INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. Automatic Change Detection System for Paediatric Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage Using Regression Kernels E. Ben George1, R. P. Anto Kumar2, R. Gandhiraja3 , M. Karnan4 Dept of CSE, Periyar Maniammai University and Part-time Research Scholar, Bharathiar University Dept of IT, St.Xaviers Catholic College of Engg and Part-time Research Scholar, Bharathiar University Research Scholar, JJT University, Rajasthan Dept of CSE, Tamilnadu College of Engg, Coimbatore 1 3 4 2 diagnostics, screening and detection tools. It provide clinicians with computerized analysis of medical images as a “second opinion“ in detecting lesions, assessing extent and progression of disease, as well as supporting diagnostic decisions. The automatic detection of subtle change between images of the same scene taken at different times is a very important method in large number of applications in diverse fields. Some of the important applications include video surveillance [12] – [14], remote sensing [15]-[19], medical diagnosis [2] - [6]. Once a set of input images is given the change detection process is performed to automatically detect the changes (both spatial and spectral changes). The detailed review on change detection algorithms [1] is the basis for this literature. Our proposed method is based on the calculation and use of what we call local regression kernels [8-10] which are local features computed directly from the given pixels in both the reference image and the target images, as elaborated below. The key idea behind local regression kernels is to robustly obtain local geometric structures of images by analyzing the radiometric (pixel value) differences based on estimated gradients, and use this structure information to determine the shape and size of a canonical kernel. To summarize the operation of the overall algorithm, given the reference image and the target image, we first calculate the LSK from both the reference image and the registered target image at all pixel locations. Comparison between LSKs computed from two images is carried out using the cosine similarity measure [9, 10]. The overall algorithm yields a scalar dissimilarity map (DM) ,indicating the local statistical likelihood of dissimilarity between the reference and target images. DM values exceeding a threshold then identify meaningful and relevant changes. The proposed method is robust to various challenging conditions including unequal signal strength. Abstract -In this paper, we put forward a methodology for a computer-aided change detection system, to assist clinicians diagnose bleeding in children’s brains—i.e., in medical terms, Paediatric Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage (PAIH). The proposed system provides clinicians with computerized analysis of medical images in the form of computed tomography (CT) scans or MRI scan of the heads of child patients. This, in turn, leads to more efficient detection, diagnosis, and progress evaluation of paediatric AIH. The proposed method uses a single modality to find slight changes; and does not require prior knowledge (learning) of the type of changes to be sought. The method is based on the computation of a local kernel from the reference image, which measures the likeness of a pixel to its surroundings. This kernel is then used as a feature and compared against analogous features from the target image. Keywords -- Change Detection, Paediatric Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage (PAIH), Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI), local regression kernel I. INTRODUCTION: A survey in USA states that Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) for children (0 to 14years) results in an estimated 2,685 deaths, 37,000 hospitalizations [5]. On an average 1,301 children suffer due to TBI each day. This data might be huge in case of the developing countries. As major continuation to TBI, Acute Intracranial Haemorrhage (AIH) in general and paediatric AIH in particular has become a public health problem. In simple terms, AIH refers to recent bleeding inside the confines of the skull. It occurs when a blood vessel either an artery or a vein in the head ruptures or leaks. It can result from physical trauma or non-traumatic causes such as ruptured aneurysum. One way to help clinicians reduce the damage caused by AIH is to improve the accuracy and efficiency of medical condition or diseases by its signs, symptoms and results of various diagnostics procedures (e.g., radiological images, laboratory results).it can be enhanced by the use of a screening and detection tools. The earlier the diagnosis of a medical condition or a disease, the better is the chance for a complete health recovery. The diagnostics, screening and detection tools can help clinicians decide which medical tests and/or alternative procedures to be used for identifying diseases at an early stage. A computer-aided system is an example of such The main application is that we can compare the two images and find the difference between them. This process is done to find if any blood clot is present in the brain In this introductory part it is mandatory to mention few of the existing algorithms for change detection. 9 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. Input Preprocessing Reference Brain Image R Target Brain Image T Processing R T Geometric Adjustments or Image Registration R1 Radiometric or Intensity Adjustment Compute Local Steering Kernels (CSK) T1 K Rj Construct dissimilarity Map by Cosine Similarity KTj Perform Significant Test Output Detected Changes Fig 2. System Overview The first approach uses simple differencing for change detection. Consider T and R be the Target and the Reference images respectively, for which we apply change detection algorithm. use this structure information to determine the shape and size of a canonical kernel. To be more specific, the local steering kernel function K (xi − xj ) is calculated and normalized as follows Calculate the difference image D(x)=T(x)-R(x) Generate change mask B(x) B(x)= 1 if D(x) > T and is 0 otherwise where T is a threshold value. If B(x) has more number of 1’s then there is a significant change in other image and the corresponding pixels in the target image can be displayed. The second method calculates the EALD (Expected Absolute Luminance Difference) between two images. The two images are partitioned into equally sized non overlapping blocks. For each block calculate the normalized EALD and then compute the difference image. The dark areas in the difference image represent the blocks with large difference. II. K ( xi x j ) det(C i ) h2 ( xi x j ) T C i ( xi x j ) exp 2 2 h i=1,2,…..P2 (no of pixels in local window) j=1,2,…..N2(no of pixels in the image) C i is the covariance matrix which can be computed using the given formula Ci i TECHNICAL DETAILS Consider that we have two MR images R and T. First perform preprocessing on the two images. Preprocessing involves two steps; the first step is to perform a geometric adjustment that is image registration on both the images. Second step is to perform radiometric/ intensity adjustment which helps both the images to match with respect to the intensity. The next step in the proposed algorithm is to calculate the Local Steering Kernel (LSK) measuring the relationship between a center pixel and its neighboring pixels, at each pixel from both R and T . The key idea behind local regression kernels is to robustly obtain local geometric structures of images by analyzing the radiometric (pixel value) differences based on estimated gradients, and i UT i i i Cosi Sini Sini Cosi = 0 i = i 1 0 i where i Scaling parameter Rotation Parameter i i Elongation Parameter To calculate i , & i i In order to calculate 10 i first calculate INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. I R,T The gradient vector Gi Gi = . . . Zx1( x j ) . . Where . . Z x 2 ( x j ) . . . Z x1 (.) & Z x 2 (.) are first derivatives along x1 & x2 directions x j Local Window In the above equation Gi is the gradient matrix and which can be decomposed by applying the singular value decomposition method. SVD(Gi)= i S iVi Where T Vi is the orthogonal matrix V1 where V1 & V2 are the II column V 2 Fig. 2. Examples of Local Steering Kernels i arctan To calculate i = Fig. 2 shows some examples of LSK in various regions of both the reference and the target. Note that LSKs computed from various regions in both reference and target look essentially identical except for regions 7 and 8 where small lesions exist. Vi elements of 2x2 i S 1 1 , S 2 1 1 0 1 1 1.0 take At each pixel xj, with a preselected window size of P x P , we get P 2 numbers by column-stacking (rasterizing) vector KI (xi-xj) as kjI (I€ {R, T }). regularization parameter Shape of the kernel is circular in flat areas and elongated near edge areas (S1 S2 ) (S1 S2 0) The next step in the algorithm is the measurement of a “distance” between the computed features, kjR and kjT Instead of using common distance measures like Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance etc. , the correlation-based similarity measures can be used, we propose to use cosine similarity for change detection. Cosine similarity is defined as the inner product between two normalized vectors as follows: 1/ 2 S S " To calculate i 1 2 m " - regularization parameter M – Number of samples in the window ( K Rj )T K Tj Cosj || K Rj || || K Tj || Cos j [1,1] ( K Rj , K Tj ) The global smoothing parameter can be calculated using the formula 1/ 4 h pf ( xi ) The cosine similarity measure therefore focuses only on the angle (phase) information while discarding the scale information. p - Number of pixels in local window f(xi) - density of samples - regularization parameter When it comes to interpreting the value of “correlation”, Using the above formulae we can calculate K xi x j that K I ( xi x j ) P2 K i 1 where I j € [ 0, 1] describes the proportion of variance in common between the two LSKs as opposed to j which indicates a linear relationship between two LSKs kjR; kjT . As for the final test statistic comprising the values in the dissimilarity map, we use the proportion of “residual” which is the local steering kernel for each block. The calculated LSK should be normalized using the formula K I ( xi x j ) 2 ( xi x j ) variance (1 - j=1…….M i=……...P2 2 j) j to the shared variance 2 . j More specifically, the test statistic at each point in the image is computed and dissimilarity map (DM) is generated at each 11 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. point as follows: pixel in R and T yields a 25-dimensional local descriptor respectively. By performing significance test on the resulting dissimilarity map, we have detected regions with significant changes. Fig. 3 illustrates about the two input images R and T and the resulting change detected output.. 1 2 j f ( j ) j 2 In order to detect significant changes using the DM, we need a threshold t. If we have a basic knowledge of the underlying distribution of f ( j ) , then we can make predictions about how this particular statistic will behave, and thus it is relatively easy to choose a threshold which will indicate whether the pair of features from the two images are sufficiently dissimilar. But, in practice, we do not have a very good way to model the distribution of f ( j ) . Therefore, instead of assuming a type of underlying distribution, we employ the idea of nonparametric testing. We compute an empirical PDF from the values of f ( j ) across the image and we set t so as to achieve, for instance, a 99 % confidence level in deciding whether a given value is in the extreme (right) tail of the distribution. This approach is based on the assumption that in the target image, most of pixels are not involved with significant change, and therefore, the few outliers will result in values which are in the tail of the distributions of f ( j ) . 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