Cv - Georgetown University

Center for Clinical Bioethics
Box 571409, Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057-1409
W(202) 687-4783
FAX: (202) 687-8955
R.N. Licensure: PA, DC
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
PhD, Philosophy
Concentration: Bioethics
Teaching Fellowship
Research Assistant: Dr. Edmund Pellegrino
The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Master of Science in Nursing
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Curriculum and Instruction Professional Role
Sigma Theta Tau
Student Member of Curriculum Committee
Comprehensives: High Pass
Holy Family College, Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Summa Cum Laude
Department Honors
Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges
and Universities
Kapppa Gamma Pi
Student Member of Curriculum Committee
Director, Center for Clinical Bioethics
Associate Director, Center for Clinical Bioethics
Research Scholar, Center for Clinical Bioethics
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
1999 to present
1998 to 1999
1990 to 1997
Senior Research Scholar Kennedy Institute of Ethics
Georgetown University Washington, D.C.
1997 to present
Assistant Professor of Nursing, Director ValuesBased Health Care Education, Georgetown University
School of Nursing & Health Studies
1991 to 1995,
1997 to present
Associated Faculty, Philosophy
Georgetown University
1999 to present
At Georgetown University Medical Center and Hospital I direct the ethics curriculum for
medical and advanced practice nursing students, teach in the undergraduate nursing
curriculum, direct a practicum in clinical ethics for graduate students in the philosophy
program, serve on the ethics committee, direct the ethics consultation service, direct the
visiting scholars and researchers program, conduct ethics rounds and ethics case presentations,
develop professional seminars for health care professionals and the public, and serve as a
member of the hospital board and of the advisory board of the Clinical Pastoral Education
Program. My research interests include professional ethics, clinical ethics and organizational
Chaplain-in-Residence, Georgetown University
Coordinator of Chaplains-in-Residence (1999)
1990 to 1995,
1997 to 2006
Faculty Mentor, Kennedy Institute of Ethics
Visiting Fellows Program, Georgetown University
1994 to 1995
Faculty, Summer Intensive Bioethics Course,
Kennedy Institute of Ethics
1997, 1998, 2001
2003, 2004-present
Assistant Professor—Humanities, and Ethicist,
Holy Family College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1995 to 1997
Research Associate, Center for the Advanced
Study of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington,
1990 to 1995
Assistant Professor of Nursing, Holy Family College,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Level Coordinator (1981-1983, 1984-1986)
Directed all level activities:
curriculum development and implementation,
faculty orientation, student concerns
Curriculum Implementer (1983)
Responsible for implementing revised nursing
curriculum at the Junior and Lower Division
1979 to 1987
Chairman of the Curriculum Revision Committee
Directed the process of curriculum study
and revision. Secured approval for new
curriculum and initiated mechanisms to
ensure its implementation.
While at Holy Family College I lectured on nursing fundamentals; maternity, adult and
geriatric heath; nursing process; self-care deficit theory; and current issues and trends.
Clinical supervision was in the Medical-Surgical, Maternity, Pediatric, and Geriatric Settings.
Faculty development programs were presented on nursing theory, the role of the conceptual
framework in curriculum development, and testing.
Team member, team leader, and relief charge nurse
on medical and surgical units, Nazareth Hospital
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1975 to 1977
Ethics Consultant
Catholic Health Association Theology and Ethics Committee (1994-1995)
Catholic Health Association Theologian/Ethicist Research Group (1995-1999)
Woodstock Theological Center Business Ethics Seminar: Ethical Issues in Managed Care
Organizations, Invited Participant, Washington, DC (1997-1998)
Catholic Health Care Network, New York, New York (1997-1998)
Nazareth Hospital Ethics Committee: (Member: 1995-1997; Consultant: 1997-present)
Holy Redeemer Health System (1996-1997, 1998-present)
The Washington Home and Hospice of Washington (2000-2001)
Cabrini Leadership Formation Program (2000-2002)
Franciscan Missionaries of our Lady Health System (2000-2002)
NIH Data Safety Monitoring Review Committee for Minocycline in Rheumatoid Arthritis
(MIRA) Trial, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.
NIH Data Safety Monitoring Review Committee for Supplemental Therapeutic Oxygen for
Prethreshold Retinopathy of Prematurity (STOP-ROP), National Eye Institute (19931999)
NIH Data Safety Monitoring Review Committee for Myopia Clinical Trials (COMET),
National Eye Institute (1997-2003)
NIH Data Safety Monitoring Review Committee for Early Treatment of Retinopathy of
Prematurity (ETROP), National Eye Institute (2000-present)
NIH Data Safety Monitoring Committee for The Effect of Fluoxetine on Measures of
Domestic Violence, NIAAA Clinical Center (2000 - 2001)
NIH Data Safety Monitoring Committee for Gene Therapy for Leber Congenital Amaurosis
National Eye Institute (2002- 2006)
NIH Oversight Committee: Clinical Ethics Program (2007)
Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Kaiser Family Foundation Study on Catholic Health
Systems and Access to Reproductive Health Services(1996-1998)
Board Member
Nursing Spectrum (Philadelphia: 1995-1997; Washington, DC: 1999-2002)
Georgetown University Medical Center Clinical Pastoral Education Advisory Board (19941995, 1999-present)
Georgetown University Hospital Board (2000-present); MedStar Quality and Professional
Affairs Committee (2001-present); Georgetown University Hospital Credentialing and
Quality Improvement Committee (2001- present)
Holy Redeemer Health System Board (2000-2004)
Franciscan Missionary of Our Lady Health System (2005-present)
St. Louis University Ph.D program in Healthcare Ethics (1996-1998)
University/Hospital Committees
Dahlgren Library Medical Committee (1998-2004)
Georgetown University Mission and Ministry Advisory Board (2004-present)
Georgetown University Hospital Mission and Pastoral Care Advisory Committee
(2000-present )
MedStar Quality and Professional Affairs Committee (2000-present)
Georgetown University Hospital Credentialing and Quality Committee (2000-present )
Georgetown University Initiative to Strengthen Learning and the Curriculum (2004)
Jesuit and Catholic Identity Task Force (1997-1998)
MD/PhD Committee (1999-2005)
Doctoral Dissertation Committees
Cathleen Jenner. A Moral Compromise in Professional Nursing Practice within the Context
of a Market-driven Health Care System. Widener University. Successfully defended, 2001.
Annemarie Siegel. The Decision for Advance Directives Among Persons with End-Stage
Renal Disease. The Catholic University of America. Successfully defended, March 28, 2006..
M. Susan Walker. Compassion within the relationship between the nurse and the older adult.
The Catholic University of America.
Susan I. Belanger. The Family’s Experience of a Loved One’s Death in the Hospital. The
Catholic University of America.
Manuscript Review
1986 to present
Consultant for Lippincott, Saunders, and Addison-Wesley publishing
companies and Nursing Spectrum for nursing process, gerontological
nursing, and nursing ethics and bioethics textbooks and articles
Nursing Consultant
Legal dimensions of nursing practice.
1986 to 1990
Optimizing Care of Persons Seriously Ill or Dying. American Association of Critical Care
Nurses (AACN) and Sigma Theta Tau Award. $10,000. (2003-2005) PI.
Institutional National Research Service Award T32: Primary Care Fellowship in Health Care
Ethics $610,532 (2001-2002) Co-Director.
The Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship of Georgetown University
Teaching, Learning and Technology Fellow (Co-Award with Dan Davis, $8,000 for
innovation in the Interdisciplinary Ethics Curriculum, Schools of Nursing and Health Studies
and Medicine)
Ulrich, C.M., O’Donnell, P., Taylor, C., Farrar, A., Danis, M., & Grady, C. Ethical Climate, Ethics Stress,
and the Job Satisfaction of Nurses and Social Workers in the United States. (Process of Revising for
Social Science and Medicine; submission date is March 17th).
Grady, C., Soeken, K., Danis, M., O’Donnell, P., Taylor, C., Farrar, A., Fang, Y.Y., & Ulrich, C.M. Does
Ethics Education Influence the Moral Action of Practicing Nurses and Social Workers? (Submitted to
the American Journal of Bioethics).
O’Donnell, P., Farrar, A., BrintzenhofSzoc, K., Conrad, A., Danis, M., Grady, C., Taylor, C., & Ulrich, C.
(In Press). Predictors of Ethical Stress, Moral Action, and Job Satisfaction of Health Care Social
Workers. Social Work in Health Care.
Danis, M., Farrar, A., Grady, C., Taylor, C., O’Donnell, P., Soeken, K. & Ulrich, C. (In Press). Fear of
Retaliation from Ethics Consultation. Medicine, Healthcare, and Philosophy: A European Journal.
Taylor, Carol (2005). Evangelium Vitae: Su Eco en Norteamérica. Viday Ética. 6(2), 81-99.
Kopac, Catherine, Fritz, Joni, & Taylor, Carol. (2005) The ethical challenges of providing gynecologic and
reproductive care for women with developmental disabilities.
Jacobs, Barbara & Taylor, Carol (2005). Medical Futility in the Natural Attitude. Advances in Nursing
Science. 23(4). 288-305.
Taylor, Carol & Jacobs, Barbara. (2005). Seeing artificial hydration and nutrition through an ethical lens.
Home Health Care Nurse, 23(11). 739-742.
Taylor, Carol. (2005). Ethics in nursing. Australian Nursing Journal, 12(6), 11.
Taylor, Carol. (2004). Meeting the ethical challenges in nursing education, research and practice. Same
commitment to patients but new responsibilities. Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Education,
14(2), 37-55.
Taylor, Carol. (Winter, 2004). Hyperammonemia: Are the burdens too grave? Case Study. Ethics Consultant.
Ethics and Intellectual Disability. 8(1), 3-4.
Bettini, J., Bush, Y., Knubel, S., Parachini, P. and Taylor, C. (2002). Health care ethics and adolescent
decisionmaking. Itinerarium, anno 10, 22, 33-55.
Taylor, Carol. (2001). Roman Catholic Health Care Identity and Mission: Does Jesus Language and Modeling
Matter? Christian Bioethics, 7(1), 29-47.
Taylor, Carol. (2001). The buck stops here. Health Progress, 82(5), 37-40.
Taylor Carol. (1999). Values-based healthcare education: a commitment to quality care in the new millennium.
Nursing Spectrum (Washington, DC/Baltimore Metro Edition). 1999 Sep 20; 9(19): 12-3.
Taylor, Carol. (1998). Reflections on Nursing considered as a moral practice. Kennedy Institute of Ethics
Journal, 8(1), 73-84.
Taylor, Carol. (1997). Everyday nursing concerns: Unique? Trivial? or Essential to health care ethics? HEC
Forum, 9 (1), 68-84.
Taylor, Carol. (1996). An Invitation to care. Medical Humanities Review. Book review: The Crisis of Care:
Affirming and Restoring Caring Practices in the Helping Professions. By Susan S. Phillips and Patricia
Benner, Eds. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1994.
Taylor, Carol. (Winter 1995-1996). 'Safeguarding the Client and the Public': Fulfilling
the Obligation. ANA Center for Ethics and Human Rights Communique, 4(3), 7-8.
Taylor, Carol. (1995). Medical futility and nursing. IMAGE: Journal of Nursing
Scholarship, 27(3), 301-306.
Taylor, Carol. (1995). Rethinking nursing's basic competencies. Journal of Nursing
Care Quality, 9(4), 1-13.
Taylor, Carol. (March 6, 1995). Decisions at the beginning of life. Guest editorial.
Nursing Spectrum, 5(5), 3.
Taylor, Carol. (1994). Ministering to persons who face death: Pratical guidance for care givers of persons
making end-of-life treatment decisions. Health Progress, 75(4), 58-62.
Taylor, Carol. (1994). Gender equity in research. Journal of Women's Health, 3(3), 143-153.
Taylor, Carol. (Winter 1993). The ethics of nursing: The role of care. Bioethics
Network: International Bioethics Network Newsletter, 13, [Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan], 3-6.
Taylor, Carol. (November 1993). Nursing ethics: The role of caring. AWHONN's Clinical Issues in Perinatal
and Women's Health Nursing, 4(4), 152-160.
Taylor, Carol, et. al. (Summer 1991). Changing ethical perspectives on the societal value of HIV testing.
Courts, Health Science & the Law, 2(1), 121-129.
Taylor, Carol. (June 1990). Ethics in health care and Medical Technologies. Theoretical Medicine, 11, 111124.
Taylor, Carol & Gallagher, Linda (1988). Structured Learning for Geriatric Content. Geriatric Nursing, Part I:
Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 44-49; Part II: Vol. 9,
No. 2, pp. 104-109; Part III: Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 160-164.
Taylor, Carol & Hobaugh, Regina (1986). The Role of the Critical Care Nurse in Developing Informed Consent.
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 5(2), 98-105.
Taylor, Carol et al. (1980). Implementation of ANAs Quality Assurance Program for Clients with End-stage
Renal Disease. Advances in Nursing Science, 2(2), 79-95.
Textbooks and Book Chapters
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, LeMone, Priscilla, and Lynn, Pamela. (2008). Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and
Science of Nursing Care, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, LeMone, Priscilla, Lynn, Pamela and LeBon, Marilee. (2008). Skills Checklists to
Accompany Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 6th ed. Philadelphia:
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Taylor, Carol. (2006). Minacce alla vita e sfide per i centri cattolici di bioetica. In L. Melina, E. Sgreccia, St.
Kampowski, Ed., Lo Splendore Della Vita: Vangelo, Scienza Ed Etica. Città del Vaticano: Libreria
Editrice Vaticana
Taylor, Carol & Dell’Oro, Roberto, Eds. (2006) Health and human flourishing: Religion, medicine and moral
anthropology. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Taylor, Carol. (2005). Ethics and pain management. In M. Pappagallo, Ed., The Neurologic basis of pain.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (2005). Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of
Nursing Care, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (2005). Student Study Guide to Accompany Fundamentals of
Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (2004). Lippincott’s Photo Atlas of Medication
Administaration. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Taylor, Carol. (2002). Ethics, Integrity and Managed Care. In T. G. Cesta, Ed., Survival Strategies for Nurses
in Managed Care. St. Louis: Mosby, pp. 249-263.
Taylor, Carol. (2002). Advance Directives. In K.K. Kuebler & P. Esper, Palliative practices from A-Z for the
bedside clinician. Oncology Nursing Society Press, pp. 1-4.
Taylor, Carol. (2002). Ethics. In K.K. Kuebler & P. Esper, Palliative practices from A-Z for the bedside
clinician. Oncology Nursing Press, pp. 105-109, 255.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (2001). Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of
Nursing Care, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (2001). Student Study Guide to Accompany Fundamentals of
Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Taylor, Carol & Barnet, Robert. (1999). The ethics of case management: The quality/cost conundrum. In E.
Cohen & V. DeBack, The Outcomes Mandate: Case management in Health Care Today. St. Louis:
Mosby-Year Book.
Barnet, Robert & Taylor, Carol. (1999). The ethics of case management: Communication challenges. In E.
Cohen & V. DeBack, The Outcomes Mandate: Case Management in Health Care Today. St. Louis:
Mosby-Year Book..
Taylor, Carol. (1999). The ethics of care in critical care. In James P. Orlowski &
Janicemarie K. Vanicky, Eds., Ethics in critical care, Frederick, MD: University Press.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (1997). Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of
Nursing Care, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: J.B.Lippincott Company.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (1997). Student Study Guide to Accompany Fundamentals of
Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company.
Taylor, Carol. (1997). Ethical Perspectives. In Mary Burke & Mary Walsh, Eds.,
Gerontologic nursing: Holistic Care of the Elderly. St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book, pp. 584-600.
Taylor, Carol. (1997). Ethical issues in case management. In E. Cohen & T. Cesta,
Eds., Nursing case management from concept to evaluation. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, pp. 314-334.
Taylor, Carol. (1997). Ethical issues. In Lowdermilk, Bobak, & Perry, Maternity &
women's health care, 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book, pp. 34-47.
Taylor, Carol. (1996). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Ethical Issues. In Suzanne
Lego, American handbook of psychiatric nursing, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, pp. 562-570.
Taylor, Carol. (1994). Spiritual distress related to feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, decisional conflict
related to ethical dilemmas associated with terminal illness [Group-staff], and spiritual distress related
to diagnosis of terminal illness. Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Diagnoses: A comprehensive
manual. Springhouse, Pennsylvania: Springhouse Corporation.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (1993). Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of
Nursing Care, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: J.B.Lippincott Company.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (1993). Student Study Guide to Accompany Fundamentals of
Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company.
Taylor, Carol. (1992). Upholding a professional ethic. In, Springhouse, Nurse's Handbook of Law and Ethics.
Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corp., 325-330, 337-346.
Taylor, Carol. (1991). Care plans and nursing process displays. In Caroline Rosdahl, Textbook of Basic
Nursing, 5th ed. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company.
Taylor, Carol, Lillis, Carol, and LeMone, Priscilla. (1989). Fundamentals of Nursing. Philadelphia: J.B.
Lippincott Company.
Taylor, Sr. Carol (1982). The Need for Self-Esteem. In Helen Yura and Mary Walsh (Eds.) Human Needs 2
and the Nursing Process. Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century Crofts, 117-153.
Editorial Board
Aspen Reference Group. S.N. DiLima, Manager & D.E. Eutsey, Ed. (1996 --2004).
Palliative care: Patient and family counseling manual. Gaithersberg, MD: Aspen.
The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly
The American Journal of Bioethics
Consultant Editor
Nursing Ethics, An International Journal for Health Care Professionals
Unpublished Theses
The Morality Internal to the Practice of Nursing, unpublished doctoral dissertation,
Georgetown University, Graduate School of Philosophy, 1997.
Meaning in Suffering and Illness and its Relationship to Self-Actualization and
Despairful 'Not-Caring' in Selected Hospitalized Persons with Metastatic Carcinoma,
unpublished master's thesis, The Catholic University of American School of Nursing,
Educational Videotapes
Alba House, Society of St. Paul. (1998). Profiles and Issues. Moral Dimensions of Genetics
and Reproductive Technologies. Four thirty-minute video programs.
Catholic Health Association. (1993). End-of-life treatment: Pain management and
terminal illness. St. Louis, MO: Catholic Health Association.
National League for Nursing. (1993). Educational Horizon Videos: Nursing, Ethics
and the Law. New York: National League for Nursing.
Nursing and Health Care Ethics: A Legacy and a Vision. Invited Scholar. Center for Policy and Ethics, Creighton
University, Omaha, NE, April 25-27, 2007.
Keynote, Annual ORNAC Conference, Perioperative Nursing in Canada, Victoria, BC, CANADA, April 23-24, 2007.
Second Invited Clinical Nurse Ethics Scholar. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Boston, MA, March 18-20, 2007.
“Dealing with Tough Situations: When Families and Caregivers Disagree,” Surgery Grand Rounds, “Justice and Care
as Distinct Moral Orientations”, Medicine Grand Rounds, Lehigh Valley Medical Center, Allentown, PA,
March 6, 2007.
Ethical Issues in the Care of the Seriously Ill and Dying: A Challenge for Faith Communities. Presentation for the
Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Critical Issues of our Day: The Challenges to Faith series. Adrian, MI, February
27, 2007.
“Educating Competent, Responsible, Compassionate Nurses,” Presentation at Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins first
Seminar for Nurse Educators, Troy, MI, February 23, 2007.
Catholic Identity, Mission, and Strategic Planning, Presentation for Holy Redeemer Health System, Huntingdon
Valley, PA, February 21, 2007.
Ethics and Everyday Practice, Workshop for Respiratory Care, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC,
February 14, 2007.
Healing Presence: Creating a Culture that Promotes Spiritual Care. And, Religion, Ethics and Conflict in Health
Care. 6th Annual Spiritual Care Bioethics Seminar. MidMichigan Medical Center-Midland, Midland, MI,
January 31, 2007.
“Dealing with Tough Situations: When Families and Caregivers Disagree,” Ethics Grand Rounds, UCLA, Los Angeles,
CA, January 18, 2007.
“Dealing with Tough Situations: When Families and Caregivers Disagree,” Grand Rounds, Medicine, “Ethics and
Everyday Nursing,” Seminar, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, January 17, 2007.
Hospice Ethics Rounds and Workshop for Ethics Champions, Hospice of the Valley, Phoenix, AZ, January 11-12,
“The Ethics of Supportive Care,” Lectures, OSF Healthcare System, Rockford, IL and Peoria, IL, November 30December 1, 2006.
“Care and Justice: Nursing Scholarship,” Sigma Theta Tau Induction, Delta Pi Chapter, Russell Sage College, Troy,
NY, November 17, 2006.
“Dealing with Tough Situations: When Families and Caregivers Disagree,” Catholic Health Association Audio
Conference, November 8-9, 2006
“Care Ethics and Transcultural Nursing,” Keynote, 32nd Annual Transcultural Nursing Society Conference.
Annapolis, MD, November 4, 2006.
“Ethics and the Elderly,” Individual, Institutional and Societal Challenges. Catholic Healthcare Partners, Cincinnati,
OH, November 2, 2006.
“The Ethical Foundation for Professional Practice,” The 17th Annual Bruce E. Siegel Memorial Lecture. Columbus,
OH, November 1, 2006.
ASBH Annual Conference, Denver, CO, October 26-29.
Hospice and Palliative Care Conference, October 24-25.
“Ethics at the Bedside: An Interactive Workshop to Address Common Ethical Challenges,” Our Lady of Lourdes
Hospital, Camden, NJ, October 19, 2006.
“Medical Surgical Nursing in the Future: Ethical Challenges,” Medical Surgical Update 2006. Dartmouth Medical
Center and St. Anselm College, Lebanon, NH, October 16, 2006.
“Care and Justice: Nursing Scholarship,” Alumni Breakfast. The Catholic University of America School of Nursing.
October 14, 2006.
“Ethics, Integrity and Everyday Decisionmaking,” Ambulatory Care Nurse Conference, St. Anselm College,
Manchester, NH, October 10, 2006.
“Conflict, Ethics and Integrity,” General Session, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health’s
Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, September 29, 2006.
“Elder Care: Ethics and Aging,” General Session. St. Anselm’s College Annual Gerontology Conference,
Kennebunkport, ME, September 22, 2006.
“Ethical Challenges in the Care of the Seriously Ill and Dying,” Seldon Graham Memorial Lectureship, Longview TX,
September 19, 2006.
“Ethical Dilemmas are Everyone’s Business (General Session)” and “What to Do with a Family [or Attending!] Who
Won’t Consider Palliative Goals (Concurrent Session),” Contemporary Forums Conference on
Controversies in Cancer Care, Las Vegas, NV, September 15-16, 2006.
Ethics Case Consulation. Hospice of the Valley, Phoenix, AZ, June 29, 2006.
“Ethics at the Bedside: An Interactive Workshop to Address Common Ethical Challenges,” Southwest Health
Professions Education Center, Phoenix, AZ, June 28, 2006.
“Individual and Organizational Integrity,” General Session. Ethics in the Web of Life Conference. Neumann
College, Aston, PA, June 17, 2006.
“Clinical Ethics,” PostConference Workshop. Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Washington, DC, June 11, 2006
“Excellence without Ethics: Who Are We Kidding?” Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Nursing Grand
Rounds. Philadelphia, PA, June 7, 2006.
“Ethics: The Learner and Contemporary Health Care Issues,” General Session, St. Anselm’s College, Nurse
Educator Conference 2006. New Castle, NH, May 20-23, 2006.
“Excellence without Ethics: Who Are We Kidding?” Presentation for Nurses Week. Consultation with Ethics
Committee: Futile Treatment: Mediating Conflict. Columbus Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH, May19,
“Moral Integrity in the Leadership of Catholic Healthcare Institutions: An Examination of Corporate Conscience,”
General Session. Catholic Healthcare Administrative Personnel Program (C.H.A.P. Program). New York,
NY, May 15, 2006.
“Religion, Ethics and Conflict in Health Care,” Keynote Address. Medical Ethics Network of Michigan Annual
Conference. Novi, MI, May 12, 2006.
“Ethics at the Bedside,” Presentation for Hearst Scholars. Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME, May 3, 2006.
“Finitude, Suffering and Hope: What ‘Wisdom and Witness’ Do We Have to Offer a Despairing World?” Guest
Lecture, Mount St. Mary’s University, Emmitsburg, MD, April 25, 2006.
“Spiritual Care,” University of Vermont College of Medicine Templeton Lecture. Balancing Self Care and Care for
Others, Nursing Grand Rounds, Maine Medical Center, Ethical Leadership and Institutional Integrity, Retreat
for Members of Ethics Committee, Maine Medical Center, Burlington, VT, April, 19-21, 2006.
“How Ethically ‘Buff’ Are You and Why Does It Matter?” Keynote. New Jersey Annual Nursing Convention.
Atlantic City, NJ, March 30, 2006.
“Ethics and Legal: The Interface,” MedStar Legal Retreat. Columbia, MD, March 29, 2006.
“Lessons from Schiavo,” Adult Education Lecture. Holy Trinity Parish, Washington, DC, March 5, 2006.
“The Medical Team: Professionalism at the Bedside,” Medical Grand Rounds, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, March
1, 2006.
“Old and New Challenges for Ethical Leadership,” General Session, Avila Institute Leadership Conference,
Germantown, NY, February 15, 2006.
“Excellence without Ethics, Who are You Kidding?” Grand Rounds. VCU Medical Center Institute for Innovative
Nursing Practice, Richmond, VA, February 8-9, 2006.
“Healing Presence: Creating a Culture that Promotes Spiritual Care,” General Session, Recovering Our Traditions II:
Journey Toward Excellence. Supportive Care of the Dying Conference. San Antonio, TX, January 28,
“Lo Splendore della Vita: Vangelo, Scienza ed Etica,” Pontifical Academy for Life, Vatican, ROME, November 17-19,
“Evangelium Vitae: An analysis of the American Response” and “Ethics and Palliative Care.” St. Camillus University,
Sao Paulo, Brazil (September 23-24) and Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Buenos Aries, ARGENTINA,
September 26.
“Organizational Integrity: Why it Matters for Case Managers,” General Session, Contemporary Forum’s Annual
Conference for Case Managers, Washington, DC, September 14, 2005.
“Excellence without Ethics: Who Are We Kidding?” Plenary, and “Good Dying: Challenges for Geriatric Nurses,” 11th
Annual Conference for Gerontological Nursing, Kennebunkport, ME, September 16, 2005.
“Facilitating Ethical Reflection on Emerging Technologies,” Presentation at the XIXth European Confernece on
Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, Barcelona, SPAIN, August 24-27, 2005.
“Ethics at the Bedside: An interactive workshop to address common ethical challenges,” Prescott Resort Conference
Center, Prescott, AZ, August 5, 2005.
“Parish Nursing with Integrity: Celebrating the Call to be a Healing Presence.” Sixth Annual Conference for Parish
Nursing and Health Ministry, St, Anselm College, Manchester, NH, June 21, 2005.
“Nursing in the New Millennium,” Vittorio Veneto, ITALY, June 11, 2005.
“Pain and Suffering: An anthropological approach,” Vittorio Veneto, ITALY. June 10, 2005.
“Clinical Bioethics Symposium” and “Organizational Ethics Symposium,” Preconference Workshops, 31 st Intensive
Bioethics Course, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, June 7, 2005.
“Optimizing Care for the Seriously Ill and Dying,” Workshop for Covenant Health Systems, Lexington, MA, May 17,
“Excellence and Ethical Reflection: The Seeds of Change,” Keynote presentation, 2005 Convention, Catholic Health
Association of Canada, London, Ontario, CANADA, May 15, 2005.
“Ethics and Modern Medicine: New and Recurrent Challenges,” 66 th Annual Theodor Lang May Day, St. Anthony
Medical Center, Rockford, IL, May 12, 2005. St. Anthony Medical Center, Rockford, IL, May 12, 2005.
“Genetic Testing: What’s at stake? Who decides?” Center for Nursing Excellence, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore,
MD, April 27, 2005.
“Helping Others Understand the Goals of Bedside Ethics Consultation,” HEAL: Healthcare ethics and law institute 2005
Conference, The Pellegrino Medal Awardee, Samford University, Birminghan, AL, April 15, 2005.
“Ethics in Critical Care,” Orientation for Georgetown University Critical Care Nurses, Washington, DC, March 30, 2005.
“The Morality Internal to the Practice of Nursing,” Dean’s Distinguished Lecture, Gwynedd Mercy University, March 29,
“Celebrating the Art of Healing: The Ethics of Caring.” Center for Nursing and Allied Health Dedication Ceremony.
Immaculata University, Immaculata, PA, March 20, 2005.
HIV/AIDs: The Ethics of Privacy. Presentation at the Georgetown University Hospital Conference, Washington, DC,
March 16, 2005.
Clinical Ethics Day, Presentations, Grand Rounds, Town Hall Meetings, and Meeting with Ethics Committee, Yale New
Haven Health System, Hartford, CT, March 14, 2005.
“Healing Health Care,” Presentation for the John Carroll Society’s Fourteenth Annual Rose Mass, Bethesda, MD, March
6, 2005.
Presentation for the St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought Lecture Series, Life, Suffering, Healing, Death: Catholic
Perspectives. Charlottesville, VA, March 1, 2005.
“Catholic Social Teaching and Organizational Ethics,” Bon Secours AudioConference, February 14, 2005.
“The Morality Internal to the Practice of Nursing,” Dean’s Distinguished Lecture, Gwynedd Mercy University, March 29,
“Celebrating the Art of Healing: The Ethics of Caring.” Center for Nursing and Allied Health Dedication Ceremony.
Immaculata University, Immaculata, PA, March 20, 2005.
“Healing Health Care,” Presentation for the John Carroll Society’s Fourteenth Annual Rose Mass, Bethesda, MD, March
6, 2005.
“Spiritual Care for the Seriously Ill and Dying,” Presentation, St. Anselm Institute, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
VA, March 1, 2005.
“Gospel Care and Compassion” and “Ethical Challenges in the Care of the Seriously Ill and Dying: Interdisciplinary
Challenges,” Workshops, Peoria, IL and Rockford, IL, December 2-3, 2004.
Annual Management Conference and Exhibition of the New York State Association of Health Care Providers, NY,
October 14, 2004.
Panel Presentation, 2004 National Association of Treasurers of Religious Institutes (NATRI) Conference, Arlington, VA,
November 12, 2004.
“The What and Why of a Theological Anthropology for Bioethics: A Practical Answer,” Presentation, Center for Clinical
Bioethics Colloquium, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, November 5-6, 2004.
“Excellence without Ethics, Who Are You Kidding?” Keynote, 2004 Convention of the New York State Nurses
Association, Saratoga, NY, October 21, 2004.
“Designer Babies,” Keynote, Nursing Spectrum Expo, New York, NY, October 21, 2004.
Kenote, National Conference of VA Catholic Chaplains. October 20, 2004
Faculty for Nursing Spectrum Deluxe Pan-European Study Tour. Budapest, HUNGARY, Vienna, AUSTRIA, Prague,
CZECH REPUBLIC, Munich, GERMANY, September 27- October 10, 2004.
“Morality Internal to the Practice of Nursing,” Keynote, Inauguration of the Spalding University College of Health and
Natural Sciences School of Nursing’s Center for the Study of Human Dignity, Ethics and Caring in Nursing,
Lousiville, KY, September 24, 2004.
“Excellence without Ethics, Who Are You Kidding,” Keynote and “Designer Babies,” Presentation, Nursing Spectrum
EXPO, Baltimore, MD, September 22, 2004.
“Ethical Dilemmas in Cancer Care,” General Session and “Professional Care and Compassion Begins at Home,”
Concurrent Presentation, Contemporary Forums 17th Annual Oncology, Clinical Issues and Trends Conference,
Jersey City, NJ, September 13-15, 2004.
"Ethical Challenges in the Care of Seriously Ill and Dying" and "Excellence without Ethics...Who Are We Kidding!"
Presentations, Ethics Conference, Safford, AZ, September 2, 2004.
“Ethical Challenges in the Care of the Seriously Ill and Dying. Recovering our Traditions… A Catholic Perspective on
End-of-Life Care,” “What is Enough? A Discussion about Futile Treatment,” Presentations, Lafayette, LA
Community Coalition on End-of-Life Care, Lafayette, LA, August 18, 2004.
“Hope and Aging… Are there Grounds for Hope when Cure Isn’t an Option?” Presentation, Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center’s A Fuller Sense of Healing Conference, Lebanon, New Hampshire, August 8, 2004.
“Ethical Competence for End-of-Life Care,” Nursing Grand Rounds, Washington Adventist Hospital, Takoma Park, MD,
August 12, 2004.
“Meeting the Ethical Challenges in Nursing Education, Research and Practice: Same commitment to patients but new
responsibilities.” Presentation at the 14th Japanese Academy of Nursing Education, Yamagata Prefecture,
JAPAN, July 24-25, 2004.
“Clinical Ethics,” and “Organizational Ethics,” two, three hour, preconference workshops, Kennedy Institute of Ethics
Annual Summer Intensive Course in Bioethics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, June 8, 2004.
“Care of the Seriously Ill and Dying: Ethical and Legal Challenges,” Presentation, Palliative Care Nursing Education
Program, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, June 3, 2004.
“Practical Ethics,” Daylong Workshop, Capital Hospice Institute for Education and Leadership, Fairfax VA, June 4, 2004.
Presentation, Georgetown University Center for Clinical Bioethics’ Ethics and Aging Conference, Georgetown University,
Washington, DC, June 19, 2004.
“Celebrating the Art of Healing: Nursing Challenges in Today’s World,” “ Excellence and Ethical Leadership: How
Ethically “Fit” Are Your Nurses and Units?”, three hour workship, “Called to Care: An Affirmation of SJGHC’s
Nurses,” Oration, St. John of God’s Health System. Program repeated in four hospitals near Perth (Murdoch
and Subiaco) and Melbourne (Geelong and Ballarat), AUSTRALIA, May 11-14, 2004.
“Responding to the Challenges of the Suffering Elderly: A North American Perspective,” Presentation, Acceptance of the
Suffering Elderly Conference, Veneto, ITALY, May 8, 2004.
“Contract or Covenant: Ethical Challenges in OB-GYN,” Lecture, OB-GYN Residents Day, Baltimore, MD, April 30,
Keynote, Concurrent Session, Albany, NY, April 26, 2004.
“Ethics, Integrity, and Everyday Decisionmaking,” Keynonte, Rutgers University Sigma, Theta, Tau Induction, April 22,
Center for Clinical Bioethics 10th Annual Faith, Ethics, Health Care Conference, Georgetown University, Washington,
DC, April 21, 2004.
“Ethics and Genetics,” Mayo Clinic Alum, Cosmos Club, Washington, DC, April 16, 2004.
Baton Rouge, LA, April 15, 2004.
Moral Agency and Critical Care, Lecture for Critical Care Nurse Practitioner Students, Georgetown University School of
Nursing, Washington, DC, April 13, 2004.
Workshop for Nurse Managers, Schervier Nursing Home, Bronx, NY, April 3, 2004.
Ethics Retreat, Bon Secours Health System, Richmond, VA, April 1, 2004.
“Ethics of Caring,” Keynote and
Concurrent Session, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, March 26, 2004.
“Gospel Care and Compassion,” Presentation, Rose Mass, Diocese of Detroit, Detroit, MI, March 21, 2004.
“Ethics and Embryonic Stem Cell Research,” Lecture, Georgetown University Board of Regents, Washington, DC,
February 28, 2004.
“Gospel Care and Compassion,” Lenten Series Lecture, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, February 26, 2004.
“Solidarity and Health Care Reform,” Presentation, Third Annual Human Dignity and Health Science Conference,
Integritas Institutue, Chicago, IL, February 23, 2004.
“Process-based Medical Decisionmaking: Balancing Patient/family Rights, Professional Integrity, and Societal Interests.”
Inaugural Seminar, Pediatric Ethics Interest Group, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax, VA, February 18, 2004.
Pulmonary/Critical Care Ethics Rounds, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, February 18, 2004.
“Excellence without Ethics? Who Are You Kidding?” General Session and “Tough Clinical Decisions: Who Decides?
Using What Criteria?” Concurrent Session, Contemporary Forums, Leadership Excellence, Challenges in
Neonatal, Obstetric & Pediatric Nursing Management Conference, Lake Las Vegas, NV, February 12-13, 2004.
“Bioethics at the End of Life/Medical Futility,” Presentation, 3 rd Annual Palliative Care Conference. St. Joseph’s
Hospital Palliative Care Initiative. Phoenix, AZ, February 5, 2004.
Facilitator: Invitation Ethics Forum (Invited chairs and representatives from hospital and skilled nursing facilities
throughout Arizona). Phoenix, AZ, February 6, 2004.
Training for Hospice of the Valley Ethics Committee, Phoenix, AZ, February 5, 2004.
Cobre Valley Community Hospital, Globe, AZ, February 5, 2004.
“Is there a role for “high tech” interventions in end-of-life care?” Four Hour Preconference Interdisciplinary Workshop.
Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association 2004 Annual Assembly. Phoenix, AZ January 21, 2004. e
“Thy Will Be Done,” Reflection, Serra Club, Washington, DC, January 15, 2004.
Genetic Testing: What’s at Stake? Who Decides? A Special Look at Clinical and Ethical Challenges for Catholic Health
Care,” Presentation, Providence Health System’s Genetics in Catholic Health Care Conference, Portland, WA,
December 12, 2003.
Excellence Without Ethics? Who Are We Kidding?” Workshop, Northwestern State University, Shreveport, LA,
December, 5, 2003.
“Nursing Excellence without Ethics? Who Are We Kidding?” New York Association of Homes and Services for the
Aging 20th Anniversary Conference, Sagamore Hotel, Lake George, NY, November 21, 2003.
“Tough Decisions at the Beginning of LIfe,” Videoconference for Pontificia Universidad Catolica ARGENTINA,
Washington, DC, November 19, 2004.
“Quality Care Without Ethical Competence, Who Are We Kidding?” Featured Speaker, and “Living Well Until We Die,
Concurrent Session, Foundation for Long Term Care’s 2003 Directors of Social Work Annual Conference,
Saratoga Springs, NY, November 12-14, 2003.
‘Exploring the University’s further engagement in promoting interreligious understanding,” Participant, Georgetown
University, Washington, DC, November 11, 2003.
“Ethics at the Bedside in Advanced Illness and Palliative Care,” Presentation, Spotlight on Critical Care, 18th Annual
Conference for Nursing Professionals, GWAC, Greenbelt, MD, November 5, 2003.
Theology on Tap, St. Mary’s Parish, Annapolis, MD, November 4, 2003.
“Hope in Palliative Care,” Closing Plenary, The Hospices of the National Capital Region Annual Human Face of
Palliative Care Conference, Fairfax, VA, October 31, 2003.
“Excellence without Ethics: Who Are We Kidding?” Presentations, Providence Hospital, Washington, DC, October 27
and October 30, 2003.
“Experience of Ethical Stress: Impact on Nurses and Social Workers,” Joint presentation, American Society of Bioethics
and Humanities and Canadian Bioethics Society Joint Meeting, Montreal, QC, CANADA, October 23-26, 2003
“Healthy Shared Decision-making in an Ailing Health Care System,” Lecture, Johns Hopkins University School of
Professional Studies, Bioethics in the 21st Century: Ethical and Legal Issues, Montgomery County Campus,
Shady Grove, MD, October 21, 2003.
“Organizational Ethics and Moral Leadership,” Presentation, Avila Institute of Gerontology Annual Conference,
Germantown, NY, October 14, 2003.
“Ethics, Integrity, and Everyday Decisionmaking,” Lecture, Georgetown University Parents’ Weekend Lecture , Series,
Washington, DC, October 18, 2003.
“What is Enough? A Discussion about Futile Treatment: and “What to Do when there Isn’t Enough: A Discussion about
Rationing Resources,” Presentations and Ethics Rounds in Critical Care Units, Resurrection Health System,
Chicago, IL, October 9-10, 2003.
“Ethics, Integrity and Nursing,,” Presentation and Ethics Case Work-Up, Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, October
7, 2003.
Ethical Competence for Critical Care. Orientation Lecture for new critical care nurses. Georgetown University Hospital.
Washington, DC, October 2, 2003.
An Ethics-Focused Clinical Case Discussion, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington,
DC, October 2, 2003.
“The Genetic Revolution, Challenge to the Faith Community,” St. Anne’s Parish, Arlington, VA, September 22, 2003.
“Ethical Issues in Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care,” Children’s Hospice International, 15 th World Congress,
Alexandria, VA, September 16, 2003.
“Creating a Moral Space and the Competence to Raise and Address Ethical Issues,” Grand Rounds small group ethics
consultations with Central Maine Pulmonary Associates, CCS, Long term Care, Kidney Center Staff, ICCU,
Behavioral Services, Ethics Committee, and Report to Senior Leadership, Sisters of Charity Health System,
Lewiston, ME, September 11-12, 2003.
University of Vilnius Hosts European Society for Philosophy and Medicine, Talk, Lithuanian Womens’ Club, Pottsville,
Pa, September 9, 2003.
“Ethics, Moral Agency and Integrity: The Why and How of an Institutional Ethics Program,” Presentation XVIIth
European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, University Campus, Vilnius, LITHUANIA,
August 21-23, 2003.
“Ethics and End-of-Life Decisionmaking,” Radio Interview, Georgetown News, National Public Radio, July 30, 2003, 12
“Ethics,” Presentation, 7th Annual Georgetown University Healthcare Leadership Institute, Washington, DC, July 14,
“When Bad Things Happen to Good People,” Neonatology/Pediatrics Lecture, Washington Hospital Center, July 8, 2003.
Ethical Decisionmaking for the Health Care Professional, Workshop for Nurse Managers, Providence Hospital,
Washington, DC, June 25, 2003.
Faith, Health Care Decisions, and Spiritual Care, Annual Health Care Ministry Education Day, Roswell Park Cancer
Institute, Buffalo, NY, June 20, 2003.
“Do Ethics Committees have the Moral Authority to Make Difficult Ethical Decisions,” a joint ethics committee
symposium sponsored by the UCLA Health Care Ethics Center, Los Angeles, and Noon Ethics Rounds, UCLA,
Los Angeles, CA, June 11, 2003.
“Organizational Ethics,” Special Topics Presentation, Kennedy Institute of Ethics Intensive Bioethics Course, Georgetown
University, June 6, 2003.
“Pediatric Patients and the Science and Art of Clinical Decisionmaking,” and “Ethics at the Bedside in Advanced Illness
and Palliative Care,” Medical Education Programs, St. Joseph Medical Center, Reading, PA, May 29, 2003.
“Organizational Ethics: Balancing the Needs of the Organization and the Needs of Residents,” Presentation, Foundation
for Long Term Care and NYAHSA Spring Training Institute and Exhibition, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 22,
“Mission and Moral Leadership” and “Spirituality and Patient Care: Gospel Narratives” Presentations at the Scranton
Diocese 17th Annual Spring Forum, Laflin, PA, May 20, 2003.
“Framing the Dialogue for End-of-Life Care,: Keynote, Virginia Association for Hospices Spring Conference, Roanoke,
VA, May 14, 2003.
“Quality Perinatal Care and Ethics,” Presentation, 21st Annual March of Dimes, CT Chapter and Association of Women’s
Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses Perinatal Nursing Symposium, Farmington, CT, May 13, 2003.
“Excellence Without Ethics? Who Are We Kidding?” General Session 4th Joint Clinical Conference, Scaling the Peaks
of Excellence in Hospice and Palliative Care, Denver, CO, April 11, 2003.
“It’s Not Winning or Losing but How (and Why!) You Play the Game that Counts! An Exploration of Today’s Ethical
Challenges,” Presentation, Case Management Society of America New York Trichapter Conference, New York,
NY, April 9, 2003.
“Medical Ethical Issues Associated with Critically Ill Newborns,” Invited presentation to the Secretary’s Advisory
Committee on Infant Mortality, Washington, DC, March 27, 2003.
“Ethics Workshop,” workshop for physicians, nurses, addictions workers, social workers and mental health counselors
serving the homeless, SOME, Washington, DC, March 20, 2003.
“Dignity, Illness and Institutions,” Presentation, 2nd Annual Conference on Human Dignity and Health Science, Integritas
Institute, Chicago, IL, February 23, 2003.
“The Ethics of Care: Implications for Professional Practice” and “The Ethics of Care: A Challenge to Leadership,” Series
of presentations, Sisters of Charity of Ottawa tenth Anniversary and Mission Effectiveness Week, Ottawa,
Ontario, CANADA, February 20, 2003.
“Clinical Ethics 101,” Medical Futility,” and “Recurrent Challenges in EOL Care,” Daylong Workshop, Southwest Health
Professions Education Center, Prescott, AZ, February 13, 2003.
“Nursing in the 21st Century, New Challenges, New Code, New Rights!” Nursing Rounds, Georgetown University
Hospital, January 27. 2003.
“Care Ethics,” Presentation at Bioethics in Multicultural Space: Locating Values, Translating Lessons Conference
Jointly Sponsored by the Hunan Normal University (China), the University of Otago (New Zealand) and the
Georgetown University Center for Clinical Bioethics (U.S.), Changsha, CHINA, November 30 - December
3, 2002.
“Code of Ethical Standards for Catholic Health and Aged Care Services in Australia: Understanding Organizational
Ethics,” Presentation for Catholic Health Australia in Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA, November 23, 2002.
“Organizational Integrity and Moral Leadership: The Buck Stops Here!” and “Professional Care and Nursing:
Dispensable Luxury or Core Obligation,” Mater Health System Leadership Conference, Brisbane,
AUSTRALIA, November 20-21, 2002.
“Ethical Decision Making For The Health Care Professional,” Presentation at the Mayo Clinic’s 2002 Annual Nursing
Conference, Scotsdale, AZ, November 16, 2002.
“Healing the Brokenness of Today’s Society: Gospel Imperatives for Care in the 21 st Century,” Presentation for Holy
Redeemer Health System, Meadowbrook, PA, November 13, 2002.
“Stem Cell Research,” Presentation, Meeting the Challenges of the Changing Faces of Ministry, Pastors and Ministers
from the Baltimore and Washington, DC Conferences, Columbia, MD, October 23, 2002.
“Two Critical and Complementary Issues for Academic Medicine: Medical Ethics and the Quality Movement,”
Presentation, 23rd Annual Administrators of Internal Medicine (AIM) Educational Conference: Defining
Future Trends in Academic Medicine, Washington, DC, October 22, 2002.
“Good Dying: Challenges for Parish Nurses and Faith Communities,” Presentation at Northwest Parish Ministries
(NPNM) annual conference, Portland, OR, October 19, 2002.
“Moral Leadership, Virtue, and Institutional Integrity,” Presentation for Covenant Leadership at Annual Meeting,
Westford, MA, October 10, 2002.
“Organizational Ethics: Balancing the Needs of the Organization with the Needs of the Patient,” Presentation at
Contemporary Forum’s 7th annual conference: Case Management along the Continuum, Boston, MA,
October 9, 2002.
“Ethics and Aging,” Presentation at Kawaski University of Medical Welfare, Kurashiki, Okayama, JAPAN, October
2, 2002.
“Advocacy, The Genetic Revolution, and Nursing,” Presentation at Waseda University, Tokyo, JAPAN, September
30, 2002.
“Affirming an Ethics of Care: Making a Difference in the Lives of Patients,” Keynote, Annual Conference, Toronto
Center for Ethics & Annual Conference Catholic Health Association of Ontario, Toronto, CANADA,
September 27, 2002.
“Transformational Leadership in Today’s Market Driven Health Care Environment,” Keynote, and “Care Imperatives
for the 21st Century,” Presentation, Regional Conference, Case Management Society of New England’s
(CMSNE) 13th annual conference, Cape Cod, MA, September 13, 2002.
“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Defining Human Life in an Age of Radical Possibilities,”Annual Conference for
Sacred Heart University Institute for Religious Education and Pastoral Studies (REAPS), Fairfield, CT,
September 10, 2002.
“Psychiatry, Capacity Determinations, and Good and Bad Dying,” An Ethics-Focused Clinical Case Discussion,
Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, September 5, 2002
“The Reproductive (R)Evolution: Ethical Challenges,” Smart Art III. From Physiology to Clinical Success, Las
Vega, NV, August 24, 2002.
“Multi-Professional Teams: Challenges and Opportunities,” Presentation, The Center for Bioethics and Human
Dignity’s 9th annual conference on bioethics, Trinity International University, Deerfield, IL, July 19, 2002
Bioethics and Genetics, Videoconference for Pontificia Universidad Catolica ARGENTINA, Washington, DC, June
18, 2002.
“Called to be Healers,” Two day retreat for Chaplains and Wives, ACT Retirement Communities, Lanier Village Estates,
Gainesville, GA, June 13-14, 2002.
“Transformational Leadership in Today’s Market-driven Health Care Environment,” “Nursing and the Science, Art, and
Ethics of Clinical Decisionmaking” “Integrity, Ethics, and Everyday Decisionmaking,” and “Noon Ethics
Rounds,” Presentations at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, June 7, 2002.
“Spirituality and Healing,” Keynote presentation, “Ethics at the Bedside in Advanced Illness and Palliative Care,” Breakout Session, Palliative and Hospice Care: Making a Difference Conference, Fort MacArthur, San Pedro, CA,
June 6, 2002.
“The Science, Art and Ethics of Clinical Decisionmaking,” Grand Rounds, “Ethics Integrity and Everyday
Decisionmaking,” Interdisciplinary Conference, St. Francis Medical Center, Monroe, LA, June 3-4, 2002.
“Moral Leadership in Health Care,” Presentation to Executive Leadership and “The Science, Art and Ethics of Clinical
Decisionmaking,” Interdisciplinary Conference, Vista Health System, Waukegan, IL, June 1-2, 2002
“Ethics, Integrity, and Everyday Decisionmaking,” Contemporary Forum’s Annual Conference, The Young Child with
Special Needs, Washington, DC, May 22, 2002.
“Obstetrics, Ethics, and Moral Leadership in Today’s Market Driven Health Care Environment,” National Workshops for
OB-GYN Residency Program Directors and Senior Residents, Orange County, CA, May 16-19, 2002; Atlanta,
GA, April 25-28, 2002; St. Louis, MO, April 13-14, 2002.
“Organizational Ethics as a Means to Organizational Integrity,” Annual Ethics Symposium, Alberta Catholic Health
Corporation, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA, May 10-12, 2002.
“Stem Cell Research: Implications for a Catholic Health Care Institution,” Symposium at St. Joseph Medical Center,
Towson, MD, May 7, 2002.
“Ethics, Integrity and Health Care Decisionmaking,” Ethics Conference, Jackson Purchase Health Education
Consortium, Paducah, KY, May 3, 2002.
“The Genetic (R)Evoultion: Challenges for Catholic Health Care,” General Session, Catholic Health Care Partners
Annual Governance Retreat, Colorado Springs, CO, April 19, 2002.
“Transforming the Culture of Elder Care: A Nonelective Mission,” Workshop for the Eskaton Executive Group,
Sacramento, CA, April 18, 2002.
A Reflection on Community, presentation at the Department of Energy Human Subjects Protection Program’s 2002
Community Member Conference, Gaithersburg, MD, April 8-9, 2002
“The Genetic (R)Evolution: Challenges for Catholic Health Care,” Presentation for the Catholic HealthCare Partners
annual Governance Retreat, Colorado Springs, CO, April 19, 2002.
“The Ethics of Spiritual Care,” Mayo Medical School Series Featuring Spirituality Topics, “The Care Ethic,” Dinner
Speaker for the Mayo Oncology Society, Rochester, MN, April 4, 2002.
“The Genetic (R)Evolution: Challenges for Faith-based Health Care,” The Philip and Doris Clarke Family Medical Ethics
Conference Keynote Address, Notre Dame’s 17th Annual Medical Ethics Conference, Notre Dame, IN, March
22, 2002.
“Ethical Integrity and Managed Care,” Dinner Address at the ASCLS/CLMA Legislative Symposium, Arlington, VA,
March 18, 2002.
“Health Care Decisionmaking: The Use and Misuse of Physician Authority,” Grand Rounds in Medicine, Georgetown
University Hospital, Washington, DC, February 28, 2002.
“Ethics, Integrity and Moral Leadership,” Presentation for the Holy Redeemer Senior Management Team, Philadelphia,
PA, February 26, 2002.
“You’re wrong, Mom would want...” and “But it’s my life,” presentations at the 2002 Basic Ethics Education Course
sponsored by the Mayo Clinical Ethics Council, Rochester, MN, February 20, 2002.
“The Promises and Perils of Genetic Engineering,” Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, February
12, 2002.
“Ethics, Integrity and Moral Leadership,” Cabrini Leadership Retreat, Philadelphia, PA, February 9, 2002.
“The Genetic (R)Evolution: Challenges for Faith-based Health Care,” The 2002 R. Wayne Kraft Memorial Lecture,
DeSales University, Allentown, PA, February 6, 2002.
Ethics Forum on End-of-Life Care, “Stem Cell Research: Science and Ethics” and “Medical Futility: Who Decides? What
Criteria?” Grand Rounds Presentation, Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ, January 24-25, 2002
“A guide for Catholics in Setting Goals for Medical Care” and “Strategies to Integrate Roman Catholic Perspectives on
End-of-Life Care into the Practice Environments,” Presentations at Recovering our Traditions... A Catholic
Perspective on End-of-Life Care, Tucson, AZ, January 22-24, 2002.
“The Ministry of Governance,” Presentation for the St. Agnes Healthcare Board and Executive Leadership Staff,
Baltimore, MD, January 17, 2002.
“New Millennium, New Code, New Responsibilities,” Presentation to Senior MEDSTAR nurses, Georgetown University
Hospital, Washington, DC, January 9, 2002
“Realizing the Mission: Ethics, Integrity and Governance” Presentation for Board Members and Senior Management
Group, Samaritan Hospice, NJ, January 7, 2002.
“Suffering and Psychological Distress at the End of Life: Challenges for Competent and Compassionate Caregivers,”
Plenary Address, One Day Institute for Social Workers, Arlington, VA, December 7, 2001.
“Ethical Issues in the Clinical Setting,” Six Presentations, St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center, Lewiston, ME, November
29-30, 2001.
“The Genetic (R)Evolution,” Panel Presentation, Georgetown’s Blue and Gray Society Retreat,
Phoenix, AZ, November 8-11, 2001.
“Ethics, Integrity and Tough Clinical Decisions,” Presentation for the 2001: the Trauma Care Odyssey Program, Inova
Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA, November 2, 2001.
“Ethics at the Bedside in Palliative Care,” General Presentation, Hospice and Palliative Care of Metropolitan
Washington’s 3rd Annual Conference, Bringing Palliative Care to Life, Fairfax, VA, November 1, 2001.
“Ethics, Everyday Decisionmaking and Integrity,” “The Nonnegotiables of Moral Health Care: Integrity in the
Marketplace,” and “Jesus, Healing, and Gospel Care and Compassion,” Presentations for Mercy Community
Ethics Consortium, Sioux City, IA, October 31, 2001.
“Spirituality and Healing,” General Session, Contemporary Forum’s Alternative and Complementary Therapies
Conference, Washington, DC, October 11, 2001.
“The Genetic (R)Evolution: Challenges for Catholic Health Care,” Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, October 4-5,
“Mission and Moral Leadership,” Workshop for Cabrini Leadership Formation Program, Tarrytown, NY , September 2829, 2001.
“Balancing Care of Self and Care of Others,” Presentation, Contemporary Forum’s 13th Annual Advances in
Transplantation Conference, Washington, DC, September 27, 2001.
“Healing Health Care,” Keynote, and “Collaborative Health Care Decisionmaking,” and “Spiritual Care: How Competent
Are We?” Break-out sessions, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center National Conference,
Shrevesport, LA, September 20, 2001.
“Organizational Ethics and Moral Leadership,” Presentations at Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System
Educational Conference, Clear Water Springs, Alabama, September 19, 2001.
“Healing Health Care and the Role of the Chaplain,” Keynote, Annual Chaplaincy Recognition Dinner, Inova Alexandria
Hospital, Alexandria, VA, September 11, 2001.
“Advocacy in Today’s Market-Driven Health Care Environment” and “Ethics, Genetics and Nursing,” Presentations at
Nursing Spectrum’s Annual Career Fitness Expo, Baltimore, MD, September 8, 2001.
“Ethical Issues in the Long-term Care of Older Persons,” presentation at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity’s
Annual Conference, Aging, Health, and the Quest for Immortality, Chicago, IL, July 21, 2001.
“Moral Leadership” Presentation, Mater Hospital, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, June 29, 2001.
“Integrity and Everyday Decisionmaking” and “Leading Church Organizations: Integrity in the Marketplace,” Plenary
Sessions, and “Leading the Ministry in Current Challenges: Health Organizations and Healing Relationships,”
Concurrent Session, Catholic Health Organization Australia Annual Conference, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA, June
25, 27, 2001.
“Old and New Challenges for Moral Leadership in Today’s Market-driven Health Care Environment,” Mercy Health
System 2001 Strategic Planning and Budget Retreat, Philadelphia, PA, June 18, 2001.
“Spirituality and Patient Care: Lessons from the Gospel Narratives.” Presentation. 86th Catholic Health Assembly,
Catholic Health Association. Atlanta, GA, June 10-13, 2001.
“Gospel Care and Compassion.” Retreat for Health Care Professionals, Benedictine Pastoral Center, Bristow, VA, June 8,
“The Ethics of Stem Cell Research.” NIH Ethics Program. Bethesda, MD, June 4, 2001.
“The Genetic (R)Evolution: Challenges for Catholic Health Care,” One day Workshop for Ministry Health Care, St.
Joseph’s Hospital, Marshfield, WI, May 23, 2001.
“Ethics, Integrity and Everyday Decisionmaking: We Are What We Repeatedly Do... Yikes!” and “It’s the Patient, Stupid!
Reflection and Discussion Exercises.” Keynote presentations for the Health Care Consortium of Georgia’s
Annual Conference on Ethics in a House Divided: Connecting Decisionmakers in HealthCare Organizations,
Atlanta, GA, May 22, 2001.
Organizational Ethics, Part Two. Workshop. The Washington Home and Hospice of Washington, DC, May 11, 2001.
“Ethics in the New Millennium: Challenges for Institutional Ethics Committees,” Presentation for Catholic Health Care
East, Philadelphia, PA, May 10, 2001.
“Ethics Update,” Nursing Grand Rounds, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, May 9, 2001.
“Transforming the Culture of Elder Care: A Nonelective Mission,” keynote, and “Living Well Until We Die: Moral
Imperatives for the 21st Century,” Break-out Session, 40th Annual Meeting, California Association of Home and
Services for the Aging, Lake Tahoe, NV. May 8-9, 2001.
“The New Genetics: Health Care Decisionmaking and Pastoral Care,” Moderator, 7th Annual Faith, Ethics, and
Healthcare Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, May 3, 2001.
“Leadership Ethics,” Plenary session, CORL Network, annual Operating Room Nurses Association of Canada, Banff,
Canada, April 26, 2001.
“Mission and Moral Leadership,” Workshop for Cabrini Leadership Formation Program, Denver, CO, April 21-22, 2001.
“Healing Relationships, Integrity and Everyday Decisionmaking,” One day workshop, 14th Annual Ethics Conference, Our
Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden, NJ. April 25, 2001.
“Transformational Leadership,” Shea-Arentzen Nursing Symposium 2001, Crystal City, VA, April 19, 2001.
Organizational Ethics, Part One. Workshop. The Washington Home and Hospice of Washington, Washington,
DC, April 16, 2001.
“Self-Care: The Balanced Life as a Precondition for Excellence,” Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health
Studies’ Annual Ethics Forum, Washington, DC, March 29, 2001.
“Spiritual Care and Nursing,” Session at the 2nd Joint Clinical Conference on Hospice and Palliative Care, Palliation and
Passion in End of Life Care, Orlando, FL. March 23-26
“Leadership: The Buck Stops Here,” Presentation at the Center for Clinical Bioethics Organizational Ethics Workshop,
Georgetown University, Washington, DC. March 16, 2001.
“The Ethics of Care” and “The Health Care Team: Interdisciplinary Relationships, Collaborative Practice and Ethical
Decisionmaking,” Presentations for the Mayo Clinics Annual Basic Ethics Education Course, Rochester,
Minnesota, February 14-15, 2001.
“Healing Relationships, Integrity and Everyday Decisionmaking,” Presentation to the Nazareth Hospital Board,
Philadelphia, PA, January 23, 2001.
“The Genetic (R)Evolution: Challenges for Catholic Health Care,” Grand Rounds and One-day Workshop, St. Francis
Medical Center, Monroe, LA, January, 2001.
“Can We Succeed In Healthcare Today Without ‘Selling our Souls’?” Presentation for MedStar Health System,
Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC. December 13, 2000.
“Living Well Until We Die,” Lecture Series: Questions Catholic Always Wanted to Ask, St. Patrick’s Church,
Washington, D.C. December 12, 2000.
Health Care Ethics Update, Ethics Conference at Marion General Hospital, Marion, OH, December 7, 2000.
Bioethics Dialogue for Georgetown Alums, Palm Beach, FL, November 17, 2000.
End-of-Life Ethics, from Hippocrates to Quill, End-of-Life Conference, Kellogg Foundation, Warrenton, VA, November
17, 2000.
“Conflict Mediation and Resolution: Core Competencies,” “Ethics Consultation: Processes, Outcomes, Resources,”
“Religion, Spirituality, and Clinical Ethics,” General Sessions, Workshop on Clinical Ethics, Center for Clinical
Bioethics, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, November 9-11.
“Organizational Ethics: Implications for Case Managers,” General Session, Contemporary Forums’ Case Management
Along the Continuum Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, November 6, 2000.
“Moral Imperatives for the 21st Century,” “Maintaining Your Professional Ethics in Today’s in Today’s Competitive
Market-Driven Economy,” “Living Well Until We Die,” Presentations at the Annual Conference of Occupational
Health Nurses, Wilmington, DE, November 1-2, 2000.
Visiting Ethicist, St. Joseph’s Health Center, London, Ontario, CANADA, October 19-21, 2000
Clinical Ethics Workshop, Suburban Hospital, MD, October 18, 2000.
“Wit: Cancer Nursing and Living and Dying Well,” Presentation for the Potomac Area Chapter of the Oncology Nursing
Society, Bethesda, MD, October 10, 2000.
“Collaborative HealthCare Decisionmaking in Breast Cancer,” Presentation for the Maryland Oncology Nursing Society,
October 5, 2000.
“Developing an International Perspective for Ethical Competence in Teaching and Practice,” Concurrent session at the
Fourth Nursing Academic International Congress, International Collaboration in Nursing: The Influence of Ethics
and Policy on Health and the Quality of Life,” McLean, VA, October 3, 2000.
“Ethics, Integrity, and Everyday Decisionmaking,” Living Well Until We Die” Reexamining The Chaplain’s Role,” and
“Healing Health Care: Care Imperatives for the 21st Century,” Workshop for the National Association of Catholic
Chaplains, Region V, Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, September 23, 2000.
Module 1: Advance Care Planning, Speaker at the HOPE (Hospice and Palliative Care Education) Consortium EPEC
Training for Prince Charitable Trust Scholars, Falls Church, VA, September 21, 2000.
“Taking Care of Yourself: Creating a Culture to Practice Quality Care” and “Ethical Issues in the Management of
Oncology Patients,” General sessions at Contemporary Forums’ Oncology Nursing Conference, San Francisco,
CA, September 18, 2000.
“A Faith-based Response to the Threat of Legalized Assisted Suicide,” Workshop for the Sisters Health System
Lewiston, Maine. Sept. 8, 2000.
“Compliance versus Integrity-Based Institutional Ethics Programs,” Closing presentation at the Healthcare Financial
Management Association’s 2000 Corporate Compliance Conference, Washington, DC, August 26, 2000.
“Catholic Higher Education: Ethics, Integrity, and Everyday Decisionmaking,” Address to Faculty at Marymount
University, Arlington, VA, August 24, 2000.
“Ethics, Integrity and Everyday Decisionmaking,” Pediatric Education Program, duPont Hospital for Children,
Wilmington, DE, June 14, 2000.
“Professional Caregiving: Disposable Luxury in the 21st Century?” Keynote, “Moral Integrity,” Concurrent Session,
CMSA’s Tenth Annual Case Management Conference and Expo, Tampa, FL, June 9, 2000.
“Health Care Decisionmaking: Facilitating Family Participation,” Presentation, Ethics Seminar, Holy Redeemer Health
System, Huntingdon Valley, PA, June 7, 2000.
“Called to be Healers,” Workshop for National Healthcare Week, All Saints Health Care System, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin,
May 17, 2000.
“Quality Care at the End-of-Life,” Presentation, Mercy Special Care, Nanticoke, PA, May 11, 2000.
“Religious Influences on Ethical Decisionmaking in Military Medicine,” Presentation, Ethics Symposium 2000, National
Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, May 10, 2000.
“Ethical Challenges in the Managed Care Environment,” Presentation for the faculty and staff of St. Vincent’s College,
Bridgeport, CT, May 9, 2000.
“Collaborative Practice and Quality Care: Making the Team Work,” and “Ethical Decisions and
Integrity,” General sessions, Doctors’ Hospital Annual Ethics Conference, Columbus, OH, May 6, 2000.
“Transformational Leadership,” Address at Recognition Ceremony, “Transplantation Ethics,” Lecture to Medical
Students, “Stress Busters for Nurses,” Concurrent Session and “Healing Health Care: Care Imperatives for the
21st Century,” Closing Keynote, Eleventh Annual Conference on Women’s and Children’s Health, Louisiana
State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, La, April 26-28, 2000.
“Quality Care at the End-of-Life and Geriatrics,” Senior Management Seminar, Victory Housing,
Bethesda, MD, April 19, 2000.
“Healthcare Decisionmaking: Collaborative Team Action,” Presentation, Collaborative Practice: Ethical Decisionmaking
in the Care of the Elderly,” Providence Hospital, Washington, DC, April 13, 2000.
“Ethics in Oncology Nursing: Medical Futility,” Presentation for the DC/MD/VA Oncology Nurses’ Society, Washington,
DC, April 12, 2000.
“Ethical Issues in Cancer Care,” Keynote, Case analyses, and Closing address for the Central Oregon Cancer Care
Conference, Sunriver Resort, Bend, OR, April 7, 2000.
“Transformational Leadership in Today’s Market-Driven Health Care Environment,” General Session, Military Case
Management Conference 2000, Washington, DC, March 30, 2000.
“Maintaining Your Professional Ethics While Dealing with the Pressures of Cost Containment,” Keynote, American
Health Consultants Hospital Case Management Conference, Atlanta, GA, March 27, 2000.
“Managed Care and Medicine,” Presentation at the Ethics Retreat for OB-GYN medical residents, Washington, DC,
March 10, 2000.
Stem Cell Research and Catholic Teaching,” Continuing Medical Education, Nazareth Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, March
8, 2000.
“Catholic Identity, Higher Education and Ethics: Practical Considerations,” Presentation at Marymount University,
Arlington, VA, March 3, 2000.
“Living Well Until We Die: The Practical Challenges for Family and Professional Caregivers,” Pre-Conference intensive
education course and “Chaplains as Partners: Working Collaboratively to Resolve Ethical Challenges,” General
session at the APC/NACC Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC, February 26-27, 2000.
“End-of-Life Decisionmaking and Good Dying,” Presentation at the Trinity Parish Adult Education Series, Washington,
DC, February 20, 2000.
“Patient Rights: Nursing’s Role,” Presentation for the District Student Nurse Association, Georgetown University,
February 13, 2000.
“Spirituality and Nursing,” Presentation to open the pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception for the National Association of Catholic Nurses, Washington, DC, February 11, 2000.
“Dignity and Personhood: Religious Views” and “Spirituality, Health Care Decisionmaking, and Ethics,” Sessions at the
three-day intensive training workshop in health care ethics, Mayo Clinic, February 9-11, 2000.
“The Befuddled Grim Reaper,” Presentation at the Colorado Chapter of the American College of Physicians-American
Society of Internal Medicine annual scientific session, Colorado Springs, CO, February 5, 2000.
“Transforming the Culture of Eldercare: A Nonelective Mission,” Keynote, “Elder Care: Care Imperatives for the 21st
Century,” Workshop, American Baptist Homes of the West, Albuquerque, NM, February 4, 2000.
“Compliance, Corporate Integrity and Culture: How Should Organizations Manage?” Keynote for seminar sponsored by
the District of Columbia Hospital Association (DCHA) with the American College of Healthcare Executives,
Washington, DC, January 28, 2000.
“Futile Care,” Grand Rounds--Continuing Medical Education Series, St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Boston, MA,
November 4, 1999.
“Innovations in Moral Pedagogy,” Preconference workshop, Second Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Bioethics and Humanities, Philadelphia, PA, October 28, 1999.
“Healing Health Care,” Presentations at Owensboro Mercy Health System, Owensboro, KY,
October 22, 1999.
“Gospel Care and Compassion,” Keynote for the 2nd Annual Parish Nurse Conference, Wichita, KS, October 13, 1999;
“Transforming the Culture of Care: A Nonelective Mission,” and “Professional Caring,” Presentations at St.
Francis and St. Joseph Campus, Wichita, KS, October 14, 1999.
“Mediating Conflict” and “Stress-Busters,” Concurrent Sessions, and “Professional Caregiving: Does Character Matter?”
Closing Address, Revelations >99: Ninth Annual Critical and Emergency Care Conference, Louisiana State
University Medical Center, Shreveport, LA, October 8, 1999.
“Teaching Health Care Professionals to Care: Why and How,” Faculty Workshop, and “Professional Caregiving:
Mandates for Nursing,” General address, Northwestern University, Shreveport, LA, October 7, 1999.
“The Ethical Issues Involved in Managed Health Care,” Presentation at Managing Health Care Costs: Challenges to
Ethics and Quality, a conference sponsored by Marymount University, Arlington, VA, October 6, 1999.
“Ethical Competence and Medical-Surgical Nursing,” Workshop at Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC, October
5, 1999.
“Living Well Until We Die,” Workshop at Potomac Hospital, Woodbridge, VA, September 11, 1999.
“The Role of Professional Societies and Groups in Improving Patient Safety,”Institute of Medicine participant,
Washington, DC, September 9, 1999.
“Rethinking Nursing’s Core Competencies,” “Professional Caregiving: Is Nursing a Dispensable Luxury in the 21 st
Century?” and “Stressbusters for Nurses,” Presentations in the Daylong Continuing Education Seminar “Raising
the Curtain on Health care 2000,” Maimonides Medical Center, New York, NY, June 30, 1999.
“Individual and Corporate Integrity: Why We Need Organizational Ethics,” Closing Presentation, Workers as Research
Subjects Conference sponsored by the Department of Energy, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, June
25, 1999.
“Re-Introducing Ethics into Health care,” Keynote Panelist and “Advocacy and Older Americans,” “Living Well Until We
Die: Moral Imperatives for the 21st Century,” Concurrent Sessions at CMSA’s (Case Management Society of
America) Ninth Annual Case Management Conference and Expo, Minneapolis, MN, June 18, 1999.
“Ethical Competence and Perioperative Nursing,” Presentation at the 16th Annual National Operating Room Nurses
Association of Canada Conference, Halifax, NOVA SCOTIA, June 16, 1999.
“Caring in the Clinic,” Presentation at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Summer Intensive Course in Bioethics, Georgetown
University, Washington, DC, June 14, 1999.
“American Nursing,” Program for Italian Nurses at Treviso Oespadale, Treviso, ITALY, June 6, 1999.
“Trends in Health Care Decisionmaking: The American Experience,” Program for Italian Physicians at Treviso
Oespadale, Treviso, ITALY, June 4, 1999.
“Integrity--Personal and Corporate--And Organizational Ethics,” Inservice Program on Ethical Practice for the Medical
Staff at the SOME (So Others May Eat) Medical Clinic, Washington, DC, May 27, 1999.
“Bioethical Challenges at the Beginning of Life,” and “Integrity Personal and Corporate and Organizational Ethics,”
Symposium: Update on Medical Ethics--Continuing Medical Education, City Hospital, Martinsburg, WV, May
26, 1999.
“Ethical Challenges in Managed Care Environment,” Presentation at the Update in Medical Ethics Conference, St. John’s
Mercy Medical Center, St. Louis, MO, May 20, 1999.
“The Befuddled Grim Reaper: Quality End-of-Life Care and Related Moral Imperatives for Physicians,” Keynote
Presentation at the Colorodo Medical Society Annual Leadership Conference, Vail, CO, May 15, 1999.
“Ethical Problems in Pediatric Hematology and Immunology,” Presentation at the European Society for Pediatric
Hematology and Immunology, XVII Scientific Congress (Abstract), Washington, DC, May 12, 1999.
“Creating a Caring Community: The Role of Clergy and Religion in Domestic Abuse,” Presentation at the Thirteenth
Annual Racine Area Clergy Day, Racine, WI, May 11, 1999.
“Living Well Until We Die: The Practical Challenges for Parish Ministers,” Presentation sponsored by the Society of St.
Luke , St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA, May 8, 1999.
“Living Well Until We Die: The Practical Challenges for Family and Professional Caregivers,” Annual Ethics Grand
Rounds, Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA, May 7, 1999.
“Professional Caregiving: A Model to Ground the Ethical Responsibilities of Health Care Professionals,” Presentation,
Yale School of Nursing, New Haven, CT, May 6, 1999.
“Professional Nursing Practice and the Moral Act of Caring,” Keynote at the Yale-New Haven Hospital Annual Ethics
Conference, New Haven, CT, May 5, 1999.
“Changing Nursing Roles in the Managed Health Care Environment,” Ethics Panelist at the AFSCME 7th National
Nurses’ Congress, Washington, DC, May 3, 1999.
“Caring for the Caregiver,” General Presentation and “How to Give Bad News,” Breakout Session, Central Oregon
Cancer Care Conference, Sunriver Resort, Bend, OR, April 30, 1999.
“Medical Futility,” Continuing Medical Education Lecture, Nazareth Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, April 28, 1999.
“Medical Ethics in the Contemporary Context” and “Ethics at the End of Life,” Three Hour Seminars, Education for
Parish Service Programs, Trinity College, Washington, DC, April 22, 29, 1999.
“Caring: Transforming the Culture of Health Care,” General Session and “Ethics and Spirituality,” Breakout Session, 6th
Annual Ethics of Caring: Nursing Challenges Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, April 20, 1999.
“Ethical Decisions and Integrity,” and “Ethics in Management,” Presentations at the Spring Meeting of the Florida
Organization of Nurse Executives, Tampa, FL, April 16, 1999.
“Gospel Care and Compassion,” Presentation following the Diocese of Bridgeport White Mass, Bridgeport, CT, April 11,
“Managed Care or Mangled Care,” Continuing Medical Education Lecture and “Ethical Managed Care: What Needs to Be
in Place to Ensure Quality, Affordability, and Access,” Seminar, St. Franics Medical Center, Monro, LA, April 89, 1999.
“End-of-Life Care: Rethinking the Ethical Issues,” Program for the Washington Home Ethics Committee, Washington,
DC, March 31, 1999.
“Organizational Ethics: Practical Considerations,” Georgetown University’s Center for Clinical Bioethics Annual
Conference, Washington, DC, March 26-27, 1999.
“Health Care: Commodity? Right? Human Good?” Annual Nightingale Lecture, St. Joseph’s College, West Hartford,
CT, March 25, 1999.
“Values-Based Health Care Education: Measuring Outcomes,” Georgetown University School of Nursing Annual
Scholar’s Day, Washington, DC, March 22, 1999.
“Stress-Busters for Case Managers,” Payor-Based Case Management Conference sponsored by Contemporary Forums,
San Antonio, TX, March 18, 1999.
“Toward a Theology of Limits for Health care: Foundations, Challenges and Implications for Health Care Ethics,”
Keynote presentation at the CHA Invitational Theology and Ethics Colloquium, San Diego, CA, March 11-13,
“Legally Defensible Nursing Practice: New and Recurring Challenges,” Seminar Presentations at the New York State
Nurses Association Continuing Education Cruise, BAHAMAS, March 7-11, 1999
“Integrity--Personal and Corporate--and Organizational Ethics,” Ethics Seminar, Louisiana State University, Shrevesport,
LA, February 22, 1999.
“Teaching Medical Ethics in Residency Programs,” Breakout Session, Partnerships for Quality Education Annual
Meeting, New York, NY, February 3, 1999
“Ethical Issues in Managed Healthcare Organizations,” Moderated Woodstock Forum, Georgetown University,
Washington, DC, February 2, 1999
“Challenges to Catholic Health Care Ethics,” Presentation to Catholic Foundations at the Fadica Symposium on Catholic
Health Care Leadership, Naples, FL, January 22, 1999
Annual Faith, Ethics, Health Conference, Jointly Sponsored by the Georgetown University Center for
Clinical Bioethics and Pastoral Care Department
Co-Chair of Conference
1992-1995, 1999-2005
Caring for the Caregiver (2005)
Spirituality and Aging (2004)
Trust-Squandered and Longed For-The Use and Abuse of Power in
Professional Helping Relationships (2003)
Human Suffering: Theological and Pastoral Challenges (2002)
Genetics and Pastoral Counseling (2001)
Vulnerable Persons: Challenges to Healing (2000)
Pastoral Care at the End-of-Life: Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions (1999)
Ethical Decisionmaking (1995)
Aging (1994)
Good Dying (1993)
Advance Directives (1992)
Annual Conferences/Workshops, sponsored by the Georgetown University Center for Clinical
Chair/Co-Chair of Conference
1999 to present
A Theological Anthropology for Bioethics (Fall, 2004)
Ethics and Aging (Spring, 2003)
Just Health Care: Moral Critique, Outrage and Response (Spring, 2002)
Organizational Ethics (Spring, 2001)
Clinical Ethics (Fall, 2000)
Research Ethics (Spring, 2000)
Organizational Ethics (Fall, 1999)
Program Committee, Faculty
Catholic Identity in Health Care (1997)
The Ethics of Managed Care (1996)
The Ethics of Human Finitude (1995)
Catholic Medical Morals: A Contemporary Perspective (1994)
Annual Ethics Forum, sponsored by the Values-based Health Care Education Initiative at the School of
Nursing and Health Studies
Chair/CoChair of Conference
1998 to 2004
Health Care Reform (2004)
Culturally Competent Care at the End of Life (2003)
Disparities in Health Outcomes and Discrimination (2002)
The Balanced Life and Excellence (2001)
Models of Health Care Decisionmaking (2000)
Truth or Consequences (1999)
Personal Integrity: Help or Hindrance to Academic Success and Professional Practice
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (Nursing Special Interest Group, President
Elect, 2000; President, 2001; Annual Meeting Program Committee, 2000)
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (Ethics Advisory Panel, 1999)
American Nurses' Association: Pennsylvania Nurses' Association (Nursing Education
Committee, Philadelphia District, chairman, 1984 to 1986)
Hastings Center, Associate Member
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Member
National League of Nursing; Southeastern Pennsylvania League of Nursing (Nominating
Committee, 1983-84; Recording Secretary, 1984-1986); District of Columbia League
for Nursing (Nominating Committee, 1993-1995)
Society for Law, Medicine, and Ethics
Alpha Sigma Nu, National Jesuit Honor Society (Honorary Lifetime Member)
Kappa Gamma Pi
Sigma Theta Tau, Delta Tau Chapter
The Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship of Georgetown University
Teaching, Learning and Technology Fellow, 2002-2003 $8,000 award.
Who's Who of American Women, 1984
Outstanding Young Women of America, 1984
Who's Who in American Nursing, 1986
NEH Grant Recipient: Moral Philosophy and Nursing, 1983
Nurse Educator Award, PNA-Philadelphia district nominee, 1986
"Special Citation of Excellence in Nursing," Georgetown University Medical Center, May
Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award, Holy Family College, 1992.
Founders' Award, Holy Family College, 1994.
Distinguished Alumni Award, Nativity BVM High School, 2001
Alumni Achievement Award, The Catholic University of America, 2006
Distinguished Leadership Award, Delt Pi, Sigma Theta Tau, 2006
The Marymount University Ethics Award, 2006
American Red Cross (Youth Program: presented courses in first aid and leadership, 1984;
regular blood donor).
Public lectures and seminars to church and civic groups.
Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth (Personal Development Commission, Chairman, 19841986; Retirement Committee, 1984-1986; Provincial Chapter 1992; Elected Delegate,
General Chapter of Elections, Rome, Italy, 1992; Strategic Planning, 1992-1993;
Pastoral Plan Coordinator, 1993-present; Provincial Chapter 1994-1995; 1996-1997;
Elected Delegate, General Chapter of Issues, Rome, Italy, 1997).