TISP South Africa Collaborative Group Ideas

Group A
 Volunteers should interact with training sessions for teachers.
 Volunteers should be mentors/counselors to one/two particular schools.
 Expose more primary teachers to technology to expose more learners to
technology before high school.
 Teacher self “upliftment” (attend courses, etc…)
 High school open days (especially tech schools), where volunteers should attend
to spark interest in learners early on.
 Try to keep engineers in South Africa.
 If the laboratories are “built” they will need people to maintain these laboratories.
Group B
 Site visits of scholars and teachers to industry using partnerships.
 Cover life skills to engineering
 Create relationship between school and government to free up students for the
visit and create assessments by encouraging them.
 Use a Science Center to give students class in Science and Math.
 Mittal has Science Center and helps the people grow in an educational manner by
hosting these classes to give ideas and guidance on how to create and manage all
provinces with a Science Center.
 Show how to train students in the fields of math, science, and computer science.
 Department of Education should seek guidance from professionals on how best to
train or teach students.
Group C
 Get a close interaction between Engineers and Educators especially when it
comes to practicals.
 IT support- software and maintenance.
 IEEE (Volunteers) and Educators to meet in work context.
 Introduce credit systems to Educators so they can keep up to date with growing
 Create a communication link between provincial departments and IEEE in order
to promote mathematics, science and technology strategy.
Group D
 Aid in assessment
 Work closely with the university advisors
Group E
 Assessment criteria
o Engineers help advisors
o Provincial level
 Fitting of Activities to Curriculum
o Curriculum advisors
o No textbooks yet
Depth: Not that much (e as would seem from statement)
Evaluate teachers for competency
o In-service courses
o Feedback from engineers to subject advisors
Engineers to develop relationships with teachers
o E-mail contact
Group F
 Volunteers
o Schools, webpage for volunteers to be contacted by teachers in area
o Find an engineer close to school and info of teachers
o Bridge, skill lists
o Careers week
 IEEE platform
o Chair is tasked with compiling a list
o Recruitment of engineers
o Meeting regularly
o Go to DOE of that province to begin communication
o Teachers need to know how it falls with the job description
o Official documentation to help make it an official exercise
 Adoption of school but not the learners, empower the teachers.
 Same engineer to visit school continuously
 Provide learners with career options, assist in careers and opportunities.
 Girls’ being made aware that engineering is a career that can be considered.
Group G
 Common website
o Details of engineers and what they are willing to help with
o Details of schools and their needs
o Engineering students can get involved with (JCP) schools and conduct
workshops on technology (Pretoria) (JHB)
 Pursue IEEE Teacher In-Service co-ordinating committee. They can have regular
meetings (To include DOE and local university.).
Group H
 Winter weeks by Universities for educators
 Visits to companies/sites
 University open days
 Saturday Cluster Sessions conducted by volunteers in conjunction with WCED
(Education Department)
Group I
 Approach Universities and get their community service programs involved
o E.g.- Tuhhies JCP
o Target Department/Research Group Heads
Organize school excursions to industry
o Use engineer’s industry contact networks to reach willing industry
Recruit engineers to address learners or participate in math and science classes.
Recruit engineers on sabbatical to teach voluntarily at schools.
Note when contacting industry:
o Prevent concrete proposals to industry
o Specify time and effort required and expected outcome
Group J
 Provincial Orientation Teacher Training: Content NCS.
o IEEE could send delegates/volunteers to this
 E.g. to expose educators to Ohm’s Law experiment
o Funding Issues?
 Who pays travel?
o Moloko Matlala could coordinate movement of volunteers to all venues
 National Coordinator for Technical Subjects
o Any committee must have one representative from each department of
education, as well as Moloko Matlala
Group K
 IEEE Education Department
 University
o Community based projects
 Gantery online
 Engineering Week
 Neighborhood Schools
o Sustainability
 Mentorship
 Challenge
o Resistance from Educators
 Learner -> tertiary student
o “add-on” and “wow” motivation
o Applied University
o “Reed” University
 Traditional
o Highlight the rule of each institute
o (CPD)
 Organized programme
 IEEE alignment with workshops
o Department of Education
o Outcomes and creative concepts
 Confidence building
Competing organizations
o Tryengineering.org
Effectiveness of Workshops
o Create clear opportunity