RESCUE SYSTEMS 1 UNIT 2: ROPE RESCUE AND RELATED EQUIPMENT TOPIC: INTRODUCTION TO THE RESCUE LITTER TIME FRAME: 0:30 LEVEL OF INSTRUCTION: Level I BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVE: Condition: A written quiz Behavior: The student will confirm a knowledge of two different types of rescue litters and their maintenance Standard: With a minimum 80% accuracy according to the information contained in the Rescue Systems 1 Student Manual, SFT, 2000, Chapter 13 MATERIALS NEEDED: Writing board with markers/erasers Appropriate audiovisual equipment Appropriate audiovisual materials Plastic rescue litter Steel frame rescue litter REFERENCES: Rescue Systems 1 Student Manual, SFT, 2000 PREPARATION: Once victim contact is made on an emergency scene, it becomes the rescuers’ responsibility to maintain the victim’s stability. The most common method of maintaining victim stabilization during extrication is with a rescue litter. It is imperative that the rescuer understands the limitations and the applications for each type of rescue litter and the different methods they can be rigged. Improper use of rescue litters may further injure the victims or cause injury to the rescuers. 116105247 December 2000 Unit 2 - Topic 31 Page 1 RESCUE SYSTEMS 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE RESCUE LITTER PRESENTATION I. USE A. Provides protection for a victim 1. II. APPLICATION Stabilizes their injuries B. Allows rescuers to raise and/or lower a victim C. Allows rescuers to transport a victim over uneven terrain CONSTRUCTION A. B. C. Steel frame rescue litter 1. Main frame 2. Ribs 3. Skids 4. Inserts a) Chicken wire b) Nylon mesh Plastic rescue litter 1. Main frame 2. Plastic shell Attachment points 1. Horizontal attachment a) Steel frame litter 1) 116105247 December 2000 Carabiners around main frame between small rib struts Prevents carabiners from moving up or down on the main frame Gates down and in Unit 2 - Topic 31 Page 2 RESCUE SYSTEMS 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE RESCUE LITTER PRESENTATION b) Plastic litter 1) 2. III. Wrap with 5' multi loop sling around mainframe at hand holds, attach carabiner to sling Prevents carabiners from moving up and down on the main frame Gates down and in Vertical attachment a) Head of the rescue litter b) Avoid wrapping rope or webbing around the weld at the head of the rescue litter 1) 3. APPLICATION May abrade rope or webbing Guy line(s) a) Rope or webbing attached to the main frame of the rescue litter to allow rescuers to guide the litter over obstructions during raising and lowering operations b) Attached to the head and/or foot of the rescue litter MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION A. B. Inspect for 1. Bends, cracks, or breaks in the main frame 2. Broken welds 3. Broken or cracked plastic shell 4. Damage to inserts Cleaning 1. Soap and water 2. Decontaminate as necessary per department protocol 116105247 December 2000 Unit 2 - Topic 31 Page 3 RESCUE SYSTEMS 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE RESCUE LITTER PRESENTATION C. APPLICATION Things to avoid 1. Direct sunlight 2. Painting a) 3. 116105247 December 2000 Impedes inspection Dragging over surfaces Unit 2 - Topic 31 Page 4 RESCUE SYSTEMS 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE RESCUE LITTER SUMMARY: To move injured persons in a rescue system, the use of rescue litters will prove invaluable. Having a complete understanding of the terminology and types of rescue litters will improve your ability to rescue a victim. EVALUATION: The student will complete a written quiz at a time determined by the instructor. ASSIGNMENT: Review your notes and read Chapter 13 in your Rescue Systems 1 Student Manual, SFT, 2000 in order to prepare for the upcoming quiz. Study for the next session. 116105247 December 2000 Unit 2 - Topic 31 Page 5