Palmer, Antarctica LTER: 1996 – 2002 Bibliography
PAL LTER 9602: Journal Articles Published (count 81 incl. Submitted mss)
Baker, K.S., Technological underpinnings: software, Data and information management in the ecological sciences: a resource guide (Proceedings of workshop, held at University of
New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 8-9 August 1997) , 25-31, 1998.
Baker, K.S., B.J. Benson, D.L. Henshaw, D. Blodgett, J.H. Porter, and S.G. Stafford, Evolution of a multisite network information system: the LTER information management paradigm,
BioScience , 50 (11), 963-978, 2000.
Bird, D.F., and D.M. Karl, Uncoupling of bacteria and phytoplankton during the austral spring bloom in Gerlache Strait, Antarctic Peninsula, Aquatic Microbial Ecology , 19 (1), 13-27,
Boucher, N.P., and B.B. Prezelin, An in situ biological weighting function for UV inhibition of phytoplankton carbon fixation in the Southern Ocean, Marine Ecology Progress Series ,
144 , 223-236, 1996.
Boucher, N.P., and B.B. Prezelin, Spectral modeling of UV inhibition of in situ Antarctic primary production using a field derived biological weighting function, Journal of
Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology , 64 (3), 407-418, 1996.
Carrillo, C.J., and D.M. Karl, Dissolved inorganic carbon pool dynamics in northern Gerlache
Strait, Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research , 104 (C7), 15873-15884, 1999.
Christian, J.R., and D.M. Karl, Ectoaminopeptidase specificity and regulation in Antarctic marine pelagic microbial communities, Aquatic Microbial Ecology , 15 (3), 303-310,
Claustre, H., M.A. Moline, and B.B. Prezelin, Sources of variability in the column photosynthetic cross section for Antarctic coastal waters, Journal of Geophysical
Research , 102 (C11), 25047-25060, 1997.
Dierssen, H.M., and R.C. Smith, Estimation of irradiance just below the air-water interface,
Proceedings Ocean Optics XIII, 22-25 October 1996, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ,
2963 , 204-209, 1996.
Dierssen, H.M., and R.C. Smith, Bio-Optical properties and remote sensing ocean color algorithms for Antarctic Peninsula Waters, Journal of Geophysical Research , 105 (C11),
26301-26312, 2000.
Dierssen, H.M., and R.C. Smith, Case 2 Antarctic coastal waters: The bio-optical properties of surface meltwater, Proceedings Ocean Optics XV [CDROM], 16-20 October, Musee
Oceanographique, Monaco , 2000.
Dierssen, H.M., R.C. Smith, and K.S. Baker, Bio-optical properties of Antarctic coastal waters,
Proceedings Ocean Optics XIV [CDROM] , 1998.
Dierssen, H.M., R.C. Smith, and M. Vernet, Glacial meltwater dynamics in coastal waters West of the Antarctic Peninsula (accepted), Proceedings of the National Academy of Science ,
Dierssen, H.M., M. Vernet, and R.C. Smith, Optimizing models for remotely estimating primary production in Antarctic coastal waters, Antarctic Science , 12 (1), 20-32, 2000.
Dore, J.E., T. Houlihan, D.V. Hebel, G. Tien, L.M. Tupas, and D.M. Karl, Freezing as a method of seawater preservation for the analysis of dissolved inorganic nutrients in seawater,
Marine Chemistry , 53 (3-4), 173-185, 1996.
Emslie, S.D., W.R. Fraser, R.C. Smith, and W. Walker, Abandoned penguin colonies and environmental change in the Palmer Station area, Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula,
Antarctic Science , 10 (3), 257-268, 1998.
Ferrario, M.E., E.A. Sar, and M. Vernet, Chaetoceros resting spores in the Gerlache Strait,
Antarctic Peninsula, Polar Biology , 19 (4), 286-288, 1998.
Fraser, W.R., J.C. Carlson, P.A. Duley, E.J. Holm, and D.L. Patterson, Using kite-based aerial photography for conducting Adelie penguin censuses in Antarctica, Waterbirds , 22 (3),
435-440, 1999.
Fraser, W.R., and E.E. Hofmann, Krill-sea ice interactions, part I: a predator's perspective on causal links between climate change, physical forcing and ecosystem response
(submitted), Marine Ecology Progress Series , xx (xx), xx, 2001.
Fraser, W.R., R.D. Sanchez, D.L. Patterson, L.B. Quetin, R.M. Ross, and C.A. Ribic, Evidence supporting a landscape effect on Adelie penguin demography (submitted), Science , 2001.
Frazer, T.K., Stable isotope composition (delta-C-13 and delta-N-15) of larval krill, Euphausia superba, and two of its potential food sources in winter., Journal of Plankton Research ,
18 (8), 1413-1426, 1996.
Frazer, T.K., L.B. Quetin, and R.M. Ross, Abundance, sizes and developmental stages of larval krill, Euphausia superba, during winter in ice-covered seas west of the Antarctic
Peninsula (accepted), Journal of Plankton Research , 1998.
Frazer, T.K., R.M. Ross, L.B. Quetin, and J.P. Montoya, Turnover of carbon and nitrogen during growth of larval krill, Euphausia superba Dana: A stable isotope approach, Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 212 (2), 259-275, 1997.
Garibotti, I.A., M.E. Ferrario, R.C. Smith, R.M. Ross, L.B. Quetin, and M. Vernet, Marine phytoplankton community structure and spatial distribution West of the Antarctic
Peninsula, January 1997 (submitted), Aquatic Microbial Ecology , 2001.
Garibotti, I.A., M. Vernet, W. Kozlowski, and M.E. Ferrario, Phytoplankton community composition determined by chemotaxonomy and microscopic analysis in coastal
Antarctic waters: a comparison of methods (submitted), 2001.
Grobe, C.W., C.T. Ruhland, and T.A. Day, A new population of colobanthus quitensis near
Arthur Harbor, Antarctica: Correlating recruitment with warmer summer temperatures,
Arctic and Alpine Research , 29 (2), 217-221, 1997.
Haberman, K.L., M. Vernet, R.M. Ross, L.B. Quetin, G.A. Nevitt, and W.A. Kozlowski, Grazing by Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) on the Phaeocystis antarctica: An immunochemical approach (accepted), Marine Ecology Progress Series , 2002.
Haberman, K.L., L.B. Quetin, and R.M. Ross, Diet of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba
Dana) II. Selective grazing on mixed phytoplankton assemblages (submitted), Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 2001.
Haberman, K.L., R.M. Ross, and L.B. Quetin, Diet of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba
Dana) I. Comparisons of grazing on Phaeocystis antarctica (Karsten) and Thalassiosira antarctica (Comber)(submitted), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology ,
Henshaw, D.L., M. Stubbs, B.J. Benson, K.S. Baker, D. Blodgett, and J.H. Porter, Climate database project: a strategy for improving information access across research sites, Data and information management in the ecological sciences: a resource guide (Proceedings of workshop, held at University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM, 8-9 August, 1997) ,
123-127, 1998.
Hofmann, E.E., and C.M. Lascara, Modeling the growth dynamics of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba, Marine Ecology Progress Series , 194 , 219-231, 2000.
Hofmann, E.E., and J.J. Priddle, Interannual variability in the Southern Ocean: Summary Report of a Workshop Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2-7 August 1999, Polar Record , 36 (198),
275-277, 2000.
Hofmann, E.E., and W.R. Fraser, Krill-sea ice interactions, part II: a coupled ecologicalenvironmental model (submitted), Marine Ecology Progress Series , xx (xx), xx, 2001.
Karl, D.M., Oceanic carbon cycle and global environmental change: A microbiological perspective, Progress in Microbiology (Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1995) , 163-172, 1997.
Karl, D.M., A farewell tribute to the Antarctic Research Vessel Polar Duke, Oceanography , 12
(2), 7-18, 1999.
Karl, D.M., D.F. Bird, K. Bjorkman, T. Houlihan, R. Shackelford, and L.M. Tupas,
Microorganisms in the accreted ice of Lake Vostok, Antarctica, Science , 286 (5447),
2144-2147, 1999.
Karner, M.B., E.F. DeLong, and D.M. Karl, Archaeal dominance in the mesopelagic zone of the
Pacific Ocean, Nature , 409 (6819), 507-510, 2001.
Klinck, J.M., Heat and salt changes on the continental shelf west of the Antarctic Peninsula between January 93 and January 94, Journal of Geophysical Research , 103 (C4), 7617-
7636, 1998.
Lascara, C.M., E.E. Hofmann, R.M. Ross, and L.B. Quetin, Seasonal variability in the distribution of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, west of the Antarctic Peninsula, Deep-
Sea Research , 46 (6), 951-984, 1999.
Liu, J., D. Rind D.G., X. Yuan, Martinson,. Mechanistic study of the ENSO and southern high latitudes climate teleconnection. Journal of Geophysical Research. submitted
Liu, J., D.G. Martinson, X. Yuan, D. Rind,. Evaluating simulated sea ice variability and its global teleconnections in coupled climate models. International Journal of Climatology . in press
Loeb, V., V. Siegel, O. Holm-Hansen, R. Hewitt, W.R. Fraser, W.Z. Trivelpiece, and S.G.
Trivelpiece, Effects of sea-ice extent and krill or salp dominance on the Antarctic food web, Nature , 387 , 897-900, 1997.
LoPiccolo, M., and E.W. Domack, Palmer LTER: Paleohistory of the Palmer LTER region:
Palmer deep sedimentary record, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 183-185,
Martinson, D.G. & M. Steele, 2001. Future of the Arctic Sea Ice Cover: Implications of an
Antarctic Analog, Geophys. Res. Lets.
, 28, p.307-310.
Martinson, D.G. & R.A. Iannuzzi, (submitted). Spatial/Temporal Patterns in Weddell Gyre
Characteristics and their relationship to Global Climate. Journal of Geophysical Research .
McGehee, D.E., R.L. O'Driscoll, and L.V.M. Traykovski, Effects of orientation on acoustic scattering from Antarctic krill at 120 kHz, Deep-Sea Research , 45 (7), 1273-1294, 1998.
Moline, M.A., Photoadaptive response during the development of a coastal Antarctic diatom bloom and relationship to water column stability, Limnology and Oceanography , 43 (1),
146-153, 1998.
Moline, M.A., and B.B. Prezelin, Palmer LTER 1991-1994: Long-term monitoring and analyses of physical factors regulating variability in coastal Antarctic phytoplankton biomass, in situ productivity and taxonomic composition over subseasonal, seasonal and interannual
time scales phytoplankton dynamics, Marine Ecology Progress Series , 145 (1-3), 143-
160, 1996.
Moline, M.A., and B.B. Prezelin, High resolution time-series data for 91/92 primary production and related parameters at a Palmer LTER coastal site: implications for modeling carbon fixation in the Southern Ocean, Polar Biology , 17 , 39-53, 1997.
Moline, M.A., and B.B. Prezelin, Optical fractionation of chlorophyll and primary production for coastal waters of the Southern Ocean, Polar Biology , 23 (2), 129-136, 2000.
Moline, M.A., B.B. Prezelin, O.M. Schofield, and R.C. Smith, Temporal dynamics of coastal
Antarctic phytoplankton: environmental driving forces and impact of a 1991/92 summer diatom bloom on the nutrient regimes, Antarctic Communities: Species, Structure and
Survival , 67-72, 1997.
Moline, M.A., O.M. Schofield, and N.P. Boucher, Photosynthetic parameters and empirical modelling of primary production: a case study on the Antarctic Peninsula shelf, Antarctic
Science , 10 (1), 45-54, 1998.
Moyer, C.L., J.M. Tiedje, F.C. Dobbs, and D.M. Karl, A computer-simulated restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of bacterial small-subunit rRNA genes: Efficacy of selected tetrameric restriction enzymes for studies of microbial diversity in nature,
Applied and Environmental Microbiology , 62 (7), 2501-2507, 1996.
Murray, A.E., K.Y. Wu, C.L. Moyer, D.M. Karl, and E.F. DeLong, Evidence for circumpolar distribution of planktonic Archaea in the Southern Ocean, Aquatic Microbial Ecology , 18
(3), 263-273, 1999.
Patterson, D.L., E.J. Holm, K.M. Carney, and W.R. Fraser, Effects of tourism on the reproductive success of Adelie penguins at Palmer Station: Preliminary findings,
Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 275-276, 1996.
Patterson, D.L., and S. Hunter, Giant petrel Macronectes spp. band recovery analysis from the
International Giant Petrel Banding Project, 1988/89, Marine Ornithology , 28 , 69-74,
Patterson, D.L., E.J. Woehler, J.P. Croxall, J. Cooper, S. Poncet, and W.R. Fraser, Breeding distribution and population status of the Northern Giant Petrel Macronectes halli and the
Southern Giant Petrel M. giganteus (in press), Marine Ornithology , 29 , 2001.
Prezelin, B.B., E.E. Hofmann, C. Mengelt, and J.M. Klinck, The linkage between upper circumpolar deep water (UCDW) and phytoplankton assemblages on the west Antarctic
Peninsula Continental Shelf, Journal of Marine Research , 58 (2), 165-202, 2000.
Quetin, L.B., and R.M. Ross, Environmental variability and its impact on the reproductive cycle of Antarctic Krill, American Zoologist , 41 (1), 74-89, 2001.
Rind, D., M. Chandler, J. Lerner, D.G. Martinson, X. Yuan, 2001. Climate response to basinspecific changes in latitudinal temperature gradients and implications for sea ice variability,
Journal of Geophysical Research , V106, 20161-20173 .
Ross, R.M., Book and CD-ROM Review: Euphausiids of the world ocean, ASLO Bulletin , 9 (3),
13-13, 2001.
Ross, R.M., L.B. Quetin, K.S. Baker, M. Vernet, and R.C. Smith, Growth limitation in young
Euphausia superba under field conditions, Limnology and Oceanography , 45 (1), 31-43,
Ross, R.M., L.B. Quetin, and K.L. Haberman, Interannual and seasonal variability in short-term grazing impact of Euphausia superba in nearshore and offshore waters west of the
Antarctic Peninsula, Journal of Marine Systems , 17 (1-4), 261-273, 1998.
Salihoglu, B., W.R. Fraser, and E.E. Hofmann, Factors affecting fledging weight of Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) chicks: a modeling study, Polar Biology , 24 , 328-337, 2001.
Schofield, O.M., M.A. Moline, and B.B. Prezelin, Variability of the maximum quantum yield for carbon fixation in Antarctic coastal waters (submitted), Limnology and Oceanography ,
Smith, D.A., E.E. Hofmann, C.M. Lascara, and J.M. Klinck, Hydrography and circulation of the west Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf, Deep-Sea Research Part I , 46 (6), 925-949,
Smith, R.C., Book Review: exploring sea ice in Antarctica, BioScience , 49 (7), 577-578, 1999.
Smith, R.C., K.S. Baker, M.L. Byers, and S.E. Stammerjohn, Primary Productivity of the Palmer
Long Term Ecological Research Area and the Southern Ocean, Journal of Marine
Systems , 17 (1-4), 245-259, 1998.
Smith, R.C., K.S. Baker, H.M. Dierssen, S.E. Stammerjohn, and M. Vernet, Bio-optical modeling of primary production from seawifs ocean color data for the Western Antarctic
Peninsula region, Proceedings Ocean Optics XV [CDROM], 16-20 October, Musee
Oceanographique, Monaco , 2000.
Smith, R.C., K.S. Baker, H.M. Dierssen, S.E. Stammerjohn, and M. Vernet, Variability of primary production in an Antarctic marine ecosystem as estimated using a multi-scale sampling strategy, American Zoologist , 41 (1), 40-56, 2001.
Smith, R.C., K.S. Baker, and S.E. Stammerjohn, Exploring sea ice indexes for polar ecosystem studies, BioScience , 48 , 83-93, 1998.
Smith, R.C., K.S. Baker, and M. Vernet, Seasonal and interannual variability of phytoplankton biomass west of the Antarctic Peninsula, Journal of Marine Systems , 17 (1-4), 229-243,
Smith, R.C., E.W. Domack, S.D. Emslie, W.R. Fraser, D.G. Ainley, K.S. Baker, J. Kennett, A.
Leventer, E. Mosley-Thompson, S.E. Stammerjohn, and M. Vernet, Marine Ecosystems sensitivity to historical climate change: Antarctic Peninsula, BioScience , 49 (5), 393-404,
Smith, R.C., D.W. Menzies, and C.R. Booth, Oceanographic bio-optical profiling system II,
Proceedings Ocean Optics XIII, 22-25 October 1996, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ,
2963 , 777-789, 1996.
Smith, R.C., and S.E. Stammerjohn, Variations of surface air temperature and sea ice extent in the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) region (accepted), Annals of Glaciology , 33 ,
Stammerjohn, S.E., and R.C. Smith, Opposing Southern Ocean climate patterns as revealed by trends in regional sea ice coverage, Climatic Change , 37 (4), 617-639, 1997.
Stammerjohn, S.E., M.R. Drinkwater, R.C. Smith, and X. Liu, Sea-ice variability and drift dynamics in response to synoptic forcing in the western Antarctic Peninsula region
(submitted), Journal of Geophysical Research , 2001.
Ukita, J., S.E. Stammerjohn, R.C. Smith, T.A. Newberger, M. Colee, and H.R. Krouse, Early winter sea ice development in the western Antarctic Peninsula region (submitted), in
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans , 2001.
Ukita, J. and D.G. Martinson, in press. An Adjustable-Layering Thermodynamic Sea-Ice Model
Formulation for High-frequency Forcing Field. Journal of Glaciology.
Vernet, M., W. Kozlowski, K. Sines, R.C. Smith, and K.S. Baker, Temporal and spatial variability in primary production west of the Antarctic peninsula (64-68 S) (submitted),
Vernet, M., P.A. Matrai, and I. Andreassen, Synthesis of particulate and extracellular carbon by phytoplankton at the marginal ice zone in the Barents Sea, Journal of Geophysical
Research , 103 (C1), 1023-1037, 1998.
Vernet, M., E.A. Sar, J.P. Szyper, M.E. Ferrario, and D.M. Karl, Species-specific phytoplankton sedimentation rates in Antarctic coastal waters (in revision), Marine Ecological Progress
Series , 2001.
Walsh, J.J., D.A. Dieterle, and J. Lenes, A numerical analysis of carbon dynamics of the
Southern Ocean phytoplankton community: the roles of light and grazing in effecting both sequestration of atmospheric CO2 and food availability to krill, Deep-Sea Research
I , 48 , 1-48, 2001.
Yuan, X., and D.G. Martinson, Antarctic sea ice extent variability and its global connectivity,
Journal of Climate , 13 (10), 1697-1717, 2000.
Yuan, X., and D.G. Martinson, The Antarctic dipole and its predictability, Geophysical Research
Letters , 28 (18), 3609-3612, 2001.
Yuan, X., D.G. Martinson, W.T. Liu, 1999. Effect of air-sea-ice interaction on winter 1996
Southern Ocean subpolar storm distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research , 104,
PAL LTER 96 02: Books Edited
Foundations for Ecological Research West of the Antarctic Peninsula, edited by R.M. Ross, E.E.
Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 448, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC,
Climate variability and ecosystem response at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites (accepted) edited by D. Greenland, D. Goodin, and R.C. Smith, 2001.
PAL LTER 96 02: Book Chapters (27)
Baker, K.S., Development of Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research Information Management, in Proceedings of Eco-Informa Workshop, Global Networks for Environmental
Information, 4-7 November 1996, Lake Buena Vista, FL , pp. 725-730, Environmental
Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM), Ann Arbor, MI, 1996.
Baker, K.S., W.R. Fraser, E.E. Hofmann, D.M. Karl, J.M. Klinck, L.B. Quetin, R.M. Ross, R.C.
Smith, W.Z. Trivelpiece, and M. Vernet, The Palmer LTER Group, The western
Antarctic peninsula region: summary of environmental and ecological processes. , in
Foundations for Ecological Research West of the Antarctic Peninsula , edited by R.M.
Ross, E.E. Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 437-448, American Geophysical Union,
Washington, DC, 1996.
Fraser, W.R., and D.L. Patterson, Human disturbance and long-term changes in Adelie penguin populations: a natural experiment at Palmer Station, Antarctic Peninsula, in Antarctic
Communities: Species, Structure and Survival, Scientific Committee for Antarctic
Research (SCAR), Sixth Biological Symposium , edited by B. Battaglia, J. Valencia, and
D.W.H. Walton, pp. 445-452, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 1997.
Fraser, W.R., and W.Z. Trivelpiece, Factors controlling the distribution of seabirds: wintersummer heterogeneity in the distribution of Adelie penguin populations, in Foundations for Ecological Research West of the Antarctic Peninsula , edited by R.M. Ross, E.E.
Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 257-272, American Geophysical Union, Washington,
DC, 1996.
Frazer, T.K., L.B. Quetin, and R.M. Ross, Abundance and distribution of larval krill, Euphausia superba, associated with annual sea ice in winter, in Antarctic Communities: Species,
Structure and Survival , edited by B. Battaglia, J. Valencia, and D.W.H. Walton, pp. 107-
111, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 1997.
Hofmann, E.E., and J.M. Klinck, Hydrography and circulation of the Antarctic continental shelf:
150 E to the Greenwich Meridian, in The Sea, The Global Coastal Ocean, Regional
Studies and Synthesis , edited by A.R. Robinson, and K.H. Brink, pp. 67-81, 1997.
Hofmann, E.E., and J.M. Klinck, Thermohaline variability of the waters overlying the West
Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf, in Ocean, Ice, and Atmosphere: Interactions , edited by S.S. Jacobs, and R.F. Weiss, pp. 67-81, American Geophysical Union,
Washington, DC, 1998.
Hofmann, E.E., J.M. Klinck, C.M. Lascara, and D.A. Smith, Water mass distribution and circulation West of the Antarctic Peninsula and including Bransfield Strait, in
Foundations for Ecological Research West of the Antarctic Peninsula , edited by R.M.
Ross, E.E. Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 61-80, American Geophysical Union,
Washington, DC, 1996.
Karl, D.M., J.R. Christian, J.E. Dore, and R.M. Letelier, Microbiological oceanography in the region west of the Antarctic Peninsula: Microbial dynamics, nitrogen cycle and carbon flux, in Foundations for Ecological Research West of the Antarctic Peninsula , edited by
R.M. Ross, E.E. Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 303-332, American Geophysical Union,
Washington, DC, 1996.
Karl, D.M., and F.C. Dobbs, Molecular approaches to microbial biomass estimation in the sea, in
Molecular Approaches to the Study of the Ocean , edited by K.E. Cooksey, pp. 29-89,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1998.
Karl, D.M., and J.E. Dore, Microbial ecology at sea: sampling, subsampling and incubation considerations (in press), in Methods in Marine Microbiology , edited by J.H. Paul, 2000.
Martinson, D.G. & R.A. Iannuzzi, 1998. Antarctic Ocean-Ice Interaction: Implications From
Ocean Bulk Property Distributions. Antarctic Research Series Volume on Antarctic Sea Ice
Physical Properties and Processes , AGU, M. Jeffries, ed., v.74,243-271.
Martinson, D.G., D.S. Battisti, R.S. Bradley, J.E. Cole, R.A. Fine, M. Ghil, Y. Kushnir, S.
Manabe, M.S. McCartney, M.P. McCormick, M.J. Prather, E.S. Sarachik, P. Tans, L.G.
Thompson & M. Winton, 1998. Decade-to-Century-Scale Climate Variability and Change:
A Science Strategy, National Academy Press , Washington, D.C.
Moline, M.A., H. Claustre, T.K. Frazer, J. Grzymski, O.M. Schofield, and M. Vernet, Changes in phytoplankton assemblages along the Antarctic Peninsula and potential implications for the Antarctic food web, in Antarctic Ecosystems: Models for Wider Ecological
Understanding , edited by W. Davidson, C. Howard-Williams, and P. Broady, pp. 263-
271, 2000.
Prezelin, B.B., M.A. Moline, and H.A. Matlick, Icecolors 1993: spectral uv radiation effects on
Antarctic frazil ice algae, in Antarctic Sea Ice: Biological Processes, Interactions and
Variability , edited by M.P. Lizotte, and K.R. Arrigo, pp. 45-83, American Geophysical
Union, Washington, DC, 1998.
Quetin, L.B., R.M. Ross, T.K. Frazer, and K.L. Haberman, Factors affecting distribution and abundance of zooplankton, with an emphasis on Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, in
Foundations for Ecological Research West of the Antarctic Peninsula , edited by R.M.
Ross, E.E. Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 357-371, American Geophysical Union,
Washington, DC, 1996.
Ross, R.M., and L.B. Quetin, Reproduction in Euphausiacea, in Krill: Biology Ecology and
Fisheries , edited by I. Everson, pp. 150-181, Blackwell Science, Cambridge, 2000.
Ross, R.M., L.B. Quetin, and C.M. Lascara, Distribution of Antarctic krill and dominant zooplankton west of the Antarctic Peninsula, in Foundations for Ecological Research
West of the Antarctic Peninsula , edited by R.M. Ross, E.E. Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 199-217, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 1996.
Smith, R.C., H.M. Dierssen, and M. Vernet, Phytoplankton biomass and productivity in the western Antarctic peninsula region, in Foundations for Ecological Research West of the
Antarctic Peninsula , edited by R.M. Ross, E.E. Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 333-356,
American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 1996.
Smith, R.C., W.R. Fraser, and S.E. Stammerjohn, Climate variability and ecological response of the marine ecosystem in the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) region (accepted), in
Climate variability and ecosystem response at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites edited by D. Greenland, D. Goodin, and R.C. Smith, pp. xx-xx, 2001.
Smith, R.C., S.E. Stammerjohn, and K.S. Baker, Surface air temperature variations in the western Antarctic peninsula region, in Foundations for Ecological Research West of the
Antarctic Peninsula , edited by R.M. Ross, E.E. Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 105-121,
American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 1996.
Stammerjohn, S.E., and R.C. Smith, Spatial and temporal variability of western Antarctic peninsula sea ice coverage, in Foundations for Ecological Research West of the Antarctic
Peninsula , edited by R.M. Ross, E.E. Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 81-104, American
Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 1996.
Stammerjohn, S.E., R.C. Smith, M.R. Drinkwater, and X. Liu, Variability in sea-ice coverage and ice-motion dynamics in the PAL LTER study region west of the Antarctic Peninsula, in IEEE 1998 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS1998)
Digest, 6-10 July, Seattle, WA , pp. 1434-1436, 1998.
Trivelpiece, W.Z., and W.R. Fraser, The breeding biology and distribution of Adelie penguins: adaptations to environmental variability, in Foundations for Ecological Research West of the Antarctic Peninsula , edited by R.M. Ross, E.E. Hofmann, and L.B. Quetin, pp. 273-
285, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 1996.
Vernet, M., Effects of UV radiation on the physiology and ecology of marine phytoplankton, in
The effects of UV radiation in the marine environment , edited by S. de Mora, S. Demers, and M. Vernet, pp. 237-278, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 2000.
Vernet, M., and W.A. Kozlowski, Ultraviolet radiation and the Antarctic coastal marine ecosystem, in Ecosystems and ultraviolet radiation , edited by C.S. Cockell, and A.R.
Blaustein, pp. 170-194, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2001.
Vernet, M., and R.C. Smith, Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the pelagic Antarctic ecosystem, in The effects of ozone depletion on aquatic ecosystems , edited by D.-P. Hader, pp. 247-
265, R.G. Landes Co., Austin, TX, 1997.
PAL LTER 96 02: Theses (12)
Chapman, E., Small mammal use of three riparian management schemes in southwestern
Wisconsin, Masters thesis, Wisconsin University, Madison, WI, 1999.
Dierssen, H.M., Ocean color remote sensing of chlorophyll and primary production west of the
Antarctic Peninsula, PhD thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara,
CA, 2000.
Haberman, K.L., Grazing by the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba: Effects of phytoplankton type & food quality on ingestion, assimilation and growth of krill, PhD thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 1998.
Karnovsky, N.J., The fish component of Pygoscelid penguin diets, Masters thesis, Montana State
University, Bozeman, MT, 1997.
Lascara, C.M., Seasonal and mesoscale variability in the distribution of Antarctic krill,
Euphausia superba, west of the Antarctic Peninsula, PhD thesis, Old Dominion
University, Norfolk, VA, 1996.
Mader, T., Temporal variation in leopard seal presence and predation near an Antarctic penguin rookery, Masters thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, 1997.
Moline, M.A., Temporal dynamics and regulation of coastal Antarctic phytoplankton communities: Spring/Summer 1991-1994, PhD thesis, University of California, Santa
Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 1996.
Patterson, D.L., The effects of human activity and environmental variability on long-term changes in Adelie penguin populations at Palmer Station, Antarctica on Torgersen Island,
Antarctic Peninsula, Masters thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, MN, 2000.
Patterson, K.W., Contribution of chromophoric dissolved organic matter to attenuation of ultraviolet radiation in three contrasting coastal areas, PhD thesis, University of
California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 2000.
Rosenshield, M., Ecotoxicology of Amphibians in the Green Bay Watershed, Masters thesis,
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, 1999.
Shaw, C., Effect of sea ice conditions on physiological maturity of female Antarctic krill
(Euphausia superba Dana) west of the Antarctic Peninsula, Masters thesis, University of
California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 1997.
Smith, D.A., Modeling and Observational Studies of Sea Ice - Mixed Layer Interactions on the
West Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf, PhD thesis, Oceanography, Old Dominion
University, Norfolk, VA, 1999.
PAL LTER Other Publications – 1996- Present (23 count)
Baker, K.S., Palmer LTER: Palmer station air temperature 1974 to 1996, Antarctic Journal of the
United States , 31 (2), 162-163, 1996.
Baker, K.S., Technological underpinnings: software, Data and information management in the ecological sciences: a resource guide (Proceedings of workshop, held at University of
New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 8-9 August 1997) , 25-31, 1998.
Baker, K.S., Palmer LTER information management, Data and information management in the ecological sciences: a resource guide (Proceedings of workshop, held at University of
New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 8-9 August, 1997) , 105-110, 1998.
Baker, K.S., Palmer LTER: 1997 Seasonal air temperature in context (accepted), Antarctic
Journal of the United States , 33 (x), xx-xx, 1998.
Baker, K.S., W.A. Kozlowski, M. Vernet, J.L. Jones, L.B. Quetin, R.M. Ross, R.C. Smith, and
W.R. Fraser, Palmer LTER: Annual season October 1995 through March 1996, Antarctic
Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 160-164, 1996.
Baker, K.S., W.A. Kozlowski, M. Vernet, J.L. Jones, L.B. Quetin, R.M. Ross, R.C. Smith, and
W.R. Fraser, Palmer LTER: Annual season October 1996-March 1997, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 32 (5), 139-142, 1997.
Baker, K.S., W.A. Kozlowski, M. Vernet, J.L. Jones, L.B. Quetin, R.M. Ross, R.C. Smith, and
W.R. Fraser, Palmer LTER: Annual season sampling at Palmer Station November 1997-
March 1998 (accepted), Antarctic Journal of the United States , 33 (x), xx-xx, 1998.
Baker, K.S., W.A. Kozlowski, M. Vernet, K.W. Patterson, L.B. Quetin, R.M. Ross, R.C. Smith, and W.R. Fraser, Palmer LTER: Annual season sampling at Palmer Station October
1998-April 1999 (submitted), Antarctic Journal of the United States , 34 (x), xx-xx, 1999.
Carrillo, C.J., and D.M. Karl, Underway semicontinuous measurements of surface ocean carbon dioxide concentrations, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 32 (5), 146-148, 1997.
Dawson, B., and K.S. Baker, Palmer LTER: Teacher Experiencing Antarctica January 1998
(submitted), Antarctic Journal of the United States , 34 (x), xx-xx, 1999.
Donachie, S.P., L.M. Tupas, C.J. Carrillo, D.M. Karl, and J.R. Christian, A cross-site study of microbial ectoenzyme activities and regulation: Preliminary results from the Palmer
Long-Term Ecological Research component, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 32
(5), 148-151, 1997.
Ferrario, M.E., I.A. Garibotti, and M. Vernet, Palmer LTER: Microscopic analysis of ice assemblages in new-year sea ice in the Western Antarctic Peninsula, June-July 1999
(submitted), Antarctic Journal of the United States , 34 (x), xx-xx, 1999.
Foreign Names Committee, Foreign Names Committee Report: 'Southern Ocean' standard Name,
Hofmann, E.E., C.M. Lascara, J.M. Klinck, and D.A. Smith, Palmer LTER: Interannual variability in near-surface hydrography, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2),
174-176, 1996.
Hofmann, E.E., and J.J. Priddle, Interannual variability in the Southern Ocean: Summary Report of a Workshop Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2-7 August 1999, Polar Record , 36 (198),
275-277, 2000.
Karl, D.M., A farewell tribute to the Antarctic Research Vessel Polar Duke, Oceanography , 12
(2), 7-18, 1999.
Karl, D.M., L.B. Quetin, and K.S. Baker, Palmer LTER: Annual January Cruise for 1998
(LMGR98-8; LMG98-1) (submitted), Antarctic Journal of the United States , 33 (x), xxxx, 1998.
Klinck, J.M., Palmer LTER: Temporal variability in the location of the ACC along the west
Antarctic Peninsula continental shelf, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 176-
178, 1996.
Klinck, J.M., and D.A. Smith, Palmer LTER: Comparison of meteorological observations from
R/V N.B. Palmer to those at Palmer station, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31
(2), 179-181, 1996.
Lascara, C.M., Palmer LTER: Seasonal comparisons of spatially averaged estimates of krill abundance, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 172-174, 1996.
LoPiccolo, M., and E.W. Domack, Palmer LTER: Paleohistory of the Palmer LTER region:
Palmer deep sedimentary record, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 183-185,
Moline, M.A., B.B. Prezelin, and H. Claustre, Light-saturated primary production in Antarctic coastal waters, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 105-107, 1996.
Moline, M.A., B.B. Prezelin, and O.M. Schofield, Stable interannual successional patterns of phytoplankton communities in the coastal waters off Palmer Station, Antarctica,
Antarctic Journal of the United States , 32 (5), 151-153, 1997.
Patterson, K.W., P.L. Handley, and R.C. Smith, Palmer LTER: Open water PUV albedo measurements, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 170-171, 1996.
Patterson, D.L., E.J. Holm, K.M. Carney, and W.R. Fraser, Effects of tourism on the reproductive success of Adelie penguins at Palmer Station: Preliminary findings,
Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 275-276, 1996.
Patterson, D.L., A. Easter-Pilcher, and W.R. Fraser, The effects of human activity and environmental variability on long-term changes in Adelie penguin populations at Palmer
Station, Antarctica (submitted), in Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR),
Eighth Biological Symposium , The Netherlands, 2001.
Porter, J.H., R.W. Nottrott, and K.S. Baker, Tools for managing ecological data, Proceedings of the Eco-Informa Workshop, Global Networks for Environmental Information, 4-7
November 1996, Lake Buena Vista, FL , 10 , 87-92, 1996.
Quetin, L.B., Chillin' with krill, Coastal Discovery , 4-5, 1999.
Ross, R.M., and K.S. Baker, Palmer LTER: Annual January Cruise for 1997 (PD97-1), Antarctic
Journal of the United States , 32 (5), 143-146, 1997.
Ross, R.M., Book and CD-ROM Review: Euphausiids of the world ocean, ASLO Bulletin , 9 (3),
13-13, 2001.
Ross, R.M., and K.S. Baker, Palmer LTER: Annual January cruise for 1999 (LMG99-1)
(submited), Antarctic Journal of the United States , xx (34), xx-xx, 1999.
Smith, R.C., J.L. Jones, L.B. Quetin, R.M. Ross, K.S. Baker, W.A. Kozlowski, M. Vernet, and
W.R. Fraser, Palmer LTER: Annual season sampling on station, Antarctic Journal of the
United States , 31 (2), 164-166, 1996.
Smith, R.C., L.B. Quetin, J.L. Jones, D.W. Menzies, and T.A. Newberger, Palmer LTER: Small boat design for water column sampling, Antarctic Journal of the United States , 31 (2),
167-169, 1996.
Smith, R.C., and S.E. Stammerjohn, Palmer LTER: Seasonal process sea ice cruise June-July
1999 (NBP99-06) (submitted), Antarctic Journal of the United States , 34 (x), xx-xx,
Stammerjohn, S.E., R.C. Smith, and K.S. Baker, Palmer LTER: 1997 Seasonal sea ice variability in context (accepted), Antarctic Journal of the United States , 33 (x), xx-xx, 1998.
Vernet, M., and K.S. Baker, Palmer LTER: Annual January Cruise for 1996 (PD96-1), Antarctic
Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 157-159, 1996.
Vernet, M., W.A. Kozlowski, J. Rosenfield, and A. Greaves, Palmer LTER: Temporal variability in primary production in Arthur Harbor during the 1995/1996 growth season, Antarctic
Journal of the United States , 31 (2), 181-182, 1996.
Woehler, E.J., J. Cooper, J.P. Croxall, W.R. Fraser, G.L. Kooyman, G.D. Miller, D.C. Nel, D.L.
Patterson, H.-U. Peter, C.A. Ribic, K. Salwicka, W.Z. Trivelpiece, and H. Weimerskirch,
A statistical assessment of the status and trends of Antarctic and Subantarctic seabirds
(submitted), SCAR Special Publications , 2001.