Amplifications were not determined. Popp S, Waltering S, Herbst C, Moll I, Boukamp P: UV-B-type mutations and chromosomal imbalances indicate common pathways for the development of Merkel and skin squamous cell carcinomas. Int J Cancer 2002, 99:352-360. 9.3 Merkel cell carcinoma 3p* 5q* 8p* 10* 11q23-qter 13q11-q22 17p Additional reference 46 (11/24) 21 (5/24) 21 (5/24) 33 (8/24) 21 (5/24) 33 (8/24) 25 (6/24) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 9.3 9.3 MERKEL CELL CARCINOMA (?/31 cases) Comment: Amplifications were not determined. Van Gele M, Leonard JH, Van Roy N, Van Limbergen H, Van Belle S, Cocquyt V, Salwen H, De Paepe A, Speleman F: Combined karyotyping, CGH and M-FISH analysis allows detailed characterization of unidentified chromosomal rearrangements in Merkel cell carcinoma. Int J Cancer 2002, 101:137-145. MERKEL CELL CARCINOMA (4/19 cases) amp(4p)/amp(6p)/amp(1q22q24)/amp(5p) Larramendy ML, Koljonen V, Bohling T, Tukiainen E, Knuutila S: Recurrent DNA copy number changes revealed by comparative genomic hybridization in primary Merkel cell carcinomas. Mod Pathol 2004, 17:561567. 9.3 Merkel cell carcinoma: 4 amplifications out of 74 cases 9.4 BASAL CELL CARCINOMA (?/15 cases) Comment: Amplifications were not determined. Ashton KJ, Weinstein SR, Maguire DJ, Griffiths LR: Molecular cytogenetic analysis of basal cell carcinoma DNA using comparative genomic hybridization. J Invest Dermatol 2001, 117:683-686. Concerning Losses: 10% of the cases must be aberrant and the number of aberrant cases at least three; findings in parentheses are examples of highly frequent aberrations that fail to meet the 3 cases/10% criteria; Boldface indicates that more than 30% of the cases detected in a study of at least 10 cases were aberrant; *Description of a region, e.g. 6q21-q22, implies that in a variety of cases the loss was located within the area but it did not necessarily affect the whole area in all cases. The described regions may therefore not be considered analogous with minimal overlapping area. Furthermore, in some single cases the loss area may extend beyond the region described. As a whole, the description should be considered a flexible way to summarize critical areas of recurrent DNA copy number changes in that particular tumor type. Description without an asterisk indicates minimal overlapping areas. Concerning Amplicons: Boldface indicates recurrent established amplicons (at least three cases and frequency more than 5%). REFERENCES 1. Gordon KB, Thompson CT, Char DH, O'Brien JM, Kroll S, Ghazvini S, Gray JW: Comparative genomic hybridization in the detection of DNA copy number abnormalities in uveal melanoma. Cancer Res 1994, 54:4764-4768. 2. Speicher MR, Prescher G, du Manoir S, Jauch A, Horsthemke B, Bornfeld N, Becher R, Cremer T: Chromosomal gains and losses in uveal melanomas detected by comparative genomic hybridization. Cancer Res 1994, 54:3817-3823. 3. Bastian BC, Wesselmann U, Pinkel D, LeBoit PE: Molecular cytogenetic analysis of Spitz nevi shows clear differences to melanoma. J Invest Dermatol 1999, 113:1065-1069. 4. Wiltshire RN, Duray P, Bittner ML, Visakorpi T, Meltzer PS, Tuthill RJ, Liotta LA, Trent JM: Direct visualization of the clonal progression of primary cutaneous melanoma: application of tissue microdissection and comparative genomic hybridization. Cancer Res 1995, 55:3954-3957. 5. Bastian BC, LeBoit PE, Hamm H, Brocker EB, Pinkel D: Chromosomal gains and losses in primary cutaneous melanomas detected by comparative genomic hybridization. Cancer Res 1998, 58:2170-2175. 6. Van Gele M, Speleman F, Vandesompele J, Van Roy N, Leonard JH: Characteristic pattern of chromosomal gains and losses in Merkel cell carcinoma detected by comparative genomic hybridization. Cancer Res 1998, 58:1503-1508. 7. Harle M, Arens N, Moll I, Back W, Schulz T, Scherthan H: Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) discloses chromosomal and subchromosomal copy number changes in Merkel cell carcinomas. J Cutan Pathol 1996, 23:391-397.