INDIAN OCEAN SITE DESCRIPTIONS Table of Contents Site: Indonesian Throughflow in Makassar Strait ........................................................................... 2 Site: Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA) .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Site: NIOT moored buoy network .................................................................................................... 13 Site: LOCO Indian Ocean (Mozambique Channel)...................................................................... 19 Version Tracking: Creation/Update date Updated By August 2009 Hester Viola 1 Comments Site: Indonesian Throughflow in Makassar Strait Position: 3°N-12°S 116°E-125°E Categories: operating; transport; physical Safety distance for ship operations: varies – please contact before any planned ship operations in vicinity of these moorings. If in doubt, do not approach within 1 x water depth as most moorings have near-surface expression and a potential watch circle radius of greater than 500 m. Short description: Number of stations / moorings and variables measured: The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) links two oceans and in so doing provides a pathway for modifying the stratification within each of these oceans as well as sea-air fluxes that impact on such climate phenomena as ENSO and the Asian Monsoon. The complex geography of the region, with multiple narrow constrictions connecting a series of large, deep basins, leads to a circuitous ITF pathway within the Indonesia seas. En-route the Pacific inflow waters are modified before export to the Indian Ocean due to mixing, upwelling and air-sea fluxes. While a number of measurement programs have recently been undertaken in the Indonesian region, a serious shortcoming is their lack of temporal coherence: the data cover different time periods and depths in the different passages of the complex pathways linking the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This has lead to ambiguity of the mean and variable nature of the ITF, and of the transformation of the thermohaline and transport profiles within the interior seas. The INSTANT (International Nusantara STratification ANd Transport) program, involving contributions of 5 countries (USA, France, Netherlands, Australia, Indonesia), offers the opportunity to finally measure in coordinated fashion the ITF in the key throughflow passages simultaneously. The INSTANT objectives are: To determine the full depth velocity and property structure of the Throughflow and its associated heat and freshwater flux; To resolve the annual, seasonal, and intraseasonal characteristics of the ITF transport and property flux; To investigate the storage and modification of the ITF waters within the internal Indonesian seas, from their Pacific source characteristics to the ITF water exported into the Indian Ocean; and To contribute to the design of a cost-effective, long-term monitoring strategy for the ITF. Groups / P.I.s /labs /countries involved / responsible: Project Leaders: see Country 2 P.I.s ITF Mooring Components: Makassar Strait Lombok Strait Ombai Strait Timor Passage Timor Passage Lifamatola Passage Supporting/Proxy Measurements: CTD and Underway ADCP Lesser Sunda Pressure Gauges XBT Network Tide Gauges Meteorological Network ARGO Floats Ship Facilities: Baruna Jaya USA USA USA Australia France Netherlands Gordon, Field, Susanto [LDEO] Sprintall [SIO] Sprintall [SIO] Wijffels [CSIRO] Molcard, Fieux [LODYC] van Aken [NIOZ] Indonesia USA Australia Indonesia Indonesia Australia BPPT Sprintall [SIO] Wijffels, Meyers [CSIRO] Bakosurtanal (survey and mapping) Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika Wijffels [CSIRO] Indonesia BPPT Status The transfer of tropical Pacific water into the Indian Ocean through the Indonesian seas, the so-called The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF), is a significant part of the ocean system of interocean fluxes, ocean-scale heat and freshwater budgets and sea-air fluxes. The ITF is believed to provide an interactive link with the ENSO and Asian monsoon climate features. Additionally, the ITF to a large extent governs the overall oceanographic stratification, circulation and ecosystems within the Indonesian Seas. The ITF amounts to ~12 Sv, >80% of which is channeled through Makassar Strait. The 45 km wide Labani constriction of Makassar Strait near 3°S is an ideal place to measure the bulk of the ITF. There the throughflow was measured during the NSF funded INSTANT program from January 2004 to November 2006. The Figures 1, 2 3 provide a view of the 3 year INSTANT time series within Makassar Strait. 3 4 The objective of the NOAA/OCO program is to extend the INSTANT time series so as to establish a long-term measurement program of the ITF within Makassar Strait. Such an extended time series (decadal scale) is needed to better relate the ITF to such climate fluctuations as those associated with El Niño, the Indian Ocean Dipole and of the Asian monsoon. “Monitoring the Indonesian Throughflow” contributes to the global ocean observational system overseen by the Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Accomplishments: Immediately after the INSTANT moorings were recovered on 22 November 2006, with NOAA OCO support, a single mooring at the site of the INSTANT MAK-WEST 2°51.11'S; 118°27.33'E was deployed [Figure 4]. The NOAA Makassar mooring will be recovered and redeployed in April 2009. A two-year rotation schedule is the plan, with specific dates dependent on ship availability (which explains the slightly longer than 2 year deployment of this 1st rotation). 5 Figure 4: Configuration of the NOAA-ITF Makassar mooring deployed in November 2006 at the Red X in the bathymetry map of Makassar Strait. During the fy08 period we engaged in discussion concerning the timing of the mooring rotation, which is now scheduled for the April/May period of 2009, at the end of the present fy08 funded increment. In June 2008 we signed the Implementation Agreement defining the parameters of the cooperative effort between Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research (BRKP). When we obtain the first products of the NOAA/OCO Makassar ITF mooring the data will be processed and placed on a web site at Lamont, where it will be available for the community. This will be updated within 12 months of every mooring rotation. Technology: The main instrumentation in the INSTANT program consists of moorings with self recording ADCPs, current meters and additional temperature/pressure and temperature/conductivity/pressure recorders. The moorings will record the current over the complete water depth. The moorings do not have realtime telemetry. During the deployment, servicing, and recovery cruises hydrographic observations 6 (CTD) are carried out. Data policy: delayed mode data: restricted access The data policy is defined in the INSTANT letter of intent. During the project the data will be available for all participants in the INSTANT program. The data will be published in cooperation with Indonesian counterparts before 2008. After that date the data will be public. Data management: The data management for INSTANT has not yet been defined. Societal value / Users / customers: The combined data set from the international INSTANT mooring experiment and the supporting observational network, will leverage our individual measurements to understand the broad spectrum of variability in the ITF, and the role that regional oceanography plays in establishing the transfer function between the Pacific inflow and the outflow into the Indian Ocean. Furthermore this comprehensive portrayal of the Indonesian throughflow and its variability will allow for development of improved global ocean and climate models, enabling more accurate predictive capability. Role in the integrated global observing system: The Indonesian throughflow will allow for closure of the ocean basin scale transport and heat/freshwater fluxes. Links / Web-sites: for Project information : for data access: when made public, the data will be available via the above project website. Contacts Project Manager: Arnold L. Gordon Co-Investigator: R.Dwi Susanto Compiled/ updated by: Arnold Gordon (October 2008) 7 Site: Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA) Position: Eight sites are designated within RAMA in various regions of the tropical and subtropical Indian Ocean as described below. Categories: Observatory and biogeochemical measurements. air-sea flux reference sites with physical, meteorological, Safety distance for ship operations: 2 nautical miles. See Short description: A total of eight sites are designated within the framework of RAMA (Fig. 1). Two sites are located along the equator (55°E and 80.5°E), one site in the Arabian Sea (15°N, 65°E), one site in the Bay of Bengal (15°N, 90°E), one site along the thermocline ridge centered south of the equator (8°S, 67°E), one site in the southwestern basin (16°S, 55°E), one site in the region offshore of the Java upwelling zone (5°S, 95°E), and one site in the subduction zone of the southeastern subtropical Indian Ocean (25°S, 97°E). Scientific rationale: The sites have been chosen on the basis of their location in regions of strong ocean-atmosphere interactions. In addition, several of the sites are located in regions where currently available flux products are widely divergent in terms of their net mean values of air-sea heat exchange. The data from these sites will be used for describing new phenomena, for diagnostic studies, for model validation, and for satellite validation. They will also be valuable in helping us to understand and resolve the biases between the various heat flux products. Below is a brief site-by-site summary of salient features. Arabian Sea (15°N, 65°E): Strong seasonally reversing monsoon winds, large seasonal variations in SST, high SSTs before the onset of the southwest monsoon, significant latent heat losses during the southwest monsoon. Current heat flux products have difficulties in producing the intensity of latent heat losses in the southwest monsoon season. Bay of Bengal (15°N, 90°E): Large seasonal and intraseasonal variations in surface heat and fresh water fluxes, thin salinity stratified mixed layers, significant air-sea interactions associated with tropical cyclones and instraseasonal variability. Current heat flux products show large differences here and disagree on whether the region should gain heat from the atmosphere on annual mean basis (Fig. 2b). Western Equatorial Indian Ocean (0°, 55°E): Located in the western SST index region for Indian Ocean Dipole Zonal Mode and a region of high net heat flux into the ocean (Fig. 2a). Current heat flux products show large differences here due to differences in net solar radiation (Fig. 2b). Central Equatorial Indian Ocean (0°, 80.5°E): Strong semiannual wind forcing associated with the monsoon transition westerlies, significant intraseasonal variability associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Current heat flux products show large differences here due largely to differences in net surface radiation (Fig. 2b). Various precipitation products also show large differences here. Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean (5°S, 95°E): Offshore of the Java coastal upwelling zone in the eastern SST index regions for the Indian Ocean Dipole Zonal Mode. Current heat flux products show large biases here and cannot agree on the sign of the annual mean net heat flux. This is also another 8 region where precipitation products show large differences (Fig. 2b). Thermocline Ridge (8°S, 67°E): Region of large seasonal and interannual variations in the thermocline ridge that are correlated with SST variations; and a region of large intraseasonal variations in SST. Current heat flux products show large differences here and do not agree on the sign of the annual mean net heat flux (Fig. 2b). Subduction Zone (25°S, 97°E): Located in the southeast subtropical Indian Ocean where mixed layer water masses are subducted into the subtropical pycnocline. This is also a region of large mean oceanic heat loss to the atmosphere (Fig. 2a). Southwestern Indian Ocean (16°S, 55°E): Located in a region where variability in the thermocline ridge and SST are significantly correlated with tropical cyclone activity. Groups / P.I.s /labs /countries involved / responsible: Sites currently operating are 5°S, 95°E, 0°, 80.5°E, 15°N, 90°E and 8°S, 67°E. PIs are K. Ando of JAMSTEC (5°S, 95°E) and M. J. McPhaden of NOAA//PMEL (80.5°E, 90°E and 67°E). The 80.5°E and 90°E sites represent a collaboration between NOAA/PMEL and the Indian Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES). The 67°E site represents a collaboration between NOAA/PMEL and LOCEAN, University of Paris. Other sites are not yet occupied. It is anticipated that PMEL will maintain additional sites as part of its contribution to RAMA in collaboration with other organizations as additional ship time and funding becomes available. Other countries, institutions, and P.I.s are encouraged to participate in the establishment of these sites. NOAA/PMEL anticipates placing CO 2 sensors on all 8 moorings within the next five years. This work will likely be in collaboration with international partners. The lead P.I. for the pCO2 systems is Christopher Sabine at PMEL. Status: Four sites are operational. These sites are presently serviced at yearly intervals and will be maintained for the foreseeable future. The JAMSTEC site is described in detail in a separate submission. Currently there are no CO2 measurements on these moorings. Technology: The basic technology used at PMEL sites is the ATLAS mooring, which measures meteorological and physical oceanographic data to depths of 500 m (see ATLAS moorings at flux reference sites measure surface winds, air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, shortwave radiation, longwave radiation, and sea level pressure, ocean temperatures at a minimum of 13 depths between the surface and 500 m, ocean salinity at a minimum of 8 depths between the surface and 100 m, and ocean currents at 4 depths between 10 m and 200 m. All data are transmitted in real-time as daily averages and a few spot hourly values. Data are stored internally at 10-minute intervals, except for rainfall at 1 minute intervals, short and long wave radiation at 2 minute intervals, and surface air pressure at 1 hour intervals. Equatorial ATLAS moorings are deployed next to nearby (within about 10 km) subsurface ADCP moorings to provide hourly velocity measurements between depths of about 20-250 m with 8 m vertical resolution. The TRITON mooring used at 5°S, 95°E is functionally equivalent to an ATLAS mooring in most respects in terms of measurement suite and sampling schemes. The pCO2 measurements will be LiCor based infrared detection systems mounted in the surface buoy with an equilibrator for surface water pCO 2 measurements. Surface ocean and atmospheric carbon measurements are made every 3 hours. Data policy: 9 All data (real-time and delayed mode) are freely available without restriction. Data management: ATLAS and TRITON data are internally recorded and transmitted from buoy to shore in real-time via Service Argos. Service Argos places most real-time data on the Global Telecommunications System (GTS). ADCP data are internally recorded only. Data are freely available on the World Wide Web without restriction in near-real time (delay of one day for ATLAS and two days for TRITON) and in delayed mode after moorings are recovered and data are post-processed. Extensive metadata are available from TAO and TRITON web pages, from data reports, and from the data files themselves. Measurements of pCO2 will be made every 3-hours and transmitted daily via Iridium to be posted to the WWW. Final calibrated data will be submitted to the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center and made freely available within 6 months of recovery. Societal value / Users / customers: Data users include the research community, the weather and climate forecasting communities, the climate assessments community, policy makers, and the general public. Role in the integrated global observing system: The designated sites are an integral part of the CLIVAR/GOOS Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS), which is a component of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). It is also a contribution to the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS). The planned carbon observations are a key element of the U.S. Ocean Carbon and Climate Change Program (OCCC) as well as the international Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) and Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere (SOLAS) programs. Contact Persons: Michael J. McPhaden, NOAA/PMEL ( Kentaro Ando ( Yukio Masumoto ( Carbon contacts: Christopher ( L. Sabine ( and Bronte Tilbrook Links / Web-sites: Indian Ocean Observing System: RAMA: TAO OceanSITES: Data access: and 10 Compiled by: Michael J. McPhaden (NOAA/PMEL) with input from Gary Meyers (WHOI), Lisan Yu (WHOI), Yoshifumi Kuroda (JAMSTEC), VSN Murty (NIO), Chris Sabine (NOAA/PMEL), Bronte Tillbrook (CSIRO). June 2005. Revised by Michael J. McPhaden (NOAA/PMEL), January 2009 Figure 1: Draft plan for RAMA. (a) 11 (b) Figure 2: (a) Mean and (b) standard deviation of record length means from an ensemble of six surface heat flux products in the tropical Indian Ocean. The six products are OFA+ISSCP (WHOI), NCEP/NCAR reanalysis (NCEP1), NCEP/DOE reanalysis (NCEP2), ECMWF operational analysis, ECMWF reanalysis (ERA-40), and Southampton Oceanography Centre (SOC) analysis. (Courtesy of L. Yu, WHOI). 12 Site: NIOT moored buoy network Buoy Parameter Sensor SN: (Vendor designated series number of the sensor, other parameters may also be associated with this sensor) OB10 Air pressure A3330001 Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Model or Vendor: Sampling Reporting Frequency: Time1: Part Number: (Vendor designated model or part number of the sensor) PTB220 (Name of the sensor vendor) Vaisala (Instantaneous or frequency in HZ or every 15 second etc) Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-1 No of sample10 Wind speed 731548.0018 1453 S2 F1000 Lambrecht Wind direction Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-1 No of sample600 25760 620 Vale port Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-1 SST No of sample10 Air Temperature 49241009 MP101A Rotronic Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-1 1 (UTC time represents middle, beginning, or end of sampling periods, indicate if sensor reporting time differs from the corresponding platform message reporting time) 13 Humidity No of sample600 Wave height Sampling interval – 1 sec Wave direction 2354 MRU-6 *Note-1 Konsberg No of sample1024 Wave period OB12 Air pressure A1640013 PTB220 Vaisala Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-1 No of sample10 Wind Speed 731197.0003 1453 S2 F1000 Lambrecht Wind direction Air Temperature Sampling interval – 1 sec No of sample600 46741.033 MP101A Rotronic Sampling interval – 1 sec Humidity No of sample600 Wave height Sampling interval – 1 sec Wave direction *Note-1 349 MRU-6 *Note-1 *Note-1 Konsberg No of sample1024 Wave period CVAL Air pressure Z2850002 PTB220 Vaisala Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-1 No of sample10 Wind speed 731548.0010 1453 S2 F1000 Lambrecht Wind direction SST Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-1 No of sample600 23012 620 Vale port Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-1 No of sample10 14 Air Temperature 46741017 MP101A Rotronic Air pressure *Note-1 No of sample600 Humidity MB24 Sampling interval – 1 sec A1640010 PTB220 Vaisala Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of sample10 Wind speed 1453 S2 F1000 Wind direction 740209.0016 SST 02-0704-00051033 Lambrecht Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of samples 600 KDS-085 Astra Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of sample10 Air Temperature MP101A Rotronic Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 49241007 No of samples 600 Humidity MB20 Air pressure C1050007 PTB220 Vaisala Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of sample10 Wind speed Wind direction SST 1453 S2 F1000 Lambrecht Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 740209.0033 No of samples 600 02-0704-00051031 KDS-085 Astra Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of sample10 Air Temperature MP101A Rotronic Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 46741028 Humidity 15 No of samples 600 MB23 Air pressure Z2850008 PTB220 Vaisala Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of sample10 Wind speed 1453 S2 F1000 Wind direction 731547.0006 SST 02-0704-00051057 Lambrecht Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of samples 600 KDS-085 Astra Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of sample10 Air Temperature MP101A Rotronic Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 49241021 No of samples 600 Humidity MB26 Air pressure A3330010 PTB220 Vaisala Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of sample10 Wind speed 1453 S2 F1000 Wind direction 731548.0005 SST 02-0704-00051035 Lambrecht Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of samples 600 KDS-085 Astra Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of sample10 Air Temperature Sampling interval – 1 sec 46741032 MP101A Rotronic No of samples 600 Humidity MB04 Sampling interval – 1 sec Air pressure *Note-2 C0420016 PTB220 *Note-2 Vaisala No of sample10 16 Wind speed Wind direction 1453 S2 F1000 Lambrecht Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 740209.0019 No of samples 600 02-0704-00051033 KDS-085 Astra Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 SST No of sample10 Air Temperature MP101A Rotronic Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 49241020 No of samples 600 Humidity MB09 Air pressure PTB220 Vaisala Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 C0420001 No of sample10 Wind speed 731547.0007 1453 S2 F1000 Lambrecht Wind direction SST Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of samples 600 02-0704-00051050 KDS-085 Astra Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of sample10 Air Temperature Humidity 46741029 MP101A Rotronic Sampling interval – 1 sec *Note-2 No of samples 600 *Note-1 Platform message reporting time is every 3 hours. Respective sensors will be switched on before the transmitting time, taking into account all timings inclusive of settling time, sampling duration etc of the individual sensor. *Note-2 Platform message reporting time is every 1-hour. Respective sensors will be switched on before the transmitting time, taking into account all timings inclusive of settling time, sampling duration etc of the 17 individual sensor. 18 Site: LOCO Indian Ocean (Mozambique Channel) Position: ~ 17°S , 40-43E Categories: transport, physical Short description: mooring array consisting of 7 moorings located across the shallowest section of the Mozambique Channel variables measured: currents, T, S start date of the timeseries, service interval: November 2003, serviced every 1.5-2 years Scientific rationale: A pilot-project with an array of current meter moorings in 2000-2001 showed that the meridional mass transport through the Mozambique Channel fluctuates remarkably regularly with values between 20 Sv northwards and 60 Sv southwards. The mean transport for this one year of observations was some 15 Sv southwards. The spatial structure of the current field suggested that during the periods with a strong southward flow a current jet separates from the African coast and forms a large anticyclonic eddy. These eddies migrate southward, interact with the Agulhas current and seem to initialize the meandering of the Agulhas current, thereby influence the formation of Agulhas rings. Thus the flow in Mozambique Channel is of importance not only for the tropical-subtropical transport in the Indian Ocean but also for the Indian-Atlantic ocean exchange. At intermediate and deep levels against the African continental slope a northward flowing Mozambique Undercurrent was observed with a mean northward speed of 4.6 cms -1 (1500 m) and 4.5 cms-1 (2500 m). Hydrographic observations showed that the deepest flow consists of North Atlantic Deep Water. As part of the LOCO program a new array of moorings, with much more current meters, ADCP’s and T-S sensors, was deployed at the narrowest section in the Mozambique Channel in November 2003. These sub-surface moorings will be serviced each 1.5 years and the observations will continue till at least 2012. The observations will be used mainly to quantify the variability of the meridional mass and heat transport, to relate this variability to Indian Ocean (or El Nino) climate modes and to study the relation between this variability and the ‘downstream’ formation of Agulhas Rings. Groups / P.I.s /labs /countries involved / responsible: Prof. dr. H. Ridderinkhof, Royal NIOZ, PO Box 59, 1790AB Den Burg, the Netherlands; e-mail: dr. H. van Aken, Royal NIOZ, PO Box 59, 1790AB Den Burg, the Netherlands; e-mail: Prof. Dr. W.P.M. de Ruijter, IMAU, PO Box 80000, 3508 TA Utrecht, the Netherlands, Status: operating A consortium of three Dutch institutions (Royal NIOZ, IMAU, KNMI) have obtained a large grant for investments in the Long-term Ocean Climate Observations (LOCO) programme. The program is embedded in the WCRP - CLIVAR programme and is funded by the Netherlands Organisation 19 for Scientific Research (NWO). Presently funding is available for continuation of these observations till at least 2012. Technology: Moored sub-surface observations with ADCP’s, current meters and CTD sensors Data policy: No real time data will be available. The delayed mode data will become public once they have been processed. Role in the integrated global observing system: The observations will be used mainly to quantify the variability of the meridional mass and heat transport, to relate this variability to Indian Ocean (or El Nino) climate modes and to study the relation between this variability and the ‘downstream’ formation of Agulhas Rings. Contact Persons: H. Ridderinkhof, H. van Aken and W.P.M. de Ruijter Links / Web-sites: for Project information: for data access (if public): Compiled /updated by: Herman Ridderinkhof (February 2009) 20