Preventive Health Recommendations For Screening or Counseling 65 + years Assessment Frequency of Health Screening Exams Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Breast Cancer Screening Cervical Cancer Screening Colorectal Screening Diabetes-Type 2 Hypertension Lipid Disorder Screening Osteoporosis Screening Annually One-time screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm ultrasound in men ages 65-75 who have ever smoked. Screening Mammography with clinical breast exam every 1-2 years for women age 40 and older May discontinue regular testing after age 65 in women who have had adequate recent screenings in which test results have been normal and who are otherwise not at risk. Routine screening. Your physician will discuss potential screening options including colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, and the combination of home FOBT and flexible sigmoidoscopy. Routine screening at time of annual exam Periodic Screening Routine Screening Routine screening for women age 65 and older Routine screening for men 70 and older Counseling and screening routine for other STD Screening asymptomatic males and females at increased risk for (Chlamydia, HIV, infection Syphilis Other) Booster every 10 years Tetanus All adults at increased risk, 2 doses: 2nd dose 6-18 Hepatitis A months after 1st dose – per physician All adults with medical, behavioral, occupational or Hepatitis B other high risk indications All patients at increased risk for complications or Influenza transmission to high risk persons annually in fall/winter Based on vaccine history MMR All patients ≥ 65 years; 2nd dose if initial vaccination was Pneumococcal ≥ 5 years previously Susceptible persons at risk for exposure or transmission Varicella All patients Advanced Directives Cardiovascular Disease Based on risk factors discuss aspirin chemoprevention, including potential benefits and harms Prevention Counseling regarding regular dental care Dental Health Routine screening; provide counseling when needed Depression Screening -1- Preventive Health Recommendations For Screening or Counseling 65 + years Diet and Exercise Injury Prevention/Patient Safety Memory Issues Obesity Prostate Cancer Screening Sexual Behavior Spousal/Partner/Elder Abuse Substance Use and Substance Abuse Tuberculosis Screening Vision Screening Provide counseling; limit fat and cholesterol, maintain caloric balance, balanced diet Adequate calcium intake for women Regular physical activity Screen and provide counseling Measures to reduce risk of falling Screen and provide counseling Patients with BMI>25 formulate exercise program; refer to nutrition counseling Discuss PSA testing Sexually Transmitted Disease: All adults advised of risk factors and counseled about effective measures to prevent infection Screen and provide counseling Regular screening and counseling for tobacco use, alcohol misuse and illicit drug use. Counseling and screening for all persons at increased risk of developing tuberculosis Refer high risk individuals for evaluation Preventive Health Recommendations for Screening or Counseling based on the published Preventive Health Recommendations for 2005 developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. * Indicates not part of AAP,CDC, USPSTF, recommendations. -2-