PUBLIC HEALTH FOLLOW-UP OF HEPATITIS B IN THE WINNIPEG HEALTH REGION This document provides the operational process for the public health follow-up of Hepatitis B. It is intended as a companion document to the Manitoba Health Communicable Disease Protocol for Hepatitis B Type of Referral Chronic Hepatitis B CD Admin person Receives new Hep B lab report Enters the referral into iPHIS and refers to CD Coordinator for further assessment CD Coordinator Sends the referral via email and iPHIS to the CA Public Health admin person Obtains additional Hepatitis serology results from e-chart. Document the results in iPHIS notes. Preliminary assessment indicates chronic infection Public Health Admin person Receives the referral via email and iPHIS. Assigns it to a CA PHN via iPHIS Public Health Nurse Within 1 day contact the testing physician to review the result: Advise physician PHN will be contacting client to provide education and do PH follow-up. Confirm client demographic information Collect further details about the client. Refer to Appendix # 2 Advise physician: o that referral to liver specialist is recommended o Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended if Hep A susceptible o (as per Manitoba Health protocol Sec.8.12) PHN to contact client within 5 working days of receiving results Meet with client in person Follow Manitoba Health Protocol for Hepatitis B (Sec 8.12) Provide education to the client ( Sec 8.14) Interview case for contacts ( Sec 8.2) Contact follow-up (Sec 8.2) Coordinate contact testing through primary healthcare provider. Appendix 5- Letter to HCP can be used. PHN is not routinely required to f/u completion of HBV series of contacts once series is initiated. Exception: high risk newborns. Contact CD Coordinator for serology results on contacts once PHN has confirmed that contacts have been tested. Echart could also be checked. Provide HBV series to contacts- if susceptible. Appendix 3 Letter to contacts re: HBV series. PHN can provide Hep A immunization to case- if susceptible. File to be closed ( Refer to Closure section below) Final May 2013 Type of referral Acute Hepatitis B CD Admin Receives new Hep B referral Enters the referral into iPHIS and refers to CD Coordinator for further assessment Sends the referral via email and iPHIS to the CA Public Health admin person CD Coordinator Obtains additional Hepatitis results from e-chart. Markers indicate ACUTE hep B infection Contact the CA PHN to advise of ACUTE hep B referral for immediate f/u Public Health Admin Receives the referral and assigns it to a CA PHN via iPHIS Public Health Nurse Prenatal New Chronic Hepatitis Bor household member is known HBV positive In addition to chronic hepatitis B followup: Will create a "pop-up" in iPHIS requesting EDC of client Newborn prophylaxis letter to physician and PHN. Contact the testing physician IMMEDIATELY to review the result: Advise physician PHN will be contacting client to provide education and do PH follow-up. o Confirm client demographic information. Refer to Appendix 2 o Determine when physician will be contacting client to advise of results. o Advise that PHN will be contacting client IMMEDIATELY PHN to contact client IMMEDIATELY Meet with client in person Follow Manitoba Health Protocol for Hepatitis B b.pdf (Sec 8.12) Provide education to the client ( Sec 8.14) Interview case for contacts ( Sec 8.2) Contact follow-up (Sec 8.2) Coordinate contact testing IMMEDIATELY through primary healthcare provider. o Assess need for HBIG/HBV ASAP. Obtains EDC and confirm physician, contacts CD Clerk (204-940-2081)to advise of EDC Proceed with Hepatitis B investigation as above for chronic hepatitis B. Investigation can be closed and await birth of infant for further follow-up Type of referral Prenatal Chronic Hepatitis BPreviously investigated CD Admin CD Coordinator New prenatal blood work received. Previously tested positive for Hepatitis B. Public Health investigation has been done. Refer to Public Health admin person in iPHIS. Newborn prophylaxis letter to physician and PHN. Refers via iPHIS to the PHN In addition to acute hepatitis B follow-up: Prenatal Acute Hep B infection- Newborn Hepatitis B prophylaxis Public Health Admin Post partum/ infant referral form received indicating HBIG/HBV administered. If Post partum referral not received f/u with PP desk Creates newborn in iPHIS Refer to CD Coordinator If low risk: send letter to health care provider/parent/PHN- no further f/u necessary. Close when baby's name and PHIN received If high risk- diarize for f/u of HBV series in MIMS @ 3 and 8 months of age If 2nd or 3rd dose not entered in MIMS after 3 and 8 months respectively refer to CA PHN for f/u with family Work closely with PHN to monitor Hep B status prior to delivery. Obtains follow-up test results from e-chart CD Coordinator to assess if high or low risk as per Manitoba Health protocol blichealth/cdc/protocol/hepb_ne wborn.pdf Public Health Nurse Uses this opportunity to connect with the case o Obtains EDC and confirm physician, o Contacts CD Clerk (204-940-2081)to advise of EDC and physician o Assess if any additional contacts that may need follow-up since last contact. Close consultation with CD Coordinator and MOH Obtain EDC and confirm name of physician. Advise CD Clerk 204-940-2081 Advise and f/u with pregnant female to determine HBV status 1 month prior to EDC. Advise CD Coordinator when testing has been done Refers via iPHIS to the assigned PHN. For low risk newborns: Recommend completion of series. Confirm primary care provider and advise CD Coordinator. No f/u for completion of HBV required. Close referral For high risk newborns: Follow-up completion of HBV x 3 doses. Type of referral Insurance testingHepatitis B positive CD Admin Canadian Blood Services (CBS) Hepatitis B positive CD Coordinator Public Health Admin Receives new Hep B referral Enters the referral into iPHIS and and give to CD Coordinator for further assessment Receives the referral and assigns it to a CA PHN via iPHIS Sends the referral via email and iPHIS to the CA Public Health admin person Put “pop-up” to call CD Coordinator Receives new Hep B referral Enters the referral into iPHIS and r CD Coordinator for further assessment Public Health Nurse PHN to contact client within 5 working days of receiving referral. Advise client of results from insurance testing. Advise retesting is recommended through primary care provider as soon as possible. Recommend Hepatitis B surface antigen, antibody to Hepatitis B and Hepatitis B core antibody. Facilitate this with primary care provider. If positive - follow Hepatitis B protocol If negative - no further f/u required. Close file. Advise the PHN to wait the two week waiting period as requested by CBS. Refer to CBS letter Receives the referral and assigns it to a CA PHN via iPHIS Put “pop-up” to call CD Coordinator PHN to contact client after the time frame given in the CBS letter Advise client of results from CBS Advise retesting is recommended through primary care provider as soon as possible. Recommend Hepatitis B surface antigen, antibody to Hepatitis B and Hepatitis B core antibody. Facilitate this with primary care provider. If positive - follow Hepatitis B protocol If negative - no further f/u required. Close file. DOCUMENTATION Cases: Contacts: All new Hepatitis B cases will be created in iPHIS. Refer to CD Coordinator and Public Health Admin person All documentation will be done in iPHIS Notes tab Assist PHN to enter/create contacts in iPHIS Refer iPHIS referral to CA PHN All documentation will be done in iPHIS Notes tab When investigation is complete PHN to fill out the Manitoba Health and Healthy Living Investigation Form for Hepatitis B and C Positive cases eform2.pdf All contacts ( including newborns) will be entered into iPHIS in the “Contacts” tab. Refer to iPHIS User Guide for instructions. Type of referral CD Admin CD Coordinator Public Health Admin Public Health Nurse .php Consult with CD Coordinator for assistance as necessary Serology results and immunization history will be documented under ‘contact tab, details, comments section. CLOSURE Send Manitoba Health and Healthy Living Investigation Form for Hepatitis B and C Positive Cases to Manitoba Health Review investigation in iPHIS. Once Manitoba Health and Healthy Living Investigation Form for Hepatitis B and C Positive Case form has been received- close file in iPHIS Send the ORIGINAL version of the completed Manitoba Health and Healthy Living Investigation Form for Hepatitis B and C Positive Cases to the CD Unit. Send via Medical Courier with a return fax for verification. ( Appendix 4 Administrative procedure # 58 and Appendix 4a Return Fax Sheet) Complete documentation in iPHIS "Notes" tab Refer to CD Coordinator in iPHIS indicating it is completed Completes the Manitoba Health and Healthy Living Investigation Form for Hepatitis B and C Positive Cases when investigation is completed c Sign and date the bottom of the form when complete If client is a prenatal Hep B case, it can be closed when Hep B investigation is completed and will be re-opened at the CD Unit when the baby is born.