Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems CSCI 1802 Computer Systems and Networks Part 1: Computer Number Systems References and further reading: Blundell B: Computer Systems and Networks Patt & Patel: Introduction to Computing Systems pp 1 – 50 Ceri, Mandroli, Sbattella: The Art & Craft of Computing © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems Computer Number Systems 1 Motivation At the lowest level a computer has an electronic component that stores either a high voltage, or a low voltage. We take a high voltage to represent the digit 1, and a low voltage to represent the digit 0. So now we have a very simple and very limited counting device. With two such components we have four states: 00,01,10 and 11. These four states can represent the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3. Similarly with 3 components we can represent eight states: 000,001,010,011,100,101,110 and 111. These eight states can represent the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. 1.1 Question How many states are there with: four components? five components? six components? seven components? eight components? What is the pattern? When computer scientists and engineers work at the level of the computer, they represent numbers using binary digits 0, 1. As shorthand they use octal digits (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) to represent a group of 3 binary digits; or hexadecimal digits (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A, B, C, D, E, F) to represent a group of 4 binary digits. The first section explains how to work with these number systems. First, we must be able to understand raising a number to a power. Can you do the following (without a calculator!)? (Note that any number to the power 0 equals 1 i.e. n0 = 1) 22 = 23 = 32 = 33 = 20 = 50 = 10-2 = 2-2 = 10-5 = 3-3 = 21/2 = 20.5 = 21/3 = © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 104 = 1 Csci1802 Computer Systems 2 Computer Number Systems Radix (or Base) Numbers are written using a place system, e.g. Hundreds, Tens and Units. For example, 123 is the number where 1 represents one 100, 2 represents 2 tens, and 3 represents 3 units (or ones). Altogether the number is 100+20+3. Each place in the number system is 10 times larger than the previous place. This idea can be extended to other number bases. Decimal is base 10 (or radix 10) and uses the symbols 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The number 271 is 2×102 + 7×101 + 1×100 Binary is base 2 (or radix 2) and uses the symbols 0 1 The number 011012 is 0×24 + 1×23 + 1×22 + 0×21 + 1×20 Octal is base 8 (or radix 8) and uses the symbols 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The number 51728 is 5×83 + 1×82 + 7×81 + 2×80 Hexadecimal is base 16 (or radix 16) and uses the symbols 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F where A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15 The number 5A1B16 is 5×163 + 10×162 + 1×161 + 11×160 = 20480 + 2560 + 16 + 11 = 2306710 Ref: Blundell pp10-13, pp36-39 Exercises 1. List some of the different number bases you use in everyday life. Hint: think about time … 2 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 3 To Translate from one base to another 3.1 Binary to Decimal As illustrated above, starting at the right hand side, the digits represent increasing powers of 2. 111010012 7 6 Decimal value of each bit Example binary number Value of each bit in the example Sum of the values 4 3 2 1 0 e.g. to convert 111010012 The easiest way is to use a table. Powers of 2 5 = 1×2 + 1×2 + 1×2 + 0×2 + 1×2 + 0×2 + 0×2 + 1×2 = 128 + 64 + 32 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 23310 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 Here’s a more complicated example: 01011011111010012 = 0+16384+0+4096+2048+0+512+256+128+64+32+0+8+0+0+1 = 2352910 We can write this as a table as shown below. Powers of 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Decimal 32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 value of each bit Example 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 binary number Value of each bit in 0 16384 0 4096 2048 0 512 256 128 64 32 0 8 0 0 1 the example Sum of the = 16384 + 4096 + 2048 + 512 + 256 + 128 + 64 + 32 + 8 + 1 = 23529 values © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 3 Csci1802 Computer Systems 3.2 Computer Number Systems Binary to Octal Starting from the right hand side, divide the number into groups of 3 digits, and then convert each group into an octal value. This works because 3 binary digits represent the range of values from 0 to 7, i.e. all the octal digits. 01011011111010012 3.3 = 0 101 101 111 101 0012 = 0 5 5 7 5 1 = 0557518 Binary to Hexadecimal Starting from the right hand side, divide the number into groups of 4 digits, and then convert each group into a hexadecimal value. This works because 4 binary digits represent the range of values from 0 to 15, i.e. all the hexadecimal digits. 01011011111010012 3.4 = = = 0101 1011 1110 10012 5 B E 9 5BE916 Decimal to Binary 3.4.1 Either... Subtract from the original number the highest power of 2 that does not exceed the value of the number, put a 1 in the corresponding bit position. Then continue down through the powers of 2 inserting 1's or 0's in the corresponding positions. (A table of powers of 2 helps here.) Example: To convert 75 to binary: Powers of 2 27 Decimal value of each 128 bit 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 64 is the highest power of 2 not greater than 75 6 64 = 2 01000000 75 - 64 = 11 Using 64 1 8 is the highest power of 2 not greater than 11 3 8 = 2 01001000 11 - 8 = 3 Using 8 1 1 then, following on in the same way 1 2 = 2 01001010 3 - 2 = 1 Using 2 1 1 1 Using 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 2 1 - 1 = 0 0 01001011 Put 0 in gaps 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 3.4.2 ...Or Successively divide the number by 2 and use the remainders as the binary digits (from right to left) Thus 75/2 37/2 18/2 9/2 4/2 2/2 1/2 gives 37 remainder 1 gives 18 remainder 1 gives 9 remainder 0 gives 4 remainder 1 gives 2 remainder 0 gives 1 remainder 0 gives 0 remainder 1 1 11 011 1011 01011 001011 1001011 Pad out with 0's (on the left hand side) to make the binary number the width you require. 7510 = 01001011 Note: If you use this method, it is a good idea to always check your answer by converting your result back to decimal. 3.5 Decimal to Octal Convert the number to binary then convert the binary number to octal. 3.6 Decimal to Hexadecimal Convert the number to binary then convert the binary number to hexadecimal. 3.7 Exercise What are the smallest and largest positive whole numbers represented by: 4 bits? i.e. 0000 to 1111 ? 8 bits? 16 bits? 32 bits? © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 5 Csci1802 Computer Systems 4 Computer Number Systems Representation of Negative numbers So far when looking at binary numbers we have been looking at unsigned integers. We have to be able to handle negative numbers. In decimal notation we use the minus symbol (-) to denote a negative number. But a computer can only use binary symbols i.e. 0's and 1's. There is no extra symbol to represent a minus sign. So we must use one of the bits to represent or indicate a negative value. There are four common ways of representing negative binary numbers. Signed magnitude One's complement Two's complement Biased value 4.1 Signed magnitude (or Sign/modulus). The leftmost bit is the sign bit. It is 0 for positive, or 1 for negative. +29 is represented by 000111012 sign (+)0 64 0 32 0 16 1 8 1 4 1 2 0 1 1 (+) 0×64 + 0×32 + 1×16 +1×8+ 1×4 + 0×2 + 1×1 -29 is represented sign (-)1 64 0 32 0 16 1 8 1 4 1 2 0 1 1 by 100111012 (-) 0×64 + 0×32 + 1×16 +1×8+ 1×4 + 0×2 + 1×1 4.2 One's complement. The leftmost bit represents a negative value. But instead of representing the minus symbol, in an 8-bit one’s complement binary number, a 1 in the leftmost place represents the value, -127. -29 is represented by 111000102 -127 1 i.e. 64 1 32 1 16 0 8 0 4 0 2 1 1 0 1×-127 + 1×64 + 1×32 + 0×16 + 0×8+ 0×4 + 1×2 + 0×1 = -127 + 98 = -29 This system is popular because it is easy to change a binary number to a negative equivalent. To negate a binary number in one’s complement, - just work out the positive representation - then flip the bits. i.e. change all 0's to 1's and all 1's to 0's. 6 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems A computer can do this very quickly. Example: -84 in 1’s complement: +84 is represented by = 010101002 -84 is represented by = 101010112 i.e. -84 = -127 + 43 Of course this will only work for numbers in the appropriate range you need to know how many bits are being used. 4.3 Two's complement. This is very similar to one's complement. The only difference is that the leftmost bit is -2n rather than -2n +1, e.g. for an 8-bit number it is -128 rather than -127. This is a little more consistent with the place value system, so that the leftmost place value represents a negated power of two. e.g. -29 is represented by -127 + 98 = 111000102 = -128 + 99 = 111000112 in one's complement. in two's complement. Another example: +84 and -84 1. Using the place values method In One’s complement (and in Two’s complement): +84 is represented by 64+16+4 = 010101002 -127 0 64 1 32 0 16 1 8 0 4 1 2 0 1 0 . In One’s complement: -84 is represented by -127+43 = -127+32+8+2+1 = 101010112 -127 1 64 0 32 1 16 0 8 1 4 0 2 1 1 1 In Two’s complement: -84 is represented by -128+44 = -128+32+8+4 -128 1 64 0 32 1 16 0 8 1 4 1 2 0 = 101011002 1 0 2. An easier way to get a negative value in two’s complement is to use the algorithm: - create the positive binary number using one's complement - convert it to negative by flipping the bits - then add one to the result to get the two’s complement value © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 7 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems Find +84 in 1’s Comp 1’s Comp -127 64 32 16 +84 0 1 0 1 Flip the bits to get –ve value in 1’s complement 1’s Comp -127 64 32 16 -84 1 0 1 0 Add one to get –ve value in 2’s complement 2’s Comp -128 64 32 16 -84 1 0 1 0 4.4 8 0 4 1 2 0 1 0 8 1 4 0 2 1 1 1 8 1 4 1 2 0 1 0 Biased value (Excess 127) Excess 127 is usually used for 8 bit representations, other values can be used for different numbers of bits. (e.g. Excess 1023 for 11 bits.) In Excess 127, we represent every number by a value that is 127 larger. i.e. (the number + 127) For example: -127 is represented by -127 + 127 = 0 -50 is represented by -50 + 127 = 77, +20 is represented by 20 + 127 = 147 This means that numbers from -127 upwards will be represented by a positive value. So, in Excess 127 the binary representation is always 127 larger than it really is. We need to remember this when converting back from binary to decimal !! -29 is represented by -29 + 127 = 9810 -84 is represented by -84 + 127 = 4310 +29 is represented by +29 + 127 = 15610 4.5 = 011000102 = 001010112 = 100111002 Exercise 1. Give five different interpretations of the binary number 101010102 . 2. Complete the table below to show the smallest and largest values of 8-bit binary numbers using each of the four representations stated. 8 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems 8 bits Computer Number Systems Smallest value Binary Decimal 1. Signed magnitude 2. One's complement 3. Two's complement 4. Excess 127 10000000 = Largest value Binary Decimal 01111111 = 127 -127 3. Repeat this for 16-bit numbers. [Hints: 215 = 32768 ; Would we use Excess 127 or something else?] 5 Addition and Subtraction in Binary 5.1 Simple addition of positive integers In decimal addition we 'carry' when the result is greater than 9. 'Carrying' works because when we get ten values in the 10n place then we have 10×10n which is the same as 1×10n+1 . e.g. 10×102 =1×103 . In binary addition we 'carry' when the result is greater than 1, e.g. 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Thus, 27 0 0 = 1 26 1 1 1 25 0 1 0 24 1 1 0 23 1 0 1 22 0 1 1 21 0 0 1 20 1 + 1 0 102 101 100 8 9 + 1 1 7 2 0 6 This works well for unsigned positive numbers. 5.2 Arithmetic using positive and negative integers First, try the following simple decimal additions and subtractions. Note we are using the convention here that a raised minus sign indicates a negative number e.g. –3 means negative 3, whereas -3 means subtract 3 1+3= 3–1= 1–3= – 1 – –3 = 3 + –1 = 1 + –3 = – © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 1+3= 1 – –3 = 9 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 1 + – (–3) = Question: Is subtracting X the same as adding –X? Yes. Extending this to binary arithmetic we can simplify subtraction of binary numbers by adding a negative representation of the number (e.g. two's complement). Using two’s complement representation we can add and subtract both positive and negative numbers by always using the add operation. REMEMBER: In 2’s complement: a positive value is unchanged e.g. +40 = 32 + 8 = 00101000 a negative value has the positive value changed to the negative value by the process we’ve just learnt e.g. -40 = - (32 + 8) = - 00101000 = 11010111+1 = 11011000 5.3 Addition and subtraction examples Example 1: adding 2 positive values e.g. 5 + 12 decimal 2’s complement +5 00000101 +12 00001100 + +17 00010001 Check the answer is correct Example 2: subtracting second number from first number e.g. 5 – 12 = 5 + –12 decimal 2’s complement +5 00000101 – 12 11110100 + – 7 11111001 Check the answer is correct Example 3: Here is an example where there is a ‘carry’ on the left hand side of the result. Because the two operands have different signs, the carried 1 is simply ignored. decimal – 5 +12 +7 2’s complement 11111011 00001100 + [1]00000111 sum = +7 Example 4: However, in this example, where the two operands both have the same sign, the carried 1 on the left hand side of the result and the fact that result is a different decimal – 80 – 64 – 144 2’s complement 10110000 11000000 + [1]01110000 sum= +112 10 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems sign to both operands indicates that there has been an overflow and the result is wrong. 5.4 Exercise By considering the column values, (i.e. –128, 64, 32 etc) explain what has occurred in the last two examples. © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 11 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 6 Some effects when using finite-precision numbers (i.e. using computers) 6.1 Overflow, Underflow and Rounding Say a computer uses 8 bits to represent integers then the range of values that can be stored (assuming we use 2's complement) is -128 to +127. Thus a computer using 8 bits to store integers cannot do every arithmetic calculation you might want to give it. Examples: 2+2 = 4 (correct) 70 + 70 = 140 (too big to be represented: integer overflow) 5×5 = 25 (correct) 5 × 50 = 250 (too big: integer overflow) 50 – 95 = - 50 – 95 6.2 = - - 45 (correct) 145 (too big negative: negative overflow) 4/2 = 2 (correct) 5/2 = 2.5 (not an integer, so cannot be stored as an integer except by rounding or truncating it) Definitions Integer overflow: Negative overflow: Result too big (+ve) Result too big (–ve) Rounding: Result cannot be stored exactly, so nearest valid value is stored. Rounding error: Difference between correct value and calculated value. Relative error: Rounding error (i.e. Rounding error divided by Correct value) Correct value 12 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 6.3 Effect of order of calculations when using finite-precision numbers (i.e. using computers) In these examples, assume 8-bit two's complement representation of integers. (Therefore, the range of values is -128 to +127) 6.3.1 Example 1: Calculate a + b – c Method 1) calculate b – c then add a Method 2) calculate a + b then subtract c [ Associative law states: a + ( b – c ) = ( a + b ) – c] Using a = 80, b = 50, c = 30 Method 1) Method 2) 80 + (50 – 30) = 80 + 20 = 100 Method 1 gives correct answer (80 + 50) – 30 = (overflow) – 30 =? Method 2 gives wrong answer! 6.3.2 Example 2: Calculate a * ( b – c ) Method 1) calculate b – c then multiply by a Method 2) calculate a * b then subtract a * c [ Distributive law says: a * ( b – c ) = ( a * b ) – ( a * c ) ] Using a = 8, b = 40, c = 30 Method 1) Method 2) a *( b – c ) = 8 * (40 – 30 ) = 8 * 10 = 80 (a * b )– (a * c) = ( 8 * 40 ) – ( 8 * 30 ) = 320 – 240 (overflow) – (overflow) = (garbage) ? © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead Method 1 gives correct answer. Method 2 gives wrong answer! 13 Csci1802 Computer Systems 6.4 Computer Number Systems Arithmetic – computers vs humans The conclusions from section 6 of this booklet are: 1. Arithmetic using computers is not the same as arithmetic done by people. 2. It is important to understand how computers work their limitations 14 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 7 Binary Representation of Characters 7.1 ASCII Character codes Characters like 'a', 'b', 'c', '2', '!' are represented by number codes. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a code used to encode characters. Standard ASCII uses 7 bits and allows 128 characters to be represented. Extended ASCII uses 8 bits and allows 256 characters to be represented. An additional 8th or 9th bit might be used as a parity bit, which is used to detect errors. odd parity - the parity bit is set to 0 or 1 to give an odd number of 1's in total. even parity – the parity bit is set to 0 or 1 to give an even number of 1's in total. Standard characters that can be encoded are: Command characters Non-printing transmission and printer control codes 00..1F Hex Alphanumeric characters {0 .. 9} codes 30.. 39 Hex {A .. Z} codes 41..5A Hex {a .. z} codes 61..6A Hex Symbols punctuation and arithmetic characters e.g. the space character is 20 in Hex ASCII codes for printable characters (Note that the codes are given here in Hexadecimal - why is that?) Hex 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 @ P ` p 1 ! 1 A Q a q 2 " 2 B R b r 3 # 3 C S c s 4 $ 4 D T d t 5 % 5 E U e u 6 & 6 F V f v 7 ' 7 G W g w 8 ( 8 H X h x 9 ) 9 I Y i y A * : J Z j z B + ; K [ k { C , < L \ l | D = M ] m } E . > N ^ n ~ F / ? O _ o • Example: To get the ASCII binary code for the letter Q 1. Get the hex code for Q use the value down the left = 5 use the value along the top = 1 this gives the value 51 in hex 2. Convert the hex value 51 into binary 5 is 0101 1 is 0001 put them together to get 01010001 3. Hence the ASCII code for the letter Q is 01010001 in binary. © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 15 Csci1802 Computer Systems 7.2 Computer Number Systems Example Assuming 8-bit extended ASCII encoding, give the binary pattern that represents the sequence of characters "Hello Joe". Answer: Char Hex Binary H 48 e 65 l 6C l 6C o 6F 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 20 J 4A o 6F e 65 00100000 01001010 01101111 01100101 Doing the same example using 'odd parity' we would get: Char Hex Binary Parity bit 7.3 H 48 e 65 l 6C l 6C o 6F 20 J 4A o 6F e 65 01001000 1 01100101 1 01101100 1 01101100 1 01101111 1 00100000 0 01001010 0 01101111 1 01100101 1 o 6F e 65 01101111 01100101 Exercise Fill in the gaps to do the same example using 'even parity' Char Hex Binary Parity bit 7.4 H 48 e 65 l 6C l 6C o 6F 20 J 4A 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01001010 Discussion question How do you know whether a number in a computer's memory cell represents a number or a character code? 16 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems 7.5 Computer Number Systems Unicode Here is a brief timeline showing character representation developments ASCII dominant since 1970’s 7 bits -> 128 characters ISO 646 (in 1972) national variants e.g $, £, é but £ in UK .. # in US 8-bit ASCII use all 8 bits for character representation o data transmission more reliable o better ways of transmission error checks o so don’t need parity bit but manufacturers developed their own extensions to the standard standard ASCII characters + extra characters – non-compatible! Multi-part ISO 8859 (1980’s) ISO 8859-1: (ISO Latin-1): most W Europe ISO 8859-2: E Europe ) Czech, Slovak ISO 8859-7: Greek, etc ISO 10646 ISO standard 32 bit character set => 232 characters o hypercube o groups, planes, rows, columns o character -> (g,p,r,c) Unicode industry consortium 16 bit character set => 65,536 characters CJK Consolidation (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) contemporary major languages symbols, maths, dingbats … mechanism to build composite characters reserved codes for expansion & private symbols In 1991: Unicode & ISO 10646 made compatible ISO agreed BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane) (0,0,*,*) identical to Unicode Current: Unicode 5.1 provided codes for 100,713 characters. © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 17 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems Now matches ISO 10646 standard 32 bit representation The 8 bit character representation on most computers is now Latin-1. However this misses out large chunks of the world. For this reason other coding formats based on the Unicode/ISO 10646 standard are used. In order to save storage space a 32 bit coding is not in standard use. Instead people tend to use multi-byte encoding schemes such as UTF-8. In some areas of computing (HTML, XML, Java … ) direct reference to Unicode is made via expressions like &#xABCD, &#140 or \uXXXX. 7.6 UTF-8 Rules for UTF-8 are designed to reduce the size of files in order to save both storage and transmission time over networks. The way it does this is to store the ASCII range of characters as themselves and store other characters as 2, 3 or 4 bytes as needed. The formats look like this: 0XXXXXXX This represents the ascii char 0XXXXXXX. 110XXXXX10YYYYYY represents the Unicode character 00000XXXXXYYYYYY 1110XXXX10YYYYYY10ZZZZZZ represents the Unicode character XXXXYYYYYYZZZZZZ. An important property of Unicode encodings like UTF-8 is that there are no overlaps – when searching for a character if you encounter a matching byte-sequence you know that it is the character you are searching for. In some coding schemes you might have found part of another character. Here is how the coding is described in the Unicode UTF-8 specification. Notice how the first byte gives the information on how many bytes are used to code the character. The saving in file size is obviously dependant on the language used (and for some languages it will have a negative effect). Other encodings are also available (UTF-16 and UTF32). 18 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 8 Storage of data in computer memory 8.1 Bits, Bytes and Words The examples of rounding errors and overflow described in Section 6 arise because of the way that data is stored in computer memory. We are already familiar with binary digits (called bits). One bit is one binary digit which can take a value of 0 or 1. Another unit of data is the byte which is a sequence of 8 bits. Thus one byte can produce 28 (= 256) different values (0 to 255). These values can be used as codes. Different representations are used to code different kinds of data. A word is the smallest addressable unit of computer memory, and depending on the machine and software might be 16 or 32 or 48 or 60 or 64 bits. 1 Kilobyte (1Kb) = 1024 bytes = 210 bytes 1 Megabyte = 1,048,576 bytes = a kilobyte of kilobytes = 1024 x 1024 bytes = 220 bytes 1 Kilobyte is approximately 1000 bytes, 1 Megabyte is approximately 1 000 000 bytes We now frequently use Gigabytes and Terabytes as measures of size. How big are they? 8.2 Representation of primitive C types The C programming language has several primitive data types. The way they are represented is machine- and implementation-dependent. However, typical descriptions (ref: Kernighan & Ritchie: The C Programming Language) are given below. Datatype char int Description Character, not necessarily printable Integer value short long A short int but … A long int float Real (or floating point) value double Double precision floating point value long double Extended precision floating point © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead Description/Typical values 1 byte ASCII code -32767 to +32767 i.e. -215-1..215-1 often the same as int -2147483647 to +2147483647 i.e. -231-1..231-1 6 decimal digits of precision, min value 1E-37, max value 1E+37, smallest value x such that 1+x 1 is 1E-5 10 decimal digits of precision, min value 1E-37, max value 1E+37, smallest value x such that 1+x 1 is 1E-9 machine/implementation dependent 19 Csci1802 Computer Systems 8.3 Computer Number Systems Exercise How many bytes are required for each of these data types? Use the final column to help you fill in the blanks. Datatype No of bytes required Description/Typical values char 1 byte ASCII code int -32767 to +32767 i.e. -215...215-1 short often the same as int long float to be discussed in the next section double to be discussed in the next section long double machine/implementation dependent 8.4 -2147483647 to +2147483647 i.e. -231...231-1 6 decimal digits of precision, min value 1E-37, max value 1E+37, smallest value x such that 1+x 1 is 1E-5 10 decimal digits of precision, min value 1E-37, max value 1E+37, smallest value x such that 1+x 1 is 1E-9 machine/implementation dependent Further reading Blundell, B: pp 67-82 Ceri, Mandroli, Sbattella: The Art & Craft of Computing, Sections 13.1-13.4.1, pp 312-320 20 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems 9 Computer Number Systems Representation of Fractional Numbers Fractional numbers are numbers between 0 and 1. Their representation in decimal or binary simply uses negative powers of the base. Recall that a-n = 1/an For example: 10-1 = 1/101 10-2 = 1/102 10-3 = 1/103 10-4 = 1/104 10-5 = 1/105 = = = = = 1/10 1/100 1/1000 1/10000 1/100000 = = = = = 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 = = = = = 1/21 1/22 1/23 1/24 1/25 = = = = = 1/2 = 1/4 = 1/8 = 1/16 = 1/32 = 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 etc. The number 0.42610 is 4×10-1 + 2×10-2 + 6×10-3 + 1×10-4 The number 0.011012 is 0×2-1 + 1×2-2 + 1×2-3 + 0×2-4 + 1×2-5 9.1 To translate fractional binary to fractional decimal Simply work out the sum using the decimal or fractional values of the bits. e.g. 0.011012 = 0×2-1 + 1×2-2 + 1×2-3 + 0×2-4 + 1×2-5 = 0 + 0.25 + 0.125 + 0 + 0.03125 = 0.40625 (or 0.011012 = 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/32 = 13/32 = 0.40625) A table can be used, similar to the one used to work out integer values. -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 . 2-1 2-2 Powers of 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fractional value 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/128 1/256 of each bit Decimal value of 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 0.015625 0.0078125 0.00390625 each bit Example binary . 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 number 0.25 0.125 0.03125 Value of each bit 0 or or 0 or 0 0 0 in the example 1/4 1/8 1/32 Sum of the 0.25 + 0.125 + 0.03125 = 0.40625 or 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/32 = 13/32 ( = 0.40625 ) values © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 21 Csci1802 Computer Systems 9.2 Computer Number Systems To translate fractional decimal to fractional binary 9.2.1 Either... Successively subtract the highest possible value of negative power of 2 0.42510 - 0.25 = 0.175 (2-2 = 0.012) 0.175 - 0.125 = 0.05 (2-3 = 0.0012) 0.05 - 0.03125 = 0.01875 (2-5 = 0.000012) etc which gives 0.01101 to an accuracy of 5 binary digits after the point. This can be done using a table as before: e.g. To convert 0.425 to binary Powers of 2 . 2-1 2 2 Decimal value of each bit 0.25 0.125 0.425 - 0.25 = 0.175 Using 0.25 0.175 - 0.125 = 0.05 Using 0.125 0.05 -0.03125 = 0.00875 Using 0.03125 0.00875 - ? 0.5 -2 -3 -4 2 0.0625 -5 2 0.03125 -6 2 0.015625 -7 2 0.0078125 1 1 1 etc Put 0 in gaps . 0 1 1 0 1 9.2.2 ...Or Successively multiply the fractional part of the decimal value by 2 and move the integer part of the result onto the end of the binary number (from left to right after the point) e.g. 0.425 0.85 0.7 0.4 0.8 etc × × × × × 2 2 2 2 2 = = = = = 0.85 1.7 1.4 0.8 1.6 gives gives gives gives gives 0.0 0.01 0.011 0.0110 0.01101 Note: If you use this method, it is a good idea to always check your answer by converting your result back to decimal. (Exercise: explain why this method works!). 9.2.3 Rounding Error This example also demonstrates that it is not always possible to translate a decimal value exactly into a specific number of binary digits. (Continue with the conversion until you convince yourself that this is the case.) The result of the translation here, if left with 5 binary digits, will have a rounding error of 0.0187510. We tried to convert 0.42510 and the result was 0.011012 (to 5 binary digits) We can calculate that 0.011012 = 0.4062510 Therefore, the rounding error is: 0.425 - 0.40625 = 0.0187510 22 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 10 Representation of Real Numbers Real numbers (or rational numbers) contain both an integer part and a fractional part. For example, 23.714 has an integer part of 23 and a fractional part of 0.714 . A binary fractional number may look like 01101.10012. How can this 'real' binary number be stored in a computer which does not have a decimal point symbol? 10.1 Fixed point representation One solution is to assume that the decimal point is in a fixed position. This is called a fixed point representation with a fixed number of bits each for the integer and fractional part. For example, we could assume that in an eight bit number the decimal point is always such that there are 5 bits for the integer part and the remaining 3 bits for the fractional part. So if we put the point in, then 10011101 represents 10011.101, Integer part 10011 gives 19, Fractional part 0.101 gives 0.625 Thus 10011101 would represent the real number 19.625 10.2 Exercise 1. What number would 10011101 represent if the (integer, fractional) split is (6, 2) ? (4, 4) ? 2. What are the smallest and largest values that can be represented with each possible split: (0,8), (1,7), (2,6), etc. 10.3 Normalised floating point representation The more usual encoding of real numbers in binary is using a normalised floating point representation. We will explain the term ‘floating point’ using both decimal and binary notation and then go on to explain ‘normalized floating point representation’ of binary real numbers. 10.3.1 Floating point representation In decimal we can write values as a number multiplied by 10 to some power. e.g. –241.65 = = = = = = = = –0.0024165 × 105 –0.024165 × 104 –0.24165 × 103 –2.4165 × 102 –24.165 × 101 –241.65 × 100 –2416.5 × 10-1 –24165.0 × 10-2 etc Thus the position of the decimal point can ‘float around’, giving the term ‘floating point’. © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 23 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems In binary, we are now working on powers of 2 instead of powers of 10. Thus, 110.11 = = = = = = 1.1011 × 22 0.11011 × 23 0.011011 × 24 0.0011011 × 25 11011.0 × 2-2 1101100 × 2-3 etc We are interested in the value that starts with a single 1 followed by the decimal point (or more correctly the binary point). This is what we call the normalized binary value. 10.3.2 Mantissa and Exponent Floating point representation uses 2 values to represent a number and these are given the names: the mantissa and the exponent. The mantissa (sometimes called the fraction) is the fractional part of the number. The exponent (sometimes called the characteristic) is the power of 2 the mantissa must be multiplied by to get the original value. 10.3.3 Binary Normalised Floating Point First, we normalize our binary numbers so that they always start with 1. Because they always start with 1. , for efficiency of storage, the 1 and the point don’t have to be stored (but the system has to know that they have to be replaced when extracted from storage). Binary value Normalised value Mantissa 11.010 1.1010 × 2+1 1010 0.00011 1.1 × 2-4 1000 -2 0.010101 1.0101 × 2 0101 1.101 1.101 × 20 1010 Exponent +1 -4 -2 0 Thus, each of the values in the table above can be stored using the values of the mantissa and the exponent. This is the basis of how real numbers are stored in computers using the IEEE 754 standard. 24 © De Montfort University, Dowson, Zarzycki, Birkenhead csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 10.4 IEEE 754 Standard Representation of Real Numbers This is now the standard way of representing real (binary) numbers in computers. For single precision, there are a total of 32 bits used as shown here. No of bits 1 8 23 Component S(sign) E (exponent) F (fraction or mantissa) Bit Number(s) 31 30 -------- 23 22 -------------------------- 0 S - the sign of the number, is 0 for positive or 1 for negative E - the exponent, uses Excess 127 representation (i.e. Excess 27-1) and can take values between 1 and 254, equivalent to a range of -126 to 127. (The values 0 and 255 are reserved for special cases.) F - the mantissa, uses a normalised representation as described above. The leading one and the decimal point are omitted (because they can be assumed to be present). F should more correctly be called the significand. Zero is a special number and is represented by values of E=0 and F=0 (with S taking the value of either 0 or 1). For more detailed understanding of the IEEE 754 Standard Representation of Real Numbers you are recommended to read the reprint of a web article which is given after the following exercises. This article will also help you with the tutorial exercises. 10.5 Exercises: A reprint of a web article is included next. a) Read this to find out what is meant by NaN and how NaN is represented in the IEEE standard. b) Use the example given to help you to represent the decimal value 132.2 as a single precision IEEE 754 number. c) Find out if there is a C library that allows you to use infinity and NaN. © De Montfort University, Dowson , Zarzycki, Birkenhead 25 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems Representing Real Numbers 1. Background Real number representation in a fixed-size word represents a challenge because they can have a varying number of decimals and an enormous range. As early as 1945, John von Neumann realised that, because of round-off errors, it would be impossible to represent real numbers exactly, as was done for integers, and he even suggested that computers should not deal with such numbers! On the hardware side, designers were reluctant to incorporate real number support in their processors because that would have a severe impact on performance and occupy valuable real estate on the processor chip. The evolution of real number representation went through a number of controversies and backward steps before a standard (IEEE 754 / 854) finally emerged in 1985. And while so many people contributed to this development over the years, it is widely believed that the work of William Kahan, which started at the University of Toronto in 1953, was instrumental, and for that, he was awarded the Turing Award in 1989. 2. Objectives The goals of the IEEE standard are twofold: 1. Strike a compromise between range and accuracy 2. Minimize floating-point hardware by exploiting the integer unit h/w. 3. Single-Precision IEEE 754 The number is represented in 32 bits (4 bytes) using the following format: S is the sign of the number (1=minus, 0=plus), contributing (-1)S. E is the biased exponent, contributing 2(E-127). It is represented as an 8-bit unsigned integer, and thus, have the range 0 through 255. F is the binary fraction (mantissa or significand), contributing 1.F; i.e. an implicit 1 and a binary point are not represented but assumed present. Together with the implicit 1, 24 bits are thus significant. Since a decimal digit can be represented in between 3 and 4 bits, we can see that this single-precision representation produces about 7 significant digits. This standard achieves the 1st goal by using powers of 2 instead of 10. It also realises the 2 nd goal because of the way it orders the field and represents the exponent: Since S is in the most significant bit, it is easy to perform a test of less than, greater than, or equal to 0 using integer unit hardware. Placing the exponent E before the mantissa also allows us to sort floating-point numbers using integer comparison instructions, as long as all exponents are non-negative. In fact, this is why the standard uses biased (or excess 127) notation instead of 2's complement. The exponent E ranges between 0 and 255 but the end points of this interval are reserved for special values (see below). Hence, the allowed range of E is 1 though 254 which gives a magnitude range (in absolute value) of about: 2(1-127) = 2-126 = 10-38 to 2(254-127) = 2(127) = 10+38 Special Values: 26 The fact that 1. is implicit means that the number zero cannot be represented and, hence, a special value must be set aside for zero. This (zero) value is: E = F = 0 (regardless of S). Furthermore, instead of issuing an exception when a divide by 0 is attempted, the standard allows software to set special values to indicate plus or minus infinity, thus providing for topological closure in real arithmetic. These (infinity) values are: E = 255, F = 0, S = 0 / 1. Reprinted from: csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems The results of invalid operations (such as 0/0 or infinity minus infinity) are indicated by a special value in the standard known as NaN (Not a Number), thus allowing program to proceed with a number of operations and postpone some tests and decisions to a later time in the program. This (NaN) value is: E = 255, F not = 0 (regardless of S). The standard realises that there is a gap between 0 and the smallest positive (and largest negative) number that can be represented, and allows some numbers in this gap to be represented. Supporting such a gradual underflow means that we abandon our implicit 1. premise and replace it by 0. Such numbers are denormalized and can be as small (in absolute value) as about 2-23 x 2-126 = 2-149 = 10-45. Due to their departure from the premise, most processor makers do not support this optional feature of the standard. These (denormalized) numbers have: E = 0, F not = 0, S = 0 / 1. 4. Double-Precision IEEE 754 This 64-bit (8 bytes) representation provides added accuracy and increased range but uses the same idea as single-precision. Here are the differences: 11 bits for E (with a bias of 1023) and 52 bits for F. Aside from special values, E ranges between 1 and 2046. The range is thus: 2-1022 (about 10-308) to 2-1023 (about 10+308). Based on 52+1 significant bits, the accuracy is about 15 (decimal) digits. Special Values: E = 0, F = 0 (zero) E = 0, F not 0 (denormalized) E = 2047, F = 0 (infinity) E = 2047, F not 0 (NaN) 5. Example Represent 19.2 as a single-precision IEEE 754 number: 19 / 2 = 9 R 1 9 / 2 = 4 R 1 4 / 2 = 2 R 0 2 / 2 = 1 R 0 1 / 2 = 0 R 1 Hence 19 = 10011 0.2 * 2 = 0.4 0.4 * 2 = 0.8 0.8 * 2 = 1.6 0.6 * 2 = 1.2 0.2 * 2 = 0.4 0.4 * 2 = 0.8 Hence 0.2 = 001100110011.. 19.2 = + 10011 . 001100110011... = + 1. 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 001 X 24 S = 0, E = 4+127 = 131 = 10000011 and F = 001100110011001100110 Reprinted from: 27 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 11 Discreteness of real number representation 11.1 Range and accuracy Not all possible values can be represented by floating point representation of numbers. Only a discrete set of values can be represented. This has implications on the accuracy of computer arithmetic. e.g. try adding together a large number and a very small number. However, the big advantage of using floating point representation is that a vast range of numbers can be represented with both very small and very large values being possible. This is because the exponent can take both positive values (to represent large values) and negative values (to represent small values). A sign bit is used to represent the sign of the number, so both positive and negative values are possible. The accuracy of the number represented depends on the number of bits used to represent the mantissa and real numbers will usually contain some rounding error (the difference between the correct value and its nearest expressible value). 11.2 Errors Overflow will occur when the number is too big to be represented. This is when the exponent does not contain enough bits to hold the power of 2 that is required. e.g, in decimal if the exponent could hold 2 digits, then there would be overflow for any value greater than 1099. Underflow will occur when the number is too small to be represented. This is when the exponent does not contain enough bits to hold the negative power of 2 that is required. e.g, in decimal if the exponent could hold 2 digits, then there would be underflow for any value smaller than 10-99. The spacing between adjacent expressible numbers is not constant e.g (using decimal notation) 0.999 × 10+99 –0.998 × 10+99 ( = 0.001 × 10+99) is much greater than 0.999 × 10+01 – 0.998 × 10+01 (= 0.001 × 10+01) but the relative error (caused by rounding) is approximately constant throughout the range of expressible numbers. 28 © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 11.3 Further Reading Floating-Point Fallacies by Dan Zuras: This article starts with the following: The puzzling behavior of some programs that use floating-point arithmetic to solve problems can often elicit some interesting questions. "Why is it that 0.2 x 5.0 results in 0.9999999 not 1.0?" "Why is sin(3.14159265) equal to -8.742276e-8 not 0.0 ?" "How can the total system usage be 100.1% ?" In the next paragraph it continues with: Those who use and write programs that use floating-point to solve problems have a common problem. Floating point numbers and operations are expected to behave like real numbers and operations. This quite reasonable expectation is, unfortunately, never true. Download and read the whole article! © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki 29 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems This page intentionally left blank 30 © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems Tutorial Work Sheet 1 Binary, Octal, Hex These exercises should be attempted during the staffed tutorial session. You can ask for help at any time during the tutorial. If you do not finish the exercises during the tutorial, you should complete them in your own time before the next tutorial. If you have any questions, ask at the start of the next tutorial. Tutorial Exercises 1. Convert the binary numbers below to decimal. (a) 1010 (b) 1111 (c) 00010000 (d) 00010101 (e) 00000101 (f) 11000110 2. Convert each decimal number below to binary. (a) 64 (b) 15 (c) 234 (d) 1 (e) 100 (f) 456 3. Perform the following binary additions. (Hint: write each pair of numbers one below the other and, if necessary, extend both to 8 bits by adding extra 0’s at the left hand side.) (a) 1+1 (b) 00110100 + 00001011 (c) 001010 + 001111 (d) 00110111 + 11000 4. Perform the following binary subtractions. Difficult isn’t it! Don’t worry if you can’t do this question, you’ll learn a better way of doing this soon. (a) 0111 - 0101 (b) 1101 - 1010 (c) 1111 - 0110 (d) 01110110 - 01001101 5. What are the 16 digits of the hexadecimal system? Now convert the hex numbers below to binary. (a) FFFF (b) AF12 (c) 3457 6. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary and then to hexadecimal. (a) 59 (b) 29 (c) 842 (d) 3595 (e) 32 / continues on next page © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki 31 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 7. Convert the binary numbers below to their octal and hex equivalents. (Hint: you may need to put extra 0’s on the left hand side to get the right number of bits.) (a) 1110 (b) 11011 (c) 110110101 (d) 1010111101110010 8. Some computers represent numeric data using Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) where 4 bits are used to represent each decimal digit. For example, 0010 1001 is the BCD form of the decimal number 29. What decimal numbers do each of the following BCDs represent? (a) 0101 0001 (b) 1000 1000 1000 (c) 0110 0011 (d) 0111 0001 0010 Questions from Blundell: Activities 1.4 to 1.8 Discussion Questions 1. Given a binary number, is it true that the 1's complement of its 1's complement is the original number? Can you give a reason? Is the same true for 2's complement? 2. Assume that X, Y and Z are digits. Discuss whether it is always true that XYZ8 <= XYZ10. Explain your reasoning. 32 © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems Tutorial Work Sheet 2 Negative Numbers and Binary Arithmetic These exercises should be attempted during the tutorial. You can ask for help at any time during the tutorial. If you do not finish the exercises during the tutorial, you should complete them in your own time before the next tutorial. If you have any questions, ask at the start of the next tutorial. Exercises 1. Represent -105 (negative 105) as an 8-bit binary number using: (a) Signed magnitude (b) One's complement (c) Two's complement (d) Excess 127 2. Perform the following subtractions using 8-bit two's complement binary arithmetic. Show you have checked your answers. (a) 75 - 30 (b) 22 - 54 (c) -85 - 10 (d) -100 -50 3. Assume that a machine uses 4 digits to store integers in binary form. Complete the following table. Decimal value Signed Magnitude Two's Complement -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 1001 -1 0 0000 0000 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 / continues on next page © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki 33 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems Questions from Blundell Activity 4.2 Discussion Questions 1. Given a binary number, is it true that the 1's complement of its 1's complement is the original number? Can you give a reason? Is the same true for 2's complement? 2. Discuss the meaning of the following terms: (a) Data (b) Information (c) Interpretation (d) Meaning (e) Representation 3. What sort of items would you expect to find in the memory of a computer? Are all of them data? 34 © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems Tutorial Work Sheet 3 ASCII, Parity, Real Numbers, Floating Point Exercises ASCII & Parity 1. What is the internal bit pattern representation (i.e. the binary representation) of (a) the number 13 (b) the characters 13 2. Produce the binary representation of the message: My name’s Ada! 3. For the binary representation of the message in Q2, show what the parity bit for each character would be if using (a) odd parity and (b) even parity. Unicode Code the following short strings using UTF-8 and indicate the number of bytes used to encode each string (you will need to look some symbols up before the tutorial). 1. fred 2. ¼+½ 3. ૧૨૩૪ (These symbols appear in the range 0A80 to 0AFF of the Unicode code-charts) Real Numbers and Floating Point Representation 1. Convert these fractional binary numbers to decimal. (a) 0.101 (b) 0.1111 (c) 101.11 (d) 110.1011 2. Convert each decimal number below to binary. (a) 0.5 (b) 0.875 (c) 0.2 (d) 2.25 (e) 100.01 3. Calculate the relative error between 0.310 and 0.010012 4. What is the decimal value of binary 0.101000 x 24 ? 5. Use the binary value 0.101000 x 24 to explain what are the mantissa and exponent of a floating point number. 6. Represent the following values as single precision IEEE 754 numbers. (a) decimal value 132.2 (b) binary value 0111010101.10011 © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki 35 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems (c) decimal value -16.25 Questions from Blundell Activities 4.3 to 4.6 Discussion Questions and Further Reading 1. Explain underflow and overflow in floating point numbers. 2. Read Section 11 in this booklet on ‘Discreteness of real number representation’ and then discuss the concept of relative errors in the representation of floating point numbers. 3. Earlier in these notes there is a reprint of a very interesting article written by Dan Zuras (who was a researcher with Hewlett Packard and who did a lot of excellent work on computation and the representation of numbers). Use the article to help you explain what is meant by NaN and how NaN is represented in the IEEE standard. 4. Using decimal notation, and assuming we can store the sign of the mantissa, 3 digits for the mantissa, the sign of the exponent, 2 digits for the exponent (a) What is the range of numbers we can represent? (b) Mark on the diagram below the ranges of (for numbers represented as described at the start of question 4) : expressible positive numbers expressible negative numbers positive overflow negative overflow +ve underflow -ve underflow. - -10100 -10-100 0 10-100 10100 + Computer Exercises 1. Using a spreadsheet, experiment to find out the maximum and minimum values of integer and real numbers that can be displayed. 36 © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 2. Using your spreadsheet, find the smallest value x such that (1.0+x) is not equal to 1.0. © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki 37 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems Computer Number Systems – Sample Test Note: This is an example of the format and types of questions that might be included in a test on Computer Number Systems. In an actual test or examination there could be questions on any part of the group of topics covered in that section of the syllabus. No calculators are allowed. 1. Number conversions. (a) Convert binary 00011011 to decimal. (b) Convert decimal 278 to binary. (c) Convert decimal 0.625 to binary. (d) Convert 19B116 to binary. (e) Convert 00110111110111112 to hexadecimal. (f) Convert decimal 8.58 to binary (g) Convert binary 0.00110011 to decimal 2. Negative numbers. Express the negative number: –19, in each of the following binary representations of negative numbers (using 8 bits). Explain how you have done the conversions. (a) Signed magnitude (sometimes called ‘sign and modulus’). (b) Two’s complement. 3. Binary arithmetic using 2’s complement. Do the following sums, showing your working. Also show you have checked your answers. (a) 01001010 + 00001111 (b) 00010001 + 10001010 (c) 00001010 - 00110011 4. Character codes. The ASCII code for the letter ‘A’ is 4116, the letter ‘a’ is 6116, the space character is 2016. Code the binary representation of the message ‘Hi Ada’ using 9 bits for each character including an odd parity bit. 5. Encode Ainto Utf-8 given that has code point 00DB. 6. Floating point numbers. Select the correct answers: (a) Floating Point Overflow occurs when The value in the mantissa is too big and positive The value in the exponent is too big and positive (b) Floating Point Underflow occurs when The value in the mantissa is too small and positive The value in the mantissa is too large and negative The value in the exponent is too small and positive The value in the exponent is too large and negative 38 © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems 7. Errors. (a) Convert the decimal number 0.56 to binary using 4 binary digits after the point. (b) Using your answer to part (a) as an example, explain the concept of rounding errors. 8. IEEE Standard Representation of Real Numbers (a) Convert 12.5 to a standard binary fractional number (b) Normalise the result (so that it starts with 1. and has a multiplier of 2 to some power) (c) Assuming the IEEE standard uses - excess 127 representation of the exponent, - the fraction without the leading 1 and binary point give the values of S (the sign bit), E (the exponent) and F (the fraction or mantissa) © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki 39 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems CSCI1802 - Lab Worksheet 1 If you need help with any of these exercises, ask your lab tutor or the person sitting next to you. 1. Log on and change password Log on to a computer in your laboratory. If you haven’t already done so, change your password to something you can remember, but which is not obvious to anyone else. (Use cntl/alt/del to get to change password.) 2. myDMU – Managed Learning Environment Knowing about the MLE is useful because this is where you will get your end of year results from ….. and many other things too. (a) Go to the MLE (Managed Learning Environment) at: (b) Save the site as one of your ‘favourites’ or ‘bookmarks’. (c) Log in using your ‘P number’ as your ID and your date of birth (dd/mm/yy) as your password. (d) Change your myDMU password (to something you can remember!). (e) Log out of myDMU and then log in again using your new password. (f) Explore the site and see what it offers. 3. Email It is vital that you can use your DMU email and that you check it regularly. We use email as a means of communicating with you. Your university email is available via the web from DMU or at home. Check that you can send and read emails by sending an email to the person sitting next to you, asking them to reply to you. Use your university email account not hotmail or any other account. 4. Blackboard Knowing how to use Blackboard is very useful because this is the main source of information about this module. It will be used as the only ‘Notice Board’ for the module. Other notes and handouts will also be published here. You should check this site regularly for announcements and other information about the modules you are studying. (a) Go to the Blackboard site via the link from myDMU. (b) Save the site as one of your ‘favourites’ or ‘bookmarks’. (c) Log in the same way as for the MLE. (d) Find this laboratory worksheet on the site. 40 /continues on next page © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems (e) You will be required to take tests using Blackboard during this module. So, to give you some experience of the way tests are done in this system, there is a short ‘diagnostic’ test using the different types of questions you may encounter during the course. Find and take the test. Check your result and the feedback. (f) Explore the Blackboard site and see what else it offers. © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki 41 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems CSCI1802 - Lab Worksheet 2 If you haven’t use Microsoft Excel before, you can get a tutorial booklet called 'Excel 2007 Quick Guide' from the CSE Student Advice Centre on the ground floor of Gateway House. Or your tutor may have a copy for you. The document is also available on the web, from inside DMU only, at then follow the link to office 2007documents. If you are new to Excel, It’s a good idea to work through this booklet before trying the exercises below. 1. (a) Using a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel) enter the following headings and the data in the left hand column. x 0 1 2 2x 10x Note: 2x is 2 to the power of x and 10x is 10 to the power of x. The x's are raised up using the superscript option: Format/Font/superscript (b) Now insert formulae to calculate 2x and 10x in the first row. (You can either use the symbol ^ for raising to a power, or the function POWER). To find out more use the ‘help’ function. (And then ask your tutor if you need more help.) Check the results you get in your spreadsheet are correct. (c) Copy the formulae down into the rows below. Again check the results carefully. (d) Extend the table to include the values of x up to 10. Check it ! (e) Extend the table to include negative values of x. Check it !! 2. Use the Excel Chart Wizard (following the instructions below) to produce a graph of the function y = 2 x from your table of values. The finished graph should look like this: a) Select all the data, including the headings, in the x y=2 first 2 columns. 1200 b) Click on the Chart Wizard c) Select XY (Scatter) and the middle left-hand chart 1000 sub-type, which is 'scatter with data points connected by smoothed lines'. 800 d) Click on the Next button until you get to Step 3 of 4 y 600 – Chart Options e) To make the layout look like the example here, you 400 will need to use the tabs: Titles: to enter the chart title and x and y axis labels 200 Gridlines: to draw the horizontal and vertical gridlines 0 Legend: to remove the legend which we don't want, 0 2 4 6 8 10 since we've given the chart a title x f) Click on Finish and the graph will be drawn in your spreadsheet. g) You'll notice that the y axis label is not as in the illustration. To rotate the label, right click on it, then select 'format axis title', click on alignment and then adjust as required. You can also change the font and size of the title in a similar way. 42 © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki 12 csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems CSCI1802 - Lab Worksheet 3 1. DEC2BIN is an Excel function that converts values from decimal to binary. Use the help button to see exactly how it works. 2. Using a similar step by step development technique to that used in Lab Worksheet 2, produce a table to convert between the different bases. Start by entering the following headings, values and the function DEC2BIN in your spreadsheet: 1 2 3 4 5 A Decimal value 0 1 2 B Binary value = DEC2BIN(A2,8) C Cell B2 should then display the value 00000000 3. Extend the decimal value column to value 32 and copy the formula from B2 all the way down. You will now have a lookup table for converting between decimal and binary for decimal values between 0 and 32. You can extend this still further. 4. Now work out how to convert decimal or binary to hexadecimal (you can use help if necessary) and extend your spreadsheet to calculate the hexadecimal values. Your spreadsheet might now look like: 1 2 3 4 5 A Decimal value 0 1 2 3 B Binary value 00000000 00000001 00000010 C Hexadecimal value 00 01 02 You can now use your spreadsheet to check your answers to most of the questions in the first tutorial. 5. Experiment to find out what happens if you enter negative decimal values. How do the answers differ from your tutorial answers? (Hint: count the number of bits) 6. Look up the functions CHAR and CODE in 'help'. Might one of these functions help you check the answers to the ASCII tutorial worksheet? Would using the DEC2HEX and HEX2BIN functions help? Produce a spreadsheet that uses these functions to give you a lookup table to convert between characters and their ASCII codes e.g. A B C D 1 Character Ascii value (decimal) Ascii value (hex) Ascii value (binary) 2 A 65 41 01000001 3 B © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki 43 Csci1802 Computer Systems Computer Number Systems /continues on next page These last two exercises illustrate some of the limitations of computers in being able to represent numbers. 7. Using a spreadsheet, experiment to find out the maximum and minimum values of integer and real numbers that can be displayed. 9. Using your spreadsheet, find the smallest value x such that (1.0+x) is not equal to 1.0. 10. Open the file UnicodeExample.html in a browser and look at what displays. Open the file in notepad and work out the relationship between the two ways of displaying the character. Can you work out where the characters appear in the Unicode charts and look them up? Use the program excel to help you to write a web page to display the whole page table of Gujerati characters with the code points identified in decimal. Look at other code pages (e.g. the mathematical symbols at code points 2200 to 22FF) and see if they will display. 44 © De Montfort University, Dowson & Zarzycki