It is a proven fact that some males and females alike are born with

Kyle Gould
Ethics Essay
It is a proven fact that some males and females alike are born with hormonal
imbalances. Often times these individuals struggle with homosexual thoughts and
eventually act upon them. It is not that individuals fault that he or she is attracted to a
member of the same gender just as it is not most peoples’ fault they are attracted to
members of opposite genders. In the 2008 election in the United States of America both
California and Arizona voted to outlaw gays and lesbians from getting married. Many
months after the law was passed there are still frequent protests against the propositions
outlawing gay marriage appearing on the news. Gays and lesbians alike must no longer
be weighed down by society and be allowed to be married and have the same rights as
heterosexual couples do.
Gays and lesbians have been discriminated against for ages and ages. Even in
modern times certain states in the United States are not allowing homosexual individuals
to be married. San Francisco a well known city in California is the gay capital of the
world and yet that state does not allow homosexuals to marry. Homosexuals are people
too and they have feelings like everyone else and it hurts them emotionally that if they
wish to marry and raise children they either have to move to a different state or marry a
member of the opposite sex. The United States’ constitution says that all men are created
equal and prohibiting gays from being married is shameful and unconstitutional.
The United States is a great nation founded by honorable men many of whom are
rumored to have been gay themselves. The society in which they lived was ignorant and
looked down upon homosexuals so significantly that the Founding Fathers never came
out of the closet. Many gays and lesbians wish to raise children of their own; however,
God made it so men can only reproduce with women. People are supposed to have the
same rights no matter the race, gender or sexual preference. It is not like being gay is a
criminal offense.
Many people say being gay is just wrong. If you can not reproduce with your
mate then you are not meant to be together. Other oppressive and ignorant people say that
being gay should be a criminal offense due to the fact that gays try to convert people to
their way of life thus destroying humanity as we know it. Not everyone is that radical
nevertheless many voters do not like the thought of children, the future of America, being
forced into thinking during their infantile state that they are supposed to be attracted to
the same gender. These ideas are preposterous some even suggest shock therapy to
prevent future homosexual thoughts from occurring. If mankind was supposed to be
attracted to the same gender males would be able to reproduce with males and females
with females.
People that are antigay marriage are just being ignorant. There must be a change
in these shameful ways that we are oppressing gays and lesbians. They should be allowed
to marry and have the opportunity to raise children just as everyone else does. I thought
man was created equal with all the same rights as their heterosexual neighbor. It is
ethically wrong to deprive gays the chance to have a family together. There should be
riots in the streets until there is action in Washington D.C. allowing nationwide marriage
for homosexuals. If no such action comes then civil war is necessary to prove to the
antigay fanatics that their beliefs are wrong. Some day mankind will be ashamed of their
unethical treatment of gays. Gays and lesbians must be allowed to marry and not be tied
down by the chains of society any longer.