A Three Dimension Latent Variable Model for Attitude Scale Keywords: Latent variable models, multidimension model, factor analysis, binary items, polytomous items, attitude scale Abstract We propose a three dimension latent variable (trait) model for analyzing attitudinal scaled data. It is successfully applied to two examples: one with twelve binary items and the other with eight items with five categories each. The models are exploratory instead of confirmatory, and sub-scales from which data was selected are clearly identified. For binary items it gives similar results with factor analysis. For polytomous items, it can estimate category scores simultaneously with the internal structure. the degree to take moderate views is extracted. From that, another dimension on This is because conventional analyses usually fix category scores as numerical numbers while they are free to vary in latent variable models. With these findings, more than three dimensions are possible given today’s computing power and tailor made methods such as adaptive quadrature points for numerical integrations. Introduction In analyzing attitudinal data, questionnaires usually consist of many questions or items and each item consists of categories such as “strongly agree”, “agree”, etc. The most popular way is to use factor analysis in some well-known software like SPSS. This tells us the 1 dimensions of the data, as well as the inside structure through factor loadings. Category scores are however fixed as numerical numbers, e.g., 1 for “strongly disagree”, 2 for “disagree”, etc. Some log-linear models are used to estimate category scores, and Sobel (1998) has used log-linear and log-nonlinear models to investigate the nature of midpoint of categories. However, it has nothing to do with the internal structure. Another way is to use item response theories and related methods. These methods are very often uni-dimensional to start with, but can be extended to multi-dimensional models. In particular, Boeck & Wilson (2005) proposed a generalized model which includes both fixed and random effects. But these effects are external rather than internal. Chapter eight of the book deals with the internal structure which is more relevant to the present paper. Another branch is compensatory multi-dimensional item response model (Bolt & Lall 2003). These models are compensatory because latent constructs, or attitudes in this paper, of one dimension can be compensated by attitudes of other dimensions. In non-compensatory models, attitudes of one dimension cannot be compensated by other dimensions. (Technically, in mathematical form compensatory models are additive and non-compensatory models are multiplicative. For non-compensatory models, increases in probabilities in one dimension increase the overall probabilities but not the conditional probabilities of other dimensions.) However, for most multi-dimensional models in item response theories, few include three or more latent dimensions. And, these models very often assume some specific characteristics of items or categories, e.g. difficulty or discrimination, and the purpose is to estimate them. On the other hand, latent variable models have different starting points, and are largely exploratory. Although the mathematical forms of latent variable models for categorical data analysis and item response theories are much the same, there are differences in orientations 2 and implications. In this paper, we apply a three dimension latent variable model to attitudinal data. The latent variable model this paper is referring to dates back to Bartholomew (1980). A detailed description can be found in Bartholomew and Knott (1999) and recent development in Moustaki (2005). The first reason to use this model is data reduction. Given a number of observed items x’s, the aim is to find a much smaller number of latent variables z’s, that can explain the inter-dependence among x’s. We start with one z but there is nothing to stop us from using more. By comparing results from one z with those from two z’s or more gives us an idea of differences between models. The second reason is to quantify latent constructs. In attitudinal scale it fits nicely with the purpose of measuring individual’s social attitudes. More important, the third reason is to achieve conditional independence. Here, the aim is to explain the dependencies among x’s by z’s. Please note that this is treated as the aim instead of characteristics. If one dimension is not enough we can use two or more. later that this gives important interpretations to our findings. principle enables a very simple way of data reduction. We will see Finally, the sufficiency It states that under most usual conditions, z’s depend on x’s only through simple linear combinations. In our example below, we shall show that the simple sum correlates highly with the weighted sum and hence it is does not matter which is used. Details on these reasons can be found in Bartholomew and Knott (1999, chapter 1). There are many works on latent variable models. For metrical data, well-established models in factor analysis are equivalent to latent variable models (Bartholomew & Knott 1999, chapter 3). If observed items are ordinal or categorical, there are latent trait models that can 3 be used (Bartholomew & Knott 1999, chapter 5; and Leung 1992). Moustaki and Joreskog (2001) made a comparison between this approach and underlying response variable approach. Moustaki & Knott (2000b) presents a framework for a mixture of manifest binary, nominal and metrical variables. For ordinal data, Moustaki (2000) presents a general framework where the latent variable model as a special case depends on which link function is chosen. However, parameters are assigned for items instead of categories. In this paper parameters are assigned for each category of each item so that category scores can be estimated. Moustaki & Knott (2000a) assume two latent variables with one on attitude and the other on propensity to response. It uses latent variable models with observed covariate to compute response propensities. Here, we extend further to include another dimension to measure the degree of taking moderate views. But, we want to emphasize that this is not the purpose of our model choices, but rather the consequence. In sum, latent variable models aim to use a much lower dimension to explain dependencies among observed items, and eventually achieve the aim for data reduction. The model is largely exploratory in nature because it does not assume any specific characteristics or internal structure as in item response theories or factor analysis. The next section looks into the model in more detail. Model Suppose we have p items with each having c categories. There is no need for all items to have the same number of categories, but it is easier to read and fits the examples better. We label a single observation by x' = (x11, x12, … , xpc), with xij = 1 if category j of variable i is chosen, and zero otherwise. Let πij(z) = Pr(Xij=1|z) be the conditional probability of 4 choosing category j of variable i, given that continuous latent variables take value z. The dimension of the latent space can be of any values smaller than p, but here we only deal with three latent dimensions, i.e., z’ = (z1, z2, z3). With the aim to achieve a conditional independent, Pr(X=x|z) can be expressed as follows: Pr(X=x|z) = Pr(X=x|z1,z2,z3) = p c i 1 j 1 ij ( z1, z2 , z3 ) xij By the sufficiency principle set out in Bartholomew & Knott (1999, chapter 5), a generalized logit function for πij(z) is chosen, i.e., πij (z) = exp(αoij + α1ij z1 + α2ijz2 + α3ijz3) / Ai c where Ai = exp(αoij + α1ij z1 + α2ijz2 + α3ijz3) is the normalizing function with α’s and j 1 z’s. Since adding the same constant to αoij for all values of j will make πij(z) unchanged, we fix the first category as zero, i.e., αoi1=0 for all i, and similarly for α1i1, α2i1 and α3i1. Parameters αoij, α1ij, α2ij and α3ij serve similar functions as factor loading in factor analysis, and are responsible for locating categories of items in the latent space. The conditional probability depends on z’s through α1ij, α2ij and α3ij and not αoij. The magnitude of α1ij determines how big the effects of z1 on the probability, similarly for z2 and z3. We will see later that the relative value of the α’s tell us the identification for sub-scales behind the data. In one dimension model with binary data, αois and α1is are respectively the difficulty and discriminating parameters in item response theories. In latent variable models, we do not use any α’s to describe any specific characteristics, though they serve similar functions. For example, there are debates whether the discriminating parameters are constant across items or 5 categories. Here, they are free to take any value, and this serves to explain the exploratory nature. Without loss of generalities, and as a conventional choice, we assume the prior distribution of the latent density of z’s as independent identical standard normal. The overall probability of having a specific response pattern h, say Ph, is the marginal density of x’s, and can now be written as follows: Ph f x z1 z2 z3 p c z , z , z xij ij i 1 1 2 3 dz1dz2 dz3 j 1 where is the standard normal density function. The integrations are over z1, z2 and z3. From the sufficiency principle described earlier, the components, denoted by y’s, defined by p c y1 xij α1ij i 1 j 2 p c y2 xij α2ij i 1 j 2 p c y3 xij α3ij i 1 j 2 are now sufficient for z’s as x’s depend on z’s only through y’s. j=2 because α’s are zero for j=1. These components are linear combinations of x’s and α’s, and are used to locate individuals in the latent space. sum of discrimination parameters. The summation starts from In item response theories, these are the We will see later that they serve an important function in scaling. Parameter Estimation For parameter estimation, we use the marginal maximum likelihood and details can be found 6 in Bock and Aitkin (1981) and Leung (1992). We only give a brief description here and computer programs are available upon request from the author. First, the latent space is divided into many grids, and in our case it is a three dimensional latent space with points in grids. At the l-th point, say (l1, l2 ,l3), we calculate the expected number of persons choosing category j of variable i, say rl1l 2 l3ij , and the expected sample size, say N l l l . They are 1 2 3 “expected” figures because they depend on estimated parameter α’s. However, summation of these values over the latent space will give the overall number of persons choosing category j of variable i and the total sample size correspondingly. The algorithm is divided into two major steps: the expectation step and the maximization step. In the expectation step, we compute r’s and N’s by fixing α’s. the other way around. In the maximization step, it is We solve the maximum likelihood equations for α’s by fixing r’s and N’s. Two steps are then iterated until convergence is obtained. Unlike some item response theories, the latent variable z’s are treated as variables instead of as parameters. Hence, numerical integrations of z’s are unavoidable. That is why marginal maximum likelihood is particularly useful here. Methods like the Gauss-Hermite quadrature formula are needed. There are computational problems in high dimensions and we will address this issue in more detail in the discussion section. Examples with binary data The data used is part of a study on mathematic attitude of secondary school students in Macau (Wong 2004), and a Chinese version of the Fennema Sherman Mathematic Attitude Scale is used (Fennema & Sherman 1976). There are 108 items divided into nine sub-scales 7 with twelve items each. The five-point Likert scale is used with categories labeled as "strongly agree", "agree", "no comment", "disagree" and "strongly disagree". choose four items from three sub-scales for illustration purpose. Here, we only All twelve items are listed in the Appendix. The first four items belong to the sub-scale "usefulness of mathematics". The next four and the last four items belong to the sub-scale "attitude towards success in mathematics" and "confidence in learning mathematics" respectively. Having said that, we pretend that we do not know which items belong to which sub-scales, and let parameter estimation tell us. Hence, there is no index for sub-scales. We shall start with binary items. Five categories are grouped into two so that we have twelve binary items. The total sample size is 519 after deleting all missing values on the list, i.e., the whole record is considered as missing if any item is missing. Table 1 reports estimates of α’s. --------------Table 1 about here --------------In Table 1, the first category for all α’s are set to zero, so only α’s of the second category are reported. As we noted before, the magnitude of the α’s determine the effects of z’s on the response probability. In the first dimension, relatively bigger α’s are identified for items in the second sub-scale “attitude towards success in mathematics”. Similarly, the second and third dimensions are matched to the third and first sub-scales respectively. In fact, in terms of magnitude, the maximum of those not-underlined α’s is 1.04, and the minimum of those underlined is 1.72 with the maximum at 3.78. That is, those smaller α’s are under 1.04, and those bigger α’s ranged from 1.72 to 3.78. Having said that, more formal treatment is to set corresponding α’s to zero, and test the difference between restricted and unrestricted models. 8 We will come back to this in the discussion section. To compare with other methods, we run conventional factor analysis to these twelve binary items. The default estimation method (SPSS calls this as factor extraction method) is principal component analysis. After varimax rotation, factor loadings are reported in Table 1 for comparison. For factor loadings, small values are under 0.18, and big values ranged from 0.71 to 0.80. In sum, three latent dimensions can be interpreted as the second, third and first sub-scales respectively, same as in latent variable models. We can see α’s from latent variable models and factor loading from factor analysis have a very strong relation. In fact, the correlations between α’s and factor loading are 0.95, 0.93 and 0.91 for the first, second and third dimensions, respectively. models will provide the same scaling. This implies that two In fact, Bartholomew and Knott (1999, p87 to 89) shows the equivalence between latent variable models for binary data and underlying variable approach using threshold parameters. The only difference is that normal ogive response function is used in the proof, and logistic function is used in this paper, but two are very similar. Goodness-of-fit It is well known that in high way contingency tables, the number of possible cells far exceed the sample size. In our example with binary items the number of cells and sample size are 212 = 4,096 and 519 respectively. Bartholomew and Tzamourani (1999) show that traditional goodness-of-fit tests are often invalid for sparse 2p tables. Any traditional measure cannot provide a true picture but only initial views (Joreskog & Moustaki 2001). 9 Initial analysis can be provided by the traditional log-likelihood ratio, G2, which is – 2 log (likelihood ratio). This is reported in Table 2. --------------Table 2 about here --------------In Table 2, if we move from one dimension to two and three dimensions, the marginal decrease in G2 is far bigger than the number of parameters added. But, the proportional decrease in G2 does not match with number of parameters added. Doubling the number of parameters was only accompanied by a decrease of one third in G2. give a better fit, but it is difficult to say whether this is enough. Adding parameters did Another way is to use some statistics based on two-way margins only because data is very sparse in high way tables. We suggest using the “Y-statistics” introduced by Bartholomew and Leung (2002) and Leung (2005) as it is based on two-way margins. Since the focus of this paper is on applications, only brief descriptions are given here, and interested readers can refer to the above papers for details. This method goes through all possible pairs of two-way margins, and calculates the observed and expected frequencies in each table corresponding to each pair. computed by summing up all chi-squared statistics for all pairs. A statistic is The distribution of these statistics, called the “Y-statistics” is very complicated because individual terms inside the summation is chi-squared distributed, but they are highly associated among themselves, and hence the sum is not chi-squared distributed. However, the dependences can be adjusted by the second and third moments. Under any fully specified models, Bartholomew and Leung (2002) give a formula for calculating the first three moments. From these, an approximation of the percentage points of the tail probabilities is calculated by matching moments. The method matches moments between those computed above and those with a linear function of 10 a chi-squared variable with an adjustable degree of freedom. The p-values for one, two and three dimension latent variable models are reported in the last column of Table 2. From Table 2, one dimension model is significant. Two dimension model can give a good fit but the fit is further improved by a third dimension. But, from the last section on parameter estimations, three dimensions corresponding to three sub-scales are clearly identified, and hence we may suspect significant results for the two dimension model, and non-significant results for the three dimension model. Although results from overall goodness-of-fit and parameter estimations do not match perfectly, we would like to have the following considerations: First, Y-statistics only deal with any fully specified models. Parameters are estimated but are treated as known. Hence, adding more parameters will always provide a better fit. Second, and perhaps more important here, the Y-statistics only deal with two-way margins. There are possibly un-detected misfits in higher way margins, particularly when we apply a two dimension model to three dimension data. It is noted that further analysis of this problem is needed though this is not the central theme of this paper. Scaling for binary items For binary items, in most practical situations scaling is done by summing numbers zero or one over all items. We call it raw scores, which is very convenient but without statistical justification. Alternatively, usual factor analysis in SPSS gives factor scores to each subject. In the latent variable model, we use components y’s defined above. Table 3 shows the correlations among these different types of scores. --------------Table 3 about here 11 --------------All correlations are very high and the three scoring system will give very similar scaling of mathematic attitude. From latent variable modeling, dependences among items can largely be accountable by the component scores, and hence the raw scores. the use of raw scores in practice. can work just like factor analysis. This, perhaps, justifies In this example with binary items, latent variable models In the next example with polytomous items, we shall show that category scores can be estimated simultaneously with latent structures. Examples with polytomous items In the second example, five categories remain ungrouped, but we only work with two of the three sub-scales, namely the “usefulness of Mathematics” and “success in mathematics”. We remove one sub-scale but allow five categories in order to see how the three dimension model works. Parameter α’s estimates are reported in Table 4. --------------Table 4 about here --------------- The way to look at parameter α’s is different here. For binary items, we only need to look at α’s of one category as the other is fixed. The effect of one item depends on the magnitude of one α. Here, we have five categories instead of two. Even though we fix one, we still have four remaining. In the first dimension of Table 4, the first four items have a general trend of increasing α’s when we move from the first to fifth category. Though there is a slight decrease in α’s when we go from the first to second category for item two, three and four, that does not affect the general trend. The general trend is in-line with category labels. Moreover, in the fifth category, the minimum of the first four is 2.54, and the maximum of 12 the last four is only 1.88. The values of the fifth category are relatively bigger for the first four items than the last four. of mathematics”. Bigger α’s implies a more positive attitude towards “usefulness Hence, we can name the first dimension as the first sub-scale. Similar phenomenon occurs in the second dimension. In the second dimension, the last four items have a gradual increase in α’s when we go from the first to fifth category. The only exception is item six when we move from the second to third category, and this is insignificant. For the fifth category, the maximum of the first four is only 0.96, and the minimum of the last four is 2.87. So, we can name the second dimension as the second sub-scale, i.e., attitude towards “success in mathematics”. In the third dimension, we have underlined α’s of the middle categories of all items because they are the biggest in many cases. Exceptions are in items one, five and seven, but the maximum occurs at the adjacent category and the differences are negligible. More importantly, the general trend is that categories at both ends of the continuum from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree” have lower values, and those near the middle have higher values. Hence, this dimension can be interpreted as the degree to take moderate views. Bigger α’s implies more moderate and smaller implies more aggressive. This cannot be identified by conventional methods since category scores are fixed as numerical numbers. Please note that this analysis only refers to category scores instead of individual scoring. However, from the sufficiency principle, we know that we can use the y’s in the third dimension to approximate an individual’s attitude to take moderate views. In sum, there is no assumption on the internal structures and category scores in the model or at the beginning of our analysis. However, at the end, the model can successfully identify 13 two sub-scales and estimate category scores simultaneously. This explains the exploratory nature of the model. For goodness-of-fit, the sparseness problem is now much more serious. items now but five categories. and the total sample size is 529. We have eight The number of cells is a huge number (58=390,625 cells), To economize the space, the conventional G2 statistics and the p-values of the Y-statistics are reported in Table 2. In Table 2 with polytomous items, when we move from one dimension to three dimensions, there is only a decrease in one-fifth in G2 when number of parameters is doubled. The corresponding figure for binary items is one third. This is an important feature for G2 and needs further study. phenomenon is similar to those in binary items. For Y-statistics, the One dimension is significant, two dimensions are not, and three dimensions give a nearly complete fit. In sum, the implication here is that adding more dimensions improves the fit but it is difficult to tell whether that is enough. The problems here are largely the same as with binary items. Traditional G2 has a sparseness problem and new Y-statistics may have a problem with estimated parameters. We cannot handle all these problems at once but will move on to them in further research. Even though we do not have very promising results for goodness-of-fit, there are interesting findings in scaling. Scaling for polytomous items The correlations among different types of scores for polytomous items are reported in Table 3. The situation here is largely the same as for binary items. All correlations are very high, and practically three scoring system will give very similar scaling of mathematic attitude. Relatively speaking, latent variable model component scores have lower correlations with the 14 other two. This is because both raw scores and factor scores are based on the same assumption that category scores are fixed as numerical numbers. In latent variable models, category scores are estimated and hence we get a third dimension on the degree to take moderate views. Correlations between the third component and the other two are very low, and not reported, as this has nothing to do with mathematics attitude. Instead of reporting the correlations, we would like to see the relationship between the mathematics attitude and the attitude to take moderate views. This is done by a simple plot of components. To have a further picture of how individuals are distributed in the latent space, we plot the third component against the first and second in Figure 1 and 2 respectively. In both figures, the y-axis represents the degree of taking moderate views, with bigger values representing more moderate views. In Figure 1 and 2, the x-axis represents the attitude towards the “usefulness of mathematics” and “success in mathematics” respectively; more positive values represent more positive attitudes. --------------Figure 1 about here ----------------------------Figure 2 about here --------------In Figure 1 and 2, most people are concentrated in the large values on the y-axis. This indicates that most people would like to take moderate views, that fewer people are aggressive, and this is quite typical for the Chinese. The distributions are quite skewed because they are not prior standard normal, but instead a posterior distribution of z’s which have taken account of data. In both figures, those people with very positive attitudes 15 towards mathematics will have more chance of taking aggressive views. But, those with a very negative attitude will remain the same with others and have more chance of taking moderate views. This pattern is the same in both figures. These figures give us an idea of how individuals are distributed in the latent space, and hence the relationship between mathematic attitudes and the degree to take moderate views. Discussion In this paper, we extend latent variable models to three latent dimensions, and apply it to examples with binary and polytomous items. Although the model presented here is similar to compensatory item response models and models handling internal structure in mixed effects item response models, the latter models seldom extend to three latent dimensions. More importantly, latent variable models have different orientations and motivations. Its aim is to explain dependencies among observable by a much lower latent dimension, in addition to data reduction and quantifying latent constructs. It is largely exploratory by its nature, and hence can simultaneously estimate category scores and latent structure. We can identify the dimension in taking moderate views because of the exploratory nature, and not because of the labeling of "no comment" in the third category since the algorithm is blind to this. This also explains why this model is different from other latent variable models for propensity to respond. To see whether alternative methods like factor analysis can do the same things, we have done a small-scale study using dummy variables in factor analysis. Since there are eight items with five categories each, forty dummy variables are created with one indicating a particular category of an item chosen, and zero otherwise. 16 Factor analysis is applied to these forty dummy variables, and fifteen factors with eigenvalues bigger than one is identified. is no clear pattern of factor loading after varimax rotation. study and further work is necessary. There But this is only a small-scale In particular, it helps if we can simulate data from models hypothesized, and then fit it respectively with latent variable models and factor analysis with dummy variables. Another important area is the confirmatory nature of the models. In our examples with binary items we know what the sub-scales are though we pretend that we do not. By setting corresponding α’s to zero, we can investigate whether restricted models are very different. In most applications, researchers know what the latent constructs are. It would be straightforward to estimate parameters for confirmatory models given exploratory estimates. With so many possibilities ahead, there are problems on computation which limit its applicability at present. Most applications have many items and a few categories. There are two types of limitations: (a) number of items and categories in turn determine total number of possible cells; and (b) number of latent dimensions. Limitations on the number of items and categories for parameter estimations are not a problem because we do not need to go through all possible cells. We need only to pass through all observable cells, or the sample. In most applications, sample sizes are seldom bigger than a few thousand, but all possible cells can be as large as millions. However, it takes the author only one to two days to compute the "Y-statistics" in an IBM ThinkPad notebook computer, and desktop computers would be even faster. So, the limitation on all possible cells is a problem but not very serious. More serious problems are number of latent dimensions. Whenever multiple integrals are involved in marginal maximum likelihood for 17 multi-dimensional latent variable models or item response models, say, it might be practically impossible because computation may take days, weeks, or even months. Recently, Schilling and Bock (2005) pointed out that usual fixed point Gauss-Hermite quadrature for marginal maximum likelihood has problem not only on heavy computation demand, but also on accuracy in evaluating likelihood because likelihood is so sparse. However, they pointed out that substantial improvement can be obtained both in accuracy and speed if adaptive quadrature points are used. This method is adaptive because points are not fixed but depend on each distinct pattern in the data. 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A Research on Mathematical Attitude and Related Factors for Junior Secondary Students in Macao. M.Ed. Thesis. Schilling, Stephen & Bock, R. Darrell (2005) University of Macau. High-dimensional maximum marginal likelihood item factor analysis by adaptive quadrature. Psychometrika. Vol 70 (3) p533-556. Sobel, Michael (1998) Some Log-Linear and Log-Nonlinear Models for Ordinal Scales With Midpoints, With an Application to Public Opinion Data. Methodology. Vol 28, 263-292. 20 Sociological Appendix: Questions used in mathematics attitude scale. 1. I will need mathematics for my future work. 2. I study mathematics because I know how useful it is. 3. Mathematics is of no relevance to my life. 4. I will need a firm mastery of mathematics for my future work. 5. It would make me happy to be recognized as an excellent student in mathematics. 6. I would be proud to be the outstanding student in mathematics. 7. I am happy to get top grades in mathematics. 8. Being first in a mathematics competition would make me pleased. 9. I am no good at mathematics. 10. I am sure I could do advanced work in mathematics. 11. I don't think I could do advanced mathematics. 12. For some reason even though I study, mathematics seems unusually hard for me. 21 Table 1: Parameter α’s estimated from latent variable model and factor loading from factor analysis for example with binary items Latent variable model (α’s) Factor Analysis (factor loading) Items Dimension Dimension 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 0.51 -0.14 2.10 0.16 0.05 0.79 2 0.94 0.04 3.04 0.17 0.14 0.80 3 0.08 0.01 1.68 -0.02 0.13 0.71 4 0.67 -0.03 1.75 0.16 0.12 0.73 5 2.11 -0.20 0.30 0.72 0.01 0.16 6 3.24 -0.40 1.01 0.80 0.10 0.17 7 2.38 -0.47 0.69 0.80 0.04 0.13 8 1.87 -0.29 0.13 0.74 0.08 0.00 9 0.02 2.02 0.48 0.03 0.78 0.10 10 0.79 3.78 1.04 0.12 0.76 0.18 11 0.26 3.72 0.99 0.09 0.79 0.14 12 -0.16 1.72 0.22 -0.01 0.75 0.03 22 Table 2: Log-likelihood ratio, G2, and p-values of the Y-statistics for examples with binary and polytomous items Y-statistics G2 No of parameters Examples Dimensions p-values Value difference number difference 0.001 Binary One 1993 24 0.611 Items Two 1448 545 35 11 1.000 Three 1249 199 47 12 Polytomous One 3949 64 0.000 Items Two 3418 531 95 31 0.345 Three 3146 272 127 32 1.000 (Note: p-value of 1.000 is obtained by rounding, and does not mean perfect fit.) 23 Table 3: Correlations among raw scores, factor scores from factor analysis (FA) and component scores from latent variable model (LVM) for examples with binary and polytomous items Examples Binary Items Sub-scales Raw Vs FA Raw Vs LVM FA Vs LVM First 0.983 0.879 0.813 Second 0.985 0.952 0.908 Third 0.995 0.963 0.964 Polytomous First 0.987 0.939 0.901 Items Second 0.987 0.928 0.900 (Note: The third sub-scale is not included in example with polytomous items.) 24 Table 4: Parameter α’s estimated under three dimension latent variable model for example with polytomous items Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 categories 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 0.00 0.63 2.61 4.09 5.76 0.00 -0.16 2.12 4.44 6.57 0.00 -0.26 0.09 1.29 2.54 0.00 -0.39 0.66 1.88 3.31 0.00 0.65 1.15 1.30 1.49 0.00 0.39 1.16 2.02 1.88 0.00 0.10 0.96 1.58 1.32 0.00 0.36 1.05 1.11 0.79 Dimension 2 0.00 0.48 0.02 0.38 0.65 0.00 0.77 0.43 1.05 0.96 0.00 0.07 -0.20 -0.07 0.03 0.00 0.73 0.17 0.70 0.88 0.00 1.87 1.99 3.86 4.18 0.00 1.05 0.90 3.96 4.82 0.00 0.44 0.59 2.87 3.58 0.00 0.72 0.80 2.37 3.07 25 3 0.00 2.37 2.32 1.63 0.14 0.00 1.61 2.09 1.23 -0.95 0.00 1.63 1.79 1.55 0.38 0.00 1.50 1.57 1.11 -0.54 0.00 2.47 3.21 3.33 1.27 0.00 2.11 3.44 2.23 -0.73 0.00 1.37 3.03 3.11 0.08 0.00 2.60 3.88 3.31 1.00 Plot of first and third component 25.00 Third component 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 .00 .00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 First component Figure 1: Plot of first and third component. 26 25.00 30.00 Plot of second and third component 25.00 Third component 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 .00 .00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 Second component Figure 2. Plot of second and third component. End of paper 27 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00