ENC 1102

Dr. Jamir
(First draft due Thurs., Nov. 19)
Write a thesis-driven essay of at least 1200 words that compares aspects of Macbeth and
Throne of Blood. You should use examples to support your thesis statement throughout the
Writing prompts/topics
1. Compare characters in Macbeth and Throne of Blood.
 Consider focusing on Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Washizu and Asaji. These two
couples are the main characters and are the source of both the power struggle and the
focus on gender.
 Consider focusing on Macbeth, Washizu, Banquo, and Miki. Many scholars say
that Banquo is Macbeth’s foil, and this relationship could be explored in both the play
and the movie.
 Consider focusing on the three witches and the forest spirit. While minor
characters, these conduits for the supernatural world drastically alter the course of the
narratives through their prophecies.
2. Compare plot points/events in Macbeth and Throne of Blood.
 Consider focusing on Asaji’s pregnancy as a major plot point that occurs in the
movie but not in the play.
 Consider focusing on the ending, looking most closely at the deaths of Macbeth
and Washizu—but also at the way the battle does or doesn’t play out in these two
3. Compare the setting in Macbeth and Throne of Blood.
 Consider focusing on the cultural context (Scotland vs. Japan) for each narrative.
The culture in each narrative dictates values, beliefs, and behavior.
 Consider focusing on the way that nature and music create an eerie and/or
suspenseful atmosphere in each narrative.
 Consider focusing on the specific settings in each narrative. For example, in the
play, the setting changes from one castle to another; the final settings from Dunsinane
to Birnam Wood. In the movie, Spider Web Castle plays a large role.
You should use MLA style for formatting and citation. Make sure to use proper citation for your
sources. Two sources for this essay will be Macbeth and Throne of Blood. You may (but are not
required to) use other sources, such as movie reviews. All sources should be cited properly.
You are using sources if you use the words or ideas of another person, web site, or
company/organization. Sources are any place (in any medium, ranging from text to web) from
which you borrow words or ideas. Sources even include reference materials, such as dictionaries.
Writing Requirements
You should have the basics of essay-writing mastered. You are also expected to use proper
language/grammar. Flaws in these areas will affect your grade in a negative way.
The first draft will be due Thurs., Nov. 19 as a printed copy and through Turnitin.com.
The final essay will be due Dec. 10 in class, and you will need to submit it as a printed copy
AND as an electronic upload through Turnitin.com. You should also re-submit your
preliminary writing materials with the final.
*Please review the course policy sheet for penalties due to lateness.