Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 WEEKLY PLANNING LISTS Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007 (a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007 (a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations” (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. PLANNING INFORMATION SESSIONS Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications. The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals. All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit. Area Central Area South Central Area South East Area North West Area North Central Area Contact Number 2222932 2225189 2225127 2225727 8166710 1 Meeting Location Sean McDermott Street Crumlin Area Office Contact Area Office for location Finglas Area Office Bunratty Area Office Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 AREA 1 COMMERCIAL: Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2186/11 Permission The Fleet Street Inn Dublin Ltd Temple Bar Hotel, 13-18, Fleet Street, Dublin 2 The development will consist of a smoking area/beer garden located at Adair Lane to the rear (North) of the Temple Bar Hotel. Existing Adair Lane is to be closed off from Aston Place and Price's Lane. Proposed openable gates 2m high together with pedestrian fire exit gates are proposed at both ends of Adair Lane. Additional 1no. fully openable gate is proposed internally to divide the smoking area/public, together with delivery access to be maintained through Adair Lane 7 days a week. Smoking area/beer garden is proposed to be used 7 days a week. Emergency access and deliveries will be provided with 24/7 access as required. Proposed gross floor area of the smoking area / beer garden at Adair Lane is at circa 185.6sqm. All with minor site development works, alterations to the laneway (including resurfacing) together with repainting of the Northern elevation and proposed new retractable canopies to facilitate smoking area, new lighting, heating and mobile furniture layout together with signage on proposed gates as well as additional signage off Aston Place. This proposed smoking area / beer garden replaces the beer garden previously granted at first floor level under planning permission ref. no. 4841/07. 08-Jun-2011 Additional Information Received Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2811/11 Permission Postridge Trading Limited 18/19, William Street South and 47 Drury Street, Dublin 2 Permission at 18/19, William Street South and 47 Drury Street, Dublin 2, the former being a four storey mid terrace building with two storey return connecting to the latter, a three-storey mid terrace building all over a basement. Development fronting South William Street to consist of removal of staircase to first floor, removal of one of two lifts, removal of internal walls and glass patent glazing to ground level roof, change of use of greater part of ground floor retail area and incorporating a ground floor lobby (former access to upper levels) plus part of basement carpark all to provide new restaurant (area circa 493sqm) including new escape staircase and corridor from new basement lobby, plus external doors, shop front and glazing modifications and new facade new external seating and table area planters and glazed screens, and pavement-located basement-access goods-hatch, lighting and signs on South William Street, plus new middle of building open space within glazed-wall enclosure, plus new (exit only) right of way including new staircase and route to reversed doors exiting at Drury Street plus adjustments within retail area fronting Drury Street plus new exhaust duct to vent kitchen gases to high level, plus water storage tank, air-handling, condenser and 2 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal solar panel plant and equipment located at roofs level and including reconfigurations and fit out and associated spaces attendant to restaurant use plus all associated works. 07-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2812/11 Permission Temple Duke Limited 21 to 23 Grafton Street, Nos. 22-23 Duke Street (the Creation Arcade), Dublin 2 and No. 21 Duke Street (Davy Byrnes Public House), Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Amend part of a previously permitted development under Dublin City Council Reg. Ref. 3373/10 and An Bord Pleanala Reg. Ref. No. PL 29S.232913 at this site measuring approximately 1,095 sq.m, located at Nos. 21 to 23 Grafton Street, Nos. 22-23 Duke Street (the Creation Arcade), Dublin 2 to include No. 21 Duke Street (Davy Byrnes Public House), which is a Protected Structure. The site fronts Grafton Street (west), Duke Street (north), Lemon Street (south) and Duke Lane (east), respectively. The subject site adjoins No. 24 Duke Street to the east, west and south; No. 20 Duke Street to the east; and No's 25 and 24 Grafton Street to the south, all of which are Protected Structures. The proposed amendments to the previously permitted development relates solely to the rear part of the site fronting Duke Lane to the east and Lemon Street to the south and comprises the following: the provision of a 34 sq.m. ground floor extension to the rear of Davy Byrne's Public House (a Protected Structure) at ground floor level into the Creation Arcade, together with an associated change of use for the proposed extension area Retail to Public House; - internal and external alterations to No. 21 Duke Street (Davy Byrne's Public House) through the demolition of existing party wall and corridor wall, and the internal refurbishment of the same area together with external alterations to the Duke Lane elevation to provide a new access to the Davy Byrne's pub; - provision of a first and second floor extension (totalling 50 sq.m.) to the Creation Arcade (to the north) over the extended portion of No. 21 Duke Street (Davy Byrne's Public House) together with associated external alterations to the Duke Lane and Lemon Street elevations. The proposed amendment development provides a total gross floor area of 50 sq.m. of new retail floorspace (comprising a 25 sq.m. first floor extension and a 25 sq.m. second floor level extension) together with a change of use of 34 sq.m. of retail floorspace at ground floor level to Public House. 07-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2822/11 Permission Shane McCambridge 86, Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the removal and reuse of existing granite plinth and cast railings in a new format to create a new vehicular entrance to the west of the site facing Northumberland Road, the existing materials will be incorporated into the new cast gates, granite piers and 3 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location kerbing, together with the provision of 6 no. off street car parking spaces for the residents of no. 86, all with associated site works to the site within the curtilage of a protected structure. 09-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2825/11 Permission Royal Dublin Society RDS, Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The application involves works to a protected structure and the development consists of the construction of an access gate from the Simmonscourt Road beside the existing access gateway, gate to be 4m wide and with piers made from the stone of the demolished section of wall to match existing, altered ground level, demolition of a section of the outbuilding behind wall and all associated works. 09-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2828/11 Permission Colette Davis, Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland The National Gallery of Ireland, Merrion Square West & Clare Street, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The development will consist of removal of the existing 6no. late 20th century roof lights including supporting structure; removal of existing roof finishes; relocation of the existing cooling plant and water tank, provision of new roof lights, roof finishes, services and balustrade protection to the existing Historic Milltown Wing Roof of NGI complex; development will comprise the carrying out of works to Protected Structure. 09-Jun-2011 Registration Date Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2829/11 Permission St Patrick's Cathedral Grammar School 32-34, Kevin Street Upper, Dublin 8 and adjoining lands in St Patrick's Cathedral Grammar school, off St. Patrick's Close. PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The Development will consist of: Demolition of an existing school outbuilding (44m2) containing classroom & toilets to the rear of 34 Kevin St Upper and an adjoining wall which bounds 32-33 Kevin Street Upper and the boundary of 52 Patrick's St; Construction of a new three storey school building (890m2) incorporating General Purpose Room, 5 classrooms, library, Staff offices, and other ancillary accommodation; and all associated site works. The new building is accessed from the school playgrounds. 09-Jun-2011 Area Application Number Application Type Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2834/11 Permission Proposal 4 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Joseph Lowney 12, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 For change of use from pizza take-away to restaurant with ancillary take-away use at ground floor. 10-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2835/11 Permission Caseford Former EBS Building at, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, Westmoreland Street, & 22, 23 Fleet Street, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The development will consist of a new entrance is to be created on to Westmoreland Street (the West elevation) with signage above. A new access is to be created in the North elevation to access the external rear courtyard. The facade of the former LaFayette Building at 32 Westmoreland Street which comprises part of the West elevation is listed as a protected structure in the Dublin City Development Plan 2005-2011. The site is also contained within the O'Connell Street Architectural Conservation Area. 10-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 4033/10 Retention Permission P Kennedy 10, Saint Clares Terrace, Mount Drummond Avenue, Dublin 6 RETENTION - Change of use of existing single storey structure to artist studio 39sqm. The structure was formerly used as a store. 08-Jun-2011 Additional Information Received Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 4695/06/x1 Extension of Duration of Permission Marhill Properties Ltd 13, Northbrook Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Two, two bedroom, two storey mews houses with attic storage (identical in design to those adjacent at 12A & 12B Northbrook Lane) with one off street car parking space each to the rear of No. 13 Northbrook Road, a protected structure, at Northbrook Lane, Ranelagh, Dublin 6. 10-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) WEB1106/11 Retention Permission Agenbite Ltd (T/A MILANO) 62, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 Retention planning permission for a shopfront, entrance and external fascia and projecting signage. 10-Jun-2011 5 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 DOMESTIC: Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2341/11 Retention Permission George Clarke 109, Strand Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 RETENTION-Widening of existing vehicular front site entrance & replacement piers & gates, replacement front windows, replacement of front understeps window with door. 08-Jun-2011 Additional Information Received Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2808/11 Permission Christy Murphy Connaught House, 32, Sandymount Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4 Full planning permission for the following: 1. Proposed demolition of 40sqm, flat roof 2 storey existing timber frame extension to North facing elevation. 2. Proposed construction of 144sqm, 2 storey extension to North and West facing elevation, comprising of 8sqm utility room, and 84sqm open plan kitchen/ living/ conservatory room at ground floor level and 2no. bedrooms and 3no. en-suites totalling 52sqm at first floor level. 3. Alterations to existing roof design and construction of new pitched roof to match existing roof heights over proposed extension to rear of building. 4. Proposed solar panels to South West facing roof. 5. Proposed rainwater harvesting system. 6. All ancillary site development works, landscaping and services. Registration Date 07-Jun-2011 Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2815/11 Permission Mr. Gavan Jones 10, Londonbridge Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 For the replacement of the existing garage structure. The development consists of the demolition of the existing garage structure located at the gable end of the existing 2-storey end of terrace dwelling and the construction of a new single storey habitable structure. 08-Jun-2011 Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2821/11 Permission Robert Nowlan 32, Mountpleasant Terrace, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 The development will consist of a two storey extension to the rear of the property totalling 33sqm (comprising 18sqm at 6 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date ground floor level 15sqm at first floor level) and including modifications to internal layout and garden layout all on a site of 109sqm. 08-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2827/11 Permission D Smyth 2, Prince Of Wales Terrace, Sandymount Avenue, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - demolish 3-storey rear extensions abutting adjoining properties, & construct replacement single storey & 2-storey rear extension, internal & external alterations, new replacement windows & roof slates. 09-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2833/11 Permission Dr. Judith Shepard 29, Dartmouth Square, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE:To improve and to damp proof the basement apartment, to construct new garden access from ground floor and basement and to alter and renew windows at rear. 10-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) WEB1104/11 Permission June Hilliard 1, Bath Avenue, Dublin 4 The development will consist of the removal of existing front pedestrian entrance and railing, and to create a new pedestrian and vehicular entrance, and associated site works. 08-Jun-2011 LAWS: ***NONE*** SAWS: ***NONE*** DECISIONS: Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2414/06/x1 Extension of Duration of Permission GRANT EXT. OF DURATION OF PERMISSION 08-Jun-2011 Anna Morris 37, Victoria Street, Dublin 8 7 02-Jun-2014 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 Proposal We, A and M Morris, intend to apply for planning permission for development at this site 37, Victoria Street, Dublin 8. The development will consist of a first floor extension over existing single storey extension to side of property and a new car parking space in front garden with access from Florence Street. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2526/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 08-Jun-2011 John Brereton Jeweller & Silversmith Ltd 33, Grafton Street, Dublin 2 The development consists of the replacement of the existing shop front along Grafton Street and South Anne Street with a new shopfront with intergrated canopies, associated signage and lighting and the upgrade of existing windows and external facades. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2538/11 Permission REFUSE PERMISSION 08-Jun-2011 Elk Taverns Ltd 196, Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For new front facade, signage and lighting, repainting previously painted front facade, new courtyard/terrace in front single-storey portion with openings in roof and re-slating of remaining roof with natural slate, new inner glazed screen wall between courtyard/terrace and bar,1 relocation of disabled accessible toilet internally and lowering of floor level in new courtyard terrace area to facilitate disabled access, iron railing enclosing basement stairs in courtyard with trapdoor over stairs. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2547/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 08-Jun-2011 Mary & William Slattery 64, Garville Avenue Upper, Dublin 6 To demolish existing garage at the end of rear garden and construct a new garage including storage space in the loft constructed in the same location with access onto a private laneway at the rear of the property. 8 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2554/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 08-Jun-2011 The Select Vestry St. Bartholomew's Church, Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For use of part of Church grounds for the interment of ashes after cremation including stone plot makers of approximately 400 x 250mm laid flush to grass and to create a Garden of Remembrance. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2627/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 09-Jun-2011 Mrs C. Dunne 1, Grattan Place, Dublin 2 Planning permission for single storey tiled roof, invalid shower/WC and lobby extension to rear. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2634/11 Retention Permission ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 10-Jun-2011 Hutchison 3G Ireland limited The Mont Clare Hotel, Merrion Street Lower, Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Retention permission for 3 no. pole mounted antennas, 4 no. pole mounted point to point dishes, equipment cabinets and associated equipment as previously granted under reference 1082/04. Part of the Mont Clare hotel is a protected structure (record of monuments and places Ref: 1890). This forms part of the applicant's 3G communications network. Proposal Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2799/11 Permission APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 08-Jun-2011 Wax Museum Plus 9 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 Location Proposal The Armoury, Foster Place South, Dublin 2 PROTECTED SSTRUCTURE: 1. Display posters in two ground floor windows, 2. Display banners on two columns, one each side of entrance door, and 3. a sign over the entrance door. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 3747/10 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 10-Jun-2011 The Board of Saint Patricks Cathedral St Patrick's Cathedral, Saint Patrick's Close, Dublin 8 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Carry out the following works to repair the North Transept roof, the North Transept NW Turret, the North Transept east aisle (music archive) roof and the organ chamber north roof. The works shall comprise of 1. Replacement of existing slates with new Welsh slate. 2. Replacement and new lead ridges and valleys. 4. Parapet repairs. 5. In the east slope of the north transept replace existing hatch with accessible rooflight. 6. Repair and repointing of the North Transept NW turret. 7. Other repairs as requires to complete the works. The Cathedral is a protected structure under the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act 1999. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 3926/10 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 08-Jun-2011 Willowbridge Developments Ltd 112,113 & 114, Townsend Street, Dublin 2 For the demolition of structures nos 113 and 114 Townsend Street and the construction of the following development: 5 & 6 storey Student Accommodation Building (gross floor area 1163m2) comprising 36 bedrooms in 9 no. 4 bedroom apartment units with balconies, a roof terrace and ancillary office, laundry, refuse storage & 20 no. b icycle, spaces at ground floor; A retail unit (89m2) at ground floor level-all on a site of 0.025 hectares. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) WEB1069/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 09-Jun-2011 R.Willis 126, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 Planning permission is sought to renovate existing 2-storey 10 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 house including additional/revised gable windows, velux rooflight to side and rear, demolish existing 2-storey return, and construct a new 3-storey return in its place with feature rooflight and single storey extension all to the rear, with associated site works/remedial boundary works including to render and cap existing rear boundary wall along Victoria Avenue, and permission to provide a 3m wide vehicular entrance & gate to allow access from Victoria Avenue. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) WEB1074/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 10-Jun-2011 Matthew Seebach and Emmeline Hill 28, Home Villas, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 The development will consist of the demolition of an existing single storey extension and the construction of a new single storey extension, and a separate first floor dormer extension over the existing roof area, with associated drainage, landscaping alterations and site works, all to the rear of the dwelling. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) WEB1075/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION AND RETENTION PERMISSION 10-Jun-2011 Billy and Fiona O'Connell 27, Londonbridge Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 Permission for development which consists of retention of widening the existing front vehicular entrance onto Londonbridge Road and associated single car park space, and will consist of a new part two-storey part single-storey rear extension in place of existing single storey rear extension, all with sundry associated works, to existing mid-terrace two-storey dwelling. Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) WEB1081/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 07-Jun-2011 Ciaran McCoy 12, Leeson Park Avenue, Dublin 6 Renovations and extensions to a two storey terrace dwelling which increases the existing floor area from 108 sq.m. to 137 sq.m. comprising:a) Demolition and rebuilding of the existing structurally unsound 11 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 two storey return to the rear which increases the height by 1.1M, b) Construction of a single storey extension to the rear, c) Internal and external alterations, and, d) All associated siteworks. APPEALS NOTIFIED: Area Application Number Appeal Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 0061/11 Written Evidence Noel Ryan & Kevin Ryan 34-42, Pearse Square, With Frontage On Macken Street, & Hanover Street East, Dublin 2 The application is to determine if the continued use of these premises as a public car park constitutes development or whether it is an Exempted Development under the meaning of the Planning & Development Acts 2000 to 2010. Area Application Number Appeal Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 0062/11 Written Evidence Cremorne Management Company Ltd. Cremorne, Off Greenmount Road, Terenure, Dublin 6. EXPP: Provision of a bin store/compound for 28 No. apartments. Area Application Number Appeal Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2389/11 Written Evidence Mr PJ. McGrath 50, Leeson Park, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Removal of existing partially constructed roof structure on a two-storey rear return and construction of a new storey above of same design bedroom extension as per previously approved Planning Application No. 1741/07, granted by an Bord Pleanala on 29/11/07, only with a ridge height 650mm to a total height of 9.7m and set back by 2.6m from rear return wall. The return is to have a rusticated plaster finish and standing seam zinc roof as per the Previous Planning Application no. 5849/07, same finishes to match previously approved said application. Zinc roof over kitchen at 12 Week 23/11 07/06/2011 – 10/06/2011 lower level. On rear elevation of the return; At hall level kitchen: new 2 no sash windows and at 1st floor level master bedroom: new 2 no. sash windows; all to match existing detail an pr. On side elevation; At hall level kitchen: window previously approved in Planning application No. 5849/07 to have arched detail at top to match window adjacent with obscure glazing: At first floor level en-suite: window previously approved in Planning application no. 5849/07 to have arched detail at top to match existing windows with obscure glazing. 1st floor level dressing room: new 1 no. sash window with arched top to match existing detail with obscure glazing. Also, for clarification of correct surveyed dimensions of previously approved planning application to wine cellar, Planning application, ref no 1741/07, granted by An Bord Pleanala on 29/11/07. APPEALS DECISIONS: ***NONE*** 13