NCPTA STANDARD OPERATING POLICIES & PROCEDURES MANUAL Section: LEADERSHIP Topic: 8-1.5 Pediatric Special Interest Group BYLAWS PEDIATRIC SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP NORTH CAROLINA PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION ADOPTED BY THE NCPTA BOARD OF DIRECTORS JANUARY 21, 2007 ARTICLE I. NAME The name of the organization is the Pediatric Special Interest Group (Pediatric SIG) of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (NCPTA). ARTICLE II. OBJECTIVE The purpose of the Pediatric SIG shall be to provide a means through which physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students having a common interest in pediatric physical therapy and developmental disabilities may meet, confer, and promote the interests of its membership, the NCPTA, and the APTA. ARTICLE III. FUNCTIONS 1. To enhance physical therapy services for persons from birth to 21 years of age and those with developmental disabilities in North Carolina. 2. To increase membership and active participation of PT’s, PTA’s, and students interested in pediatric physical therapy and developmental disabilities in the NCPTA and APTA Section on Pediatrics. 3. To provide a forum for communication among those involved in all aspects of pediatric physical therapy and developmental disabilities, such as practice, research, teaching, administration, and legislation. 4. To promote leadership within the NCPTA and APTA of PT’s and PTA’s active in pediatric physical therapy and developmental disabilities, and students interested in pediatric physical therapy. 5. To identify and respond to areas of concern related to physical therapy and other services for individuals from birth to 21 years of age and those with developmental disabilities, with an emphasis on issues affecting North Carolina. 6. To promote student interest and involvement in pediatric physical therapy and developmental disabilities. 7. To encourage and support NCPTA activity related to pediatric physical therapy and developmental disabilities. 8. To support the continued use of vision, creativity, and scientific foundations in the evolution of best practice in all aspects of pediatric physical therapy and developmental disabilities. 9. To plan, provide, support, or disseminate information on continuing education and mentorship opportunities related to physical therapy for persons from birth to 21 years of age or those with developmental disabilities. 1 NCPTA STANDARD OPERATING POLICIES & PROCEDURES MANUAL Section: LEADERSHIP Topic: 8-1.5 Pediatric Special Interest Group ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Qualifications Membership in the Pediatric SIG is voluntary and open to all PT, PTA, and student members of the NCPTA. Interested persons should contact the Pediatric SIG secretary to have their name placed on the membership list. Section 2. Rights of Members All members of the Pediatric SIG shall have the right to attend meetings, speak, and debate. PT and PTA members may make motions, second motions, vote, run for office, and hold office. Section 3. Non-members PT’s, PTA’s, and PT/PTA students who are not members of the pediatric SIG may attend meetings but may not make or second motions, vote, run for office or hold office. They may speak at meetings with permission of the presiding officer. Other individuals may participate upon invitation or approval of the executive committee or presiding officer. ARTICLE V. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. Constituency The Executive Committee shall include the following officers elected by the voting assembly of the membership: Chair, Vice-Chair/Treasurer, and Secretary. The NCPTA Board of Directors may appoint a liaison from the Board to the Pediatric SIG who shall serve as a non-voting member of the executive committee. Section 2. Qualifications PT’s and PTAs shall be eligible to hold office if: A. They are members in good standing in the Pediatric SIG. B. They agree to fulfill the duties of the office for which they have been nominated. Section 3. Officer Responsibilities and Duties A. All officers shall be responsible for the following: 1. Attendance at all Executive Committee and membership meetings. 2. Promoting active membership in the Pediatric SIG, NCPTA and APTA Section on Pediatrics. 3. Overseeing the election procedures for the following term (officers running for the same or another elected position are exempt from this duty). 4. Appointing committees and task forces as needed and a coordinator for each. B. The Chair shall be responsible for the following: 1. Preparing the agenda for all meetings of the Executive Committee and membership of the Pediatric SIG. 2. Presiding over all meetings. 3. Serving as the official spokesperson of the group, as liaison to the NCPTA Board of Directors, and as liaison to the State Representative to the APTA Section on Pediatrics, or appointing another SIG officer or member to serve. 4. Attending all NCPTA Chapter Business Meetings or appoint another SIG officer or member to attend 5. Reviewing minutes of all NCPTA Board of Directors meetings. 2 NCPTA STANDARD OPERATING POLICIES & PROCEDURES MANUAL Section: LEADERSHIP Topic: 8-1.5 Pediatric Special Interest Group C. The Vice Chair/Treasurer shall be responsible for the following: 1. Assuming the duties of the Chair if he/she is absent or incapacitated. 2. Serving as liaison to established committees and task forces of the Pediatric SIG. 3. Updating and maintaining a current copy of the Pediatric SIG bylaws. 4. Maintaining the Pediatric SIG bank account. 5. Upon approval of the Executive Committee, receiving and disbursing any Pediatric SIG funds obtained through fund-raising or other means. 6. Developing and presenting an annual budget. 7. Reporting on the financial status of the Pediatric SIG to the membership and Executive Committee as requested. A written report will be prepared within two months of the close of each fiscal year. D. The Secretary shall be responsible for the following: 1. Maintaining a list of current members of the Pediatric SIG. 2. Distributing notices of all membership meetings to Pediatric SIG members. 3. Keeping and recording the minutes of all Executive Committee and membership meetings of the Pediatric SIG. 4. Maintaining records of all official actions of the Executive Committee and Pediatric SIG. Section 4. Terms A. Members shall be elected for a three year term of office. B. Terms of office shall begin immediately following the election. C. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. D. First elections should be established to have staggered terms to allow for rotation of officers. Section 5. Resignation and Impeachment A. If the Chair is unable to serve, the Vice Chair shall assume the position of Chair. B. In the event of a vacancy in another office, the remaining officers will appoint an interim officer until the next election. C. Impeachment will be by two-thirds quorum. ARTICLE VI. ELECTIONS Elections shall be held during NCPTA Spring Chapter Meetings or within one month of the meeting. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote. ARTICLE VII. COMMITTEES AND TASK FORCES The Executive Committee shall appoint committees and task forces as needed and a coordinator for each. The Vice Chair will serve as liaison to all committees and task forces. 3 NCPTA STANDARD OPERATING POLICIES & PROCEDURES MANUAL Section: LEADERSHIP Topic: 8-1.5 Pediatric Special Interest Group ARTICLE VIII. MEETINGS Section 1. General Membership Meetings The Pediatric SIG will hold at least two meetings each year. One meeting will be in conjunction with the NCPTA spring or fall conference. The other meeting will occur either at a chapter meeting or a time and location announced to the membership at least six weeks in advance. Any additional meeting times and places will be decided by the Executive Committee, with notification of Pediatric SIG members at least six weeks in advance. Section 2. Quorum A minimum of ten members shall constitute a quorum for membership meetings. Section 3. Executive Board Meetings The Executive Committee will hold at least two meetings every year. These may be in person, on-line, or via phone or video conference. Place and time of additional meetings will be decided by the Officers. Section 4. Parliamentary Authority The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the authority for all meetings and any procedure of the Pediatric SIG unless specifically stated otherwise in these bylaws. ARTICLE IX. FINANCE Section 1. Revenue A. There shall be no membership dues for the Pediatric SIG. B. Funds for the Pediatric SIG may be obtained through contributions, grants, allocations from NCPTA, fund-raising activities and other means. Section 2. Expenditures A. No officer or committee member shall expend any money not provided for in the budget as adopted or spend any money in excess of the budget allotment except by order of the Pediatric SIG Executive Committee. B. The Executive Committee shall not commit the Pediatric SIG to any financial obligations in excess of its current fiscal resources. Section 3. Annual Budget The annual budget shall be prepared and reported by the Vice Chair/Treasurer, approved by the Executive Committee, and made available to the membership. Section 4. Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Pediatric SIG shall comply with the NCPTA. ARTICLE X. BYLAW AMENDMENTS Section 1. Revised or amended bylaws shall be approved by the NCPTA Executive Committee. Section 2. These bylaws may be amended in whole or in part by two-thirds vote of quorum at any meeting of Pediatric SIG. 4 NCPTA STANDARD OPERATING POLICIES & PROCEDURES MANUAL Section: LEADERSHIP Topic: 8-1.5 Pediatric Special Interest Group Section 3. A. Any proposed amendments to these bylaws must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee of the Pediatric SIG. B. The Executive Committee will determine whether or not proposed changes are substantive and should be presented to the Pediatric SIG membership for a vote. C. If not determined to be substantive, the Executive Committee shall vote on approval. If approved, the membership shall be notified of the changes within 30 days of adoption. D. If proposed amendments are determined by the Executive Committee to be substantive, Pediatric SIG members will be notified of proposed changes 30 days before a vote of the membership is taken. Adoption will require a 2/3 margin of those voting. Section 4. When bylaws of the NCPTA have been amended so as to require amendment of the Pediatric SIG bylaws, the Executive Committee of the Pediatric SIG will vote whether to approve said amendments to the Pediatric SIG bylaws. The amendments will not require a vote of the membership of the Pediatric SIG but will automatically be adopted upon the approval of the Pediatric SIG Executive Committee and NCPTA Executive Committee. Copies of the amendment(s) shall be distributed to each member of the Pediatric SIG by the Secretary. ARTICLE XI. DISSOLUTION PROCEDURES Section 1. The Pediatric SIG may be dissolved by a ballot vote of two-thirds (2/3) of a quorum. Section 2. The NCPTA Executive Board can vote to dissolve the Pediatric SIG if it fails to meet the objective and functions stated in these bylaws. ARTICLE XII. ASSOCIATION AS HIGHER AUTHORITY In addition to these bylaws the Pediatric SIG is governed by the NCPTA Chapter Bylaws and by the APTA Bylaws and Standing Rules, and by Association Policies. Developed January 12, 2007 Approved by NCPTA Board of Directors January 20, 2007 5