SPAW Protocol Listserve Contracting Parties to SPAW Country Barbados Colombia Cuba Contact Person & Mailing Address E-mail Address John Wilson Ministry of Environment, Energy & Nat. Resources Sir Frank Walcott Bldg., 4th. floor Culloden Road St. Michael, Barbados Tel.: (246) 431-7680 Fax.: (246) 437-8859 Julia Harrocks Senior Lecturer Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, Barbados Tel.: (246) 417-4320 Fax.: (246) 417-4325 Asesor para el Medio Ambiente Multilaterales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Calle 10 No. 5-51, Palacio de San Carlos, Bogotá, Colombia Tel.: (57-1) 566-7077 Fax.: (57-1) 562-5903/566-6444 /6081 Ana María Hernández Advisor Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Calle 37 #8-40, Piso 2 Bogotá, Colombia Tel.: (571) 288-9860, Ext. 182 Fax.: (571) 288-9564 co Dalila Caicedo Herrero Profesional Especializado Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Calle 37 #8-40, Piso 2 Bogotá, Colombia Tel.: (571) 288-6877 Ext. 407 Fax.: (571) 340-6206/07 Jorge Luis Fernández Chamero Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente Dirección de Colaboración Internacional La Habana, Cuba Tel.: (53-7) 670-606 Fax.: (53-7) 338-054 Reinaldo Estrada Estrada, Director Centro Nacional de Areas Protegidas Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Calle 18A e/ 4114 La Habana 11300, Cuba Tel: (53-7) 202-7970 Fax: (53-7)204-0798 Orlando Ernesto Rey Director, Medio Ambiente CIMAB Capitolio Nacional Prado y San José La Habana, Cuba Tel.: (53-7) 670-598 Fax.: (53-7) 670-615 orlando Gricel Acosta Acosta Especialista CITMA Dirección Colaboración Internacional Capitolio Nacional Prado y San José La Habana, Cuba Tel.: (53-7) 670-606 Fax.: (53-7) 338-054 Dalia María Salabarria Calle 20 No. 4103 esq. 184 La Habana, Cuba Tel.: (53-7) 229-351 Fax.: (53-7) 249-031 Dominican Republic Ing. Roberto Sanchez Director Areas Protegidas Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Avenida México, Esquina Dr. Delgado Edif. de Oficinas Gubernamentales, Bloque B, Piso 1 Sto. Domingo, República Dominicana Tel.: (809) 472-4204, 47-3888 Ext. 2207 & 2208 Fax.: (809) 472-4012/540-2667/227-6550 France Roseyne Bachelot Ministère de l’écologie et du développement durable Direction de la Nature et des Paysages 20 avenue de Ségur 75307 Paris, France Tel: (33-1) 42 19 20 21 Fax: (33-1) 42 19 19 77 Jean Marc Michel Director Adjoint Direction de la Nature et des Paysages Ministère de l’écologie et du développement durable 20 avenue de Ségur 2 Jean-arc.michel@environnement. 75307 Paris, France Paris, France Tel.: (33-1) 42 19 19 35 Fax.: (33-1) 42 19 19 77 Tahar Ou-Rabah Ministère de l’écologie et du développement durable Direction de la Nature et des Paysages 20 avenue de Ségur 75307 Paris, France Tel. : (33-1) 42 19 20 90 Fax. : (33-1) 42 1919 06 Daniel Burette Directeur Directeur Régional de l’Environnement (DIREN) 4 Blvd. De Verdun 97200 Fort de France, Martinique Tel: (596) 713-005 Fax: (596) 602-124 Tahar.ou-rabah@environnement. Jean-Luis Millot Directeur Régional de l’Environnement (DIREN) Immeuble Massal 4 Blvd. De Verdun 97200 Fort de France, Martinique Tel: (596) 713-005 Fax: (596) 602-124 Netherlands Lucita Moenir Alam Director Bureau of Foreign Relations Fort Amsterdam 4 Willemstad, Curaçao Tel.: (599-9) 461-3933 Fax.: (599-9) 461-7123 Paul Hoetjes Policy Advisor Nature and Environment Section Department of Health and Environmental Hygiene Government of Netherlands Antilles Heelsumstraat z/n, Curaçao Netherlands Antilles Tel: (599-9) 465-5300 Fax: (599-9) 461-2154 Eric Newton Policy Advisor Environmental Section Ministry of Public Health and Environment Santa Rosaweg 122 Willemstad, Curaçao Tel.: (599) 97 36 35 30 Fax.: (599) 97 36 35 05 3 Darrylin L. van der Veen Bureau of Foreign Relations Fort Amsterdam 4 Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles Tel.: (599) 94 61 39 33 Fax.: (599) 94 61 71 23 Panama St. Lucia Ricardo Rivera Director Nacional de Patrimonio Natural Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente Apartado 08 43 Zona C Balboa, Ancón Panamá Tel: (507) 315 0951/315-0855 Ext. 176 Fax: (507) 315-0573 Marisol Emelda Dimas Jefa Depto. de Conservación de la Biodiversidad Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente Apartado C, Zona 0843 Balboa, Ancon. Albrook, Edif. 804 República de Panamá Tel.: (507) 315-0855 Fax.: (507) 315-0573 Lyndon John Research Officer Forestry Department Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Gabriel Charles Forestry Complex Union, Balata Castries, St. Lucia Tel.: (758) 451-7222/450- 2078 Fax.: (758) 450-2287 Sarah George Deputy Chief Fisheries Officer Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 5th Floor, NIS Building Waterfront Castries, St. Lucia Tel.: (758) 468-4145/450 2078 Fax: (758) 542-3853 Vaughn Charles Chief Fisheries Officer Dept. of Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Castries, St. Lucia Tel.: (758) 453-1456 Fax.: (758) 452-3853 4 St. Vincent & the Grenadines Brian Johnson Director of Forestry Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Kingstown, St. Vincent & the Grenadines Tel: (784) 456 1111 ext. 321 Fax: (784) 457 8502 Raymond Ryan Fisheries Officer Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Richmond Hill Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Tel: (784) 456-2738 Fax: (784) 457 2121 Franklin Murphy Chief Fisheries Officer Fisheries Division Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Tel.: (784) 456-2738 Fax.: (784) ____________ Trinidad & Tobago Environmental Management Authority 8 Elizabeth Street St. Clair Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago Tel: (868) 628 8042 Fax: (868) 628 9122 Director of Forestry Forest Resources Inventory and Management Forest Division P.O. Bag 30 Long Circular Road, St. James Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago Tel: (868) 622 5658 Fax: (868) 628 55 03 Nadra Nathai-Gyan, Head Wildlife Section Forestry Division Farm Road St. Joseph, Trinidad & Tobago Tel & Fax: (868) 654-4288 Kenny Singh Conservancy Coordinator Ministry of the Environment Forestry Division P. O. Bag 30, Long Circular Road St. James, Trinidad & Tobago Tel.: (868) 622-3217/4521, Fax.: (868) 628-5503 5 USA Venezuela Arthur Paterson International Program Officer National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Department of Commerce Main Commerce Bldg., Room 5811 14th. & Constitution Ave., NW Washington, D. C. 20230 USA Tel.: (202) 482-6196 Fax.: (202) 482-4307 Nancy Daves NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Protected Resources 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA Tel: (301) 713 2319 Fax: (301) 713 0376 Richard Wilbur International Relations Officer Office of Oceans Affairs U.S. Department of State, OES/OA Room 5805 2201 C Street Washington, D. C. 20520 N.W. USA Tel: (202) 647-3879 Fax: (202) 647-9099 Gilberto Cintron-Molero Chief, Western Hemisphere Program US Fish and Wildlife Service 4401 N. Fairfax Drive Arlsq. 740 Arlington, VA 22203 USA Tel.: (301) 358-1765 Fax.: (301) 713 4263 Mirna Quero de Peña Directora General Oficina Nacional de Diversidad Boiológica Oficina Sectoral de Gestion y Cooperación Internacional Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables (MARNR) C.S.B. Torre Sur El Silencio Caracas, Venezuela Tel.: (58-212) 408-1501 to 15010 Fax.: (58-212) 408-1503 6 Alberto Belzares Embajador Jefe de la División de Fronteras Marítimas Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Dirección General de Soberanía Limites y Asuntos Fronterizos Caracas, Venezuela Tel.: (58-212) 862-8886 Fax.: (58-212) 860-9372 Ileana Villalobos Directora de Cooperación Técnica Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales C.S.B. Torre Sur El Silencio Caracas, Venezuela Tel.: (58-212) 408-1501/06 Fax.: (58-212) 860-9372 Sara Galvez Jefe de División Dirección de Areas Naturales Protegidas para la Fauna Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales C.S.B. Torre Sur, Piso 6, El Silencio Dirección General de Fauna Caracas, Venezuela Tel.: (58-212) 408-1522/1553/1551 Fax.: (58-212) 408-2109 7 OBSERVERS Country/ Organization Contact Person & Mailing Address E-mail Address Anguilla Roland Hodge Director Fisheries and Marine Resources Office of the Chief Minister The Valley, Anguilla Tel.: (264) 497-2547/497-2451 Fax.: (264) 497-3761 Antigua and Barbuda Philmore James Chief Fisheries Officer Fisheries Division Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries Nevis Street St. John’s, Antigua & Barbuda Tel/Fax: (268) 462-1372, Bahamas Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Office of the Primer Minister East Bay Street P.O. Box N 3028 Nassau, Bahamas Tel: (242) 325-7502 Fax: (242) 322-1767 Maurice Isaacs Veterinary Officer Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries P.O. Box N-3028 Nassau, Bahamas Tel: (242) 325-1173/325-3904 Fax: (242) 325-3960/328-5874 Michel Braynen Department of Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries East Bay Street P.O. Box N-3028 Nassau, Bahamas Tel: (242) 393-1777 - 9/393-1014-5 Fax: (242) 393-0238 8 Belize Vincent Gillett Chief Executive Officer Coastal Zone Management Authority (GOB) Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Co-operatives 8 St. Marks St. P.O. Box 1884 Belize City, Belize Tel: (501-2) 35739 Fax: (501-2) 35738 Ismael Fabro Chief Environmental Officer Dept. of Environment (DOE) Ministry of Natural Resources, the Environment & Industry Princess Margaret Drive P. O. Box 148 Belize City, Belize Tel.: (501-2) 08-22862/08-22542 Fax.: (501-2) 08-22333 Natalie Rosado Wildlife Officer Conservation Division Forest Department Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Industry Belmopan, Belize Tel: (501) 822 079 Fax: (501) 822 083 James Azueta Acting Fisheries Officer, Fisheries Dept. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Cooperatives P.O. Box 148 Princess Margaret Drive Belize City, Belize Tel: (501-2) 32187 Fax: (501-2) 32983 British Virgin Islands Sheila Brown Permanent Secretary Ministry of Natural Resources & Labour Government House Road Town, Tortola Tel.: (284) 494-3701 Fax.: (284) 494-4283 Cayman Islands Gina Ebanks-Petrie Director, Dept. of the Environment P.O. Box 486GT Marco Giglioli Building North Sound Road George Town, Grand Cayman (UK) Tel.: (345) 949-8469 Fax.: (345) 949-4020 9 Commission of the European Union Costa Rica Dominica John Bothwell Research Officer Dept. of Environment P.O. Box 586GT Marco Giglioli Building 580 North Sound Road George Town, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands (UK) Tel: (345) 949 8469 Fax: (345) 949 4020 Hans Lancee Delegation of The European Commission in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Mervue House, Marine Gardens Hastings, Christ Church P.O. Box 654 Bridgetown, Barbados Tel: (246) 427 4362 Fax: (246) 427 8687 Luis Ritto Head of Caribbean Division (contact Desk Officer for Regional Caribbean Affairs) Directorate General Development Commission of the European Union 200 Rue de la loi B-1049 Brussels, Belgium Tel: (32-2) 299-3281/2 and 299-2723 Fax: (32-2) 299-2905/9843 296-9400 Edwin Cyrus Cyrus Director Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía Apartado 10104 San José, Costa Rica Tel.: (506-2) 758-5855/798-3170 Fax.: (506-2) 758-3996 Marco Solano Autoridad Administrativa CITES Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservación Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía Apartado 10104-1000 San José, Costa Rica Tel: (506) 283 80 04 Fax: (506) 283 73 43 Director of Forestry and Wildlife Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment Government Headquarters Botanical Gardens Roseau, Dominica Tel: (767) 448-2401 Ext. 3417/3415 Fax: (767) 448-7999 10 Grenada Nadica McIntyre Permanent Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finance and National Security Botanical Gardens Office of the Prime Minister St. Georges, Grenada Tel: (473) 440-2712/2640/3036/2255 Fax: (473) 440-4184/4116 Guatemala Noe Ventura, Secretario Ignacio Galvez, Asistente Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas (CONAP) Via 5, 4-50 Zona 4 Edificio Maya, 4to. Nivel Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala Tel: (502) 331 6133/332 0092 Fax: (502) 332 0464/ 331 5528 Guyana Sheranne Wickham Senior Environmental Officer, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) IAST Building, U.G. Campus Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana Tel.: (592-2) 22-277/25-783-4 Fax.: (592-2) 25-785/22-442 Haiti Helliot Amilcar Correspondant d'Haiti Ministere de l'Environnement 181, Haut Turgeau Ave. Jean Parl II B.P. 19260 Port-au-Prince, Haiti Tel.: (509) 245-7585/72 Fax.: (509) 245-7360 Pierre Guy Lafontant Directeur Direction Ressources Naturelles Ministère de l’agriculture, des ressources naturelles et du dèveloppement rural B.P. 1441 Damien, Port-au-Prince, Haiti Tel: (509)22 18 67 Fax: (509)22 35 91 Dalberg Claude Chef de Service des Parcs Nationaux et des Sites Naturelles Ministère de l’agriculture, des ressources naturelles et du dèveloppement rural B.P. 1441 Damien, Port-au-Prince, Haiti Tel: (509) 22 18 67 Fax: (509) 22 35 91 11 Honduras Enrique Reina Asistente del Canciller Palacio Cecilio del Valle Boulevard Juan Pablo II Tegucigalpa, Honduras Tel: (504) 234-8988 Fax: (504) 234-1484/1477 Jamaica Franklin McDonald Executive Director National Environment & Planning Agency (NEPA) 10 Caledonia Avenue Kingston 5, Jamaica Tel.: (876) 754-7526 Fax.: (876) 754-7594 Carole Excell Legal Officer National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) 10 Caledonia Avenue Kingston 5, Jamaica Tel.: (876) 908-3313 Fax.: (876) 754-7597 Andrea Donaldson Coordinator Fauna Biodiversity Branch National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) 10 Caledonia Avenue Kingston 5, Jamaica Tel.: (876) 754-7570 Fax.: (876) 754-7595 Olga Ojeda Cardenas Coordinadora de Asuntos Internacionales Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) Anillo Periférico Sur No. 4209, Fraccionamiento Jardines en la Montaña 14210, Tlalpan, D.F., México Tel: (52-5) 549 02118 Fax: (52-5) 549 02194 Mexico Hugo Guzman, Director General Luz María Ortiz Unidad Coordinadora de Asuntos Internacionales Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) Anillo Periférico Sur No. 4209 Fraccionamiento Jardines en la Montaña C.P. 14210 México D.F., México Tel: (52-5) 549 02118 Fax: (52-5) 549-02194 12 Alberto Glender Rivas Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) Anillo Periférico Sur No. 4209, Fraccionamiento Jardines en la Montaña 14210, Tlalpan, D.F., México Tel: (52-5) 628-0650 Fax: (52-5) 628-0653 Francisco Fernando Cervantes Ramírez Director Jurídico Instituto Nacional de la Pesca Pitagoras, No. 1320 Col. Santa Cruz Atoyac, México Tel.: (52-2) 54-22-30-04 Fax.: (52-5) 56-20-01-60 Maria Pia Gallina Directora de Captación Financiera y Cooperación en Areas Naturales Protegidas Comisión Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas (SEMARNAT) Ave. Revolución 1425 – Nivel 28, Col. Tlacopac San Angel 01040, México, D.F. Tel.: 5624-33-44 Fax.: 5624-3590 Rafael Solano-Sansores Director General de Investigación de Proceso para el Desarrollo Sostenible Instituto Nacional de la Pesca –SAGARPA Pitagoias 1320 Sta. Cruz Atoyac, México Tel.: (552-5) 628-0600 -12038 Montserrat Gerard Grey Director of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, Trade and the Environment P.O. Box 27 Grove Botanic Station Brades, Montserrat Tel: (664) 491-2075 Fax: (664) 491-7275 Nicaragua Liza Gonzalez Dirección General de Biodiversidad y Recursos Naturales Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (MARENA) Apdo. 5123 Km. 12 1/2 Carretera Norte Managua, Nicaragua Tel: (505) 263-1271/3 Fax: (505) 263-1274 13 St. Kitts and Nevis Ralph Wilkins Fisheries Officer Fisheries Management Unit Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Environment Government Headquarters P.O. Box 186 Basseterre, St. Kitts & Nevis Tel: (869) 465-2521, Fax: (869) 465-2635 Suriname Ewald Leeflang National Institute for Environment and Development Flustraat 35 Paramaribo, Suriname Tel: (597) 430800/431170/430770 Fax: (597) 499987/410256/472911 Turks and Caicos Michelle Fulford Dept. Environment & Coastal Resources South Base, Grand Turk Turks and Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 946 2855 Fax: (649) 946 1895 Judith Garland Campbell Project Manager Coastal Resource Management Project (CRMP) Department of Environment and Coastal Resources Sam Harvey’s Building P. O. Box 54, Cheshire Hall Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands Tel: (649) 941 5122 Fax: (649) 946 4793 United Kingdom Monica Wilson Deputy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Natural Resources Government Compound Front Street Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands Tel.: (649) 946-1728 or 946-2801 Fax.: (649) 946-2751 Annabelle Malins Technologist & Training Specialist Horticulture National Resources Institute Foreign and Commonwealth Office King Charles Street London SW1 2AH United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 2703485/ +44 163 4883485 Fax: +44 207 2703731/ +44 163 4880066/77 14 Sandy Moss National Resources Institute Foreign and Commonwealth Office King Charles Street London SW1 2AH United Kingdom Tel: (44-207) 270-3485 Fax: (44-207) 270-3731/270-4076 Denise Dudgeon Foreign & Commonwealth Office King Charles Street London SW1A 2AH Tel.: 44 207 270 2725 Fax.: 44 207 270 4076 David Connor Head, Marine Information Team Joint Nature Conservation Committee Monkstone House City Road, Petersborough, PE1 1JY United Kingdom Tel.: 44 1733 866 6837 Fax.: 44 1733 555 948 Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) Christine Stevens, President P.O Box 3650 Washington, DC 20007-0150 USA Tel: (202) 337-2332 Fax: (202) 338-9478 Thomas Garrett Rural Affairs Director 1686 34th. Street NW Washington, D. C. 20067 USA OR Garrett Route Rock River Wyoming 82083 USA Tel.: (307) 322-5883 Fax.: (307) 322-5882 Association of Caribbean States (ACS) Norman Girvan Secretary General 5 – 7 Sweet Briar Road St. Clair, Port-of-Spain Trinidad & Tobago Tel.: (868) 622-1653 Fax.: (868) 622-9575 15 BirdLife International David C. Wege Caribbean Program Manager Website: UK Tel.: +44 1223 277318 Fax.: +44 1223 277200 Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) Vijay Krishnarayan Managing Partner Fernandes Industrial Centre Administration Building Eastern Main Road Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago Tel.: (868) 626-6062 Fax.: (868) 626-1788 Website: Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Abdallah Zedan Executive Secretary World Trade Centre 393 St. Jacques Street Suite 3000 Montreal, Quebec H2Y 1N9 Canada Tel.: (514) 288-2220 Fax.: (514) 288-6588 Conservation International (CI) Michael L. Smith Center for Applied Biodiversity Science Conservation International 1919 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 USA Tel.: (202) 912-1520 Fax.: (202) 912-0772 Caribbean Conservation Association (CCA) Joth Singh Executive Director Bush Hill The Garrison St. Michael, Barbados Tel.: (246)426-5373 Fax.: (246)429-8483 Patrick McConney Project Manager CORECOMP Savannah Lodge The Garrison St. Michael, Barbados Tel.: (246) 426-5373 Fax.: (246) 429-8483 16 Caribbean Conservation AssociationCaribbean Regional Environmental Programme (CCA/CREP) Cathal Healy-Singh Programme Manager Programme Management Unit “Chelford”, Bush Hill The Garrison, St. Michael Barbados Tel (246) 427 2520 Fax (246) 228 5608 CARICOM Secretariat (CARISEC) Anya Thomas CARICOM Secretariat Bank of Guyana Building Turkeyen Campus Georgetown, Guyana Tel: 1(5922) 52961/5 Fax: 1(5922) 678167 Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD) Mauricio Castro, Director General de Medio Ambiente Boulevard Orden de Malta No. 470 Santa Elena. Antiguo Cuscatlán, El Salvador Tel: (503) 289 - 6131 Fax: (503) 289 - 6124/25 Cetacean Society International (CSI) Mr. Jorge Picon Cetacean Society International (CSI) P.O. Box 953 Georgetown, CT. 06829 USA Tel: (203) 431-1606 Fax: (203) 431-1606 CFRAMP Milton Haughton Scientific Director CARICOM Fisheries Unit P.O. Box 642 Belize City, Belize Tel: (501) 234 444 Fax: (501) 234 446,, Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) Arnulf Müller-Helmbrecht Executive Secretary UNEP/CMS Secretariat, United Nations Premises in Bonn, Martin-Luther-King-Str. 8, D-53175 Bonn, Germany Tel: (+49 228) 815 2401/2 Fax: (+49 228) 815 2449 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Willem Wijnstekers Secretary General CITES Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme 15 chemin des Anemones CH-1219 Chatelaine Geneva, Switzerland 17 Tel.: (4122) 917-8139/40 Fax.: (4122) 797-3417 Jim Armstrong Deputy Secretary General CITES Secretariat United Nations Environment Programme 15 chemin des Anemones CH-1219 Chatelaine Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: (4122) 917-8139/40 Fax.: (4122) 797-3417 Delegation of the Environment Commission in Barbados (EC) Hans Lancee Environmental and Tourism Advisor Mearne House Marine Garden Hastings, Christ Church, Barbados Tel.: (246) 427-4362, Ext. 222 Eastern Caribbean Cetacean Network (ECCN) Nathalie Ward Director P. O. Box 573 Woods Hole, MA. 02543 USA Tel.: (508) 548-3313 Fax.: (508) 548-1393 Eastern Caribbean Coalition for Environmental Awareness (ECCEA) Lesley Sutty Head of Operations/CEO B.P. 4030 Terres Sainville 97254 Fort de France Cedex Martinique, France Cell: (590) 33 23 48 Tel/Fax: (590) 65 6725 Sherrod James SP2 Coordinator Long Street St. John, Antigua and Barbuda Tel.: (268) 462-6236 Fax.: (268) 463-7740 Menno van der Velde President Reef Care Curaçao P.O.Box 676 Curaçao, Dutch West Indies Tel: (599-9) 569 2099 Fax: (599-9) 465 8443 Foundation Reef Care Curaçao 18 GreenpeaceMexico Juan Carlos Cantu Guzman Coordinator Biodiversity Campaign Andalucia 218 Col Alamos, Mexico Tel.: 55906868 Fax.: 55905585 juan.carlos.cantu@mx.greenpeace. org Greenpeace Netherlands Geert Drieman Director International and Legal Affairs Keizergracht 174 1016 DW Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: +31 20 5249537 Fax: +31 20 53504707 GreenpeaceUSA Audrey Cardwell Oceans Campaign Greenpeace 9A Harbor Loop Gloucester, MA 01930 USA Tel: (978) 283 1339 Fax: _____________ audrey.cardwell@wdc.greenpeace. org The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Ronald Orenstein Project Director International Wildlife Coalition 1825 Shady Creek Court Missassauga, Ontario, Canada Tel.: (905) 820-7886 Fax.: (905) 569-0116 Teresa M. Telecky Director Wildlife Trade Program 2100 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 USA Tel: (202) 452-1100 Fax: (202) 778-6132 International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) Carole Carlson Senior Marine Biologist 411 Main Street Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 USA Tel.: (508) 487-0374 Fax: (508) 487 7508 Beatriz Bugeda Bernal Director for Latin America Prol. Angelina No. 10 Col. Guadelupe Inn Mexico, DC Tel.: 56-61-0166 19 Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA) Hazel McShine, Director Hilltop Lane, Chaguaramas P. O. Box 3160, Carenage P.O. Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies Tel.: (868) 634-4291 Fax.: (868) 634-4433 Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (INVEMAR) Maria Catalina Bernal Velasquez Bióloga, MMSc, Asesora de Relaciones Externas Jaime Garzon Ferreira, Arrecifes de Coral A.A. 1016 Santa Marta, Colombia Tel: (575) 421-1380/421-4413/421-4775/4/423-4509 Ext.107 Fax: (575) 421-1377/421-5181 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, SubCommission for the Caribbean and adjacent regions (IOCaribe) Cesar Toro IOC Secretary Centro, Calle de la Factoria No. 36-57 Cartagena de Indias, Colombia Tel: (575) 664-6399 Fax: (575) 660-0407, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Pedro Rosabal Programme Officer IUCN Programme on Protected Areas Rue Mauverney 28 1196 Gland, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 999 0165 Fax: +41 22 999 0015 Monitor Caribbean (MC) Mr. Milton M. Kaufmann Project Facilitator 19102 Roman Way Montgomery Village, MD 20886-5061 USA Tel./Fax.: (301) 948-1831 Organization of Eastern Caribbean States/Environmental Sustainable Development Unit (OECS/ESDU) Vasantha Chase Head of Unit Morne Fortune P. O. Box 1383 Castries, St. Lucia Tel.: (758) 242-1847/453-6208/451-8930 Fax.: (758) 452-2194 Ramsar Convention Margarita Astralaga Regional Coordinator for the Americas The Ramsar Convention Bureau Rue Mauverney 28 CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 999 0170 20 Fax.: +41 22 999 0169 SPAW-Regional Activity Centre (SPAW-RAC) Third Millennium Foundation (3MF) The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Maurice Anselme, Director Stephan Defranoux, Assistant RAC/SPAW BP 105 1 rue du Capitaine Bebel Champ d'arbaud 97102 Basse-Terre Guadeloupe, F.W.I. Tel: (590) 590 41 04 50/51 or 41 04 51 (direct) Fax: (590) 590 41 04 62 maurice.anselme@guadeloupe. Stepahne.defranoux@guadelou Domitilla Senni Third Millenium Foundation Loc. Fossola 59 06060 Paciano, Italy Tel: +39 075-830 351 Fax: +39 075-830 381 Lesley Busby Third Millenium Foundation Loc. Fossola 59 06060 Paciano, Italy Tel: +39 075-830 351 Fax: +39 075-830 381 Lynn Halle Director, Marine Program 4245 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203-1606 USA Tel.: (703) 841-4860 Fax.: (703) 841-4880 Randal Curtis Director of Policy and Conservation Finance 4245 N. Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203 USA Tel.: (703) 841-4864 Fax.: (703) 841-4880 Georgina Bustamante Marine Policy Advisor South Florida Office 2455 East Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 33304 Tel. : (954) 564-6144 Fax.: (954) 564-6184 21 Website: Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Janet Gibson Associate Conservation Scientist 3 St. Edward Street P. O. Box 2038 Belize City, Belize Tel.: (501) 223-3271 Fax.: (501) ______________ United Nations Environment Programme/ Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (UNEP/CAR-RCU) Alessandra Vanzella-Khouri Programme Officer UNEP-CAR/RCU 14-20 Port Royal Street Kingston, Jamaica Tel.: (876) 922-9267-9 Fax.: (876) 922-9292 Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) Cathy Williamson Brookfield House 38 St. Paul Street Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 1LJ United Kingdom Tel.: 44 1249 449 500 Fax.: 44 1249 449 501 Kate O’Connell 37 Somerset Street West Hartford, CT USA Tel: (860) 236 1521 Fax: (860) 236 1431 Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST) Karen Eckert Executive Director 17218 Libertad Drive San Diego, California 92127 USA Tel.: (858) 451-6894 Fax.: (858) 451-6986 World Wildlife Fund (WWF-USA) Miguel Jorge Regional Marine and Freshwater Coordinator Latin America and Caribbean Program World Wildlife Fund 1250 24th Street NW Washington, D. C. 20038 USA Tel: (202) 778-9624 Fax: (202) 296-5348 World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) Susan Sherwin Campaigns Manager 34 Deloss Street Framingham, MA 01702 USA Tel.: (508) 879-8350 Ext. 21 Fax.: (508) 620-0786 22 Website : Updated to: 27 May 2003 AVK/bld 23