Telephone Directories For Sale: All in very good condition. Several of these have very interesting dialing instructions and artwork. See photos at TCI photo pages under “For Sale or Trade” Sedalia, MO, December 1932, Southwestern Bell: 6” x 9” x 1/8”, 29 pages instructions and subscribers, 20 Yellow pages. Number formats: 1,2,or 3 digits; sometimes followed by party-line letter, -J, -M, -R, -W. also some 2 digits with party-line code, -F-x or –F-xx, as in 34-F-2 or 34-F-13 for example. -- $25 shipping included. Des Moines, IA, May 1934, and Valley Junction, Northwestern Bell: 9” x 11 1/4” x 1/4”, 112 pages instructions and Des Moines subscribers, 4 Blue pages, 68 Yellow pages, 3 pages Valley Junction subscribers. Number formats: 5 digit, x-xxxx, sometimes 6 digit x-xxxxx, 6 digits are always 4-56xxx. Valley Junction 1, 2, or 3 digits, sometimes followed by party-line letter -J, -M, -R, -W. -- $30 shipping included. San Diego (and County), CA, July 1946 directory, Southern California Telephone Company: 9” x 11” x 1” Number formats: one Letter plus 4 digits, as in Jackson-1346, some exchanges dial operator and give 1, 2, or 3 digits, sometimes followed by party-line letter –J, -M, -R, -W, sometimes party-line letter and a number, as in 562-M-3. -- $30 shipping included. Greater Oklahoma City, OK, June 1946 directory, including Bethany, Britton, Southwestern Bell: 9” x 11” x 1/2” Number formats: 5 digit, x-xxxx, sometimes 6 digit x-xxxxx, sometimes dial operator, or dial operator toll, symbol (circle with D or T inside), then community name and 3 or 4 digits, as in D Bethany-562 or T Britton-6948. -- $30 shipping included. Columbia, TN, February 1959 directory, Southern Bell: including Culleoka, Hampshire, Mt. Pleasant, Santa Fe, Southport, Spring Hill, Williamsport, 6” x 9” x 1/4”, 82 pages instructions and subscribers, 92 Yellow pages. Number format: all are EVergreen 8-xxxx -- $5 shipping included. Stephen Scurletis 314-457-9342