Manufacturing Systems - West Virginia Schools & Education Online

Manufacturing Systems
WVEIS 2442
This course will introduce students to the basic elements of the manufacturing industry. This course provides opportunities for
students to study and apply technological systems, concepts, and processes in the development and operation of a student
manufacturing enterprise. Group and individual activities engage students in creating ideas, developing innovations, and
implementing design solutions as they relate to manufacturing systems. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and
manipulative skills while completing laboratory activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Safety instruction is
integrated into all activities. Students are encouraged to become active members of the Technology Student Association (TSA),
which is an integral component of the program and provides curricular opportunities that enhance student achievement. The West
Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century
Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning
skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.
Grade 9-12
Standard: 1
Manufacturing Systems
The Nature of Technology
Students will:
 recognize the characteristics and scope of technology.
 examine the core concepts of technology.
 determine the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields
of study.
Students will
ET.O.MN.1.1 characterize the inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback of manufacturing technology.
ET.O.MN.1.2 research the stages of manufacturing, from securing raw materials to distributing the finished product.
ET.O.MN.1.3 determine how various manufacturing technologies interrelate with the other technology systems.
ET.O.MN.1.4 solve mathematical computations as they relate to manufacturing activities.
ET.O.MN.1.5 interpret various charts, graphs, and drawings used to display numerical data.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.MN.1)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in the nature of
standard in the nature of technology. The standard in the nature of technology. The technology. The student can describe the
student can access the inputs, processes, student can characterize the inputs,
inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback
outputs, and feedback of manufacturing
processes, outputs, and feedback of
of manufacturing technology; identify the
technology; research the stages of
manufacturing technology; examine the
stages of manufacturing, from securing
manufacturing, from securing raw
stages of manufacturing, from securing
raw materials to distributing the finished
materials to distributing the finished
raw materials to distributing the finished
product; determine how various
product; determine how various
product; determine how various
manufacturing technologies interrelate
manufacturing technologies interrelate
manufacturing technologies interrelate
with the other technology systems; solve
with the other technology systems; solve
with the other technology systems; solve
mathematical computations as they relate
mathematical computations as they relate mathematical computations as they relate to manufacturing activities with notable
to manufacturing activities with little or no to manufacturing activities with few errors; errors; and label various charts, graphs,
errors; and analyze various charts,
and interpret various charts, graphs, and
and drawings used to display numerical
graphs, and drawings used to display
drawings used to display numerical data.
data. Performance needs further
numerical data. The student can
Application of knowledge and skills is
development and supervision.
independently solve problems and is self- thorough and effective, and the student
can work independently.
Standard: 2
Technology and Society
Students will:
 discover the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology.
 recognize the effects of technology on the environment.
 determine the role of society in the development and use of technology.
 examine the influences of technology on history.
Students will
ET.O.MN.2.1 research the cultural and societal effects resulting from the exponential growth of manufacturing technology.
ET.O.MN.2.2 determine how our economy is affected by developments in manufacturing systems.
ET.O.MN.2.3 predict the impacts of introducing a new manufacturing technology in terms of costs, tradeoffs, risks, benefits, and
the environment.
ET.O.MN.2.4 assess major developments in manufacturing technology throughout history, and how those developments have
shaped human history.
ET.O.MN.2.5 determine a variety of future developments in manufacturing and their possible effects on society, the economy,
and the environment.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.MN.2)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in technology and
standard in technology and society. The
standard in technology and society. The
society. The student can identify the
student can research the cultural and
student can examine the cultural and
cultural and societal effects resulting from
societal effects resulting from the
societal effects resulting from the
the exponential growth of manufacturing
exponential growth of manufacturing
exponential growth of manufacturing
technology; describe how our economy is
technology; evaluate how our economy is technology; determine how our economy
affected by developments in
affected by developments in
is affected by developments in
manufacturing systems; list the impacts of
manufacturing systems; predict the
manufacturing systems; characterize the
introducing a new manufacturing
impacts of introducing a new
manufacturing technology in terms of
costs, tradeoffs, risks, benefits, and the
environment; assess major developments
in manufacturing technology throughout
history, and how those developments
have shaped human history; and evaluate
a variety of future developments in
manufacturing and their possible effects
on society, the economy, and the
environment. The student can
independently solve problems and is selfdirected.
impacts of introducing a new
technology in terms of costs, tradeoffs,
manufacturing technology in terms of
risks, benefits, and the environment; recall
costs, tradeoffs, risks, benefits, and the
major developments in manufacturing
environment; examine major
technology throughout history, and how
developments in manufacturing
those developments have shaped human
technology throughout history, and how
history; and describe a variety of future
those developments have shaped human developments in manufacturing and their
history; and determine a variety of future
possible effects on society, the economy,
developments in manufacturing and their
and the environment. Performance needs
possible effects on society, the economy, further development and supervision.
and the environment. Application of
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective, and the student can work
Standard: 3
Design and Problem Solving
Students will:
 characterize the attributes of design.
 apply the design process.
 use and maintain technological products and systems.
Students will
ET.O.MN.3.1 generate ideas and design solutions to problems through sketches, drawings, and notes.
ET.O.MN.3.2 perform a market survey to determine the potential sales of a self-designed product.
ET.O.MN.3.3 select and safely use materials, tools, and processes to produce physical models or prototypes of solutions to
manufacturing problems.
ET.O.MN.3.4 select and perform appropriate tests to gather data on the efficiency of solutions to problems.
ET.O.MN.3.5 interpret testing information in order to evaluate the success of solutions.
ET.O.MN.3.6 examine reasons why human-designed manufacturing systems and products need to be monitored, maintained,
and improved to ensure safety, quality, cost efficiency, and sustainability.
ET.O.MN.3.7 demonstrate critical thinking skills when designing and analyzing manufacturing technology solutions.
ET.O.MN.3.8 create a design portfolio to use the remainder of the semester to document design work.
ET.O.MN.3.9 assess a variety of techniques to access information that may be used to solve design problems in manufacturing.
ET.O.MN.3.10 communicate design solutions through written, graphic, and verbal techniques, using appropriate technology tools
to present the information.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.MN.3)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in design and
standard in design and problem solving.
standard in design and problem solving.
problem solving. The student can state
The student can generate ideas and
The student can examine ideas and
ideas and design solutions to problems
design solutions to problems through
design solutions to problems through
through sketches, drawings, and notes;
sketches, drawings, and notes; perform a sketches, drawings, and notes; examine a read a market survey to determine the
market survey to determine the potential
market survey to determine the potential
potential sales of a self-designed product;
sales of a self-designed product; select
sales of a self-designed product; select
select and safely use materials, tools, and
and safely use materials, tools, and
and safely use materials, tools, and
processes to produce physical models or
processes to produce physical models or
processes to produce physical models or
prototypes of solutions to manufacturing
prototypes of solutions to manufacturing
prototypes of solutions to manufacturing
problems; select and perform appropriate
problems; select and perform appropriate problems; select and perform appropriate tests to gather data on the efficiency of
tests to gather data on the efficiency of
tests to gather data on the efficiency of
solutions to problems with notable errors;
solutions to problems with no errors;
solutions to problems with few errors;
label testing information in order to
analyze testing information in order to
interpret testing information in order to
describe the success of solutions; list
evaluate the success of solutions; assess determine the success of solutions;
reasons why human-designed
reasons why human-designed
examine reasons why human-designed
manufacturing systems and products
manufacturing systems and products
manufacturing systems and products
need to be monitored, maintained, and
need to be monitored, maintained, and
need to be monitored, maintained, and
improved to ensure safety, quality, cost
improved to ensure safety, quality, cost
improved to ensure safety, quality, cost
efficiency, and sustainability; demonstrate
efficiency, and sustainability; demonstrate efficiency, and sustainability; demonstrate a low level of critical thinking skills when
a high level of critical thinking skills when
critical thinking skills when designing and
designing and analyzing manufacturing
designing and analyzing manufacturing
analyzing manufacturing technology
technology solutions; recall a variety of
technology solutions; assess a variety of
solutions; determine a variety of
techniques to access information that may
techniques to access information that may techniques to access information that may be used to solve design problems in
be used to solve design problems in
be used to solve design problems in
manufacturing; and communicate design
manufacturing; and communicate design
manufacturing; and communicate design
solutions through written, graphic, and
solutions through written, graphic, and
solutions through written, graphic, and
verbal techniques, using appropriate
verbal techniques, using appropriate
verbal techniques, using appropriate
technology tools to present the
technology tools to present the
technology tools to present the
information below determined rubric
information exceeding the determined
information as stated by determined rubric specifications. Performance needs further
rubric specification. The student can
specifications. Application of knowledge
development and supervision.
independently solve problems and is self- and skills is thorough and effective, and
the student can work independently.
Standard: 4
The Designed World
Students will select and use manufacturing technologies.
Students will
develop appropriate health and safety practices associated with the manufacturing laboratory.
demonstrate the proper use of tools, machines, and equipment in the manufacturing laboratory.
determine standard forms of management which are used in the manufacturing industry.
develop a management team to run a simulated company to improve quality, productivity, and economic
competitiveness in manufacturing.
demonstrate processes used to manage finances in a manufacturing industry.
compare and contrast the three major types of industrial relations.
outline the characteristic properties of common materials.
utilize modern production technology in the processes of separating, forming, combining, fabrication, and finishing
of materials into one piece products or components of multiple piece products.
examine the five major activities that occur in the manufacturing area.
ET.O.MN.4.10 compare and contrast the similarities and differences of custom, intermittent, and continuous flow techniques.
ET.O.MN.4.11 develop an operation flow chart and a flow process chart for a product.
ET.O.MN.4.12 construct jigs/fixtures required for a manufacturing run.
ET.O.MN.4.13 examine intermittent production techniques to prepare standard stock for a continuous flow production, using
appropriate jigs and fixtures.
ET.O.MN.4.14 demonstrate continuous flow production techniques to produce a finished product using appropriate jigs and
ET.O.MN.4.15 compare and contrast the prevention and the detection systems of quality control.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.MN.4)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in the designed
standard in the designed world. The
standard in the designed world. The
world. The student can identify
student can develop appropriate health
student can examine appropriate health
appropriate health and safety practices
and safety practices associated with the
and safety practices associated with the
associated with the manufacturing
manufacturing laboratory; evaluate the
manufacturing laboratory; demonstrate
laboratory; state the proper use of tools,
proper use of tools, machines, and
the proper use of tools, machines, and
machines, and equipment in the
equipment in the manufacturing
equipment in the manufacturing
manufacturing laboratory; list standard
laboratory; assess standard forms of
laboratory; determine standard forms of
forms of management which are used in
management which are used in the
management which are used in the
the manufacturing industry; describe a
manufacturing industry; evaluate a
manufacturing industry; develop a
management team to run a simulated
management team to run a simulated
management team to run a simulated
company to improve quality, productivity,
company to improve quality, productivity,
company to improve quality, productivity,
and economic competitiveness in
and economic competitiveness in
and economic competitiveness in
manufacturing; list processes used to
manufacturing; critique processes used to manufacturing; demonstrate processes
manage finances in a manufacturing
manage finances in a manufacturing
used to manage finances in a
industry; identify the three major types of
industry; compare and contrast the three
manufacturing industry; determine the
industrial relations; list the characteristic
major types of industrial relations;
three major types of industrial relations;
properties of common materials; identify
evaluate the characteristic properties of
outline the characteristic properties of
modern production technology in the
common materials; critique modern
common materials; utilize modern
processes of separating, forming,
production technology in the processes of production technology in the processes of combining, fabrication, and finishing of
separating, forming, combining,
separating, forming, combining,
materials into one piece products or
fabrication, and finishing of materials into
fabrication, and finishing of materials into
components of multiple piece products;
one piece products or components of
one piece products or components of
label the five major activities that occur in
multiple piece products; assess the five
multiple piece products; examine the five
the manufacturing area; define the
major activities that occur in the
major activities that occur in the
similarities and differences of custom,
manufacturing area; compare and
manufacturing area; determine the
intermittent, and continuous flow
contrast the similarities and differences of similarities and differences of custom,
techniques; identify an operation flow
custom, intermittent, and continuous flow
intermittent, and continuous flow
chart and a flow process chart for a
techniques; develop an operation flow
techniques; examine an operation flow
product; describe jigs/fixtures required for
chart and a flow process chart for a
chart and a flow process chart for a
a manufacturing run; list intermittent
product; construct jigs/fixtures required for product; examine jigs/fixtures required for production techniques to prepare
a manufacturing run; evaluate intermittent a manufacturing run; examine intermittent standard stock for a continuous flow
production techniques to prepare
production techniques to prepare
production, using appropriate jigs and
standard stock for a continuous flow
standard stock for a continuous flow
fixtures; identify continuous flow
production, using appropriate jigs and
production, using appropriate jigs and
production techniques to produce a
fixtures; assess continuous flow
fixtures; demonstrate continuous flow
finished product using appropriate jigs
production techniques to produce a
production techniques to produce a
and fixtures; and list the prevention and
finished product using appropriate jigs
finished product using appropriate jigs
the detection systems of quality control.
and fixtures; and compare and contrast
and fixtures; and determine the prevention Performance needs further development
the prevention and the detection systems and the detection systems of quality
and supervision.
of quality control. The student can
control. Application of knowledge and
independently solve problems and is self- skills is thorough and effective, and the
student can work independently.
Standard: 5
Career Opportunities
Students will:
 discover career opportunities in the manufacturing field.
 demonstrate skills necessary for successful employment.
Students will
ET.O.MN.5.1 compare and contrast current and emerging careers in the manufacturing field.
ET.O.MN.5.2 evaluate a variety of manufacturing careers as they relate to personal interests and aptitudes.
ET.O.MN.5.3 demonstrate strategies and work habits that will lead to success in future careers in a technological world.
ET.O.MN.5.4 utilize vocabulary and reading comprehension skills used in manufacturing occupations.
ET.O.MN.5.5 demonstrate independence and cooperation during classroom activities.
ET.O.MN.5.6 develop civic pride and responsibility by participating in service activities to benefit others.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.MN.5)
Above Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
and exemplary performance with
distinctive and sophisticated application of
knowledge and skills that exceed the
standard in career opportunities. The
student can compare and contrast current
and emerging careers in the field of
manufacturing; evaluate a variety of
manufacturing careers as they relate to
personal interests and aptitudes; select
work strategies that will lead to a
successful career in the field of
manufacturing; utilize vocabulary and
reading comprehension skills used in
manufacturing occupations with no errors;
justify independence and cooperation
during activities; and assess civic pride
and responsibility by participating in
service activities to benefit others. The
student can independently solve problems
and is self-directed.
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in career
standard in career opportunities. The
opportunities. The student can identify
student can examine current and
current and emerging careers in the field
emerging careers in the field of
of manufacturing; list a variety of
manufacturing; determine a variety of
manufacturing careers as they relate to
manufacturing careers as they relate to
personal interests and aptitudes; describe
personal interests and aptitudes;
work strategies that will lead to a
demonstrate work strategies that will lead successful career in the field of
to a successful career in the field of
manufacturing; utilize vocabulary and
manufacturing; utilize vocabulary and
reading comprehension skills used in
reading comprehension skills used in
manufacturing occupations with notable
manufacturing occupations with few
errors; cannot display independence and
errors; demonstrate independence and
cooperation during activities; and identify
cooperation during activities; and develop civic pride and responsibility by
civic pride and responsibility by
participating in service activities to benefit
participating in service activities to benefit others.. The student rarely participates in
others. Application of knowledge and
service activities to benefit others.
skills is thorough and effective, and the
Performance needs further development
student can work independently.
and supervision.
Standard: 6
Participating in the Student Organization
Students will participate in a local student organization.
Students will
assess the purpose and goals of student organizations.
demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities such as meetings,
programs, projects, and competitions.
evaluate the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student, professional, and civic organizations as an
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.MN.6)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
proficient performance and shows a
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by
knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
errors and/or omissions in participating in
standard in participating in the student
organization. The student can assess the
purpose and goals of a student
organization; demonstrate leadership
skills through participation in student
organizations activities such as meetings,
programs, projects, and competitions; and
evaluate the benefits and responsibilities
of participation in student, professional,
and civic organizations as an adult. The
student can independently solve problems
and is self-directed.
standard in participating in the student
the student organization. The student can
organization. The student can examine
identify the purpose and goals of a
the purpose and goals of a student
student organization; demonstrate
organization; demonstrate leadership
leadership skills through reading about
skills through reporting about student
student organizations activities such as
organizations activities such as meetings, meetings, programs, projects, and
programs, projects, and competitions; and competitions; and define the benefits and
examine the benefits and responsibilities
responsibilities of participation in student,
of participation in student, professional,
professional, and civic organizations as
and civic organizations as an adult.
an adult. Performance needs further
Application of knowledge and skills is
development and supervision.
thorough and effective, and the student
can work independently.
Standard: 7
Literacy and Numeracy
Students will demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex, real-world problems
associated with their career/technical content area and improve their thinking and reasoning skills.
Students will
utilize a variety of technical sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals, directions, reports, etc.) to complete
career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical assignments and projects.
demonstrate accuracy in calculating and measuring graphical work required to complete career/technical
assignments and projects.
analyze tables, charts, graphs and multiple data sources to complete career/technical assignments and
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.MN.7)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by errors
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
and/or omissions in literacy and numeracy.
standard in literacy and numeracy. The
standard in literacy and numeracy. The The student selects a variety of technical
student chooses a variety of technical
student utilizes a variety of technical
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
sources (e.g., Internet, manuals,
directions, reports, etc.) to complete
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
journals, directions, reports, etc.) to
career/technical assignments and projects;
complete career/technical assignments
complete career/technical assignments reproduces writing skills required to complete
and projects; performs writing skills
and projects; demonstrates writing skills career/technical assignments and projects;
required to complete career/technical
required to complete career/technical
illustrates accuracy in calculating and
assignments and projects;
assignments and projects;
measuring graphical work required to
communicates accuracy in calculating
and measuring graphical work required
to complete career/technical
assignments and projects; and
evaluates tables, charts, graphs and
multiple data sources to complete
career/technical assignments and
projects. The student can independently
solve problems and is self-directed.
demonstrates accuracy in calculating
complete career/technical assignments and
and measuring graphical work required projects; and explains tables, charts, graphs
to complete career/technical
and multiple data sources to complete
assignments and projects; and
career/technical assignments and projects.
analyzes tables, charts, graphs and
Performance needs further development and
multiple data sources to complete
career/technical assignments and
projects. Application of knowledge and
skills is thorough and effective and the
student can work independently.
Standard: 8
21 Century Learning Skills
The student will
 access and manipulate information for use in oral, written, or multimedia format using appropriate
technology skills.
 apply sound reasoning processes to solve complex real-world problems and develop new ideas.
 exhibit leadership and ethical behavior in planning and executing tasks, as an individual or a group
Students will
search online using a range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for
problem solving.
create information for oral, written, and multimedia communications, adhering to copyright laws.
engage in problem solving and critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in order
to independently solve problems.
adapt to new situations by considering multiple perspectives and a commitment to continued learning.
exhibit ethical behavior and positive leadership while working collaboratively in the school and/or community.
model legal and ethical behaviors in the use of technology.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.MN.8)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by errors
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
and/or omissions in 21st century learning
standard in 21st century learning skills.
standard in 21st century learning skills.
skills. The student explains online technology
The student assesses online technology The student searches online using a
tools and media to access relevant
tools and media to access relevant
range of technology tools and media to information needed for problem solving;
information needed for problem solving; access relevant information needed for identifies information for oral, written, and
critiques information for oral, written,
problem solving; creates information for multimedia communications, adhering to
and multimedia communications,
oral, written, and multimedia
copyright laws; discusses problem solving and
adhering to copyright laws; integrates
problem solving and critical thinking
processes to create and evaluate
complex strategies in order to
independently solve problems; interprets
new situations by considering multiple
perspectives and a commitment to
continued learning; incorporates ethical
behavior and positive leadership while
working collaboratively in the school
and/or community; and reinforces legal
and ethical behaviors in the use of
technology. The student can
independently solve problems and is
communications, adhering to copyright critical thinking processes to create and
laws; engages in problem solving and
evaluate complex strategies in order to
critical thinking processes to create and independently solve problems; discusses new
evaluate complex strategies in order to situations by considering multiple
independently solve problems; adapts
perspectives and a commitment to continued
to new situations by considering
learning; reviews ethical behavior and positive
multiple perspectives and a
leadership while working collaboratively in the
commitment to continued learning;
school and/or community; and describes legal
exhibits ethical behavior and positive
and ethical behaviors in the use of
leadership while working collaboratively technology. Performance needs further
in the school and/or community; and
development and supervision.
models legal and ethical behaviors in
the use of technology. Application of
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work
Standard: 9
Entrepreneurship Skills
Students will access the opportunities, concepts, processes, and personal traits/behaviors associated with
successful entrepreneurial performance.
Students will
assess global trends in entrepreneurship that are related to their career/technical program.
determine entrepreneurial opportunities in venture creation related to their career/technical program.
examine desirable entrepreneurial personality traits.
Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.MN.9)
Above Mastery
Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional
The student demonstrates competent
The student demonstrates basic but
and exemplary performance with
and proficient performance and shows
inconsistent performance of fundamental
distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of
knowledge and skills characterized by errors
of knowledge and skills that exceed the
knowledge and skills that meet the
and/or omissions in entrepreneurship skills.
standard in entrepreneurship skills. The standard in entrepreneurship skills. The The student lists global trends in
student critiques global trends in
student assesses global trends in
entrepreneurship that are related to their
entrepreneurship that are related to their entrepreneurship that are related to
career/technical program; describes
career/technical program; evaluates
their career/technical program;
entrepreneurial opportunities in venture
entrepreneurial opportunities in venture
determines entrepreneurial
creation related to their career/technical
creation related to their career/technical opportunities in venture creation related program; and identifies desirable
program; and assesses desirable
to their career/technical program; and
entrepreneurial personality traits.
entrepreneurial personality traits. The
examines desirable entrepreneurial
Performance needs further development and
student can independently solve
personality traits. Application of
problems and is self-directed.
knowledge and skills is thorough and
effective and the student can work