AQF III BEEF PRODUCTION ASSIGNMENTS RTE 3714A Maintain and monitor environmental work practices 1. From the product label explain how you would dispose of the following containers after use- 15L plastic pour-on container, half empty bloat capsule and an empty 100ml glass Estrumate bottle. 2. What is a noxious weed? Give two examples of noxious weeds that are controlled at either Farrer or Hillstone. Why are they important and how are they controlled? 3. What is a ‘model code of practice’ and how does it differ to legislation? Describe the general principles under the cattle code for castration, identification and dehorning. 4. Give TWO examples of legislation that may affect work place practices when treating cattle or administering medication. 5. Explain how the Native Vegetation Act may affect land management practices at Hillstone? 6. What is the Infectious Disease Act? Using an example explain how landholders must comply? Assignment: Waste minimisation, land management and conservation of natural resources, legislation and codes of practice. (Element 1&2) 1.Waste minimisation-Drum muster and chem collect 2.National strategies on weed and pest management-Noxious weed control 3. Model codes of practice and the ‘Cattle Code’ 4.‘Duty of care safe’ use and application of chemicals 5.Land management and the Native vegetation Act 6.Infectious Disease Act using examples such as Equine influenza Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C RTE3713A Carryout workplace OH&S 1. Identify hazard/risk situations and appropriate responses eg. working as part of a team in the cattle yards. 2. List organisational OH&S procedures when moving or handling cattle at Farrer or Hillstone. 3. Compile a list of relevant external contacts with phone numbers eg. Poisons Information Centre and Local Fire department. 4. Identify and evaluate types and location of PPE. 5. Complete a simulated OH&S audit in the workplace using prepared checklist. 6. Complete hazard/near miss documentation for sample scenario. 7. Describe organisations evacuation/emergency procedure. 8. Identify any gaps and suggest improvements to practice/procedures. 9. Maintain a personal Record book of OH&S issues with evaluative comments. Assignment: Conduct an ‘on farm’ safety audit to identify hazards and safety control measures for the school’s cattle handling facility when performing husbandry operations. 1. Construct a list of all potential hazards when handling stock in this facility. 2. Assess the risks associated with each hazard in accordance with enterprise procedures 3. Risks to fellow workers and others and actions taken to reduce them including appropriate PPE in accordance to husbandry procedures 4. Hazard association with the handling of dangerous substances including drugs such as the prostaglandins 5. Monitoring and reporting of workplace safety including role of the OH&S committee 6. Relevant OH&S training to perform such husbandry operations when working with cattle Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C RTE3402A Implement animal health control programs Research the following information in relation to livestock treatment programs you have implemented at either Farrer or Hillstone including Biting/ sucking lice, Ostertagia spp, Haemonchus spp, Clostridial diseases, Leptospirosis, Vibriosis and Ephemeral disease. Parasite/infection no. 1 Symptoms, life cycle, control and prevention Parasite/infection no. 2 Parasite/infection no. 3 Parasite/infection no. 4 Assignment: Parasites and infections can cause major problems under certain conditions. Name four types of parasites and or infections that beef cattle can suffer with symptoms, life cycle, control and prevention Parasite/infection no. 1 Symptoms, life cycle, control and prevention Parasite/infection no. 2 Parasite/infection no. 3 Parasite/infection no. 4 Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C RTE3105A Carry out Feedlot operations Feed Mixing 1. What are the three basic parts of the Jetstream feed mixing wagon? 2. Identify three likely hazards with using the Jetstream feed mixing wagon? 3. What two measures are in place to prevent accidents? 4. Identify one problem that mat occur when mixing feed. 5. What maintenance is required for the Jetstream feed mixing wagon? Feed Ration 1. Give a simple example of a full feedlot ration 2. Why is Barley the preferred grain? 3. What characteristics of wheat may create problems? 4. Why should wheat be roller milled rather than hammer milled? Feeding Management1. Feedlot bloat, Enterotoxaemia and Lactoacidiosis (grain poisoning). Give cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention 2. Compare bucket feeding to open trough feeding and to self feeders. Which is preferred? What is AD LIB feeding? 3. What legislation needs to be considered when operating a feedlot? 4. What is the difference between a B3 steer and a D4 steer? Assessment: Answer the following questions in relation to information you have recorded whilst rostered on feed mixing 1. Identify potential hazards associated with the mixing and handling of feeds. 2. Record daily feed and water requirements. 3. List recipes for feeds mixed. 4. Feed livestock at scheduled time and frequency 5. List details o equipment used 6. Record stock types and numbers. Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C RTE4107A Supervise Artificial breeding and/or embryo transfer programs 1. Describe the “Synchronisation” program used at Farrer and list the advantages over a natural mating? Outline the benefits of synchronisation to Farrer? 2. What females should be included in the program and outline which animals are less likely to respond to the system of synchronization. 3. Describe behavioural signs of ‘heat’ and what aides are used to assist with heat detection. Why is it important to accurately detect the onset of ‘standing heat’? 4. Outline the criteria used to select suitable sires for the AI program. 5. State why it would be important to plan your synchronisation program. 6. Describe their role of the following in the AI program- CIDR, prostaglandin, Ciderol Injection and Kmar’s. Assignment: The benefits of a program are discussed. Cows are selected for the program. Semen is selected for the program. The method of carrying out is decided 1. The benefits of the program are listed in comparison to a natural mating program 2. Cow selection takes into account: breeding, genetic value, age, condition score, date since calving, physical structure, health and past breeding history. 3. The bull selection has considered estimated breeding values and physical structure. The availability of the semen and cost. 4. The program has been timed to take advantage of suitable calving time for herd management. The use of natural submission compared to synchronization has been compared. Various methods of heat detection have been assessed. 5. The cost of the program has been calculated. The comparison of artificial insemination to the embryo transfer program is compared. Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C RTE3121A Prepare animals for parturition Nutritional and environmental requirements 1. Draw a simple graph to show how the nutritional needs vary at each stage of pregnancy and indicate at which stage is nutritional needs are most critical. 2. What are the dangers of carrying too much OR not enough condition at this stage? 3. Describe a simple feeding plan for the last third of pregnancy. Husbandry procedures 1. Preparing for birthing- describe paddock selection, yard set up and equipment needed. 2. Early separation of heifers from main herd is normal routine. Explain why? 3. List 10 observations or signs of calving (within one month). 4. What information is entered into the calf record book? 5. Identify the hazards and ways of reducing the risks when processing newborn calves. 6. What equipment is needed for processing calves? 7. Indicate which Legislation may be relevant to these operations- OH&S Act, Pesticide Act, Vendor Declarations? Safeguard of newborn animals 1. How is White Scour in newborn calves prevented? 2. Describe what causes dystocias and give some management strategies that may help prevent calving difficulties. Assignment: Nutritional and environmental requirements, Husbandry procedures, Safeguard of newborn animals in preparing for calving 1. Why a feed plan is needed i.e. The effects of inadequate nutrition on animals and newborn 2. Why the nutritional needs of pregnant animals will vary in relation to breed, weight and condition and number of embryos. 3. Why the nutritional needs of pregnant animals will vary in relation to pregnancy stage, feeding abnormalities and/or remedial actions. 4. Why the nutritional needs of pregnant animals will vary in relation to condition of pasture, pasture availability and the weather. 5. What types of feed supplements will be needed eg. Sources of nutrients, trace elements, vitamins, minerals and energy needs. 6. How to minimise wastage, recycling or re-use procedures Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C RTE3136A Comply with industry animal welfare requirements 1. Relevant animal welfare requirements have been determined. 2. Space allowances and stocking densities 3. Feeder and water requirements and shade and shelter 4. Animal welfare guidelines and codes of practice for transport 5. Signs of heat and water stress 6. Record keeping and quality assurance requirements- NVD/waybill Assignment: Critical control points for penned and transported cattle have been assessed and determined 1. Relevant animal welfare requirements have been determined. 2. Space allowances and stocking densities 3. Feeder and water requirements and shade and shelter 4. Animal welfare guidelines and codes of practice for transport 5. Signs of heat and water stress 6. Record keeping and quality assurance requirements- NVD/waybill Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C RTE2902A Collect and record production data 1. Construct a table showing types of data collected by the Farrer Angus Stud, where the data is stored and how this data is used. 2. Using 400 day data collected for yearlings What equipment is needed to record production data including calibrated scales, scanners and measuring tapes What production data is recorded on worksheets and how is it transferred to data base software such as HerdMaster. Give examples of how HerdMaster can process this information. Explain how problems with data collection including inconsistencies, inaccuracies and human error may be overcome. When using performance data to compare individuals, what management strategies ensure accurate comparisons within your herd? Assignment: Purpose and use of recorded data and software programs for storing 1. Types of data collected including phenotypic records, pregnancy testing, NLIS tags and stock treatments 2. Real time ultra scanning and data recorded at 400 days 3. Equipment needed to record production data including calibrated scales, scanners and measuring tapes 4. Production data recorded on worksheets and data bases such as Herdmaster and NLIS 5. Problems with data collection including inconsistencies, inaccuracies and human error and management groups 6. Safeguards to protect the absolute accuracy of production records collected Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C RTE4109A Oversee marking operations Answer the following questions following your calf marking work placement1. Mob/herd order determined ( size, age, number, days etc). 2. Marking operations and sequencing determined (e.g. what operations will be carried out and in what order will they be performed). 3. Explanation for order chosen and why any specific operations included/excluded. 4. What equipment, health treatments and staff resources will be required? 5. Where will the marking operation be conducted? 6. What are the OHS issues that need to be considered? Assignment: Prepare a marking plan identifying animal groupings, marking operations, and resources required within enterprise budgetary constraints 1. Mob/herd order determined 2. Marking operations and sequencing determined (e.g. what operations will be carried out and in what order will they be performed). 3. Explanation for order chosen and why any specific operations included/excluded (e.g. mulesing). 4. What equipment, health treatments and staff resources will be required? 5. Where will the marking operation be conducted? 6. What are the OHS issues that need to be considered? Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C RTE3901A Comply with industry quality assurance requirements 1. Give an example of a food quality hazard for Beef for each of the following-Stress from poor handling, Chemical residues and Disease 2. What is LPA and what are the basic components of this program? 3. What is the purpose of NVD/waybill and where are NVD obtained from? 4. Give two examples of an independent QA programmes. 5. Complete the blank NVD form for the following situationYou have consigned 12 angus steers to the abattoir for slaughter on the 30th Sept. All steers were purchased as weaners on 23rd March and were bred on the same property (PIC NG500340). They were only treated with Cydectin on the 14th Sept. Whilst on your property, they were all grazed on the same crop of forage oats. The crop was sprayed with MCPA on 14th Aug for broadleaf weeds and steers were removed for the 7 days following spraying. During this period of removal, the steers were supplemented with ‘Nutramarc’ grape by product. The lost NLIS buttons on two steers were replaced with orange buttons with your PIC NI567066. Your records show another steer (tag number 27) needed to be treated for a foot abscess with Neomycin-penicillin on the 15th Sept. Assignment: 1. Ask a range of questions to determine candidates understanding of elements of industry quality assurance standards and hazards which may apply in standard operating procedures. 2. What are some of the elements of a QA system that should be considered? Answers should include Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) charts, work instructions, corrective actions, monitoring etc. 3. What type of hazards may be found? Answer should include examples of physical hazards, chemical hazards, biological hazards and food quality hazards 4. Explain how enterprise policies may affect QA. 5. Demonstrate an understanding of HACCP Student Feedback: Assessor: Date: NYC C