Biology 1002 – Introduction to Biology : Cellular

Biology 1002 – Introduction to Biology: Cellular - Section 151
Cindy Hansen, M.D.
Email: You must put “Biology 1002” in the subject line or your message
may not be read.
Phone: 455-6108.
C. Starr, R. Taggart, C. Evers, and L. Starr, Cell Biology and Genetics, 12th edition or 13th edition.
Community College of Rhode Island, Biology 1002 Custom Lab Manual.
-Summer session 2 lasts only 6½ weeks. You may not take a vacation during this time.
- You are expected to attend all lectures and labs and to have read the material to be covered before
coming to class.
- You are expected to be in your seat and ready to begin at the start of class.
- You are responsible for all of the material presented, regardless of absence.
- Cheating is in violation of CCRI’s academic honesty policy and is NOT tolerated. Anyone observed
giving information to or accepting information from another student will receive a “0” on the quiz or
test and will be referred to the Dean of Students in accordance with the school’s academic honesty
- Extra credit work is not available for this course.
- You are expected to turn off your cell phone during class. If you are using your phone or text
messaging during class or lab, you will be asked to leave.
- Laptops are not permitted in class.
- You are expected to remain seated during class in order to minimize disruption. You are not allowed to
leave early, nor should you be preparing to leave prior to the scheduled end of class. Lateness is
frowned upon as it is disruptive to the class; habitual lateness or absence will result in a lowering of the
final course grade.
-If you plan to unofficially withdraw from the course, you must notify me, otherwise, your final course
grade will be an “F”.
Performance will be evaluated in both the lecture and laboratory portions of the course. The
lecture grade is 75% of the final course grade; the laboratory grade is 25% of the final course
grade. In accordance with biology department policy, you must have a passing average in
the laboratory section of the course in order to receive a passing grade for the semester.
There will be three regular exams (Exams 1, 2, and 3) and a cumulative final exam (Exam 4). Your lowest
grade on exams 1, 2 and 3 will be dropped; there are NO make-ups for any of these exams. You must
take the final exam.
The laboratory grade will be based on quizzes and laboratory practical exams. The quizzes will consist
of short answer questions, and are given at the beginning of the laboratory period. If you miss a lab or
come in late, you will receive a zero for that day’s quiz. No make-ups will be given. Your lowest quiz
grade will be dropped at the end of the session. Quizzes will make up 50% of your laboratory grade. A
comprehensive laboratory practical exam given during the last week of lab constitutes the remaining
50% of your laboratory grade.
Attendance in lab is mandatory. Any student who misses more than 2 labs will be dropped from the
Exams 1, 2, 3
Exam 4
Your letter grade for the course will be assigned according to the following schedule:
Course Average
Final grade
94 100
< 60
- I reserve the right to assign seating.
- All cell phones must be off. If your phone or any other electronic device makes any noise
during a test or quiz, I will deduct 5 points from your test or quiz score.
- All books, notebooks, book bags, phones, etc. must be left at the front of the room during a test or
- Hats/caps may not be worn.
- You may not have any technology at your desk or on your person during an exam. This includes, but is
not limited to, cell phones, MP3 players, etc.
- You are not allowed to leave the room and return during an exam.
- Additional policies may be added at any time at my discretion.
These are the definitions of plagiarism and cheating according to CCRI’s student handbook: “The term
“plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published
or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the
unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term
papers or other academic materials.”
“The term “cheating” includes, but is not limited to: a. Use, or the attempted use, of any unauthorized
assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations. b. Dependence upon the aid of sources beyond
those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out
other assignments. c. The acquisition of teaching or testing materials, including test banks and answer
keys, or access to online resources provided by textbook publishers, without the express permission of
the college faculty or staff.” Cheating also includes providing assistance to another student or students.
Acts of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty are not
tolerated, and will be handled according to procedures as outlined in the student handbook.
If you have a documented disability, please let me know immediately. If you have
not already done so, contact the Disability Services for Students Coordinator on your campus.
Lecture Schedule:
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Life’s Chemical Basis
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Molecules of Life
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Cell Structure and Function
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Cell Membranes
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 – 5.7 - 5.10
Part 1 – The Cell: Structure and Function
Invitation to Biology
Wednesday, July 18th*
Exam 1
Part 2 – The Cell: Energy and Metabolism
Ground Rules of Metabolism
Chapter 6
Chapter 5 – 5.2 - 5.6
Where it Starts - Photosynthesis
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
How Cells Release Chemical Energy
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Exam 2
Monday, July 30th*
Part 3 – The Cell: Molecular Genetics
DNA Structure and Function
Chapter 13
Chapter 8
From DNA to Protein
Chapter 14
Chapter 9
Controls Over Genes
Chapter 15
Chapter 10
Exam 3
Monday, August 6th*
Part 4 – The Cell: More Traditional Genetics
How Cells Reproduce (Mitosis)
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Observing Patterns in Inherited Traits
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chromosomes and Human Inheritance
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Final Exam
Monday, August 20th
* Proposed exam dates are subject to change depending on progress of class.
Lab Schedule:
Tuesday, July 10th
Introduction to the Lab
Graphical Analysis
1. Measurements in Biology
Thursday, July 12th
4. Solutions, Acids, and Bases / Lab Quiz 1
Tuesday, July 17th
5. Biologically Important Molecules / Lab Quiz 2
Thursday, July 19th
2. The Microscope / Lab Quiz 3
Tuesday, July 24th
3. The Cell / Lab Quiz 4
Thursday, July 26th
9. Cell Membranes / Lab Quiz 5
Tuesday, July 31st
8. Diffusion and Osmosis / Lab Quiz 6
Thursday, August 2nd
10. Enzymes / Lab Quiz 7
Tuesday, August 7th
11. Respiration / Lab Quiz 8
Thursday, August 9th
7. Spectrophotometry / Lab Quiz 9
Tuesday, August 14th
Meiosis and Mitosis / Lab Quiz 10
Thursday, August 16th
Lab Practical Exam