David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 1 CURRICULUM VITAE DAVID A. FREDERICK 1285 Franz Hall Department of Psychology, UCLA 405 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90095 web: http://dfred.bol.ucla.edu email: dfred@ucla.edu phone: (310) 665-0784 RESEARCH My first line of research uses evolutionary and social psychological theories to examine the effects of fundamental human motivations – such as hunger and sexual attraction– on phenomena of interest to social psychologists. My research on hunger examines the effects of hunger on self-control. My research on attraction and relationships focuses on the factors that attract us to particular individuals and how sexual motivations change according to changes in internal states and the relationship context. This research also examines the factors predicting relationship well-being in diverse samples of heterosexual, gay, and lesbian individuals. My second line of research examines how the importance of physical attractiveness in relationships and in society more generally leads many individuals to experience body dissatisfaction. My research in this area applies social psychological theories to develop new perspectives on how gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and sociocultural factors relate to self-perceptions of attractiveness. EDUCATION Ph.D., UCLA, Los Angeles, California (Degree anticipated June, 2009) Dissertation: Now or later? The effect of evolved motivations on self-control Major: Social Psychology Minors: Health Psychology; Quantitative Measurement and Psychometrics B.A., Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin (2002) Major: Psychology Major: Behavioral Studies: The Biological Bases of Human and Animal Behavior Graduated Summa Cum Laude GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS 2008-2009 2008-2009 2007-2008 2004-2007 2003-2004 2003 2002-2003 UCLA Graduate Division Will Rogers Memorial Fellowship [$6000] UCLA Center for Society and Genetics Graduate Training Fellowship [$18,000] UCLA Graduate Division Will Rogers Memorial Fellowship [$6000] National Institute of Health National Research and Service Award [$85,536] FPR-UCLA Culture, Brain, and Development Trainee Fellowship [$15,000] National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention UCLA Psychology Department First Year Fellowship [$17,000] David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae HONORS & RESEARCH FUNDING Graduate School 2008 UCLA Harold H. Kelley Award for paper advancing theory in social psychology: Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2007). Why is muscularity sexy? Tests of the fitness indicator hypothesis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1167-1183. 2008 UCLA Psychology Department Excellence in Research Award [$573] 2008 UCLA Psychology Department Conference Presentation Travel Grant [$312] 2008 FPR-UCLA Culture, Brain, and Development Research Grant [$2000] 2007 NSF-UCLA Interdisciplinary Relationship Science Program Research Grant [$1000] 2007 FPR-UCLA Culture, Brain, and Development Research Grant [$5000] 2006 FPR-UCLA Culture, Brain, and Development Research Grant [$5450] 2006 Institute for American Cultures [Asian American Division] Research Grant [$1500] 2005 FPR-UCLA Culture, Brain, and Development Research and Travel Grant [$3353] 2005 UCLA Psychology Department Post-Master’s Thesis Research Grant [$700] 2004 UCLA Graduate Division Summer Research Mentorship Award [$4000] 2004 UCLA Psychology Department Post-Master’s Thesis Research Grant [$800] 2004 UCLA Psychology Department Extramural Incentive Grant [$100] 2004 FPR-UCLA Culture, Brain, and Development Summer Mentorship Grant [$3053] 2003 UCLA Psychology Department Extramural Incentive Grant [$3250] 2003 UCLA Graduate Division Summer Mentorship Award [$3000] 2003 UCLA Psychology Department Master’s Thesis Research Grant [$600] Undergraduate 2002 Selected for Phi Beta Kappa, Beloit College Chapter 2001 Guy Allan Tawney Prize in Psychology [$50] 2000 Walter Van Dyke Bingham Fellowship in Psychology [$3000] 2000 Selected for Psi Chi, Beloit College Chapter 1998-2002 Rock Island National Securities Scholarship [$12,000] 1998-2002 Beloit Presidential Scholarship [$16,000] 1998-2002 Beloit College Dean’s List 2 David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 3 PUBLICATIONS IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS *indicates directly supervised undergraduate co-author Peplau, L. A., Frederick, D. A., Yee, C. K., Maisel, N., Lever, J., & Ghavami, N. (in press). Body image satisfaction in heterosexual, gay, and lesbian adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Frederick, D. A., Peplau, L. A., & Lever, J. (2008). The Barbie mystique: Satisfaction with breast size and shape across the lifespan. International Journal of Sexual Health, 20, 200-211. Forbes, G. B., & Frederick, D. A. (2008). The UCLA Body Project II: Breast and body dissatisfaction among African, Asian, European, and Hispanic American college women. Sex Roles, 58, 449-457. Salska, I., Frederick, D. A., Pawlowski, B., Reilly, A., *Laird, K., & Rudd, N. (2008). Conditional mate preferences: Factors influencing preferences for height. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 203-215. Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2007). Why is muscularity sexy? Tests of the fitness indicator hypothesis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1167-1183. Received the Harold H. Kelley Award for paper advancing social psychological theory Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., & Peplau, L. A. (2007). Interest in cosmetic surgery and body image: Views of men and women across the lifespan. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 120, 14071415. Frederick, D. A., Buchanan, G. M., *Sadeghi-Azar, L., Peplau, L. A., Haselton, M. G., *Berezovskaya, A., & Lipinski, R. E. (2007). Desiring the muscular ideal: Men’s body satisfaction in the United States, Ukraine, and Ghana. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 8, 103-117. Frederick, D. A., Forbes, G. B., *Grigorian, K., & Jarcho, J. M. (2007). The UCLA Body Project I: Gender and ethnic differences in self-objectification and body satisfaction among 2,206 undergraduates. Sex Roles, 57, 317-327. Haselton, M. G., Mortezaie, M., Pillsworth, E. G., Bleske-Rechek, A., & Frederick, D. A. (2007). Ovulatory shifts in human female ornamentation: Near ovulation, women dress to impress. Hormones and Behavior, 51, 40-45. Lever, J., Frederick, D. A., *Laird, K., & *Sadeghi-Azar, L. (2007). Tall women’s satisfaction with their height: General population data challenge assumptions behind medical interventions to stunt girls’ growth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 40, 192-194. Frederick, D. A., Peplau, L. A., & Lever, J. (2006). The swimsuit issue: Correlates of body image in a sample of 52,677 heterosexual adults. Body Image, 4, 413-419. David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 4 Barrett, C., Frederick, D. A., Haselton, M. G., & Kurzban, R. (2006). Can manipulations of cognitive load be used to test evolutionary hypotheses? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 513-518. Lever, J., Frederick, D. A., & Peplau, L. A. (2006). Does size matter? Men’s and women’s views on penis size across the lifespan. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 7, 129-143. Frederick, D. A., Fessler, D. M. T., & Haselton, M. G. (2005). Do representations of male muscularity differ in men’s and women’s magazines? Body Image, 2, 81-86. Platek, S. M., Critton, S. R., Burch, R. L., Frederick, D. A., Myers, T. E., & Gallup, G. G., Jr. (2003). How much resemblance is enough? Sex differences in reactions to resemblance, but not the ability to detect difference. Evolution and Human Behavior, 24, 81-87. BOOK CHAPTERS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS Frederick, D. A., *Fales, M., *Lurye, F., *Nguyen, D., *Snider, J., Sanchez, C., & Vilain, E. (in press). Sex differentiation: How do hormones shape the bodies, brains, and behaviors of men and women? In T. Cooke (Ed.), Sex and society. New York, NY: Marshall Cavendish. Frederick, D. A., *Filossof, Y. R., Gildersleeve, K. A., Maisel, N. C., *Phuphanich, M. E., Poore, J. C., Preciado, M. A., Saxbe, D. E., & *Usahacharoenporn, P. (in press). Fidelity: Why are people faithful to their mates? Perspectives from evolutionary psychology, sociology, and social psychology. In T. Cooke (Ed.), Sex and society. New York, NY: Marshall Cavendish. Frederick, D. A., Galperin, A., Gildersleeve, K. A., *Filossof, Y. R., *Snider, J., *Nguyen, D., *Lurye, F., *Fales, M., & *Cantu, S. (in press). Sexuality from an evolutionary perspective: How did evolution shape the mating preferences of men and women? In T. Cooke (Ed.), Sex and society. New York, NY: Marshall Cavendish. Daniels, E. A., *Niles, A. N., & Frederick, D. A., (in press). Involvement in sports, body image, and sexuality. In T. Cooke (Ed.), Sex and society. New York, NY: Marshall Cavendish. MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW Haselton, M. G., Bryant, G. A., Wilke, A., Frederick, D. A., Galperin, A., Frankenhuis, W. E., & Moore, T. (under revision). Adaptive rationality: An evolutionary perspective on cognitive bias. Invited to revise and resubmit at Social Cognition. Frederick, D. A., Forbes, G. B., & *Berezovskaya, A. (under review). Body dissatisfaction and perceptions of the attractive female body among women and men from the Ukraine, Ghana, and the United States. Swami, V., & Frederick, D. A., Hadji-Michael, M., & Furnham, A. (under review). The influence of leg-to-body ratio on judgments of physical attractiveness. David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 5 MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION Frederick, D. A., Swami, V., & The International Body Project Research Team (in preparation). Cross-cultural variations in preferences for muscularity. Frederick, D. A., Maisel, N. C., & Lever, J. (in preparation). Betrayal and adultery: Using Interdependence Theory to predict infidelity. Frederick, D. A., & Forbes, G. B. (in preparation). The utility of feminist and sociocultural theories for understanding body dissatisfaction and dietary restraint. Frederick, D. A., *Niles, A. N., Daniels, E. A., Elsesser, K., & Lever, J. (in preparation). Sexual objectification in the workplace. Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., & Peplau, L. A. (in preparation). Predictors of relationship and sexual satisfaction among gay and lesbian couples. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Frederick, D. A. (in progress). Dissertation study on the effects of hunger on self-control. Frederick, D. A., *Fales, M., Haselton, M . G., & Pillsworth, E. (in progress). The effects of exposure to attractive men and women on financial impulsivity. Frederick, D. A. (in progress). The effects of perceived threats to survival on financial impulsivity. Frederick, D. A., Gildersleeve, K., Larson, C., & *Natwick, A. (in progress). The evolved functions of love and positive illusions in close relationships: Experimental and correlational evidence. Frederick, D. A., & Filossof, Y. (in progress). The effects of experimentally-manipulated perceptions of population sex ratio on mating strategies and standards. Frederick, D. A., & *Niles, A. N. (in progress). A comparison and integration of social psychological theories of body dissatisfaction and dieting: Social Comparison, Objectification, Self-Discrepancy, and Sociocultural Theories. CONFERENCE PAPER PRESENTATIONS Frederick, D. A., & Lever, J. (2008). Reports of infidelity among 63,836 online participants: Who is cheating, why do they cheat, and how do they feel about their affairs? Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Frederick, D. A., Forbes, G. B., Usahacharoenporn, P., Niles, A., & James, D. (2008). Moderators of the association of appearance surveillance to body dissatisfaction: The roles of gender, ethnicity, and body weight. Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, Chicago, Il. Chair of symposium: Objectification and Body Image: The Roles of Media, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Sexuality. David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 6 Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2007). Love, lust, and loyalty: Sex differences in responses to and reasons for infidelity among 65,029 online participants. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Williamsburg, VA. Ghavami, N., Frederick, D. A., & Lever, J. (2006). Fantasies of same sex and opposite sex contact: Reports from over 7,000 lesbian women and 500 college students. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Frederick, D. A., Haselton, M.G., & *Laird, K. (2006). Height and body mass as predictors of lifetime partner number. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Frederick, D. A. (2006). The physical trait overvaluation hypothesis. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Frederick, D. A. (2006). Concerns with penis size, breast size, and body exposure during sexual activity among 54,865 online respondents. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Western Regional Conference, Redondo Beach, CA. Frederick, D. A. (2004). Muscle versus fat-based measures of male body image dissatisfaction. American Psychological Association Conference, Honolulu, HI. Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2004). Muscularity and the immunocompetence hypothesis: Evidence from men and women’s sexual behavior and body type preferences. Evolution, Human Mind, and Behavior Conference, Los Angeles, CA. Frederick, D. A. (2004). Women’s preferences for different male body types. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Western Regional Conference, San Diego, CA. Frederick, D. A., Haselton, G. M., Buchanan, G. M., & Gallup, G. G., Jr. (2003). An evolved preference for muscularity? Evidence from women’s preferences for short-term and long-term partners. Human Evolution and Behavior Conference, Lincoln, NB. Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2003). Muscularity as a communicative signal. International Communications Association, San Diego, CA. Frederick, D. A. (2003). Male body image: The role of muscularity. Society for Psychological Anthropology, San Diego, CA. Buchanan, G. M., & Frederick, D. A. (2003). Preoccupation with body fat among heterosexual and homosexual males. Midwestern Psychological Association, Madison, WI. Platek, S. M., Critton, S. R., Burch, R. L., Frederick, D. A., Myers, T. E., & Gallup, G. G., Jr. (2002). How much resemblance is enough? Sex differences in reactions to resemblance, but not the ability to detect difference. Evolution and Human Behavior Meeting, New Brunswick, N.J. David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 7 CONFERENCE POSTER PRESENTATIONS Gildersleeve, K. A., Frederick, D. A., *Filossof, Y. R., Larson, C., *Natwick, A.,. & Swami, V. (under review). Do the eyes see what the heart wants them to see? Appearance-related positive illusions among college students. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Tampa, FL. Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., & Hertz, R. (accepted). Money matters: How do income, arguments about money, and gender role ideology relate to relationship and sexual satisfaction? Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Tampa, FL. *Natwick, A., Frederick, D. A., *Niles, A. N., Daniels, E. A., & Lever, J. (accepted). Our partners are hot but we are not? An examination of people’s satisfaction with their appearance and their partner’s appearance. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Tampa, FL. Frederick, D. A. (2008). Conditional mate preferences: Factors influencing preferences for height. American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA. Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., & Peplau, L. A. (2008). Interest in cosmetic surgery and body image. American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA. *Niles, A. N., & Frederick, D. A. (2008). Media exposure and body dissatisfaction: Testing risk factors. American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA. Frederick, D. A. (2008). Ethnic and weight differences in self-objectification and body dissatisfaction. Western Psychological Association Conference, Irvine, CA. *Dileone, B., Frederick, D. A., & *Filossof, Y. (2008). Sex differences in responses to sexual and emotional jealousy. Western Psychological Association Conference, Irvine, CA. *Niles, A.N., Daniels, E., Frederick, D. A., Elsesser, K., & Lever, J. (2008). Sexual objectification in the workplace. Western Psychological Association Conference, Irvine, CA. *Usahacharoenporn, P., *Dileone, B., Frederick, D.A., Maisel, N., & Lever, J. (2008). Betrayal and adultery: Using Interdependence Theory to predict infidelity. Western Psychological Association Conference, Irvine, CA. *Borden, C., Rhoades, T., *Ushahacharoenporn, P., *Dileone, B., Frederick, D. A., Maisel, N., Strachman, A., & Lever, J. (2008). Perceived social norms and infidelity among 128,866 adults. Western Psychological Association Conference, Irvine, CA. *Rhoades, T., Frederick, D. A., Maisel, N., Strachman, A., & Lever, J. (2008). Sexual orientation differences in predictors of sex partner number. Western Psychological Association Conference, Irvine, CA. David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 8 Frederick, D. A., Haselton, M. G., & *Filossof, Y. (2008). Love, lust, and loyalty: Sex differences in upset over sexual and emotional jealousy in a large online sample of adults. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM. Also presented at the Evolutionary Psychology Preconference. *Borden, C., Frederick, D. A., Maisel, N., Strachman, A., *Khaw, Y., & Lever, J. (2008). Understanding factors promoting STD risk: Predictors of infidelity and sex partner number among 128,866 gay, lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual adults. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM. Maisel, N., Frederick, D. A., *Usahacharoenporn, P., *Niles, A. N., & Lever, J. (2008). When partners cheat: Using interdependence theory to predict infidelity. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, NM. Frederick, D. A., Peplau, L. A., Yee, C. K., Maisel, N., Ghavami, N., & Lever, J. (2007). Body satisfaction in two large-scale studies of heterosexuals and gays/lesbians. American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA. Niles, A. N., Frederick, D. A., Jarcho, J., & Peplau, L. A. (2007). Testing four social psychological theories of body image and dieting. American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA. Frederick, D. A., & Peplau, L. A. (2007). The UCLA Body Matrices II: Computer-generated images of men and women varying in body fat and muscularity/breast size to assess body satisfaction and preferences. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN. Jarcho, J. M., Frederick, D. A., Forbes, G. B, & *Niles, A. (2007). The UCLA Body Project I: Predictors of body satisfaction and appearance surveillance among 2206 White, Asian, and Hispanic men and women. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN. Niles, A., Frederick, D. A., & Forbes, G. B. (2007). Why are people dissatisfied and dieting? The predictive utility of objectification and sociocultural theories among over 800 undergraduates. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN. Yee, C. K., Frederick, D. A., Maisel, N., & Ghavami, N. (2007). Correlates of body satisfaction among over 2000 heterosexual, gay, lesbian, and bisexual participants: Global body satisfaction, weight concern, and gay identity. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN. Frederick, D. A., Lever, L., & Strachman, A. (2006). What keeps passion alive? Predictors of sexual satisfaction among over 50,000 online respondents. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Conference, Las Vegas, NV. *Rhoades, T., & Frederick, D. A. (2006). Internet media and conceptions of male and female bodies: Evidence from the UCLA Body Matrices. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2006). Why is male muscularity sexy? Evidence from self-reported sexual behaviors and ratings of male bodies. International Association of Relationship Research Conference, Rethymno, Greece. David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 9 Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2006). Male muscularity as a good-genes indicator: Evidence from women’s self-reported sexual behaviors and preferences for muscularity. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Palm Springs, CA. *Sadeghi-Azar, L., Frederick, D. A., *Mulrenan, T., Peplau, A., Haselton, M. G., & Fessler, D. M. T. (2006). Representations of the ideal male and female bodies in popular media. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Palm Springs, CA. *Laird, K., *Mulrenan, T., Frederick, D. A., *Grigorian, K., Peplau, L. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2006). Sex differences in preferences for dating a taller romantic partner. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Palm Springs, CA. *Mulrenan, T., Frederick, D. A., *Sadeghi-Azar, L., *Ha, J., Peplau, L. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2006). The UCLA Body Matrices as measures of body image and body type preferences. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Palm Springs, CA. Mortezaie, M., Haselton, M. G., Bleske-Rechek, A., Pillsworth, E.G., & Frederick, D. A. (2006). Ovulatory shifts in ornamentation: Near ovulation, women dress to impress. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Palm Springs, CA. Frederick, D. A., & Haselton, M. G. (2005). Male muscularity as a good-genes indicator: Evidence from men’s self-reported sexual behaviors and women’s preferences for muscularity. Human Evolution and Behavior Conference, Austin, TX. Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., Peplau, L. A., *Casey, J., & *Berezovskaya, A. (2005). Does size matter? Attitudes toward breast size and shape among heterosexual adults. American Psychological Society Convention, Los Angeles, CA. Peplau, L. A., Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., & *Kroskrity, E. (2005). Body image satisfaction among lesbian, gay, and heterosexual adults. American Psychological Society Convention, Los Angeles, CA. *Sadeghi-Azar, L., Frederick, D. A., *Allameh, S., Lever, J., & Peplau, L. A. (2005). Attitudes toward cosmetic surgery and the body across the lifespan. American Psychological Society Convention, Los Angeles, CA. *Berezovskaya, A., Frederick, D. A., Haselton, M. G., *Newon, L., & *Burklund, L. J. (2005). Preferences for muscularity in Ghana and Southern California. American Psychological Society Convention, Los Angeles, CA. Peplau, L. A., Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., *Burklund, L. J., & *Madrid, H. (2005). Correlates of body image dissatisfaction among 52,171 online respondents. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA. David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 10 Frederick, D. A., Haselton, M., Peplau, L. A., *Mansourian, A., & *Allameh, S. (2005). Sex differences in desires for sexual variety. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA. Also presented at the Evolutionary Psychology Pre-Conference. Frederick, D. A., & Buchanan, G. M. (2004). Preoccupation with body fat among heterosexual and homosexual men. American Psychological Association Conference, Honolulu, HI. Frederick, D. A. & Haselton, M. G. (2004). Male muscularity as a good genes indicator: Evidence from women’s preferences for short-term and long-term mates. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Austin, TX. Also presented at the Evolutionary Psychology PreConference. *Burklund, L. J., Frederick, D. A., *Lagos, L. M., & *Lee, M. (2003). Men, muscles, and body fat: What men want and what they (correctly) think women desire. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Austin, TX. Master, S. L., Frederick, D. A., & Buchanan, G. M. (2003). Body image dissatisfaction and distortion in heterosexual and homosexual men. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Austin, TX. RESEARCH GROUPS AND TRAINING PROGRAMS Weekly Research Groups Leader, Undergraduate Enrichment Lab focusing on Gender, Body Image, and Sexuality, 2004-present. Member, Gender, Sexuality, and Close Relationships Lab, Dr. Peplau, 2002-present. Member, Evolutionary Social Psychology Lab, Dr. Haselton, 2002-present. Member, Experimental Biological Anthropology Lab, Drs. Haselton, Barrett, and Fessler, 2002-present. Graduate Training Programs Trainee, FPR-UCLA Center for Culture, Brain, and Development, 2002-present. Trainee, UCLA Center for Society and Genetics, 2008-present. Affiliate, UCLA Center for Behavior, Evolution, and Culture, 2002-present. Affiliate, NSF-UCLA Interdisciplinary Relationship Science Program, 2007-present. PROFESSIONAL AND UNIVERSITY SERVICE Ad Hoc Reviewer for: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Personality and Individual Differences Personal Relationships Journal of Psychosomatic Research Sex Roles Perception Body Image Proceedings of the Royal Society B Evolutionary Psychology Evolution and Human Behavior Psychology Pretesting Coordinator, UCLA, 2004-present. Advisor, UCLA Undergraduate Psychology Journal, 2002-2004. David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 11 TEACHING INTERESTS Traditional Courses: Introduction to Psychology Social Psychology Lab Sport Psychology Research Methods Evolutionary Psychology Psychology of Gender Social Psychology Human Sexuality Specialized Seminars: Psychology of Gender and the Body Sex and Gender: From Biology to Social Construction Evolutionary Perspectives on Mating, Cognition, and Culture TEACHING EXPERIENCE Instructor, Evolutionary Perspectives on Culture, Mating, and Cognition, UCLA General Education Cluster, Los Angeles, CA. Designing and teaching a seminar examining the role that evolution played in shaping the ways human bodies and minds function. Students will read and analyze sociocultural and evolutionary perspectives on these issues, draft papers, and conduct student presentations. Scheduled Spring 2009. Instructor, Introductory Psychology Seminar, UCLA Dept. of Psychology, Los Angeles, CA. Designed and taught a seminar on introductory psychology. Students read descriptions of influential psychological studies and critiqued popular psychology readings. Students drafted papers and conducted team presentations. Overall mean teaching ratings: 8.6 out of 9.0 Instructor, Psychology of Gender and the Body Seminar, UCLA General Education Cluster, Los Angeles, CA. Designed and taught a seminar examining the roles that body image, relationships, and attraction play in our daily lives. Students read and analyzed sociocultural and evolutionary perspectives on these issues, drafted papers, and conducted student presentations. Spring 2008. Overall mean teaching ratings: 4.0 out of 4.0 Teaching Fellow, Sex and Gender, UCLA General Education Cluster, Los Angles, CA. Served as a teaching fellow for Sex and Gender for Drs. Abigail Saguy, Martie Haselton, Eric Vilain, and Art Arnold. Facilitated class discussion and activities examining how evolutionary and sociocultural factors influence behavior. Taught first year students how understand how genes, hormones, brain structures, the environment, and social structure contribute to physical and psychological sex differences and similarities. Provided extensive instruction and feedback on how to draft academic social science papers. Fall 2007; Winter 2008. Overall mean teaching ratings: 8.7-8.8 out of 9.0 Teaching Assistant, Social Psychology, UCLA Psychology Dept., Los Angeles, CA. Summer 2007. Overall mean teaching ratings: 8.0 out of 9.0 Teaching Assistant, Sport Psychology, UCLA Psychology Dept., Los Angeles, CA. Spring 2005; Spring 2006; Spring 2007. Overall mean teaching ratings: 7.3-7.9 out of 9.0 David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 12 Teaching Assistant, Social Psychology Laboratory, UCLA Psychology Dept., Los Angeles, CA. Summer 2004. Overall mean teaching rating: 7.2 out of 9.0 ADVISING AND MENTORING EXPERIENCE Research Supervisor. I supervised 3-12 UCLA undergraduates per quarter who assisted with research from 2002-2008. I supervised 4 honors’ thesis projects and 14 independent research projects for UCLA undergraduates from 2002-2008. As the leader of the undergraduate enrichment lab, I hold weekly meetings with the research assistants in the lab to discuss published journal articles, discuss popular psychology readings, provide software skills training, discuss student scholarship essays, and provide information on graduate school application process. Undergraduate Projects Supervised Anna Berezovkaya. Preferences for muscularity in Ghana, the Ukraine, and California. Student co-authored article published in Psychology of Men & Masculinity (2007). Courtney Borden. Predictors of STD risk factors. Student presented work at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association. Melissa Fales. Effects of exposure to attractive individuals on self-control. Study currently under design. Yael Filossof. Sex differences in responses to sexual versus emotional infidelity. Student presented work at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association. Yael Filossof. Effects of perceived sex ratio on mating preferences. Study currently under development and has received IRB approval. Kristina Grigorian. Women’s body satisfaction in the Ukraine and the United States. Student presented work at UCLA student research conference. Kristina Grigorian. The UCLA Body Project I: Objectification and body image according to gender, ethnicity, and body weight. Student co-authored article published in Sex Roles (2006). Eric Kroskrity. Dude, are my pecs too small? An interview study of male body image with 20 gay and heterosexual men. Student presented work at UCLA student research conference. Kelsey Laird. Conditional mate preferences: Factors influencing preferences for height. Student co-authored article published in Personality and Individual Differences (2008). David A. Frederick Curriculum Vitae 13 Kelsey Laird. Tall women’s satisfaction with their height: General population data challenge assumptions behind medical interventions to stunt girls’ growth. Student co-authored article published in Journal of Adolescent Health (2007). Alex Natwick. Positive illusions in relationships: Our partners are hot but we are not? Student is presenting work at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Andrea Niles. Testing four psychological theories of body dissatisfaction. Student presented work at the annual meeting of the (American Psychological Association). Andrea Niles. Sexual objectification in the workplace. Student presented work at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association. Andrea Niles. Sports, body image, and sexuality. Student co-authored book chapter to appear in Sex and Society (in press). Taylor Rhoades. Discrepancies between body types displayed in Internet media and the body types of male and female college students: Evidence from the UCLA Body Matrices. Student presented work at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Student also presented work at a UCLA student research conference. Leila Sadeghi-Azar. What do women find physically attractive? Confounds and convergent validity in popular measures of male body types. Student presented work at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society. Proud Usahacharoenporn. Interdependence theory as a predictor of relationship satisfaction and infidelity. Student presented work at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association. Proud Usahacharoenporn. The influence of hunger on future discounting of financial and food rewards. Student presented work at a UCLA student research conference. REFERENCES Dr. Anne Peplau Psychology Dept. at UCLA. lapeplau@ucla.edu Dr. Martie Haselton Psychology Dept. at UCLA. haselton@ucla.edu Dr. Janet Lever Sociology Dept. at CSULA. drjlever@yahoo.com Dr. Tara Scanlan Psychology Dept. at UCLA. scanlan@psych.ucla.edu Dr. Abigail Saguy Sociology Dept. at UCLA. saguy@soc.ucla.edu Dr. Gordon Forbes Psychology Dept. at Millikin U. gforbes@mail.millikin.edu Dr. Kerri Johnson Comm. Studies Dept. at UCLA. kerri.johnson@ucla.edu