Guidelines on Management of Cancer Pain: Bibliography American

Guidelines on Management of Cancer Pain: Bibliography
American Society of Anesthesiologists
1. Adams F, Cruz L, Deachman MJ, Zamora E: Focal subdermal toxicity with subcutaneous opioid infusion
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4. Ali NM, Hanna N, Hoffman JS: Percutaneous epidural catheterization for intractable pain in terminal
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7. Amano K, Kawamura H, Tanikawa T, Kawabatake H, Iseki H, Iwata Y: Bilateral versus unilateral
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26. Berde CB, Fischel N, Filardi JP, Coe CS, Grier HE, Bernstein SC: Caudal epidural morphine analgesia
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29. Blanchard J, Menk E, Ramamurthy S, Hoffman J: Subarachnoid and epidural calcitonin in patients with
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32. Bosch DA: Stereotactic rostral mesencephalotomy in cancer pain and deafferentation pain. A series of
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33. Breivik H, Rennemo F: Clinical evaluation of combined treatment with methadone and psychotropic
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34. Brown DL: A retrospective analysis of neurolytic celiac plexus block for nonpancreatic intra-abdominal
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35. Brown DL, Bulley CK, Quiel EL: Neurolytic celiac plexus block for pancreatic cancer pain. Anesthesia
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36. Bruera E, Brenneis C, Michaud M, Bacovsky R, Chadwick S, Emeno A: Use of the subcutaneous route
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39. Bruera E, Brenneis C, Paterson AH, MacDonald RN: Use of methylphenidate as an adjuvant to narcotic
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45. Bruera E, Macmillan K, Kuehn N, Hanson J, MacDonald RN: A controlled trial of megestrol acetate on
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46. Bruera E, Macmillan K, Pither J, MacDonald RN: Effects of morphine on the dyspnea of terminal
cancer patients. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management 5:341-344, 1990
47. Bruera E, Miller MJ: Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema after narcotic treatment for cancer pain. Pain
39:297-300, 1989
48. Bruera E, Miller MJ, Macmillan K, Kuehn N: Neuropsychological effects of methylphenidate in
patients receiving a continuous infusion of narcotics for cancer pain. Pain 48:163-166, 1992
49. Bruera E, Schoeller T, Fainsinger RL, Kastelan C: Custom-made suppositories of methadone for severe
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