resident newsletter - Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home

May 2013
Inside this Issue
Welcome to Santa Maria
Upcoming Events
Resident of the Month
May is Speech and Hearing Month
Spring Celebration Suppers
Happy Birthday
Spiritual Care Highlights / Donations
Santa Maria Volunteers
Life with Mom
Hand Washing
Visiting Animals
Event Calendars
Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home Inc.
4215 Regina Avenue
Regina, SK S4S 0J5
Phone: 766-7100
Welcome to Santa Maria
Welcome to the following new residents:
Sylvia Taylor – 2nd Floor
Fr. Emile Toupin – 2nd Floor
Irene Lamothe – 4th Floor
Nellie Bradley – 2nd Floor
Frieda Lawrence – 4th Floor
Anna Sundbo – 3rd Floor
In Memory
Hannah Gravener
Julia Oruski
George Allan
Jessie Wilkie
Tony Bernaski
The Santa Maria Resident Newsletter Is published
monthly to provide information
to residents, family and staff.
Our Mission: Quality long-term wholistic care
through facility and community-based services
for seniors and their families in the tradition of
Catholic Christian values.
Santa Maria
has a New Website
Spread the word… Check it out…
Santa Maria has a new website and we can be
“Googled” on the internet!
Our website address is:
May 12
Upcoming Events:
Mackenzie Art Gallery Presentation:
May 6 – 2:00 p.m. – Auditorium
Mother’s Day Come & Go Tea:
May 12 – 2:00 p.m. – Auditorium
Mosaic Entertainment:
May 4, 11, 18, 25 – Auditorium
(see calendar of events for times)
Santa Maria Resident Newsletter
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Resident of the Month
Resident of the Month features a resident of Santa Maria by
recognizing their special attributes. As well as recognizing
the resident, it allows other residents, families and staff to get
to know this person. Family members can submit
information similar to what you would write in a history book,
including past recreation interests, hobbies, club membership
and volunteer work. We are in need of new profiles.
Please forward profiles to the Recreation Department.
Happy Birthday
The following residents celebrate
their Birthday in the month of April:
May 5 – Gloria Anderson
May 6 – Victoria Widdifield
May 8 – Bro. Alfred Vos
May 8 – Margaret Warholm
Speak Well
Hear Well
Live Well
May is Speech and Hearing Month
May is Speech and Hearing Awareness Month, the one
month in the year when thousands of professionals involved
with the treatment of speech, language and hearing disorders
come together to participate in a public awareness campaign
that encourages early detection and prevention of
communication disorders, and seeks to increase the public's
sensitivity to the challenges faced by individuals experiencing
Throughout the month of May the Canadian Association of
Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (CASLPA)
and our more than 5,500 members - speech-language
pathologists, audiologists and supportive personnel across
Canada - will be hard at work raising public awareness
concerning their professions and the many issues
surrounding speech, language and hearing disorders.
May 9 – Martha Dorney
May 9 – Lucie Gelinas-Naphin
May 12 – Nellie Bradley
May 14 – Ada Hooker
May 18 – Joan Hnatyszyn
May 20 – Iris Evans
May 22 – Dorothy Metz
May 24 – Valentine Peters
May 26 – Valerie Wallace
May 28 – Margaret “Lea” Inman
Spiritual Care Highlights
Weekday Mass: Tues. and Thurs. – 9:30 a.m. – Chapel
Celebration Suppers
Sunday Mass: 10:00 a.m. – Chapel
Spring Celebration Suppers will be held in the Auditorium at
5:30 p.m.:
May 2 – 3rd Floor
June 13 – 4th Floor
June 20 – 2nd Floor
Family members/friends are encouraged and welcome to
attend. Cost is $12.50 per person. Please watch for posters
and remember to contact Administration to reserve a seat.
United Church Service – May 16 – 10:30 a.m. – Chapel
Spiritual Care Donations
Spiritual Care is an Essential Service provided to Residents,
Family and Staff. This service is not funded by the
Government or the Health Region. Santa Maria allocates
funds from other areas of the organization. However, we
rely on the Good Graces of donors to support this Ministry.
Donations can be made to Administration.
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Santa Maria Volunteers
Upcoming Activities:
Mother’s Day Tea
Monday, May 13
2:00 p.m.
Residents’ friends and family members
are encouraged to attend.
Your presence is appreciated..
Annual General Meeting
Monday, June 10
2:00 p.m.
Annual Reports & Elections
We welcome new members who want to help
to “enrich” the lives of the residents.
Hand Washing
Infection causing germs are everywhere – on our bodies, in
our homes and in the hospital.
Hand washing is the single most important way to
prevent the spread of germs that cause infections.
Hand washing prevents
the spread of germs.
Understand that happiness is
not based on possessions,
power, or prestige,
but on relationships
with people
you love and respect.
Life’s Little Instruction Book
For further information call Margaret Sills 306-586-8611.
Life with Mom
1 year – Mamma
4 years – I want My Mamma.
7 years – I need to ask my Mommy first.
12 years – My Mother is so uncool.
17 years – Naturally Mother doesn’t understand.
21 years – Mom is so out of touch. What would you
30 years – A little patience… Maybe Mom will
have a good idea.
35 years – I’ll call Mom and see what Mom
thinks about it. Mom is really
a lot of help.
40 years – Maybe Mom and I could do that
50 years – I wonder what Mom would have
thought about it.
60 years – I wish I could talk it over with Mom
once more
Visiting Animals
Visiting animals are a big part
of life at Santa Maria. Visiting
animals are required to be on
leash while visiting. In order
to ensure the safety and
health of residents, staff and
visitors, all animals that visit
Santa Maria should have
current vaccinations relevant to their species.
Also, please remember to clean up after your animal.
Animals that have been reported to be aggressive will be
restricted from visiting due to a safety issue. Thank you for
helping to provide an opportunity for visiting animals to bring
pleasure to our residents.
Event Calendars
A calendar of events for May is posted on each floor and a
copy is attached to this newsletter.
Please remember that this is a guideline and is subject to
change. Family and friends are encouraged to attend
recreation programs.
Thank you for taking the time to read the Santa Maria
Resident newsletter.
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