Associates in Gastroenterology & Liver Disease Medical and Family History Form Please fill in the circles for the appropriate health information NAME:____________________________________________________ DATE:__________________ BIRTHDATE:______________________AGE:__________ REFERRED BY:___________________ HEIGHT:__________ WEIGHT:__________ PRIMARY CARE DOCTOR:___________________ Ethnicity: ○ Not Hispanic/Latino ○ Hispanic/Latino ○ Declined ○ Unknown Race:_____________ PHARMACY (name, location, phone/fax number):_____________________________________________ REASON FOR YOUR VISIT TO THE OFFICE: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Heartburn ○ Nausea Difficulty swallowing ○ Vomiting Painful swallowing ○ Upper abdominal pain Regurgitation ○ Lower abdominal pain Excessive belching ○ Bloating Chest pain ○ Gas/flatulence Abnormal liver tests Personal history of colon polyps/cancer ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Diarrhea ○ Hemoccult + stools Constipation ○ Anemia Narrowed stools ○ Decreased appetite Rectal pain/itching ○ Weight loss Rectal bleeding ○ Jaundice Black stools ○ Screening colonoscopy Abnormal ultrasound or CAT scan Family history of colon polyps/cancer ○ Other:______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Have you had any of the following done to evaluate for the cause of your symptoms? ○ Laboratory tests or blood work ○ Radiology imaging (x-rays, ultrasounds, CAT scans, MRIs, barium studies) ○ Endoscopies (upper GI scope/EGD, ERCP, colonoscopy) ○ Emergency room visits **If possible, we would greatly appreciate it if you would please bring any relevant medical records with you or have them faxed to our office in advance of your visit – Fax (847) 295-1574. What medications have you tried to treat your symptoms with (non-prescription and prescription)? ________ ________________________________________________________________ ALLERGIES ○ NONE ○ Demerol ○ Iodine dye ○ Morphine ○ Propofol ○ Surgical tape ○ Codeine ○ Fentanyl ○ Latex ○ Penicillin ○ Sulfa ○ Versed ○ Other:____________________________________________________________________________ Any prior difficulties with sedation or anesthesia (nausea/vomiting, high tolerance, other)? ○ Yes ○ No ________________________________________________________________ Pt Intake Form/R Drive/Pt Registration Forms/2015-01 1 Initials__________ MEDICATIONS Please be certain to include birth control pills, hormones, and ALL non-prescription medications, such as antiinflammatories (i.e. aspirin, advil, motrin, aleve, ibuprofen), acid blockers (i.e. zantac, pepcid, tagamet, prilosec OTC), topical hemorrhoidal creams (i.e. anusol, preparation H), vitamins, and herbal supplements. Medication Dosage Frequency PAST MEDICAL ILLNESSES Gastrointestinal ○ Heartburn/GERD ○ Hiatal hernia ○ Gastritis ○ H. pylori ○ Ulcer ○ Celiac disease ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Gallstones Pancreatitis Irritable bowel (IBS) Spastic colitis Lactose intolerance Diverticulosis ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Diverticulitis Ulcerative colitis Crohn’s disease Colon polyps Colon cancer Hemorrhoids ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Cardiovascular ○ High blood pressure ○ High cholesterol ○ Angina ○ Heart attack ○ Atrial fibrillation ○ Tachycardia Pulmonary ○ Sleep apnea ○ Asthma ○ Emphysema (COPD) ○ Pneumonia ○ Pulmonary embolism ○ Sarcoidosis Neuropsychiatric ○ Stroke ○ TIA (mini-stroke) ○ Multiple sclerosis ○ Seizures ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Hematologic ○ Anemia ○ Blood transfusion ○ Blood clot ○ Hemochromatosis Migraines Chronic headaches Parkinson's disease Myasthenia gravis Pt Intake Form/R Drive/Pt Registration Forms/2015-01 ○ PVCs ○ Rhythm disorder ○ Heart murmur Dementia Depression Anxiety Bipolar disorder ○ Hodgkin's disease ○ Lymphoma Anal fistula Anal fissure Stool incontinence Abnormal liver tests Fatty liver Hepatitis ○ Cirrhosis ○ Mitral valve prolapse ○ Rheumatic fever ○ Congestive heart failure ○ Lung cancer ○ Pleurisy ○ Eating disorder ○ ADHD ○ Hormonal mood disorder ○ Leukemia ○ Myelodysplastic syndrome 2 Initials__________ Endocrine ○ Diabetes ○ Hypothyroidism ○ Hyperthyroidism ○ Thyroid nodule ○ Goiter ○ Thyroid cancer Genitourinary ○ Kidney disease ○ Kidney stones ○ Kidney tumors/cysts ○ Bladder cancer ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Breast ○ Fibrocystic breast changes Musculoskeletal ○ Osteoarthritis ○ Rheumatoid arthritis Urinary tract infections Bladder incontinence Prostate hypertrophy Prostate cancer ○ Abnormal Pap smears ○ Cervical cancer ○ Endometriosis ○ Breast cancer ○ Osteoporosis ○ Osteopenia ○ Fibromyalgia ○ Polymyalgia rheumatica Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat ○ Glaucoma ○ Macular degeneration ○ Cataracts ○ Retinal detachment Dermatologic ○ Eczema ○ Psoriasis Ovarian cyst(s) Ovarian cancer Uterine fibroids Uterine cancer ○ Pituitary problem ○ Adrenal problem ○ Vitiligo ○ Alopecia ○ Allergic rhinitis ○ Sinusitis ○ Raynaud's syndrome ○ Basal cell skin cancer ○ Lupus ○ Gout ○ Oral thrush ○ Sjogren’s ○ Squamous cell skin cancer ○ Melanoma Oncologic ○ Any other malignant tumors not previously mentioned:_______________________________________ Infectious Disease ○ Any communicable disease, such as hepatitis, HIV, or sexually transmitted disease?_________________ ○ Any other hospitalizations or medical conditions not previously mentioned:_______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PREVIOUS SURGERIES AND PROCEDURES ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Gallbladder Appendix Groin hernia repair Bowel obstruction Adhesion surgery Colon resection Hemorrhoid surgery Anti-reflux surgery Weight loss surgery D&C ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ C-section Tubal ligation Total hysterectomy Partial hysterectomy Ovarian surgery Uterine ablation Cone biopsy/LEEP Benign breast biopsy Lumpectomy Mastectomy ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Vasectomy Prostate surgery Tonsillectomy Sinus surgery Cataract surgery Lasik eye surgery Arthroscopy Knee replacement Hip replacement Back surgery ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Foot surgery Stent/angioplasty Heart bypass surgery Heart valve surgery Pacemaker Defibrillator Carotid surgery Vascular surgery Vein stripping ○ Any other surgeries not previously mentioned:_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Pt Intake Form/R Drive/Pt Registration Forms/2015-01 3 SOCIAL HISTORY Initials__________ Marital status: Single Married Separated Divorced Widowed Occupation:___________________ # of Children:__________ Years of Education:__________ Preferred Language:__________________ Do you use tobacco currently? ○ Yes ○ No Did you ever use tobacco products? ○ Yes ○ No When did you quit? ________ Number of packs per day? ________ How many years? ________ Do you drink alcohol? ○ Yes ○ No How many glasses do you drink per day? ________ How many glasses do you drink per week? ________ Any problems with alcohol or drug use? ________ Do you drink caffeine? ○ Yes ○ No Number of cups per day of caffeinated coffee? ________ Number of cups per day of caffeinated tea? ________ Number of cups per day of caffeinated soda? ________ REVIEW OF SYSTEMS General ○ Fatigue ○ Weight loss Eyes ○ Glasses ○ Contacts Ears/Nose/Throat ○ Hearing loss ○ Ringing in ears ○ Weakness ○ Fever ○ Night sweats ○ Vision changes ○ Eye redness ○ Color blindness ○ Runny nose ○ Nosebleeds ○ Mouth sores ○ Tongue sores Cardiovascular ○ Chest pain ○ Ankle swelling/edema Respiratory ○ Cough ○ Palpitations ○ Varicose veins ○ Shortness of breath with exertion or sleep ○ Blue color changes in hands with cold ○ Shortness of breath ○ Wheezing ○ Abnormal skin pigment ○ Abnormal body hair ○ Dry skin ○ Dry hair Lymph nodes (glands) ○ Swollen jaw ○ Swollen neck ○ Swollen underarm ○ Swollen groin Bones/Joints/Muscles ○ Pain ○ Swelling ○ Stiffness Endocrine ○ Intolerance to cold ○ Intolerance to heat ○ Coughing blood ○ Tooth/gum problems ○ Excessive sweating ○ Excessive hunger Pt Intake Form/R Drive/Pt Registration Forms/2015-01 4 Initials__________ Skin ○ Itching ○ Rash Neurologic ○ Headaches ○ Dizziness ○ Fainting ○ Tremor Genitourinary ○ Blood in urine ○ Frequent urination ○ Bruising ○ Scaling ○ Localized numbness ○ Walking difficulty ○ Speech difficulty ○ Memory difficulty ○ Burning urination ○ Frequent urination at night Males: ○ Slow urinary stream ○ Difficulty initiating urination Females: ○ Abnormal periods ○ Breast lump(s) ○ Menopause ○ Breast pain ○ Dark urine ○ Urinary incontinence ○ Penile discharge ○ Breast enlargement ○ Vaginal discharge ○ Nipple discharge FAMILY HISTORY Father Mother Son Daughter Brother Sister Grand mother Grand father Aunt Uncle Cousin Colorectal cancer Colorectal polyps Celiac disease Crohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis H. pylori Hemo chromatosis Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Stomach cancer Uterine cancer _______________________________________________ Patient’s or Legal Guardian’s Signature _____________________ Physician’s Initials _______________ Date ______________ Date Pt Intake Form/R Drive/Pt Registration Forms/2015-01 5