Dogs Homes of Tasmania Operated by Tasmanian Canine Defence League Inc A.B.N. 65 399 649 360 P.O. Box 7 Lindisfarne, Tas. 7015 Contact Name: - Mr, Mrs, Ms, Canine ……………………………………………………… Name of Business/Company/Club/School ……………………………………………………….. Address …………………………………………………………Suburb …………………… Postcode …………. Email ……………………………………………………………… Phone (H) ………………………. (W)…………………. …… Mobile ……………………… This Kennel is Sponsored by: …………………………………………………………….. Please write the wording you would like placed on your Kennel Signage. If there is insufficient space, attach a separate sheet with this information. Please call the Administration Office on (03) 6243 9012 if you require any additional information. Sponsorship Details I / We agree to Sponsor a Kennel at the Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania. Location - Burnie ………… Devonport…………. Hobart ……… Any Home ………. Full Kennel Sponsorship 12 months $600 Half Share Sponsorship 12 months $300 Quarter Share Sponsorship 12 months $150 I enclose:Cash $................. (cash payments can only be made at the Dog’s Home) Cheque/ money order for $................................ Or Please debit the sum of $..................... to my Visa ............... or Mastercard …………. Card Number Expiry Date ……………………….. Signature ………………………………… Please forward this form with your remittance to the above address. On behalf of the dogs your support will assist, Thank You. Office Use Receipt Date: ___/___/______ Receipt No: ________ Kennel No: _____ Sponsored Until: ___/___/______ The Dogs’ Homes of Tasmania protects your data and security carefully. We will only collect personal information about you if you knowingly provide it and it will never be released to a third party without your consent. KENNEL SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM Who Are We ? The Tasmanian Canine Defence League (TCDL) (also known to many as the Dogs Homes’ of Tasmania), is a non profit organisation established in 1950 that is committed to providing the best possible care for dogs. Operating Homes in Burnie, Devonport and Hobart, we care for approximately five thousand dogs each year. These include lost, stray, abandoned and unwanted dogs. Our aim is to provide a home for these puppies and dogs in a safe, secure and friendly environment until they are reunited with their owners or new homes can be found for them. We also actively promote responsible dog ownership and education of best practices relating to owning and caring for dogs. What is Kennel Sponsorship? The Kennel Sponsorship Program helps with the everyday feeding, cleaning and providing veterinary care for dogs while they awaiting adoption at one of the three Homes located at Burnie, Devonport or Hobart. A plaque is placed on the kennel in recognition of your commitment to assisting our canine friends. Kennel Sponsorships are for 12 months and you or your organization can choose to be a sole sponsor ($600 p.a.) or share in a half sponsorship ($300 pa) or in a quarter sponsorship ($150 pa). Sponsorship options you may consider include – In your own name, or as a family, In the name of your Business/Organization/ Social Club/ Club or School, In your Company’s name In the name of a favorite person or pet, As a memorial for a friend, relative or special pet in your life, Ask friends to contribute to your sponsorship instead of a present, or Anonymously