
Local Legal Need, Pleasance,
Buck et al, LSRC research paper 7,
The Community Legal Service:
Access for All?, Consumers’
Association, 2000
Needs Assessment survey of
Black and Minority Ethnic
Communities in Brighton and
Hove, Hunter, G. & Hughes S.,
Quality and Cost, Sherr,
Moorehead et al, Institute of
Advanced Legal Studies, 2001
Report in the findings of the
LSRC Equal Opportunities
Survey, 2000, Research paper
6, LSRC, 2001
Inclusive Advice, Springer, D.
FIAC, 2000
Analysis of small area legal needs assessment, its
strengths and limitations. Includes analysis of predictive
needs modelling in health, and analysis of advice seeking
behaviour in Ealing.
Qualitative research conducted just before the CLS began.
Investigates experience of access to the legal system
among 4 groups of vulnerable consumers, one of which is
people with a poor knowledge of English (20
interviewees). Emphasises importance of NFP sector,
community groups and language support.
Results of questionnaire survey conducted on behalf of
CLSP and Brighton CAB by 2 consultants from BME
communities. Identifies and analyses barriers to access,
particularly to CAB service. Makes series of
recommendations for meeting the advice needs of B&H’s
BME communities.
Final report on (non-family) civil contracting pilot. Client
analysis discusses representation of ethnic minority clients
with some breakdown into EM groups.
Large survey of 3938 solicitors’ practices undertaking legal
aid work conducted August 1999 – April 2000. Examines
the profile of these firms and representation of ethnic
minority fee earners.
Evaluation of FIAC’s Black and Ethnic Minority Advice
Centres’ Development Project 1996-99, which developed
the organisational capacity of Black advice centres.
Includes recommendations and case study analysis.
Rigorous analysis which proscribes
the limitations of needs modelling
and what CLSPs can do. Good starting
Importance derives from its being one
of the few published items which
directly address the issue of access
to advice for BME communities.
However, small sample, and limited
understanding of advice provision.
Most advanced study conducted by
CLSP so far. Methodology may be
useful and transferable. Findings and
recommendations helpful, although
difference in BME community profile
between Brighton and London may
mean not wholly transferable.
No analysis of minority ethnic make up
of firms/ organisations. Small section
on clients from BME communities.
Sole source of detailed analysis of
private practice. LSC responded by
formulating joint proposals with CRE.
Illuminating in-depth analysis of 4
BME advice organisations, their
successes and barriers faced, not found
Quality v. Access, Plummer, J.
Qualitative study of the factors facing the member
FIAC, DIAL UK, Youth Access, 2001 organisations of these networks in providing accessible
advice to their communities and attaining the Quality Mark.
Inclusive Quality Project: Phase 1 Findings of questionnaire research into the numbers and
Report, Lucas & Braverman, FIAC,
types of organisations that would benefit from support to
DIAL UK, Youth Access, 2001
achieve the CLS QM in IQP phase II. Builds on Inclusive
Advice and Quality v. Access.
NACAB Guidance on Community Guidance to CABx on community profiling including
sources of data. Guidance on questionnaire, sampling for
client profile. Includes info on ethnic group and language
Citizens Advice Bureaux Service
An evaluation of CABx services to black communities,
to Black Clients, Ellis, J. NACAB,
which aimed to establish good practice. Series of findings
and recommendations both on internal policies, and
services to BME communities.
Barriers to Benefit: Black
claimants and social security,
NACAB, 1991
Newham CLSP: Equalities Task
Force Interpreter Project.
Invitation to Tender, 2002
Proactive Advice for Refugees
and Migrants Evaluation Report,
Capacity Unlimited, 2001
Multikulti Evaluation, Kartallozi,
N., Lasa, 2001
Evidence report on the experience of black clients in
claiming social security benefits. Includes
recommendations to government.
CLSP aims to provide quality assured network of
interpreter services. Document reports on Dec. 2000
consultation conference including critique of current
fragmented interpreting services, and core values list.
Detailed evaluation of EU Integra funded advice project in
LB Islington run by and for refugees. Emphasises
vocational training as route to empowerment, community
development, and the importance of a refugee background
amongst advisers.
Evaluation of a pilot run in 2000 with community
organisations in LB Haringey and Haringey CAB. Project
aimed to provide web-based accurate translated materials
Forerunner of the Inclusive Quality
Project (IQP – see below).
Contains series of good practice
development recommendations, now
being implemented in IQP phase II.
Established Good Practice baseline
guidance, which can be developed by
Analysis of service provision to BME
communities by mainstream advice
services. Almost 10 years old, but
some recommendations similar to
issues discussed by RLSC BME
working group.
Does not contain information about use
of or experience advice services by
clients, therefore limited usefulness.
Core values give useful guide to good
practice among interpreting service
Project has now been incorporated into
a mainstream employment advice and
guidance project in Kings Cross
(Tracks). Interesting model with very
detailed outcome targets.
Contains direct quotes from
community organisations about
client need. Innovative model of
in community languages. In evaluation, organisations talk
about their clients’ need for translated information.
internet service delivery now a project
funded by the New Opportunities Fund.
Better Information, PAT report 18,
Social Exclusion Unit (SEU), 1998
Social Focus on Ethnic
Minorities, Office of National
Statistics (ONS), 1996
Family Resources Survey, DSS,
Labour Force Survey, ONS
Asylum Statistics 2000, Home
Office, 2000
Ethnic Minorities in Britain –
Diversity and Disadvantage,
Modood, Berthoug, Lakey, Nazroo
et al, Policy Studies Institute, 1997
Projections of the population by
ethnic group: a sufficiently
interesting or a definitely
necessary exercise to
undertake?,Hashey, J. in
Population Trends 102, Winter 2000
Without Prejudice: Exploring
Report arguing the need for better statistical information
about BME communities, who are disproportionately
represented in poor neighbourhoods.
Guide to using statistics about BME communities.
Contains guide to sources of
information currently available on
Helpful guide to using statistical data.
ONS-run website which now provides detailed population
statistics down to neighbourhood level.
Useful resource, but still limited
because of reliance on census 1991
Up-to-date, but not geographically
One of the most up-to-date official data
Useful source of information on
arrivals, but not around settled
refugee populations.
The only large-scale survey
exclusively focused on BME
communities. Good analysis of
concepts. Not very geographically
Helpful critique on the limitations of
the above sources.
2-year sampling of the circumstances of 2,520 minority
ethnic households and 50,000 white households.
Annual survey of employment which contains questions
about ethnic group using 91 census categories.
Statistical information on numbers of people seeking
asylum in the UK. Does not include those people with full
refugee status.
4th national survey (1994) by PSI which focuses on the
circumstances of ethnic minority populations in Britain.
Considers qualifications, language, employment, income,
neighbourhoods, housing, health, harassment, culture.
Journal paper on the challenges of using the main data
sources, the problems of ethnic group classification.
Analysis1991 census data in enormous detail, with data on Extremely useful source of London
ethnic differences in London,
Greater London Authority, 2000
A New City: Supporting Asylum
Seekers and Refugees in London,
Audit Commission, 2000
Another Country: Implementing
Dispersal Under the Immigration
and Asylum Act 1999, Audit
Commission, 2000
Refugees and Asylum Seekers in
London: a GLA perspective,
Greater London Authority, 2001.
Minority Ethnic Issues in Social
Exclusion and Neighbourhood
Renewal, SEU, 2000
Race Equality In Public Services,
Home Office, 2000
Race, Place and Poverty: ethnic
groups and low income
distribution, Platt & Noble, Joseph
Rowntree Foundation (JRF), 1999
diversity within ethnic groups, age structures, household
groupings, housing, health employment and immigration.
Population projections by computer modelling.
Briefing following Another Country (see below) on the
particular issues for asylum seekers living in London.
Refers to LSC Immigration contracting in London (p.21).
Information about accommodation difficulties and
languages spoken.
Information and statistics on circumstances for asylum
seekers in Britain. Guidance for local authorities on
specific information with guidance on
ward level data. The GLA continues to
work in this area.
London specific. Focus is on local
authority support to asylum seekers.
Useful source of information about
languages spoken.
An analysis of the circumstances of refugees and asylum
seekers in London, and the GLA’s proposed response.
Disappointing for its failure to mention
the role of advice. Very strong on the
need to fund and support Refugee
Community Organistions.
Useful analysis, and contains series of
recommendations for improving
services to ethnic minority communities
in poor neighbourhoods.
Draws together the findings of the SEU and Policy Action
Teams (PATs). Concludes little data about impact of
policies on ethnic minority communities. Whilst ethnic
minority communities’ circumstances vary, they are more
likely to live in deprived areas.
Commission for Racial Equality website.
Useful source of statistics, though A
New City better for London.
Information on 2001 census categories.
Good practice tips in duty to promote
race equality, EOPs policies and ethnic
Information on public services.
Annual report in line with implementation of Race
Relations Amendment Act 2000.
Gets beyond census data
Birmingham study praised by SEU PAT 18 for revealing
useful new data at local level. Investigates different risks of constraints, but findings may not be
poverty for different ethnic groups. Compares and
easily transferred to London context.
contrasts different characteristics around tenure, family
size, welfare benefits and suggests policy changes.
Ethnic Diversity, Neighbourhoods
and Housing, JRF, 2000
Ethnic Minorities in the Inner City,
Dorsett, R. Policy Press, 1998
The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain,
The Parekh Report, Runnymede
Trust, 2000
In Exile, Refugee Council
A Poor Reception: Refugees and
Asylum Seekers – Welfare or
Work?, Sargeant, G. & Forna, A.
Industrial Society, 2001
Creating the conditions for
refugees to find work, Refugee
Council, 1999
Credit to the Nation: a study of
refugees in the UK, Refugee
Council 1997
Just Existence: The lives of
asylum seekers who have lost
entitlement to benefit in the UK,
Refugee Council, 1997
Now We Are Here, Muna, S. Iraqi
Community Association, 1997
Renewing West London: Refugee
Communities: their hopes and
needs. A baseline study for
Summary of main findings from JRF projects examining
the social and economic experiences of different ethnic
minority groups.
Examines the concentration of ethnic minorities in Britain’s
cities and the influencing factors.
Report of the 2 year long commission on the future of
multi-ethnic Britain.
National magazine on asylum issues.
Useful summary of original research.
Information on characteristics distinct
to London’s communities.
Recommendations and analysis on
understanding the construction of
Statistics and analysis of current affairs.
Policy paper on barriers to employment.
Overview of the position of refugees in
the UK with regard to employment.
Research report on issues relating to the employment of
refugees and asylum seekers in Britain.
Contains literature review, and firsthand accounts of refugees’
A different perspective of refugee
issues to the majority of the literature.
Traces the history of refugee settlement, and examines
the benefits that refugees give to the country.
Examines how the withdrawal of benefits brought about by
the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 impacted on the
lives of individuals.
Useful analysis of legislative impact,
although legislation now changed.
Survey of the profile, structure, needs, hopes and
aspirations of the Iraqi community in Britain. Detailed
findings include population breakdown, immigration
issues, education, employment, accommodation,
harassment, benefit claims. Addresses access to advice.
SRB funded research project for 6 west London boroughs,
aimed at helping the SRB programme target refugees and
involve RCOs. Covers demographics, health, younger
Highly comprehensive study that was
conducted in collaboration with other
Iraqi community organisations. Useful
source of data and an example of the
potential of RCO-led research.
Comprehensive new data with a
mapping demographic exercise.
Research used community
Renewal, Lukes, S. & Bell, M. Mike
Bell Associates with the Evelyn
Oldfield Unit, 2001
Families in Transition – Conflicts
and concerns within refugee
families, Evelyn Oldfield Unit, 2001
Out of Exile, Norton, R. & Cohen
B., Youth Work Press, 2000
refugees, employment, settlement and integration, RCO
Research report that examines factors that influence the
mental health and well being of refugee families. Contains
interviews, case studies and background literature.
Recommends directions for service development.
Research report on the experiences of young refugees in
the UK.
Useful refugee organisation – led
study highlighting the key themes
around the mental health needs of
refugee communities.
Contains useful methodology on
consulting young refugees and refugee
community organisations.
Contains a series of
recommendations including changes
to welfare benefits and housing
systems. Southall Black Sisters produce
campaigning literature and research
informed by the advice work of their
resource centre.
Useful for its refugee perspective.
Forced Marriage – an abuse of
human rights, Southall Black
Sisters, 2001
A campaigning report calling for further measures to tackle
the issue of women who are forced to marry.
The housing situation of Latin
American Refugees living in
London, Borkum, S. Carila, 1996
Report on the experience of Latin American refuges in
London seeking housing.
Assessing Health Needs of
People from Minority Ethnic
Groups, Rawaf, S. & Bahl, V. Royal
College of Physicians, DoH, 1998
Challenges and Policy
Implications of Ethnic Diversity
and Health, Balarajan, R. in Health
and Ethnicity, Macbeth & Shetty
(eds), 2001
Health of Ethnic Minority Elders
in London, Lowdel, Evandrou et al,
Health of Londoners Project, 2000
Refugee Health in London, Health
of Londoners Project, 1999
Purchasing for Black
Populations, Jamdagni, L. Kings
Fund, 1996
Facing Up to Difference: A toolkit
for creating culturally competent
health services for BME
communities, Kings Fund, DoH,
The Vital Connection: An
equalities framework for the NHS,
DoH, 2000
Collection of papers examining the issues facing health
needs assessment for BME communities, including papers
on the consumer perspective.
Detailed overview of issues which
seem to have many parallels for
advice provision.
Paper linking health need with the social and economic
circumstances of different ethnic minority groups, and
arguing for innovative ways of redistributing resources
rather than mainstream service delivery.
Ideas on community partnership.
Health of Londoners Project provides a centre for Londonwide health information and analysis. Report is a review of
the policy context and sources of data currently available
on health and BME elders in London.
Review of policy context and data sources.
London focus. Comprehensive report
with valuable, apparently transferable
information on good practice, and
language needs.
London focus. Good analysis of
estimation of refugee population.
Identifies key principles and good
practice guidance on consultation
and user involvement.
Extremely thorough with detailed
specific “how to” guidance, and good
reference material on sources of
Examines the impact of health reforms n 6 health projects
funded by the Kings Fund.
Detailed guide with sections on organisational
competence, service competence.
A study of black, Asian and ethnic minority issues.
COMPACT: Black and Minority
Ethnic Voluntary and Community
Organisations: A Code of Good
Practice, NCVO, 2001
An Evaluation of the Impact of
Community Fund Grants on
Refugee Communities, Ball &
Griffiths, Community Fund, 2001
Monitoring and Assessment of
Refugee Community
Organisations, Ashami, Dr M., City
Parochial Foundation, 1991
Strengthening the BME Voluntary
Sector Infrastructure, Home
Office, 1999
Guidelines for providers of
Black information network run by the 1990 trust which is
an electronic repository of information that affects the lives
of African, Asian and Caribbean communities in Europe.
The 1990 Trust aims to be a key player in determining
social policy and instigating community action and
academic research.
The Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector
Organisations website. Currently running capacity building
programmes and consultations.
A code of good practice aimed at making a positive impact
on relations between Government and the BME voluntary
and community sector.
Evaluation of impact on refugee communities of
Community Fund grants in London since 1998. Welfare
rights and housing advice were provided by over 50% of
funded organisations. Finds that Community Fund grants
gave significant leverage, but that BME organisations may
need tailored assistance in accessing funding.
Detailed study analysing the nature of RCOs and
operational issues. Examines types of organisations and
the cultural and political contexts in which they operate.
The website is in early stages, and
contains little of relevance just yet.
Is about to embark on significant
research mapping the BME voluntary
The Compact is binding on central
Government departments and next
steps agencies. Funding section
includes NLCB, ALG and CPF in its
good practice examples.
Detailed in-depth report with London
focus and useful suggestions for
funder good practice. Includes an
impact assessment of the benefits of
funded housing and welfare rights
advice to refugee communities.
Detailed analysis with case studies,
analysis of grants and discussion of
issues facing refugees.
Government report that suggests encouraging and
supporting funding applications from the BME voluntary
sector, transparency and annual funding targets.
Forerunner to the Compact.
Guidance that analyses barriers to mental health services
Guidelines developed by collaboration
counselling training to refugees
and Guidelines for refugee
community organisations
providing counselling services,
Refugee Mental Health Forum,
Evelyn Oldfield Unit, 1998
Investing in the future of Refugee
Communities – A review of the
Evelyn Oldfield Unit, 1994-1996,
Mercer, C. Evelyn Oldfield Unit,
Compassionate Leadership: A
question of gender? Evelyn
Oldfield Unit, 1998
Report into the key issues for
Black & Ethnic Minority led
agencies use of computers and
information systems, Woodall, P.
& Mostafa, R. Lasa, 1998
for refugees, and looks at the particular issues of
counselling in RCOs.
of refugee community organisations.
Some guidelines may be transferable
to advice services in RCOs.
A review of the support needs of RCOs with case studies
in the light of 1996 legislative change around asylum and
immigration. Specific issues for RCOs and their members
include learning to manage in an alien legal and welfare
system, lack of information and support for mainstream
agencies, and underresourcing of community services
Report that documents the experiences of women
managers in RCOs and references relevant literature on
gender, management and leadership.
Study of 280 advice agencies identifying issues of concern
and support need in use of IT.
Useful refugee organisation –
generated analysis of organisational
issues for RCOs.
Useful perspective on issues within
RCOs, and good reference source for
women working in RCOs.
Sample is the advice sector, but raises
issues common to small voluntary
organisations of organisational capacity.