Global News: - Utah State University

Utah’s Micro(nano)-Bio news: (OTC BB: NCOA) Revolutionary Nano ...
LAKE HARMONY, PA--(Marketwire - July 19, 2007) - nCoat, Inc. (OTCBB:
NCOA) announced this week that its most recently acquired subsidiary, ---
Global News:
"Workshop on nanotechnology: Current status and Challenges ... – INDIA
Sitronics sets up nanotechnology arm – Russia
Nanotechnology views wanted by EC, including on enhancement
Commission launches consultation on responsible nano research - EC
Pooled resources aid nanotechnology work – Thiland
Nano City Project cleared; real estate prices set to rise - India
US Statewide News:
2007 Texas' Nano Future Statewide Conference (press release)
Journal and Book:
[Nano products could top $1 trillion by 2015]
Sensing with nano engineered plastics
Imation Intros 4GB Nano Flash Drives
IOGear's germ-free wireless desktop with Antimicrobial Nano Coating
First Nano intros system for producing semi-conducting nanowires
Soon, a nanobattery to power nano devices
Research News:
Nanotechnology Could Clean Up the Hydrogen Car's Dirty Little Secret
Motor Proteins at Work for Nanotechnology
Transparent nano-fibre film can be designed to conduct electricity ...
ISE-CCM Nanotechnology Index is up 2.50% Year to Date
Nanotechnology Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer
Understanding light at the nanoscale: a nano-sized double-slit ...
Nano propellers may be tomorrow's drug deliverers
Nano props to get molecule-sized blades
Nano Propellers Pump with Proper Chemistry
WFU launches two nanotechnology startup companies
Nanotechnology Research Spurs Growth in the Global Microscopes Market
Nano-Network and NanoBusiness Alliance Partner to Host 2007 Nano ...
Seiko Instruments NanoTechnology opens up European headquarter
QuantumSphere Announces Expanded Partnership with OM Group
Articles & Reports:
Nano products could top $1 trillion by 2015
New report on end-of-life regulation of nanotechnology
Potential of nano technology in health care stressed
A TINY Opportunity in Nanosys' News
Nanotechnology & Solar Power News: June 2007
Asian Nanotechnology Industry 2007 Report
Nanotechnology's potential to reduce greenhouse gases
Nanopesticides 'need specific regulation'
New report on end-of-life regulation of nanotechnology
MU study looks at nanotech dangers
Nanotechnology-Risk, Ethics and Law
NanoEthics: The Risks and Benefits of Nanotechnology
Education & Outreach:
'Kindergarten Cop' Star Richard Tyson Flips for 'Nano Dogs the Movie'
Free webinar on Nanotechnology & upgrading the human body
MSc Microsystems and Nanotechnology From Cranfield University
The Science Behind The Nanotechnology Phenomenon
Week 29: News
1. Business briefs
A round-up of this week's industry news featuring MetaMateria Partners, Keithley, Nanomarkets
and more.
2. Nanocubes give better shaped crystals
Scientists in the US have developed a new way to control the shape of metal nanocrystals – by
using a small particle of a different metal as a "seed" and varying the conditions in the reaction
solution. Peidong Yang of the University of California at Berkeley and colleagues started with a
platinum nanocube to produce palladium nanocrystals with three different shapes. The technique
could have applications in catalysis, say the researchers.
3. Nanostructures help mosquitoes walk on water
Mosquitoes can stick to walls and windows like flies, and happily land and walk on water like
pond skaters. Although entomologists have known about this unique ability for years, they weren't
exactly sure how it was done. Now, by performing experiments on mosquito legs, physicists from
China have discovered that these insects are even more adept at sitting on water than pond
4. Nanowires face THz probe
Single-photon detectors, electrically driven lasers and nanoscale transistors have all been named
as promising applications for semiconductor nanowires. In each case, understanding the
dynamics of the charge carriers is critical, but first scientists need to find a reliable way of
measuring the data.
5. SFM analyses cartilage on the nanoscale
Swiss researchers have developed a prototype "arthroscopic scanning force microscope" that
could be used to detect osteoarthritis in its early stages. The device, which is just 5 mm thick,
could be inserted directly into a patient's joint like a needle to measure the elastic properties of
cartilage on the nanoscale. The non-destructive technique could also monitor how new cartilage
forms and might even be used to locally deliver medicines in the future.
6. Vision molecules change shape inside nanotubes
High-resolution images of shape changes in retinal – a molecule important for vision – may help
us to understand how we see, report researchers in Japan. Using a transmission electron
microscope (TEM), Kazu Suenaga and colleagues at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology (AIST) imaged a single retinal molecule by attaching it to a carbon-60
molecule trapped inside a carbon nanotube. The work might also eventually lead to devices that
mimic eyes, says the team.
--------------------------------------------------------Featured Companies:
Agilent Technologies
Carl Zeiss SMT
Nanonis GmbH
Raith GmbH
Veeco Instruments SAS
From Forbes Newsletters []
U.S. firm Nucryst Pharmaceuticals said Thursday it has been cleared to market its
antimicrobial barrier topical cream. The cream is made with NPI 32101, the company's
patented nanocrystalline silver, that Nucryst said was shown in studies to repel bacteria
including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, including strains resistant
to methicillin, a type known as MRSA.
Today's most promising artificial muscles are based on electroactive polymers (EAPs) plastics that change shape when activated electrically or with chemicals. But they lack
mechanical robustness and as a result soon succumb to fatigue and fail. Now engineers
led by Victor Pushparaj at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, say
that carbon nanotubes could toughen up artificial muscles.
A new process for printing plastic solar cells boosts the power generated by the flexible
and cheap form of photovoltaics. Initial solar cells made with the technique can,
according to a report in today's issue of Science, capture solar energy with an efficiency
of 6.5 percent--a new power record for photovoltaics that employ conductive plastics to
generate electricity from sunlight. Most photovoltaics are made from conventional
inorganic semiconductors.
Turning cancer cells into mini magnets by using nanoparticles could make biopsies so
sensitive and efficient that there will be no need to repeat these invasive tests. Biopsy
results can be ambiguous: sometimes they can be negative simply because there are too
few malignant cells in the sample to be detected - not because all trace of disease has
gone. Now researchers from the University of New Mexico and the company Senior
Scientific, both in Albuquerque, have come up with a solution that harnesses the power of
magnetic attraction.
Researchers have developed a laser smaller than a red blood cell that can be tuned to emit
different colors. They have incorporated the nanowire-based laser into a device that, by
combining features from multiple microscopy techniques, could reveal new details about
the structure and behavior of living cells.
Russian lawmakers on Wednesday approved the creation of a state-run nanotechnology
corporation, an area of science that President Vladimir Putin has elevated to a national
priority and for which he has pledged $7 billion in state funds. The lower house of
parliament passed legislation on the formation of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation, or Rosnanotekh, which will implement state policy and commission projects in the
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From -NanoNews-Now Digest #139
Nanoscale power plants July 7th, 2007 For the over 100 million people worldwide who suffer
from diabetes, testing blood glucose is the only way to be sure that it is within normal
range and allows them to adjust the insulin dose if it is not. The current method for
monitoring blood glucose requires poking your finger to obtain a blood sample. The
equipment needed to perform the blood test includes a needle device for drawing blood, a
blood glucose meter, single-use test strips, and a log book. Now imagine this scenario:
your doctor implants a tiny device the size of a rice grain under your skin. This device
automatically and accurately measures your blood glucose levels at whatever intervals,
even constantly if required. It transmits the data to an external transceiver. If any
abnormality is detected, the device warns you and automatically transmits the data to
your doctor's computer. This scenario is one of the many promises of nanomedicine
where in-situ, real-time and implantable bio
Nanotechnology in the workplace July 9th, 2007 New technology, whether it is a novel cancer treatment or
an innovative approach to farming, almost always comes with risk. Those risks are often
first - and most severely - felt by industry workers, and nanotechnology is no different.
Today, workers around the world are exposed to nanoparticles on a daily basis. There is
much speculation, yet so far, little definitive information about how exposure affects
workers. A report released by the International Council on Nanotechnology in November
2006 ("A Survey of Current Practices in the Nanotechnology Workplace" - pdf
download, 2.2 MB), offers a clear picture of the situation. "The properties for which
novel nanoscale materials are designed may generate new risks to workers, consumers,
the public, and the environment. While some of these risks can be anticipated from
experiences with other synthetic chemicals and with existing knowledge of ambient and
manufactured fine particles, novel risks associat
Tomorrow's Green Nanofactories
The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies July 9th, 2007 New podcast explores how
viruses produce eco-friendly batteries
Center for Responsible Nanotechnology to Host Molecular Manufacturing Conference:
Challenges & Opportunities: The Future of Nano & Bio Technologies
Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) July 9th, 2007 The Center for
Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) and World Care announced today they will hold the
first interdisciplinary conference on the development of molecular manufacturing and its
relationship to emerging biotechnologies. Challenges & Opportunities: The Future of
Nano & Bio Technologies, to be held September 9-13, 2007 at the Radisson Hotel and
Suites in Tucson, will feature a distinguished roster of speakers from leading
biotechnology and nanotechnology organizations and universities.
Converging Technologies and Human Destiny July 9th, 2007 The rapid fertility decline in most advanced industrial nations,
coupled with secularization and the disintegration of the family, is a sign that Western
Civilization is beginning to collapse, even while radical religious movements pose
challenges to Western dominance. Under such dire circumstances, it is pointless to be
cautious about developing new Converging Technologies. Historical events are
undermining the entire basis of ethical decision-making, so it is necessary to seek a new
basis for ethics in the intellectual unification of science and the power to do good
inherent in the related technological convergence. This article considers the uneasy
relations between science and religion, in the context of fertility decline, and the
prospects for developing a new and self-sustaining civilization based in a broad
convergence of science and technology, coalescing around a core of nanotechnology,
biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive tech