Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Ιατρική Σχολή Ε.Κ.Π.Α.
Μονάδα Κλινικής:
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο:
Θεραπευτική Κλινική
Αιματολογική-Ογκολογική Μονάδα
213-216-2846 και 693-7437111
1. Εκπαίδευση, μετεκπαίδευση, τίτλοι σπουδών
Πτυχιούχος Ιατρικής Σχολής Παν. Θεσσαλονίκης:
18/7/1990 (Βαθμός: ΑΡΙΣΤΑ 9)
Ειδικευμένος Ιατρός στην Αιματολογία:
Διδάκτωρ Ιατρικής Σχολής Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών:
23/1/2003 (Βαθμός: ΑΡΙΣΤΑ)
Μετεκπαιδευθείς στη Μεταμόσχευση Μυελού των Οστών στο Imperial College London
(Hammersmith Hospital) από 1/10/2001 έως 2/10/2003.
2. Διδακτικό έργο
Διδασκαλία επί κλίνης και από αμφιθεάτρου σε φοιτητές της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου
Αθηνών (Θεραπευτική, Παθολογία, Αιματολογία και Ογκολογία-Ι) και του Imperial College
London (Μυελοδυσπλαστικά Σύνδρομα και
Πολλαπλούν Μυέλωμα στο μάθημα της
Αιματολογίας). Ομιλίες σε μεταπτυχιακά και εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα στην Ελλάδα (31) και
στο εξωτερικό (20).
Οι 10 σημαντικότερες, κατά την άποψή μου, ομιλίες σε εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα
Πανεπιστημίων του Εξωτερικού φαίνονται παρακάτω:
1. “Treatment of Low-risk Myelodysplasia”; Annual Educational Program of the Department of
Hematology, Faculty of Medicine Imperial College London, U.K. (29.05.2002).
2. “Autologous Transplantation and Bone Disease in Myeloma”; Annual Educational Program
of the Department of Hematology, Faculty of Medicine Imperial College London, U.K.
3. “The Proteasome Inhibitor Bortezomib in Multiple Myeloma”; 35th Post-Graduate Course
“Advances in Haematology”, Department of Hematology, Imperial College London
4. “Proteasome Inhibitors and Haematological Malignancies”; Annual Educational Program of
the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford, U.K. (27.10.2004).
5. “Anemia Management in Low Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes”; Annual Educational
Program of the Department of Hematology of McGill University, Montreal, Canada
6. “Novel aspects on Multiple Myeloma Bone Disease”; Annual Educational Program of the
Department of Hematology in Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada
7. “Pathogenesis and new therapies in osteoporosis in thalassaemia” and “Molecular
mechanisms of osteoclasts and osteoblasts in normal and abnormal bone disorders”;
Master of Science (MSc) in Haemoglobinopathies, University College of London, U.K.
8. “Myeloma Bone Disease and Proteasome Inhibition Therapies”; Annual Educational
Program of the Department of Hematology of the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland
9. “Biology and Management of Myeloma Bone Disease”; Annual Educational Program of the
Department of Hematology of Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia (05.22.2012).
10. “Current treatment and future direction in the management of multiple myeloma”; Annual
Educational Program of the Department of Hematology of Gunma University, Gunma,
Japan (04.09.2013).
3. Κλινικό έργο
Κύρια ενασχόληση τόσο στη διάρκεια της μετεκπαίδευσής μου όσο και κατά την εκπλήρωση
των προηγούμενων καθηκόντων μου στην Αιματολογική Κλινική του 251 Γ.Ν.Α. ήταν η
θεραπευτική των αιματολογικών κακοηθειών με συμβατικά μέσα και με μεταμόσχευση μυελού
των οστών (αυτόλογη και αλλογενή). Στη Θεραπευτική Κλινική του ΕΚΠΑ το κλινικό μου έργο
περιλαμβάνει την παρακολούθηση και θεραπεία των ασθενών που νοσηλεύονται σε πτέρυγες
της κλινικής και την αντιμετώπιση ασθενών με αιματολογικά νεοπλάσματα (κυρίως με
πολλαπλούν μυέλωμα) που θεραπεύονται στην Αιματολογική/Ογκολογική Μονάδα της κλινικής
ή νοσηλεύονται στις πτέρυγες της κλινικής.
4. Νοσοκομειακές και Πανεπιστημιακές θέσεις
Ειδικευόμενος ιατρός στην Παθολογία, στη Β’ Παθολογική Κλινική του 251 Γ.Ν.Α.
Ειδικευόμενος ιατρός στην Αιματολογία στην Α’ Παθολογική Κλινική του Ε.Κ.Π.Α. στο Λαϊκό
Νοσοκομείο (13/11/1995-13/11/1999).
Επιμελητής Β’ στην Αιματολογική Κλινική του 251 Γ.Ν.Α. (1/2/2000-30/9/2001).
Άμισθος Επιμελητής (Honorary Consultant Haematologist) στην Αιματολογική Κλινική της
Ιατρικής Σχολής του Imperial College London (1/10/2002-2/10/2003).
Άμισθος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής (Honorary Senior Lecturer) στην Αιματολογική Κλινική της
Ιατρικής Σχολής του Imperial College London (26/9/2003 έως σήμερα).
Επιμελητής Α’ στην Αιματολογική Κλινική του 251 Γ.Ν.Α. (13/10/2003-2/10/2009).
Τμηματάρχης Τμήματος Βιοϊατρικής Έρευνας 251 Γ.Ν.Α. (19/11/2003-2/10/2009).
Επίκουρος Καθηγητής «Θεραπευτικής-Αιματολογίας» στη Θεραπευτική Κλινική του
Ε.Κ.Π.Α. (7/10/2009-8/5/14).
Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής «Θεραπευτικής-Αιματολογίας» στη Θεραπευτική Κλινική του
Ε.Κ.Π.Α. (8/5/14 έως σήμερα).
5. Οργανωτικό, διοικητικό, συντακτικό και ευρύτερο επιστημονικό έργο
Οργάνωση του Εργαστηρίου Έρευνας του 251 Γ.Ν.Α., οργάνωση Συστήματος Ποιότητος στην
Αιματολογική/Ογκολογική Μονάδα της Θεραπευτικής Κλινικής του Ε.Κ.Π.Α. (λάβαμε ISO 9001
για το κλινικό και ερευνητικό μας έργο τον Ιούλιο του 2012).
Έλαβα χρηματοδότηση για 11 ερευνητικά προγράμματα, είχα συμμετοχή σε 10 πολυκεντρικές
μελέτες ως κύριος ερευνητής και ανέπτυξα επιστημονική συνεργασία με 20 κέντρα της Ελλάδος
και του Εξωτερικού. Έλαβα 14 Βραβεία/Υποτροφίες από Ελληνικούς Φορείς και Βραβείο
Καλύτερης Ανηρτημένης Ανακοίνωσης στο Παγκόσμιο Συνέδριο του Πολλαπλού Μυελώματος
(Παρίσι 2011).
Συμμετέχω ως πλήρες μέλος σε 11 Επιστημονικές Εταιρείες. Είμαι πρόεδρος στην ομάδα
εργασίας της Οστικής Νόσου της Διεθνούς Ομάδας Μελέτης του Πολλαπλού Μυελώματος
(International Myeloma Working Group-IMWG από τo 2013) ενώ προεδρεύω και στην ομάδα
παραγωγής κατευθυντήριων οδηγιών του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικτύου Μυελώματος (European
Λεμφοϋπερπλαστικών Νόσων της Ελληνικής Αιματολογικής Εταιρείας (Ε.Α.Ε.) τα έτη 20122013 και διατελώ πρόεδρος στην ίδια ομάδα για τα έτη 2014-2015. Είμαι μέλος του Διοικητικού
Συμβουλίου της Ε.Α.Ε. για τα έτη 2014-2016.
Είμαι υπεύθυνος εκδότης (editor-in chief) στο περιοδικό Hematology & Leukemia και μέλος στη
Συντακτική Επιτροπή (editorial board) 5 περιοδικών (2 ελληνικών και 3 διεθνών), μεταξύ των
οποίων και το Haematologica, επίσημη επιθεώρηση της Ευρωπαϊκής Αιματολογικής Εταιρείας
(ΕΗ). Διετέλεσα κριτής επιστημονικών εργασιών σε 72 περιοδικά, υπεύθυνος εκδότης
πρακτικών ενός Πανελληνίου Αιματολογικού συνεδρίου, κριτής των άρθρων του εκπαιδευτικού
τόμου 2 διεθνών συνεδρίων και μέλος της Επιτροπής Κρίσεων Χρηματοδότησης Εργασιών 10
Διεθνών Φορέων & Οργανισμών.
6. Ερευνητικό, συγγραφικό και συντακτικό έργο
Το ερευνητικό μου έργο περιλαμβάνει κυρίως τη μελέτη της οστικής νόσου αλλά και της
βιολογίας γενικότερα των πλασματοκυτταρικών δυσκρασιών με έμφαση στο πολλαπλούν
μυέλωμα. Ιδιαίτερο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον έχω αναπτύξει τα τελευταία χρόνια και στη μελέτη
της βιολογίας της οστικής νόσου διαφόρων αιματολογικών νοσημάτων (αιμοσφαιρινοπάθειες,
αιμορροφιλία, λευχαιμίες, ιστιοκυττάρωση Langerhans, νόσος Gaucher), συμπαγών όγκων με
οστικές μεταστάσεις και άλλων νοσημάτων των οστών (μετεμμηνοπαυσιακή οστεοπόρωση,
νόσος Paget, οστεοαρθρίτις κ.λ.π). Η ενασχόλησή μου αυτή έχει οδηγήσει στην συμμετοχή μου
ως προσκεκλημένος ομιλητής σε διεθνή και ελληνικά συνέδρια καθώς και σε πάνω από 300
δημοσιεύσεις σε έγκυρα ιατρικά περιοδικά του εξωτερικού.
Συγκεκριμένα έχω δώσει πάνω από 130 διαλέξεις σε Διεθνή συνέδρια. Παρακάτω παραθέτω τις
10 σημαντικότερες, κατά την άποψή μου:
1. “RANK and MIP-1α in Multiple Myeloma: Clinical Implications”; 10th International Myeloma
Workshop, Sidney, Australia (13.04.2005).
2. Meet-the-Expert: “Disease Complications in Multiple Myeloma”; 10th Congress of the
European Hematology Association, Stockholm, Sweden (05.06.2005).
3. “Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in patients with Multiple Myeloma who receive bisphosphona-tes
therapy”; 6th Ιnternational Meeting on Cancer Induced Bone Disease, San Antonio, TX,
U.S.A. (14.12.2006).
4. “The role of biochemical markers of bone metabolism in Multiple Myeloma; adverse events
of bisphosphonates administration”; 11th International Myeloma Workshop, Kos, Greece
5. “Τhe role of bone markers in thalassemia: a haematologic perspective”; 11th International
Conference on Thalassemia and Haemoglobinopathies, Singapore (08.10.2008).
6. “The effect of novel anti-myeloma agents on bone metabolism”; 12th International Myeloma
Workshop, Washington, DC, USA (27.02.2009).
7. “Management of Multiple Myeloma-related bone disease”; 52nd Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Hematology, Orlando, FL, USA (03.12.2010).
8. “Should we use markers of bone remodelling in myeloma? Which one and when?”; 13th
International Myeloma Workshop, Paris, France (04.05.2011).
9. “The role of imaging and bone markers in the evaluation of bone disease in multiple
myeloma” & “Markers of Renal Injury”; 14th International Myeloma Workshop, Kyoto, Japan
(04.04.2013 & 06.04.2013).
10. “Bone Support in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma”; 15th International Myeloma
Workshop, Rome, Italy (24.09.2015).
Σημαντικές προσκεκλημένες ομιλίες που πρόκειται να γίνουν:
1. “Myeloma Bone Disease: Can we do better?” Educational program of the European Calcified
Tissue Society Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy (14.05.2016).
2. “The evolving role of imaging in myeloma diagnosis and care” Educational program of the
American Society for Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA (04.06.2016).
3. “Pathophysiology and diagnosis of multiple myeloma bone disease” Educational program of
the 21st Congress of the European Society of Hematology, Copenhagen, Denmark (912.06.2016).
1. Terpos E, Rahemtulla A. Myeloma. In: Hoffbrand V, Catovsky D, Tuddenham EGD, (eds),
Postgraduate Haematology, Fifth Edition, Blackwell Publishing, London, 2005, pp. 681-702.
2. Terpos E, Syrigos KN. Pathophysiology and management of bone metastases in lung
cancer. In: Syrigos KN, Nutting CM, Roussos C (eds), Tumors of the Chest: Biology,
Diagnosis and Management, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 2006, pp. 551-562.
3. Terpos E, Rahemtulla A. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. In: Young C (ed), BMJ Clinical Evidence,
BMJ Publising Group Ltd, London, 2006, pp. 1-21.
4. Meletis J, Terpos E. The role of stem cell transplantation in the treatment of
myelodysplastic syndromes. In: Parsons DW (ed), Stem Cells and Cancer, Nova Science
Publishers, New York, 2007, pp. 161-182.
5. Terpos E, Meletis J. Autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation for multiple
myeloma. In: Parsons DW (ed), Stem Cells and Cancer, Nova Science Publishers, New
York, 2007, pp. 183-207.
6. Terpos E, Meletis J. Biochemical markers of bone remodelling for multiple myeloma. In:
Chang DH (ed), Tumor Markers Research Focus, Nova Science Publishers, New York,
2007, pp. 3-31.
7. Terpos E, Rahemtulla A. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. In: Young C (ed) BMJ Clinical Evidence,
BMJ Publising Group Ltd, London, 2009, pp. 1-30.
8. Terpos E. Biochemical markers of bone remodeling in multiple myeloma. In: Roodman G
(ed), Myeloma Bone Disease, Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London, 2010; 6390.
9. Cavenagh J, Raje N, Terpos E, Croucher PI. Bone Disease. In: Richardson PG &
Anderson KC (eds), Multiple Myeloma, Second Edition, Remedica Publishing London
Chicago, 2011, pp. 157-190.
10. Terpos E, Gkotzamanidou M, Christoulas D, Dimopoulos MA. Osteoimmunology and
Cancer: clinical implications. In: Mavragani CP (ed), Autoimmune Disorders: Pathogenetic
Aspects, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2011, pp. 489-508.
11. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Makras P, Terpos E. Vitamin D levels and bisphosphonate
treatment in patients with Paget’s disease of bone. In: Lerner V and Miodownik C (eds),
Vitamin D Deficiency, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2012, pp. 169-175.
12. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. New insights in Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia. In:
Anagnostou D and Matutes E (eds), Bone Marrow Lympoid Infiltrates: Diagnosis and
Clinical Impact, Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London, 2013, pp. 223-236.
13. Terpos E. The effect of novel anti-myeloma agents on bone metabolism. In: Munshi NC
and Anderson KC (eds), Advances in Biology and Therapy of Multiple Myeloma, Volume 2:
Translational and Clinical research, Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London,
2013, pp. 257-275.
14. Terpos E, Christoulas D. Involvement of osteocytes in cancer bone niche. In: Heymann D
(ed), Bone Cancer: Primary Bone Cancers and Bone Metastases), 2nd edition, Academic
Press, Elsevier, San Diego CA, Waltham MA, 2015, pp. 65-72.
15. Terpos E, Kanellias N, Giannopoulos K. Biologia choroby kostnej w przebiegu szpiczaka
plazmocytowego. In: Dmoszynskiej A, Giannopoulos K (eds), Szpiczak plazmocytowy I inne
dyskrazje plazmocytowe, Wydawnictwo Czelej Sp. Z o.o., 2015, pp. 149-158 (in Polish).
16. Terpos E. Bone Disease. In: Mohty M and Harousseau J-L (eds), Handbook of Multiple
Myeloma, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, pp.79-90.
1. Dimopoulos MA, Anagnostopoulos A, Terpos E. Novel drugs in the treatment of multiple
myeloma. Hematology (EHA Educational Program) 2005; 1: 211-215.
Terpos E. Pathogenesis of bone disease in multiple myeloma: clinical implications.
Proccedings of the 9th International Conference “Drug and Gene-based Therapies”, pp 8587 (Agia Pelagia, Crete, 2-8/9/2006).
3. Terpos E. Bone Disease: Pathophysiology & Management. Proceedings of the ESH
International Conference on Multiple Myeloma and other Monoclonal Gammopathies: pp. 13 (Cascais, Portugal, 6-9 March 2008).
4. Terpos E. Multiple myeloma: options for relapsed/refractory disease. Educational Book of
the 3rd Balkan Haematological Day, pp 14-20 (Sinaia, Romania, 3/10/2008).
5. Terpos E, Christoulas D, Kastritis E, Migkou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Dimopoulos MA. Novel
anti-myeloma agents and bone metabolism: implications into the management of myeloma
bone disease. Educational Book of the XII International Myeloma Workshop, pp 1-3
(Washington, DC, USA, 26/2-1/3/2009).
6. Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Terpos E. Multiple myeloma frontline treatment in the elderly:
the role of bortezomib. Haematology 2010: 48-54 (5th Balkan Day of Haematology,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 11/11/2010).
7. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. Multiple Myeloma. Annals of Oncology 2010;21 Suppl 7:vii143vii150.
8. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. Renal Insufficiency & Failure. Hematology (ASH Educational
Program) 2010, 431-436.
9. Richardson P, Anderson K, Bensinger W, San Miguel JF, Terpos E. Recent Advances in
the treatment of multiple myeloma: Proceedings from a post-ASH roundtable. Faculty
Perspectives 2011; 3(4): 4-20.
10. Richardson P, Anderson K, Giralt SA, San Miguel JF, Terpos E. Recent Advances in the
treatment of multiple myeloma: Proceedings from a post-IMW roundtable. Faculty
Perspectives 2011; 3(5): 3-16.
11. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. Advances in the treatment of multiple myeloma. European
Journal of Cancer 2011; 47 Suppl 3: S306-S308.
1. Meletis J, Michali E, Samarkos M, Konstantopoulos K, Meletis C, Terpos E, Tsimberidou A,
Chandrinou E, Viniou N, Rombos Y, Pangalis GA, Yataganas X, Loukopoulos D. Detection
of "PNH red cell" populations in hematological disorders using the Sephacryl Gel Test micro
typing system. Leuk Lymphoma 1997;28:177-82.
2. Meletis J, Samarkos M, Mesogitis S, Meletis C, Mougiou A, Terpos E, Tsimberidou A,
Andreopoulos A, Konstantopoulos K, Loukopoulos D. Severe aplastic anaemia relapsing
during a pregnancy; spontaneous remission following termination. Haematologia
3. Konstantopoulos K, Terpos E, Prinolakis H, Kanta A, Variami E, Kanellopoulou G,
Vaiopoulos G, Floros A, Androulaki A, Meletis J. Systemic lupus erythematosus presenting
as myelofibrosis. Haematologia 1998;29:153-6.
4. Variami E, Terpos E, Vgenopoulou S, Kanellopoulou G, Meletis J. Inflammatory
pseudotumor of the spleen: a case report and review of the literature. Annals of Hematology
5. Terpos E, Athanasiou A, Tsoukala C, Anastasopoulou J, Kyriakidis M, Karafoulidou A.
Thrombophilic factors in patients with Syndrome X. Thrombosis Research 2000;97:525-7.
6. Papanikolaou G, Politou M, Terpos E, Fourlemadis S, Sakellaropoulos N, Loukopoulos D.
Hereditary hemochromatosis: HFE mutation analysis in Greeks reveals genetic
heterogeneity. Blood Cells, Molecules & Diseases 2000; 26: 163-8.
7. Terpos E, Angelopoulou MK, Variami E, Meletis JC, Vaiopoulos G. Sjogren's syndrome
associated with multiple myeloma. Annals of Hematology 2000;79:449-51.
8. Terpos E, Palermos J, Tsionos K, Anargyrou K, Viniou N, Papassavas P, Meletis J,
Yataganas X. Effect of pamidronate administration on markers of bone turnover and disease
activity in multiple myeloma. European Journal of Haematology 2000;65:331-6.
9. Katsarou O, Terpos E, Patsouris E, Peristeris P, Viniou N, Kapsimali V, Karafoulidou A.
Myelodysplastic features in patients with long-term HIV infection and haemophilia.
Haemophilia 2001;7:47-52.
10. Voskaridou E, Kyrtsonis MC, Terpos E, Skordili M, Theodoropoulos I, Bergele A, Diamanti
E, Kalovidouris A, Loutradi A, Loukopoulos D. Bone resorption is increased in young adults
with thalassaemia major. British Journal of Haematology 2001;112:36-41.
11. Meletis J, Terpos E, Samarkos M, Meletis C, Konstantopoulos K, Komninaka V, Apostolidou
E, Benopoulou O, Korovesis K, Mavrogianni D, Variami E, Yataganas X, Loukopoulos D.
Detection of CD55 and/or CD59 deficient red cell populations in patients with aplastic
anaemia, myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative disorders. Haematologia
12. Vaiopoulos G, Terpos E, Viniou N, Nodaros K, Rombos J, Loukopoulos D. Behcet's disease
in a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia under hydroxyurea treatment: a case report
and review of the literature. American Journal of Hematology 2001;66:57-8.
13. Meletis J, Terpos E, Samarkos M, Meletis C, Apostolidou E, Komninaka V, Korovesis K,
Mavrogianni D, Boutsis D, Variami E, Viniou N, Konstantopoulos K, Loukopoulos D.
Detection of CD55- and/or CD59-deficient red cell populations in patients with
lymphoproliferative syndromes. Hematology Journal 2001;2:33-7.
14. Meletis J, Dalekou M, Samarkos M, Papavasiliou E, Meletis C, Konstantopoulos K,
Apostolidou E, Komninaka V, Terpos E, Benopoulou O, Korovesis K, Variami E,
Loukopoulos D. Fetal erythropoiesis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation estimated
by the peripheral blood erythrocytes containing hemoglobin F (F-cells). Hematology
15. Terpos E, Palermos J, Viniou N, Vaiopoulos G, Meletis J, Yataganas X. Pamidronate
increases markers of bone formation in patients with multiple myeloma in plateau phase
under interferon-alpha treatment. Calcified Tissue International 2001;68:285-90.
16. Korkolopoulou P, Apostolidou E, Pavlopoulos PM, Kavantzas N, Vyniou N, Thymara I,
Terpos E, Patsouris E, Yataganas X, Davaris P. Prognostic evaluation of the microvascular
network in myelodysplastic syndromes. Leukemia 2001;15:1369-76.
17. Viniou N, Terpos E, Rombos J, Vaiopoulos G, Nodaros K, Stamatopoulos K, Meletis J,
Yataganas X. Acute myeloid leukemia in a patient with ataxia-telangiectasia: a case report
and review of the literature. Leukemia 2001;15:1668-70.
18. Voskaridou E, Terpos E, Komninaka V, Eftyhiadis E, Mantzourani M, Loukopoulos D.
Chronic myeloid leukaemia with marked thrombocytosis in a patient with thalassaemia
major: complete haematological remission under the combination of hydroxyurea and
anagrelide. British Journal of Haematology 2002;116:155-7.
19. Meletis J, Terpos E, Samarkos M, Meletis C, Apostolidou E, Komninaka V, Korovesis K,
Anargyrou K, Benopoulou O, Mavrogianni D, Variami E, Viniou N, Konstantopoulos K.
Detection of CD55- and/or CD59-deficient red cell populations in patients with plasma cell
dyscrasias. International Journal of Hematology 2002;75:40-4.
20. Viniou N, Terpos E, Galanopoulos A, Kritikou-Griva E, Akel S, Michalis E, Apostolidou E,
Georgiadou D, Kouraklis A, Parharidou A, Kokkini G, Symeonidis A, Anagnostopoulos NI,
Christakis JI, Tasiopoulou A, Loukopoulos D, Yataganas X for The Greek MDS Study
Group. Treatment of anemia in low-risk myelodysplastic syndromes with amifostine. In vitro
testing of response. Αnnals of Hematology 2002;81:182-6.
21. Meletis J, Terpos E, Samarkos M, Meletis C, Apostolidou E, Komninaka V, Anargyrou K,
Korovesis K, Mavrogianni D, Variami E, Viniou N, Konstantopoulos K. Red cells with
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria-phenotype in patients with acute leukemia.
Hematology 2002;7:69-74.
22. Mavrogianni D, Viniou N, Michali E, Terpos E, Meletis J, Vaiopoulos G, Madzourani M,
Pangalis G, Yataganas X, Loukopoulos D. Leukemogenic risk of hydroxyurea therapy as a
single agent in polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia: N- and K-ras mutations
and microsatellite instability in chromosomes 5 and 7 in 69 patients. International Journal of
Hematology 2002;75:394-400.
23. Viniou N, Plata E, Terpos E, Variami E, Meletis J, Vaiopoulos G, Loukopoulos D,
Chatzidimitriou G, Yataganas X. Danazol therapy for thrombocytopenia in patients with
myelodysplastic syndromes. Acta Haematologica 2002;107:234-6.
24. Anargyrou K, Vaiopoulos G, Terpos E, Tsironi M, Konstantopoulos K, Samarkos M, Meletis
J. Low dose melphalan is a treatment option in elderly patients with high risk
myelodysplastic syndrome or secondary acute myeloblastic leukaemia. Haematologia
25. Terpos E, Mougiou A, Kouraklis A, Chatzivassili A, Michalis E, Giannakoulas N, Manioudaki
E, Lazaridou A, Bakaloudi V, Protopappa M, Liapi D, Grouzi E, Parharidou A, Symeonidis A,
Kokkini G, Laoutaris NP, Vaiopoulos G, Anagnostopoulos NI, Christakis JI, Meletis J,
Bourantas KL, Zoumbos NC, Yataganas X, Viniou NA for The Greek MDS Study Group.
Prolonged administration of erythropoietin increases erythroid response rate in
myelodysplastic syndromes: a phase II trial in 281 patients. British Journal of Haematology
26. Korkolopoulou P, Viniou N, Kavantzas N, Patsouris E, Thymara I, Pavlopoulos PM, Terpos
E, Stamatopoulos K, Plata E, Anargyrou K, Androulaki A, Davaris P, Yataganas X.
Clinicopathologic correlations of bone marrow angiogenesis in chronic myeloid leukemia: a
morphometric study. Leukemia 2003;17:89-97.
27. Terpos E, Viniou N, de la Fuente J, Meletis J, Voskaridou E, Karkantaris C, Vaiopoulos G,
Palermos J, Yataganas X, Goldman JM, Rahemtulla A. Pamidronate is superior to
ibandronate in decreasing bone resorption, interleukin-6 and beta 2-microglobulin in multiple
myeloma. European Journal of Haematology 2003;70:34-42.
28. Terpos E, Apperley JF, Samson D, Giles C, Crawley C, Kanfer E, Olavarria E, Goldman JM,
Rahemtulla A. Autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma: improved survival
in nonsecretory multiple myeloma but lack of influence of age, status at transplant, previous
treatment and conditioning regimen. A single-centre experience in 127 patients. Bone
Marrow Transplantation 2003;31:163-70.
29. Akel S, Mavroyanni D, Yataganas X, Terpos E, Meletis J, Anargyrou K, Stavrogianni N,
Pangalis GA, Loukopoulos D, Viniou N. Clonal analysis of granulocyte-monocyte colonyforming unit cells with the human androgen receptor gene in chronic myeloid leukemia.
International Journal of Hematology 2003;77:476-81.
30. Meletis J, Terpos E. Recent insights into the pathophysiology of paroxysmal nocturnal
hemoglobinuria. Medical Science Monitor 2003;9:161-72.
31. Kalotychou V, Antonatou K, Tzanetea R, Terpos E, Loukopoulos D, Rombos Y. Analysis of
the A(TA)(n)TAA configuration in the promoter region of the UGT1 A1 gene in Greek
patients with thalassemia intermedia and sickle cell disease. Blood Cells, Molecules &
Diseases 2003;31:38-42.
32. Dimopoulos MA, Pouli A, Zervas K, Grigoraki V, Symeonidis A, Repoussis P, Mitsouli C,
Papanastasiou C, Margaritis D, Tokmaktsis A, Katodritou I, Kokkini G, Terpos E, Vyniou N,
Tzilianos M, Chatzivassili A, Kyrtsonis MC, Panayiotidis P, Maniatis A. Prospective
randomized comparison of vincristine, doxorubicin and dexamethasone administered as
intravenous bolus injection and VAD with liposomal doxorubicin as first-line treatment in
multiple myeloma. Annals of Oncology 2003;14:1039-44.
33. Terpos E, Szydlo R, Apperley JF, Hatjiharissi E, Politou M, Meletis J, Viniou N, Yataganas
X, Goldman JM, Rahemtulla A. Soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB ligandosteoprotegerin ratio predicts survival in multiple myeloma: proposal for a novel prognostic
index. Blood 2003;102:1064-9.
34. Terpos E, de la Fuente J, Szydlo R, Hatjiharissi E, Viniou N, Meletis J, Yataganas X,
Goldman JM, Rahemtulla A. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b: a novel serum
marker for monitoring bone disease in multiple myeloma. International Journal of Cancer
35. Terpos E, Politou M, Szydlo R, Goldman JM, Apperley JF, Rahemtulla A. Serum levels of
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1 alpha (MIP-1α) correlate with the extent of bone
disease and survival in patients with Multiple Myeloma. British Journal of Haematology
36. Voskaridou E, Terpos E, Spina G, Palermos J, Rahemtulla A, Loutradi A, Loukopoulos D.
Pamidronate is an effective treatment for osteoporosis in patients with beta-thalassaemia.
British Journal of Haematology 2003;123:730-7.
37. Terpos E, Samarkos M, Meletis C, Apostolidou E, Tsironi M, Korovesis K, Mavrogianni D,
Viniou N, Meletis J. Unusual association between increased bone resorption and presence
of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria-phenotype in multiple myeloma. International
Journal of Haematology 2003;78:344-8.
38. Terpos E, Rahemtulla A. Is ibandronate effective in multiple myeloma? European Journal of
Haematology 2003;71:471-2.
39. Terpos E, Politou M, Rahemtulla A. New insights into the pathophysiology and
management of bone disease in multiple myeloma. British Journal of Haematology 2003;
123: 758-769.
40. Cooke FJ, Terpos E, Boyle J, Rahemtulla A, Rogers TR. Disseminated Aspergillus terreus
infection arising from cutaneous inoculation treated with caspofungin. Clinical Microbiology
and Infection 2003;9:1238-41.
41. Terpos E, Rahemtulla A. Bisphosphonate treatment for multiple myeloma. Drugs of Today
42. Voskaridou E, Terpos E. Bisphosphonate treatment for the management of osteoporosis in
beta-thalassaemia. British Journal of Haematology 2004;125:93-4.
43. Terpos E, Politou M, Szydlo R, Nadal E, Avery S, Olavarria E, Kanfer E, Goldman JM,
Apperley JF, Rahemtulla A. Autologous stem cell transplantation normalizes abnormal bone
remodeling and sRANKL/OPG ratio in patients with multiple myeloma. Leukemia
44. Politou M, Terpos E, Anagnostopoulos A, Szydlo R, Laffan M, Layton M, Apperley JF,
Dimopoulos MA, Rahemtulla A. Role of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand,
osteoprotegerin, and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha in monoclonal gammopathy
of undetermined significance. British Journal of Haematology 2004;126:686-9.
45. Voskaridou E, Douskou M, Terpos E, Papassotiriou I, Stamoulakatou A, Ourailidis A,
Loutradi A, Loukopoulos D. Magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of iron overload
in patients with beta-thalassaemia and sickle cell disease. British Journal of Haematology
46. Voskaridou E, Terpos E. New insights into the pathophysiology and management of
osteoporosis in patients with beta thalassaemia. British Journal of Haematology
47. Terpos E, Politou M, Rahemtulla A. Tumour lysis syndrome in multiple myeloma after
bortezomib (formerly PS-341) administration. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical
Oncology 2004;130:623-5.
48. Terpos E, Theocharis S, Panitsas F, Philippidis T, Kotronis E, Karkantaris C. Autoimmune
hemolytic anemia with myelodysplastic features followed by bilateral adrenal non-Hodgkin
lymphoma: a case report and review of the literature. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2004;45:23338.
49. Hatjiharissi E§, Terpos E§, Papaioannou M, Hatjileontis C, Kaloutsi V, Galaktidou G,
Gerotziafas G, Christakis J, Zervas K. The combination of intermediate doses of thalidomide
and dexamethasone reduces bone marrow microvessel density but not serum levels of
angiogenic cytokines in patients with refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma. Hematological
Oncology 2004;22:159-68. §equal contribution
50. Anagnostopoulos GK, Sakorafas GH, Kostopoulos P, Margantinis G, Tsiakos S, Terpos E,
Pavlakis G, Fortun P, Arvanitidis D. Disseminated colon cancer with severe peripheral blood
eosinophilia and elevated serum levels of interleukine-2, interleukine-3, interleukine-5, and
GM-CSF. Journal of Surgical Oncology 2005;89:273-5.
51. Voskaridou E, Terpos E. Osteoprotegerin to soluble receptor activator of nulear factor
kappa-B ligand (RANKL) ratio is reduces in patients with thalassaemia-related osteoporosis
who receive vitamin D3. European Journal of Haematology 2005;74:359-61.
52. Terpos E, Politou M, Rahemtulla A. The role of markers of bone remodelling in multiple
myeloma. Blood Reviews 2005;19:125-42.
53. Voskaridou E, Douskou M, Terpos E, Stamoulakatou A, Meletis J, Ourailidis A,
Papassotiriou I, Loukopoulos D. Deferiprone as an oral iron chelator in sickle cell disease.
Annals of Hematology 2005;84:434-40.
54. Mavrogianni D, Tsaftaridis P, Terpos E, Symeonidis A, Galanopoulos A, Papadaki EA,
Zoumbos N, Meletis J, Pangalis GA, Viniou N for the Greek MDS Study Group. Macrophage
Inflammatory Protein-1 alpha (MIP-1α) is over-expressed in a cohort of patients with
myelodysplastic syndromes. European Journal of Haematology 2005;75:85-6.
55. Terpos E, Rahemtulla A, Dimopoulos MA. Current treatment options for myeloma. Expert
Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2005;6:1127-42.
56. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Myeloma bone disease: pathophysiology and management.
Annals of Oncology 2005;16:1223-31.
57. Politou M, Naresh K, Terpos E, Crawley D, Lampert I, Apperley JF, Rahemtulla A. Antiangiogenic effect of bortezomib (VELCADE®) in patients with multiple myeloma. Acta
Haematologica 2005;114:170-3.
58. Jones AV, Kreil S, Zoi K, Waghorn K, Curtis C, Zhang L, Score J, Seear R, Chase AJ, Grand
FH, White H, Zoi C, Loukopoulos D, Terpos E, Vervessou EC, Schultheis B, Emig M, Ernst T,
Lengfelder E, Hehlmann R, Hochhaus A, Oscier D, Silver RT, Reiter A, Cross NC.
Widespread occurrence of the JAK2 V617F mutation in chronic myeloproliferative disorders.
Blood 2005;106:2162-8.
59. Terpos E, Rezvani K, Basu S, Milne AE, Rose PE, Scott GL, Rahemtulla A, Samson D,
Apperley JF. Plasmacytoma relapses in the absence of systemic progression post high dose
therapy for multiple myeloma. European Journal of Hematology 2005;75:376-83.
60. Terpos E, Mihou D, Szydlo R, Tsimirika K, Karkantaris C, Politou M, Voskaridou E,
Rahemtulla A, Dimopoulos MA, Zervas K. The combination of intermediate doses of
thalidomide with dexamethasone is an effective treatment for patients with refractory/relapsed
multiple myeloma and normalizes abnormal bone remodeling, through the reduction of
sRANKL/osteoprotegerin ratio. Leukemia 2005;19:1969-76.
61. Terpos E, Politou M, Viniou N, Rahemtulla A. Significance of macrophage inflammatory
protein 1-alpha (MIP-1α) in multiple myeloma. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2005;46:1699-707.
62. Bamias A, Kastritis E, Bamia C, Moulopoulos LA, Melakopoulos I, Bozas G, Koutsoukou V,
Gika D, Anagnostopoulos A, Papadimitriou C, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Osteonecrosis of
the jaw in cancer after treatment with bisphosphonates: incidence and risk factors. Journal of
Clinical Oncology 2005;23:8580-7.
63. Pavlakis G, Mountzios G, Terpos E, Leivaditou A, Papadopoulos G, Papasavas P. Recurrent
ovarian cancer metastatic to the sternum, costae and thoracic wall after prolonged treatment
with platinum-based chemotherapy: a case report and review of the literature. International
Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2006;16 Suppl 1:299-303.
64. Politou M, Karadimitris A, Terpos E, Kotsianidis I, Apperley JF, Rahemtulla A. No evidence of
mutations of the PSMB5 (beta-5 subunit of proteasome) in a case of myeloma with clinical
resistance to Bortezomib. Leukemia Research 2006;30:240-1.
65. Dimopoulos MA, Anagnostopoulos A, Terpos E, Repoussis P, Zomas A, Katodritou E,
Kyrtsonis MC, Delibasi S, Vassou A, Pouli A, Zervas K, Anagnostopoulos N, Maniatis A on
behalf of the Greek Myelom Study Group. Primary treatment with pulsed melphalan,
dexamethasone and thalidomide (MDT) for symptomatic patients with multiple myeloma 75
years of age. Haematologica 2006;91:252-4.
66. O'shea D, Giles C, Terpos E, Perz J, Politou M, Sana V, Naresh K, Lampert I, Samson D,
Narat S, Kanfer E, Olavarria E, Apperley JF, Rahemtulla A. Predictive factors for survival in
myeloma patients who undergo autologous stem cell transplantation: a single-centre
experience in 211 patients. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2006;37:731-7.
67. Terpos E, Anagnostopoulos A, Kastritis E, Bamias A, Tsionos K, Dimopoulos MA. Abnormal
bone remodelling and increased levels of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1α)
in Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia. British Journal of Haematology 2006;133:301-4.
68. Terpos E. Biochemical markers of bone metabolism in multiple myeloma. Cancer Treatment
Reviews 2006;32 (Suppl 1):15-9.
69. Terpos E, Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou V, Dimopoulos MA. Clinical implications of
chromosomal abnormalities in multiple myeloma. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2006;47:803-14.
70. Voskaridou E, Terpos E, Michail S, Hantzi E, Anagnostopoulos A, Margeli A, Simirloglou D,
Loukopoulos D, Papassotiriou I. Early markers of renal dysfunction in patients with sickle
cell/beta thalassemia. Kidney International 2006;69:2037-42.
71. Voskaridou E, Stoupa E, Antoniadou L, Premetis E, Konstantopoulos K, Papassotiriou I,
Terpos E. Osteoporosis and osteosclerosis in sickle cell/β-thalassaemia: the role of the
RANKL/osteoprotegerin axis. Haematologica 2006;91:813-6.
72. Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Anagnostopoulos A, Melakopoulos I, Gika D, Moulopoulos LA,
Bamia C, Terpos E, Tsionos K, Bamias A. Osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple
myeloma treated with bisphosphonates: evidence of increased risk after treatment with
zoledronic acid. Haematologica 2006;91:968-71.
73. Kastritis E, Terpos E, Anagnostopoulos A, Xilouri I, Dimopoulos MA. Angiogenetic factors
and biochemical markers of bone metabolism in POEMS syndrome treated with high-dose
therapy and autologous stem cell support. Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma 2006;7:73-6.
74. Dimopoulos MA, Pouli A, Anagnostopoulos A, Repoussis P, Symeonidis A, Terpos E,
Delimbasi S, Tsolakis F, Economopoulos T, Zervas C. Macrofocal multiple myeloma in young
patients: a distinct entity with favorable prognosis. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2006;47:1553-6.
75. Meletis J, Viniou N, Terpos E. Novel agents for the management of myelodysplastic
syndromes. Medical Science Monitor 2006;12:RA194-206.
76. Zervas K, Verrou E, Teleioudis Z, Vahtsevanos K, Banti A, Mihou D, Krikelis D, Terpos E.
Incidence, risk factors and management of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple
myeloma: a single-centre experience in 303 patients. British Journal of Haematology
77. Voskaridou E, Anagnostopoulos A, Konstantopoulos K, Stoupa E, Spyropoulou E, Kiamouris
C, Terpos E. Zoledronic acid is an effective treatment for osteoporosis in patients with betathalassaemia: results from a single-centre, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
Haematologica 2006;91:1193-202.
78. Politou MC, Heath DJ, Rahemtulla A, Szydlo R, Anagnostopoulos A, Dimopoulos MA,
Croucher PI, Terpos E. Serum concentrations of Dickkopf-1 protein are increased in patients
with multiple myeloma and reduced after autologous stem cell transplantation. International
Journal of Cancer 2006;119:1728-31.
79. Terpos E. Antibodies to dickkopf-1 protein. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents
80. Terpos E, Heath DJ, Rahemtulla A, Zervas K, Chantry A, Anagnostopoulos A, Pouli A,
Katodritou E, Verrou E, Vervessou EC, Dimopoulos MA, Croucher PI. Bortezomib reduces
serum dickkopf-1 and receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand concentrations and
normalises indices of bone remodelling in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma. British
Journal of Haematology 2006;135:688-92.
81. Terpos E. What's new in bone research--anabolics, tissue repair, therapeutic strategies and
more. IDrugs 2006;9:837-40.
82. Katodritou E, Speletas M, Pouli A, Tsitouridis J, Zervas K, Terpos E. Successful treatment of
extramedullary plasmacytoma of the carvenous sinus using the combination of intermediate
dose of thalidomide and dexamethasone. Acta Haematologica 2007;117:20-3.
83. Galanopoulos AG, Symeonidis A, Kourakli A, Papadaki EA, Tsaftaridis P, Terpos E, Aktipi A,
Roussou P, Protopappa M, Pappaioannou M, Zikos P, Speletas M, Parcharidou A, Laoutaris
N, Anagnostopoulos NI, Meletis J, Pangalis GA, Zoumbos N, Viniou N. Prognostic
significance of deletion of the long arm of chromosome 20 in patients with myelodysplastic
syndrome (MDS): a study of the Greek MDS Study Group. European Journal of Haematology
84. Mountzios G, Dimopoulos MA, Bamias A, Papadopoulos G, Kastritis E, Syrigos K, Pavlakis G,
Terpos E. Abnormal bone remodeling process is due to an imbalance in the receptor
activator of nuclear factor–κB ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin (OPG) axis in patients with
solid tumors metastatic to the skeleton. Acta Oncologica 2007;46:221-9.
85. Lipton A, Cook RJ, Coleman RE, Smith MR, Major P, Terpos E, Berenson JR. Clinical utility
of biochemical markers of bone metabolism for improving the management of patients with
advanced multiple myeloma. Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma 2007;7:346-53.
86. Terpos E, Verrou E, Banti A, Kaloutsi V, Lazaridou A, Zervas K. Bortezomib is an effective
agent for MDS/MPD syndrome with 5q- anomaly and thrombocytosis. Leukemia Research
87. Katodritou E, Terpos E, Zervas K, Speletas M, Kapetanos D, Kartsios C, Verrou E, Banti A,
Effraimidou S, Christakis J. Hypochromic erythrocytes (%): a reliable marker for recognizing
iron-restricted erythropoiesis and predicting response to erythropoietin in anemic patients
with myeloma and lymphoma. Annals of Hematology 2007;86:369-76.
88. Voskaridou E, Tsetsos G, Tsoutsias A, Spyropoulou E, Christoulas D, Terpos E. Pulmonary
hypertension in patients with sickle cell/beta thalassemia: incidence and correlation with
serum N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) concentrations. Haematologica
89. Anagnostopoulos A, Eleftherakis-Papaiakovou V, Zervas K, Kastritis E, Tsionos K, Bamias
A, Meletis J, Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. Serum concentrations of angiogenic cytokines in
Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinaemia: the ratio of angiopoietin-1 to angiopoietin-2 and
angiogenin correlate with disease severity. British Journal of Haematology 2007;137:560-8.
90. Terpos E, Sezer O, Croucher P, Dimopoulos MA. Myeloma bone disease and proteasome
inhibition therapies. Blood 2007;110:1098-104.
91. Dimopoulos MA, Anagnostopoulos A, Kyrtsonis MC, Zervas K, Tsatalas C, Kokkinis G,
Repoussis P, Symeonidis A, Delimpasi S, Katodritou E, Vervessou E, Michali E, Pouli A,
Gika D, Vassou A, Terpos E, Anagnostopoulos N, Economopoulos T, Pangalis G. Primary
treatment of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia with dexamethasone, rituximab, and
cyclophosphamide. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2007;25:3344-9.
92. Zervas K, Mihou D, Katodritou E, Pouli A, Mitsouli Ch, Anagnostopoulos A, Delibasi S,
Kyrtsonis M, Anagnostopoulos N, Terpos E, Zikos P, Maniatis A, Dimopoulos M. VAD-doxil
versus VAD-doxil plus thalidomide as initial treatment for multiple myeloma: results of a
multicenter randomized trial of the Greek Myeloma Study Group. Annals of Oncology
93. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA, Sezer O. The effect of novel anti-myeloma agents on bone
metabolism of patients with multiple myeloma. Leukemia 2007;21:1875-84.
94. Kastritis E, Anagnostopoulos A, Roussou M, Toumanidis S, Pamboukas C, Migkou M,
Tassidou A, Xilouri I, Delibasi S, Psimenou E, Mellou S, Terpos E, Nanas J, Dimopoulos
MA. Treatment of light chain (AL) amyloidosis with the combination of bortezomib and
dexamethasone. Haematologica 2007;92:1351-8.
95. Dimopoulos MA, Souliotis VL, Anagnostopoulos A, Bamia C, Pouli A, Baltadakis I, Terpos
E, Kyrtopoulos SA, Sfikakis PP. Melphalan-induced DNA damage in vitro as a predictor for
clinical outcome in multiple myeloma. Haematologica 2007;92:1505-12.
96. Bamias A, Koutsoukou V, Terpos E, Tsiatas ML, Tsitsilonis O, Rodolakis A, Voulgaris Z,
Vlahos G, Antsaklis A, Dimopoulos MA. Correlation of NK T-like CD3+CD56+ cells and
CD4+CD25+(hi) regulatory T cells with VEGF and TNFalpha in ascites from advanced
ovarian cancer: Association with platinum resistance and prognosis in patients receiving
first-line, platinum-based chemotherapy. Gynecologic Oncology 2008;108:421-7.
97. Voskaridou E, Christoulas D, Antoniadou L, Terpos E. Continuous increase in erythropoietic
activity despite the improvement in Bone Mineral Density by zoledronic acid in patients with
thalassemia intermedia-induced osteoporosis. Acta Haematologica 2008;119:40-4.
98. Anargyrou K, Terpos E, Vassilakopoulos TP, Pouli A, Sachanas S, Tzenou T, Masouridis S,
Christoulas D, Angelopoulou MK, Dimitriadou EM, Kalpadakis C, Tsionos K, Panayiotidis P,
Dimopoulos MA, Pangalis GA, Kyrtsonis MC; on behalf of the Greek Myeloma Study Group.
Normalization of the serum angiopoietin-1 to angiopoietin-2 ratio reflects response in
refractory/resistant multiple myeloma patients treated with bortezomib. Haematologica
99. Anargyrou K, Dimopoulos MA, Sezer O, Terpos E. Novel anti-myeloma agents and
angiogenesis. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2008;49:677-89.
100. Terpos E. Have myeloma cells osteoclast-like activity? Implications into the
pathogenesis of myeloma bone disease. Leukemia Research 2008;32:521-2.
101. Zoi K, Terpos E, Zoi C, Loukopoulos D. Increased CD177 (PRV-1) expression in
thalassaemia and the underlying erythropoietic activity. British Journal of Haematology
102. Mountzios G, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Aurora kinases as targets for cancer therapy.
Cancer Treatment Reviews 2008; 34: 175-82.
103. Terpos E, Sezer O. Reply to 'Proteasome inhibition therapies in childhood cancer' by
Zaman et al. Leukemia 2008;22:884-5.
104. Terpos E, Sarantopoulos A, Kouramba A, Katsarou O, Stavropoulos J, Masouridi S,
Karafoulidou A, Meletis J. Reduction of CD55 and/or CD59 in red blood cells of patients with
HIV infection. Medical Science Monitor 2008;14:CR276-80.
105. Roussou M, Kastritis E, Migkou M, Psimenou E, Grapsa I, Matsouka C, Barmparousi D,
Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Treatment of patients with multiple myeloma complicated by
renal failure with bortezomib-based regimens. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2008;49:890-5.
106. Terpos E, Roussou M, Dimopoulos MA. Bortezomib in multiple myeloma. Expert
Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology 2008;4:639-54.
107. Pilichou A, Papassotiriou I, Michalakakou K, Fessatou S, Fandridis E, Papachristou G,
Terpos E. High levels of synovial fluid osteoprotegerin (OPG) and increased serum ratio of
receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL) to OPG correlate with disease
severity in patients with primary knee osteoarthritis. Clinical Biochemistry 2008;41:746-9.
108. Sterz J, von Metzler I, Hahne JC, Lamottke B, Rademacher J, Heider U, Terpos E,
Sezer O. The potential of proteasome inhibitors in cancer therapy. Expert Opinion on
Investigational Drugs 2008;17:879-95.
109. Katodritou E, Verrou E, Gastari V, Hadjiaggelidou C, Terpos E, Zervas K. Response of
primary plasma cell leukemia to the combination of bortezomib and dexamethasone: Do
specific cytogenetic and immunophenotypic characteristics influence treatment outcome?
Leukemia Research 2008;32:1153-6.
110. Katodritou E, Zervas K, Terpos E, Brugnara C. Use of erythropoiesis stimulating agents
and intravenous iron for cancer and treatment-related anaemia: the need for predictors and
indicators of effectiveness has not abated. British Journal of Haematology 2008;142:3-10.
111. Lipton A, Cook R, Saad F, Major P, Garnero P, Terpos E, Brown JE, Coleman RE.
Normalization of bone markers is associated with improved survival in patients with bone
metastases from solid tumors and elevated bone resorption receiving zoledronic acid.
Cancer 2008;113:193-201.
112. Badros A, Goloubeva O, Terpos E, Milliron T, Baer MR, Streeten E. Prevalence and
significance of vitamin D deficiency in multiple myeloma patients. British Journal of
Haematology 2008;142:492-4.
113. Katodritou E, Verrou E, Hadjiaggelidou C, Gastari V, Laschos K, Kontovinis L,
Kapetanos D, Constantinou N, Terpos E, Zervas K. Erythropoiesis stimulating agents are
associated with reduced survival in patients with multiple myeloma. American Journal of
Hematology 2008;83:697-701.
114. Voskaridou E, Christoulas D, Konstantinidou M, Tsiftsakis E, Alexakos P, Terpos E.
Continuous improvement of bone mineral density two years post zoledronic acid
discontinuation in patients with thlassemia-induced osteoporosis: long-term follow-up of a
randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Haematologica 2008;93:1588-90.
115. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Genetic predisposition for the development of ONJ. Blood
116. Coleman R, Brown J, Terpos E, Lipton A, Smith MR, Cook R, Major P. Bone markers
and their prognostic value in metastatic bone disease: clinical evidence and future
directions. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2008;34:629-39.
117. Terpos E. Bortezomib directly inhibits osteoclast function in multiple myeloma:
implications into the management of myeloma bone disease. Leukemia Research
118. Katsarou O, Theodosiades G, Ioannidou P, Nomikou E, Tsevrenis V, Kouraba A, Deutch
M, Terpos E, Dourakis S, Karafoulidou A. Pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination
therapy for chronic hepatitis C in patients with congenital coagulation disorders. Acta
Haematologica 2008;120:63-9.
119. Terpos E, Christoulas D, Dimopoulos MA. Antibodies to receptor activator of nuclear
factor-kB ligand (RANKL). Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 2008;18:1265-9.
120. Terpos E, Kastritis E, Roussou M, Heath D, Christoulas D, Anagnostopoulos N,
Eleftherakis-Papaiakovou E, Tsionos K, Croucher P, Dimopoulos MA. The combination of
bortezomib, melphalan, dexamethasone and intermittent thalidomide (VMDT) is an effective
regimen for relapsed/refractory myeloma and is associated with improvement of abnormal
bone metabolism and angiogenesis. Leukemia 2008;22:2247-56.
121. Kastritis E, Katoulis A, Terpos E, Panayiotides I, Gavriatopoulou M, Dimopoulos MA.
Schnitzler’s syndrome: increased levels of bone formation and angiogenesis factors are
reduced following successful pefloxacine treatment. Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma 2008;
122. Badros A, Terpos E, Katodritou E, Goloubeva O, Kastritis E, Verrou E, Zervas K, Baer
MR, Meiller T, Dimopoulos MA. Natural history of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with
multiple myeloma. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008;26:5904-9.
123. Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Bamia C, Melakopoulos I, Gika D, Roussou M, Migkou M,
Eleftherakis-Papaiakovou E, Christoulas D, Terpos E, Βamias A. Reduction of
osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) after implementation of preventive measures in patients with
multiple myeloma treated with zoledronic acid. Annals of Oncology 2009;20:117-20.
124. von Metzler I, Krebbel H, Kuckelkorn U, Heider U, Jakob C, Kaiser M, Fleissner C,
Terpos E, Sezer O. Curcumin diminishes human osteoclastogenesis by inhibition of the
signalosome-assotiated I-κB kinase. Journal of Cancer Research & Clinical Oncology
125. Migkou M, Dimopoulos MA, Gavriatopoulou M, Terpos E. Applications of monoclonal
antibodies for the treatment of hematological malignancies. Expert Opinion on Biological
Therapies 2009;9:207-20.
126. Terpos E, Tasidou A, Kastritis E, Eleftherakis-Papaiakovou E, Gavriatopoulou M,
Migkou M, Dimopoulos MA. Angiogenesis in Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia. Clinical
Lymphoma & Myeloma 2009;9:46-9.
127. Kastritis E, Zervas K, Repoussis P, Michali E, Katodrytou E, Zomas A, Simeonidis A,
Terpos E, Delimbassi S, Vassou A, Gika D, Dimopoulos MA. Prognostication in young and
old patients with Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia: Importance of the International
Prognostic Scoring System and of serum lactate dehydrogenase. Clinical Lymphoma &
Myeloma 2009;9:50-2.
128. Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Roussou M, Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou E, Migkou M,
Gavriatopoulou M, Tassidou A, Terpos E. Rituximab-based treatments in Waldenström's
Macroglobulinemia. Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma 2009;9:59-61.
129. Terpos E, Katodritou E, Tsiftsakis E, Kastritis E, Christoulas D, Pouli A, Michalis E,
Verrou E, Anargyrou K, Tsionos K, Dimopoulos MA, Zervas K on behalf of the Greek
Myeloma Study Group. Cystatin-C is an independent prognostic factor for survival in multiple
myeloma and is reduced by bortezomib monotherapy. Haematologica 2009;94:372-9.
130. Spanoudakis E, Hu M, Naresh K, Terpos E, Melo V, Reid A, Kotsianidis I, Rahemtulla A,
Karadimitris A. Regulation of multiple myeloma survival and progression by CD1d. Blood
131. Terpos E, Efstathiou E, Christoulas D, Roussou M, Katodritou E, Dimopoulos MA.
RANKL inhibition: Clinical implications for the management of patients with multiple
myeloma and solid tumors with bone metastases. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapies
132. Terpos E, Cibeira MT, Blade J, Ludwig H. Management of complications in multiple
myeloma. Seminars in Hematology 2009;46:176-89.
133. Voskaridou E, Christoulas D, Xirakia C, Varvagiannis K, Boutsikas G, Bilalis A, Kastritis
E, Papatheodorou A, Terpos E. Serum dickkopf-1 is increased and correlates with reduced
Bone Mineral Density in patients with Thalassemia-induced osteoporosis. Reduction postzoledronic acid administration. Haematologica 2009;94:725-8.
134. Terpos E, Kiagia M, Karapanagiotou EM, Charpidou A, Dilana KD, Nasothimiou E,
Harrington KJ, Polyzos A, Syrigos KN. The clinical significance of serum markers of bone
turnover in NSCLC patients: surveillance, management and prognostic implications.
Anticancer Research 2009;29:1651-7.
135. Kastritis E, Zervas K, Symeonidis A, Terpos E, Delimbassi S, Anagnostopoulos N,
Michali E, Zomas A, Katodritou I, Gika D, Pouli A, Christoulas D, Roussou M, Kartasis Z,
Economopoulos T, Dimopoulos MA. Improved survival of patients with multiple myeloma
after the introduction of novel agents and the applicability of the International Staging
System (ISS): An analysis of the Greek Myeloma Study Group (GMSG). Leukemia
136. Gavriatopoulou M, Dimopoulos MA, Christoulas D, Migkou M, Iakovaki M,
Gkotzamanidou M, Terpos E. Dickkopf-1: a suitable target for the management of myeloma
bone disease. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 2009;13:839-48.
137. Anastasilakis AD, Polyzos SA, Avramidis A, Papatheodorou A, Terpos E. Effect of
strontium ranelate on lumbar spine Bone Mineral Density in women with established
osteoporosis previously treated with teriparatide. Hormone & Metabolic Research
138. Christoulas D, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Pathogenesis and management of myeloma
bone disease. Expert Reviews of Hematology 2009;2:385-98.
139. Anastasilakis AD, Toulis KA, Polyzos SA, Terpos E. RANKL inhibition for the
management of patients with benign metabolic bone disorders. Expert Opinion on
Investigational Drugs 2009;18:1085-102.
140. Major PP, Cook RJ, Lipton A, Smith MR, Terpos E, Coleman RE. Natural history of
malignant bone disease in breast cancer and the use of cumulative mean functions to
measure skeletal morbidity. BMC Cancer 2009;9:272.
141. Katodritou E, Ganz T, Terpos E, Verrou E, Oblina G, Gastari V, Hadjiaggelidou C,
Varthaliti M, Georgiadou S, Westerman M, Zervas K. Sequential evaluation of serum
hepcidin in anemic myeloma patients: study of correlations with myeloma treatment, disease
variables, and anemia response. American Journal of Hematology 2009;84:524-6.
142. Terpos E, Sezer O, Croucher PI, García-Sanz R, Boccadoro M, San Miguel J, Ashcroft
J, Bladé J, Cavo M, Delforge M, Dimopoulos MA, Facon T, Macro M, Waage A, Sonneveld
P. The use of bisphosphonates in multiple myeloma: recommendations of an expert panel
on behalf of the European Myeloma Network. Annals of Oncology 2009;20:1303-17.
143. Dimopoulos MA, Roussou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Zagouri F, Migkou M, Matsouka C,
Barbarousi D, Christoulas D, Primenou E, Grapsa I, Terpos E, Kastritis E. Reversibility of
renal impairment of multiple myeloma patients treated with bortezomib-based regimens:
Identification of predictive factors. Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma 2009;9:302-6.
144. Dimopoulos MA, Moulopoulos LA, Terpos E. A new pet for myeloma. Blood
145. Dimopoulos M, Terpos E, Comenzo RL, Tosi P, Beksac M, Sezer O, Siegel D, Lokhorst
H, Kumar S, Rajkumar SV, Niesvizky R, Moulopoulos LA, Durie BG. International myeloma
working group consensus statement and guidelines regarding the current role of imaging
techniques in the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple Myeloma. Leukemia 2009;23:154656.
146. Anastasilakis AD, Toulis KA, Goulis DG, Polyzos SA, Delaroudis S, Giomisi A, Terpos
E. Efficacy and safety of denosumab in postmenopausal women with osteopenia or
osteoporosis: a systematic review and a meta-analysis. Hormone & Metabolic Research
147. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Terpos E. Transient secondary hyperparathyroidism
following intravenous infusion of zoledronic acid. Supportive Care in Cancer 2009;17:132930.
148. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Efstathiadou Z, Kita M, Litsas I, Avramidis A, Arsos G,
Moralidis E, Gerou S, Pavlidou V, Papatheodorou A, Terpos E. The effect of zoledronic acid
on serum dickkopf-1, osteoprotegerin, and RANKL in patients with Paget's disease of bone.
Hormone & Metabolic Research 2009;41:846-50.
149. Roussou M, Tasidou A, Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Migkou M, Christoulas D,
Gavriatopoulou M, Zagouri F, Matsouka C, Anagnostou D, Terpos E. Increased expression
of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 on trephine biopsies correlates with extensive bone
disease, increased angiogenesis and advanced stage in newly diagnosed patients with
multiple myeloma. Leukemia 2009;23:2177-81.
150. Katodritou E, Dimopoulos MA, Zervas K, Terpos E. Update on the use of erythropoiesisstimulating agents (ESAs) for the management of anemia of multiple myeloma and
lymphoma. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2009;35:738-43.
151. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. First-line bortezomib benefits patients with multiple
myeloma. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 2009;6:683-5.
152. Jakob C, Goerke A, Terpos E, Sterz J, Heider U, Kühnhardt D, Ziefle S, Kleeberg L,
Mieth M, Metzler I, Müller C, Sezer O. Serum levels of total RANKL in multiple myeloma.
Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma 2009;9:430-5.
153. Meletis J, Terpos E. Transplantation strategies for the management of patients with
myelodysplastic syndromes. Journal of BUON 2009;14:551-64.
154. Voskaridou E, Plata E, Douskou M, Papadakis M, Delaki EE, Christoulas D, Terpos E.
Treatment with deferasirox (Exjade®) effectively decreases iron burden in patients with
thalassaemia intermedia: results of a pilot study. British Journal of Haematology
155. Katsarou O, Terpos E, Chatzismalis P, Provelengios S, Adraktas T, Hadjidakis D,
Kouramba A, Karafoulidou A. Increased bone resorption is implicated in the pathogenesis of
bone loss in hemophiliacs: correlations with hemophilic arthropathy and HIV infection.
Annals of Hematology 2010;89:67-74.
156. Anargyrou K, Vassilakopoulos TP, Angelopoulou MK, Terpos E. Incorporating novel
agents in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes. Leukemia Research 2010;34:6-17.
157. Bozas G, Terpos E, Gika D, Karadimou A, Dimopoulos MA, Bamias A.
Prechemotherapy serum levels of CD105, Transforming Growth Factor beta2, and Vascular
Endothelial Growth Factor are associated with prognosis in patients with advanced epithelial
ovarian cancer treated with cytoreductive surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy.
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2010;20:248-54.
158. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA, Shrivastava V, Leitzel K, Christoulas D, Migkou M,
Gavriatopoulou M, Anargyrou K, Hamer P, Kastritis E, Carney W, Lipton A. High levels of
serum TIMP-1 correlate with advanced disease and predict for poor survival in patients with
multiple myeloma treated with novel agents. Leukemia Research 2010;34:399-402.
159. Voskaridou E, Christoulas D, Bilalis A, Plata E, Varvagiannis K, Stamatopoulos G,
Sinopoulou K, Balassopoulou A, Loukopoulos D, Terpos E. The effect of prolonged
administration of hydroxyurea on morbidity and mortality in adult patients with sickle-cell
syndromes: results of a 17-year, single center trial (LaSHS). Blood 2010;115:2354-63.
160. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Litsas I, Sapranidis M, Efstathiadou Z, Kita M, Arsos G,
Moralidis E, Zafeiriadou E, Papatheodorou A, Terpos E. Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
and Quantitative Ultrasound in patients with Paget's disease of bone before and after
treatment with zoledronic acid: association with serum bone markers and dickkopf-1. Journal
of Clinical Densitometry 2010;13:190-6.
161. Tsagarakis NJ, Kentrou NA, Papadimitriou KA, Pagoni M, Kokkini G, Papadaki H, Pappa
V, Marinakis T, Anagnostopoulos NI, Vadikolia C, Anagnostopoulos A, Angelopoulou MK,
Terpos E, Poziopoulos C, Anargyrou K, Rontogianni D, Papadaki T, Psarra A, Kontopidou
FN, Skoumi D, Papadhimitriou SI, Paterakis G. Acute lymphoplasmacytoid dendritic cell
(DC2) leukemia: results from the Hellenic Dendritic Cell Leukemia Study Group. Leukemia
Research 2010;34:438-46.
162. Terpos E, Berenson J, Cook RJ, Lipton A, Coleman RE. Prognostic variables for
survival and skeletal complications in patients with multiple myeloma osteolytic bone
disease. Leukemia 2010;24:1043-9.
163. Mountzios G, Terpos E, Syrigos K, Papadimitriou C, Papadopoulos G, Bamias A,
Mavrikakis M, Dimopoulos MA. Markers of bone remodeling and skeletal morbidity in
patients with solid tumors metastatic to the skeleton receiving the biphosphonate zoledronic
acid. Translational Research 2010;155:247-55.
164. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Efstathiadou Z, Litsas I, Kita M, Panagiotou A,
Papatheodorou A, Arsos G, Moralidis E, Barmpalios G, Zafeiriadou E, Triantafillidou E,
Makrigiannaki E, Terpos E. Serum homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 in patients with
Paget's disease of bone: the effect of zoledronic acid. Journal of Bone & Mineral Metabolism
165. Terpos E. Bortezomib down-regulates the osterix expression by osteoblasts in the
myeloma microenvironment: Implications into osteoblast function in myeloma bone disease.
Leukemia Research 2010;34:700-1.
166. Karapanagiotou EM, Terpos E, Dilana KD, Alamara C, Gkiozos I, Polyzos A, Syrigos
KN. Serum bone turnover markers may be involved in the metastatic potential of lung
cancer patients. Medical Oncology 2010;27:332-8.
167. Bamias A, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Avascular osteonecrosis of the jaw as a side
effect of bisphosphonate treatment. Onkologie 2010;33:288-9.
168. Moulopoulos LA, Dimopoulos MA, Christoulas D, Kastritis E, Anagnostou D, Koureas A,
Roussou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Migkou M, Iakovaki M, Gkotzamanidou M, Tasidou A,
Terpos E. Diffuse MRI marrow pattern correlates with increased angiogenesis, advanced
disease features and poor prognosis in newly diagnosed myeloma treated with novel
agents. Leukemia 2010;24:1206-12.
169. Anastasilakis AD, Polyzos SA, Avramidis A, Toulis KA, Papatheodorou A, Terpos E.
The effect of teriparatide on serum Dickkopf-1 levels in postmenopausal women with
established osteoporosis. Clinical Endocrinology 2010;72:752-7.
170. Dimopoulos MA, Christoulas D, Roussou M, Kastritis E, Migkou M, Gavriatopoulou M,
Matsouka C, Mparmparoussi D, Psimenou E, Grapsa I, Efstathiou E, Terpos E.
Lenalidomide and dexamethasone for the treatment of refractory/relapsed multiple
myeloma: dosing of lenalidomide according to renal function and effect on renal impairment.
European Journal of Haematology 2010;85:1-5.
171. Terpos E, Christoulas D, Kokkoris P, Anargyrou K, Gavriatopoulou M, Migkou M,
Tsionos K, Dimopoulos MA. Increased bone mineral density in a subset of patients with
relapsed multiple myeloma who received the combination of bortezomib, dexamethasone
and zoledronic acid. Annals of Oncology 2010;21:1561-2.
172. Terpos E, Katodritou E, Roussou M, Pouli A, Michalis E, Delimpasi S, Parharidou A,
Kartasis Z, Zomas A, Symeonidis A, Viniou NA, Anagnostopoulos N, Economopoulos T,
Zervas K, Dimopoulos MA. High serum lactate dehydrogenase adds prognostic value to the
International Myeloma Staging System even in the era of novel agents. European Journal of
Haematology 2010;85:114-9.
173. Terpos E, Voskaridou E. Treatment options for thalassemia patients with osteoporosis.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2010;1202:237-43.
174. Kastritis E, Roussou M, Michael M, Gavriatopoulou M, Michalis E, Migkou M, Delimpasi
S, Kyrtsonis MC, Gogos D, Liapis K, Charitaki E, Repousis P, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA.
High levels of serum angiogenic growth factors in patients with AL amyloidosis: comparisons
with normal individuals and multiple myeloma patients. British Journal of Haematology
175. Kastritis E, Kyrtsonis MC, Hadjiharissi E, Symeonidis A, Michalis E, Repoussis P,
Tsatalas C, Michael M, Sioni A, Kartasis Z, Stefanoudaki E, Voulgarelis M, Delimpasi S,
Gavriatopoulou M, Koulieris E, Gika D, Zomas A, Roussou P, Anagnostopoulos N,
Economopoulos T, Terpos E, Zervas K, Dimopoulos MA; on behalf of the Greek Myeloma
Study Group. Validation of the International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) for
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (WM) and the importance of serum lactate
dehydrogenase (LDH). Leukemia Research 2010;34:1340-3.
176. Roussou M, Kastritis E, Christoulas D, Migkou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Grapsa I,
Psimenou E, Gika D, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Reversibility of renal failure in newly
diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma and the role of novel agents. Leukemia Research
177. Boskos CS, Liacos C, Korkolis D, Aygerinos K, Lamproglou I, Terpos E, Stoupa E,
Baltatzis G, Beroukas K, Papasavvas P, Dimopoulos MA, Bamias A. Thymidine
phosphorylase to dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase ratio as a predictive factor of response
to preoperative chemoradiation with capecitabine in patients with advanced rectal cancer.
Journal of Surgical Oncology 2010;102:408-2.
178. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Intravenous pamidronate for the management of myeloma
bone disease: can the dose be lowered? Lancet Oncology 2010;11:913-4.
179. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA, Sezer O, Roodman D, Abildgaard N, Vescio R, Tosi P,
Garcia-Sanz R, Davies F, Chanan-Khan A, Palumbo A, Sonneveld P, Drake MT,
Harousseau JL, Anderson KC, Durie BGM on behalf of the International Myeloma Working
Group. The use of biochemical markers of bone remodelling in multiple myeloma: a report of
the International Myeloma Working Group. Leukemia 2010;24:1700-12.
180. Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Christoulas D, Migkou M, Gavriatopoulou M,
Gkotzamanidou M, Iakovaki M, Matsouka C, Mparmparoussi B, Roussou M, Efstathiou E,
Terpos E. Treatment of patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma with
lenalidomide and dexamethasone with or without bortezomib: Prospective evaluation of the
impact of cytogenetic abnormalities and of prior therapies. Leukemia 2010;24:1769-78.
181. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Litsas I, Efstathiadou Z, Kita M, Arsos G, Moralidis E,
Papatheodorou A, Terpos E. Profound hypocalcemia following effective response to
zoledronic acid treatment in a patient with juvenile Paget's disease. Journal of Bone &
Mineral Metabolism 2010;28:706-12.
182. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E, Chanan-Khan A, Leung N, Ludwig H, Jagannath S,
Niesvizky R, Giralt S, Fermand JP, Bladé J, Comenzo RL, Sezer O, Palumbo A,
Harousseau JL, Richardson PG, Barlogie B, Anderson KC, Sonneveld P, Tosi P, Rajkumar
SV, Durie BGM, San Miguel J, on behalf of the International Myeloma Working Group. Renal
impairment in patients with multiple myeloma: a consensus statement on behalf of the
International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG). Journal of Clinical Oncology 2010;28:497684.
183. Zini G, Bain B, Bettelheim P, Cortez J, d'Onofrio G, Faber E, Haferlach T, Kacirkova P,
Lewandowski K, Matutes E, Maynadié M, Meletis J, Petersen BL, Porwit A, Terpos E,
Tichelli A, Vallespí T, Woessner S, Bennett J, Bene MC. A European consensus report on
blood cell identification: terminology utilized and morphological diagnosis concordance
among 28 experts from 17 countries within the European LeukemiaNet network WP10, on
behalf of the ELN Morphology Faculty. British Journal of Haematology 2010;151:359-64.
184. Engelhardt M, Udi J, Kleber M, Spencer A, Rocci A, Knop S, Bruno B, Bringhen S,
Pérez-Simón JA, Zweegman S, Driessen C, Patriarca F, Gramatzki M, Terpos E, Sezer O,
Kropff M, Straka C, Johnsen HE, Waage A, Boegsted M, Lokhorst H, Hájek R, Morgan G,
Boccadoro M, Ludwig H, Cavo M, Polliack A, Sonneveld P, Einsele H, Palumbo A.
European Myeloma Network: the 3rd Trialist Forum consensus statement from the european
experts meeting on multiple myeloma. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2010;51:2006-11.
185. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. Lenalidomide: an update on evidence from clinical trials.
Blood Reviews 2010;24S1:S21-6.
186. Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou E, Kostis E, Migkou M, Christoulas D, Terpos E,
Gavriatopoulou M, Roussou M, Bournakis E, Kastritis E, Efstathiou E, Dimopoulos MA,
Papadimitriou CA. Prophylactic antibiotics for the prevention of neutropenic fever in patients
undergoing autologous stem-cell transplantation: Results of a single institution, randomized
phase 2 trial. American Journal of Hematology 2010;85:863-7.
187. Voskaridou E, Plata E, Douskou M, Sioni A, Mpoutou E, Christoulas D, Dimopoulou M,
Terpos E. Deferasirox effectively decreases iron burden in patients with double
heterozygous HbS/beta-thalassemia. Annals of Hematology 2011;90:11-5.
188. Polyzos SA, Kountouras J, Anastasilakis AD, Litsas I, Kita M, Arsos G, Moralidis E,
Terpos E. Zoledronic acid-induced transient hepatotoxicity in a patient effectively treated for
Paget's disease of bone. Osteoporosis International 2011;22:363-7.
189. Skliris A, Happonen KE, Terpos E, Labropoulou V, Børset M, Heinegård D, Blom AM,
Theocharis AD. Serglycin inhibits the classical and lectin pathways of complement by
binding C1q and mannose-binding lectin. European Journal of Immunology 2011;41:437-49.
190. Terpos E. Zoledronic acid: a framework of emerging anticancer evidence throughout the
cancer continuum. Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology 2011;77 Suppl 1:S1-2.
191. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA, Berenson J. Established role of bisphosphonate therapy for
prevention of skeletal complications from myeloma bone disease. Critical Reviews in
Oncology Hematology 2011; 77 Suppl 1:S13-23.
192. Terpos E, Tasidou A, Eleftherakis-Papaiakovou E, Christoulas D, Gavriatopoulou M,
Gkotzamanidou M, Roussou M, Kastritis E, Papadaki T, Dimopoulos MA. Expression of
CCL3 by neoplastic cells in patients with Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia: an
immunohistochemical study in bone marrow biopsies of 67 patients. Clinical Lymphoma
Myeloma & Leukemia 2011;11:115-7.
193. Kastritis E, Gavriatopoulou M, Kyrtsonis MC, Michael M, Hadjiharissi E, Symeonidis A,
Michalis E, Repoussis P, Tsatalas K, Sioni A, Kartasis Z, Stefanoudaki E, Voulgarelis M,
Delimpasi S, Gika D, Vervesou E, Konstantopoulos K, Kokkini G, Zomas A, Roussou P,
Anagnostopoulos N, Economopoulos T, Terpos E, Zervas K, Dimopoulos MA.
Prognostication of the high-risk WM patient. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia
194. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Interaction between the skeletal and the immune systems in
cancer: mechanisms and clinical implications. Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy
195. Terpos E. The synergistic effect of panobinostat (LBH589) with melphalan or
doxorubicin on multiple myeloma cells; rationale for the use of combination regimens in
myeloma patients. Leukemia Research 2011;35:295-6.
196. Kastritis E, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Emerging drugs for Waldenstrom’s
Macroglobulinemia. Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs 2011;16:45-57.
197. Grass S, Preuss KD, Wikowicz A, Terpos E, Ziepert M, Fadle N, Regitz E, Dimopoulos
MA, Treon SP, Hunter ZR, Pfreundschuh M. Hyperphosphorylated paratarg-7: A new
molecularly defined risk factor for monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance of
the IgM type (IgM-MGUS) and Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (WM). Blood
198. Delforge M, Terpos E, Richardson PG, Shpilberg O, Khuageva NK, Schlag R,
Dimopoulos MA, Kropff M, Spicka I, Petrucci MT, Samoilova OS, Mateos MV, Magen-Nativ
H, Goldschmidt H, Esseltine DL, Ricci DS, Liu K, Deraedt W, Cakana A, van de Velde H,
San Miguel JF. Fewer bone disease events, improvement in bone remodelling, and
evidence of bone healing with bortezomib plus melphalan-prednisone versus melphalanprednisone, in the phase III VISTA trial in multiple myeloma. European Journal of
Haematology 2011;86:372-84.
199. Terpos E, Moulopoulos LA, Dimopoulos MA. Advances in imaging and the management
of myeloma bone disease. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2011;29:1907-15.
200. Kastritis E, Kyrtsonis MC, Hatjiharissi E, Symeonidis A, Michalis E, Repoussis P,
Tsatalas K, Michael M, Sioni A, Kartasis Z, Stefanoudaki E, Voulgarelis M, Delimpasi S,
Gavriatopoulou M, Koulieris E, Gika D, Vervesou E, Konstantopoulos K, Kokkini G, Zomas
A, Roussou P, Anagnostopoulos N, Economopoulos T, Terpos E, Zervas K, Dimopoulos
MA. No significant improvement in the outcome of patients with Waldenström's
macroglobulinemia treated over the last 25 years. American Journal of Hematology
201. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Zoledronic acid for all patients with newly diagnosed multiple
myeloma? Lancet Oncology 2011;12:711-2.
202. Voskaridou E, Christoulas D, Terpos E. Successful chelation therapy with the
combination of deferasirox and deferiprone in a patient with thalassaemia major and
persisting severe iron overload after single-agent chelation therapies. British Journal of
Haematology 2011;154:654-6.
203. Zagouri F, Roussou M, Kastritis E, Koureas A, Tsokou E, Migkou M, Gavriatopoulou M,
Nikitas N, Gkotzamanidou M, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Lenalidomide-associated
pneumonitis in patients with plasma cell dyscrasias. American Journal of Hematology
204. Migkou M, Kastritis E, Roussou M, Gkotzamanidou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Nikitas N,
Mparmparoussi D, Matsouka C, Gika D, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Short progression free
survival predicts for poor overall survival in older patients with multiple myeloma treated
upfront with novel agent-based therapy. European Journal of Haematology 2011;87:323-9.
205. Such E, Cervera J, Terpos E, Bagan JV, Avaria A, Gomez I, Margaix M, Ibanez M, Luna
I, Cordon L, Roig M, Sanz MA, Dimopoulos MA, de la Rubia J. CYP2C8 gene polymorphism
and bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple myeloma.
Haematologica 2011;96:1557-9.
206. Gkotzamanidou M, Kastritis E, Gavriatopoulou MR, Nikitas N, Gika D, Mparmparousi D,
Matsouka C, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Increased serum lactate dehydrongenase should
be included among the variables that define very high-risk multiple myeloma. Clinical
Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2011;11:409-13.
207. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Makras P, Terpos E. Paget's disease of bone and
calcium homeostasis: focus on bisphosphonate treatment. Experimental and Clinical
Endocrinology & Diabetes 2011;119:519-24.
208. Palumbo A, Bringhen S, Ludwig H, Dimopoulos MA, Bladé J, Mateos MV, Rosiñol L,
Boccadoro M, Cavo M, Lokhorst H, Zweegman S, Terpos E, Davies F, Driessen C, Gimsing
P, Gramatzki M, Hàjek R, Johnsen HE, Leal Da Costa F, Sezer O, Spencer A, Beksac M,
Morgan G, Einsele H, San Miguel JF, Sonneveld P. Personalized therapy in multiple
myeloma according to patient age and vulnerability: a report of the European Myeloma
Network (EMN). Blood 2011;118:4519-29.
209. Mountzios G, Ramfidis V, Terpos E, Syrigos KN. Prognostic significance of bone
markers in patients with lung cancer metastatic to the skeleton: a review of published data.
Clinical Lung Cancer 2011;12:341-9.
210. Giannakoulas NC, Terpos E, Palassopoulou M, Zolota V, Lampropoulou P, Symeonidis
A, Matsouka P. Increased RANKL and IL-6 levels might result in high bone turnover in a
case of a CD34(+)/CD117(+)/myeloperoxidase(+dim) acute myeloid leukemia presenting
with severe hypercalcemia and lumbar spine fractures. Leukemia Research 2011;35:188-9.
211. Migkou M, Gkotzamanidou M, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E. Response to
bortezomib of a patient with scleromyxedema refractory to other therapies. Leukemia
Research 2011;35:e209-11.
212. Terpos E, Fragiadaki K, Konsta M, Bratengeier C, Papatheodorou A, Sfikakis PP. Early
effects of IL-6 receptor inhibition on bone homeostasis: a pilot study in women with
rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical & Experimental Rheumatology 2011;29:921-5.
213. Katodritou E, Terpos E, North J, Kottaridis P, Verrou E, Gastari V, Chadjiaggelidou C,
Sivakumaran S, Jide-Banwo S, Tsirogianni M, Kapetanos D, Zervas K, Lowdell MW. Tumorprimed natural killer cells from patients with multiple myeloma lyse autologous, NK-resistant,
bone marrow-derived malignant plasma cells. American Journal of Hematology
214. Eleftherakis-Papapiakovou E, Kastritis E, Roussou M, Gkotzamanidou M, Grapsa I,
Psimenou E, Nikitas N, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Renal impairment is not an independent
adverse prognostic factor in patients with multiple myeloma treated upfront with novel agentbased regimens. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2011;52:2299-303.
215. Coleman R, Costa L, Saad F, Cook R, Hadji P, Terpos E, Garnero P, Brown J, Body JJ,
Smith M, Lee KA, Major P, Dimopoulos M, Lipton A. Consensus on the utility of bone
markers in the malignant bone disease setting. Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology
216. Makras P, Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Terpos E, Papatheodorou A, Kaltsas GA. Is
Serum IL-17A a Useful Systemic Biomarker in Patients With Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis?
Molecular Therapy 2012;20:6-7.
217. Terpos E, Anargyrou K, Katodritou E, Kastritis E, Papatheodorou A, Christoulas D, Pouli
A, Michalis E, Delimpasi S, Gkotzamanidou M, Nikitas N, Koumoustiotis V, Margaritis D,
Tsionos K, Stefanoudaki E, Meletis J, Zervas K, Dimopoulos MA. Circulating angiopoietin-1
to angiopoietin-2 ratio is an independent prognostic factor for survival in newly diagnosed
patients with multiple myeloma who received therapy with novel anti-myeloma agents.
International Journal of Cancer 2012;130:735-42.
218. Ziogas AC, Gavalas NG, Tsiatas M, Tsitsilonis O, Politi E, Terpos E, Rodolakis A,
Vlahos G, Thomakos N, Haidopoulos D, Antsaklis A, Dimopoulos MA, Bamias A. VEGF
directly suppresses activation of T cells from ovarian cancer patients and healthy individuals
via VEGF receptor type 2. International Journal of Cancer 2012;130:857-64.
219. Terpos E. Bisphosphonate anticancer activity in multiple myeloma. Anticancer Agents in
Medicinal Chemistry 2012;12:123-8.
220. Vassilakopoulos TP, Pangalis GA, Katsigiannis A, Papageorgiou SG, Constantinou N,
Terpos E, Zorbala A, Vrakidou E, Repoussis P, Poziopoulos C, Galani Z, Dimopoulou MN,
Kokoris SI, Sachanas S, Kalpadakis C, Dimitriadou EM, Siakantaris MP, Kyrtsonis MC,
Dervenoulas J, Dimopoulos MA, Meletis J, Roussou P, Panayiotidis P, Beris P,
Angelopoulou MK. Rituximab, cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone
with or without radiotherapy in primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma: the emerging
standard of care. Oncologist 2012;17:239-49.
221. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Bratengeier C, Woloszczuk W, Papatheodorou A, Terpos
E. Serum sclerostin levels positively correlate with lumbar spinal bone mineral density in
postmenopausal women – The six-month effect of risedronate and teriparatide.
Osteoporosis International 2012;23:1171-6.
222. Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Michalis E, Tsatalas C, Michael M, Pouli A, Kartasis Z,
Delimpasi S, Gika D, Zomas A, Roussou M, Konstantopoulos K, Parcharidou A, Zervas K,
Terpos E. The International Scoring System (ISS) for multiple myeloma remains a robust
prognostic tool independently of patients' renal function. Annals of Oncology 2012;23:722-9.
223. Richardson PG, Delforge M, Beksac M, Wen P, Jongen JL, Sezer O, Terpos E, Munshi
N, Palumbo A, Rajkumar SV, Harousseau JL, Moreau P, Avet-Loiseau H, Lee JH, Cavo M,
Merlini G, Voorhees P, Chng WJ, Mazumder A, Usmani S, Einsele H, Comenzo R, Orlowski
R, Vesole D, Lahuerta JJ, Niesvizky R, Siegel D, Mateos MV, Dimopoulos M, Lonial S,
Jagannath S, Bladé J, Miguel JS, Morgan G, Anderson KC, Durie BG, Sonneveld P.
Management of treatment-emergent peripheral neuropathy in multiple myeloma. Leukemia
224. Makras P, Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Terpos E, Kanakis G, Schini M,
Papatheodorou A, Kaltsas GA. Serum osteoprotegerin, RANKL, and Dkk-1 levels in adults
with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
225. Makras P, Terpos E, Kanakis G, Papatheodorou A, Anastasilakis AD, Kokkoris P,
Kaltsas GA. Reduced bone mineral density in adult patients with Langerhans cell
histiocytosis. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2012;58:819-22.
226. Kleber M, Udi J, Metzke B, Terpos E, Roodman GD, Morgan G, Dispenzieri A, Einsele
H, Wäsch R, Engelhardt M. Challenging the current approaches to multiple myeloma- and
other cancer-related bone diseases: from bisphosphonates to targeted therapy. Leukemia &
Lymphoma 2012;53:1057-61.
227. Kastritis E, Terpos E, Roussou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Pamboukas C, Boletis I, Marinaki
S, Apostolou T, Nikitas N, Gkortzolidis G, Michalis E, Delimpasi S, Dimopoulos MA. A phase
I/II study of lenalidomide with low dose oral cyclophosphamide and low dose
dexamethasone (RdC) in AL amyloidosis. Blood 2012;119:5384-90.
228. Voskaridou E, Christoulas D, Terpos E. Sickle-cell disease and the heart: review of the
current literature. British Journal of Haematology 2012;157:664-73.
229. Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Delimpasi S, Katodritou E, Hatzimichael E, Kyrtsonis MC,
Repousis P, Tsirogianni M, Kartasis Z, Parcharidou A, Michael M, Michalis E, Tsatalas C,
Stefanoudaki E, Hatjiharissi E, Gika D, Symeonidis A, Terpos E, Zervas K. Multiple
myeloma in octogenarians: Clinical features and outcome in the novel agent era. European
Journal of Haematology 2012;89:10-5.
230. Tasidou A, Roussou M, Terpos E, Kastritis E, Gkotzamanidou M, Gavriatopoulou M,
Migkou M, Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou E, Nikitas N, Anagnostou D, Dimopoulos MA.
Increased expression of cyclin-D1 on trephine bone marrow biopsies independently predicts
for shorter overall survival in patients with multiple myeloma treated with novel agents.
American Journal of Hematology 2012;87:734-6.
231. Gkotzamanidou M, Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Christoulas D, Moulopoulos LA, Terpos
E. Sclerostin: a possible target for the management of cancer-induced bone disease. Expert
Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 2012;16:761-9.
232. Moulopoulos LA, Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Christoulas D, Gkotzamanidou M,
Roussou M, Koureas A, Migkou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou E, Gika D,
Koutoulidis V, Terpos E. Diffuse pattern of bone marrow involvement on Magnetic
Resonance Imaging is associated with high risk cytogenetics and poor outcome in newly
diagnosed, symptomatic patients with multiple myeloma: a single center experience on 228
patients. American Journal of Hematology 2012;87:861-4.
233. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Anagnostis P, Kita M, Arsos G, Moralidis E,
Papatheodorou A, Terpos E. Normal bone turnover markers in a patient with active Paget's
disease of bone: response to treatment with zoledronic acid. Endokrynologia Polska
234. Terpos E, Christoulas D, Katodritou E, Bratengeier C, Gkotzamanidou M, Michalis E,
Delimpasi S, Pouli A, Meletis J, Kastritis E, Zervas K, Dimopoulos MA. Elevated circulating
sclerostin correlates with advanced disease features and abnormal bone remodeling in
symptomatic myeloma; reduction post-bortezomib monotherapy. International Journal of
Cancer 2012;131:1466-71.
235. Terpos E, Kastritis E, Christoulas D, Gkotzamanidou M, Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou E,
Kanellias N, Papatheodorou A, Dimopoulos MA. Circulating activin-A is elevated in patients
with advanced multiple myeloma, correlates with extensive bone involvement and inferior
survival; no alterations post-lenalidomide and dexamethasone therapy. Annals of Oncology
236. Gavalas NG, Tsiatas M, Tsitsilonis O, Politi E, Ioannou K, Ziogas AC, Rodolakis A,
Vlahos G, Thomakos N, Haidopoulos D, Terpos E, Antsaklis A, Dimopoulos MA, Bamias A.
VEGF directly suppresses activation of T cells from ascites secondary to ovarian cancer via
VEGF receptor type 2. British Journal of Cancer 2012;107:1869-75.
237. Terpos E, Asli B, Christoulas D, Brouet JC, Kastritis E, Rybojad M, Bengoufa D,
Dimopoulos MA, Fermand JP. Increased angiogenesis and enhanced bone formation in
patients with IgM monoclonal gammopathy and urticarial skin rash: new insight intothe
biology of the Schnitzler syndrome. Haematologica 2012;97:1699-703.
238. Voskaridou E, Christoulas D, Plata E, Bratengeier C, Anastasilakis AD, Komninaka V,
Kaliontzi D, Gkotzamanidou M, Polyzos SA, Dimopoulou M, Terpos E. High circulating
sclerostin is present in patients with thalassemia-associated osteoporosis and correlates
with bone mineral density. Hormone & Metabolic Research 2012;44:909-13.
239. Zangari M, Terpos E, Zhan F, Tricot G. Impact of bortezomib on bone health in
myeloma: A review of current evidence. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2012;38:968-80.
240. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E, Goldschmidt H, Alegre A, Mark T, Niesvizky R. Treatment
with lenalidomide and dexamethasone in patients with multiple myeloma and renal
impairment. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2012;38:1012-9.
241. Terpos E, Kastritis E, Dimopoulos MA. Prevention and treatment of myeloma bone
disease. Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports 2012;7:249-57.
242. Chaidos A, Barnes CP, Cowan G, May PC, Melo V, Hatjiharissi E, Papaioannou M,
Harrington H, Doolittle H, Terpos E, Dimopoulos M, Abdalla S, Yarranton H, Naresh K,
Foroni L, Reid A, Rahemtulla A, Stumpf M, Roberts I, Karadimitris A. Clinical drug resistance
linked to interconvertible phenotypic and functional states of tumor-propagating cells in
multiple myeloma. Blood 2013;121:318-28.
243. Owen RG, Kyle RA, Stone MJ, Rawstron AC, Leblond V, Merlini G, Garcia-Sanz R, Ocio
EM, Morra E, Morel P, Anderson KC, Patterson CJ, Munshi NC, Tedeschi A, Joshua DE,
Kastritis E, Terpos E, Ghobrial IM, Leleu X, Gertz MA, Ansell SM, Morice WG, Kimby E,
Treon SP. Response assessment in Waldenström macroglobulinaemia: update from the
VIth International Workshop. British Journal of Haematology 2013;160:171-6.
244. Fields SZ, Parshad S, Anne M, Raftopoulos H, Alexander MJ, Sherman ML, Laadem A,
Sung V, Terpos E. Activin receptor antagonists for cancer-related anemia and bone
disease. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 2013;22:87-101.
245. Polyzos SA, Kountouras J, Papatheodorou A, Patsiaoura K, Katsiki E, Zafeiriadou E,
Zavos C, Anastasiadou K, Terpos E. Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Metabolism 2013;62:121-6.
246. Dimopoulos MA, Roussou M, Gkotzamanidou M, Nikitas N, Psimenou E,
Mparmparoussi D, Matsouka C, Spyropoulou-Vlachou M, Terpos E, Kastritis E. The role of
novel agents on the reversibility of renal impairment in newly diagnosed symptomatic
patients with multiple myeloma. Leukemia 2013;27:423-9.
247. Kastritis E, Terpos E, Moulopoulos L, Spyropoulou-Vlachou M, Kanellias N,
Eleftherakis-Papaiakovou E, Gkotzamanidou M, Migkou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Tasidou A,
Dimopoulos MA. Extensive bone marrow infiltration and abnormal free light chain ratio
identifies patients with asymptomatic myeloma at high risk for progression to symptomatic
disease. Leukemia 2013;27:947-53.
248. Terpos E, Roodman GD, Dimopoulos MA. Optimal use of bisphosphonates in patients
with multiple myeloma. Blood 2013;121:3325-8.
249. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E, Kastritis E. Proteasome inhibitor therapy for Waldenström's
Macroglobulinemia. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia 2013;13:235-7.
250. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Terpos E. Serum sclerostin levels following treatment
with parathyroid hormone. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 2013;36:280.
251. Psaltopoulou T, Sergentanis TN, Kanellias N, Kanavidis P, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA.
Tobacco smoking and risk of multiple myeloma: A meta-analysis of 40 observational studies.
International Journal of Cancer 2013;132:2413-31.
252. Terpos E, Kanellias N, Christoulas D, Kastritis E, Dimopoulos MA. Pomalidomide: a
novel drug to treat relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. OncoTargets & Therapy
253. Terpos E, Morgan G, Dimopoulos MA, Drake M, Lentzsch S, Raje N, Sezer O, GarcíaSanz R, Shimizu K, Turesson I, Reiman T, Jurczyszyn A, Merlini G, Spencer A, Leleu X,
Cavo M, Munsi N, Rajkumar V, Durie BGM, Roodman GD, on behalf of the International
Myeloma Working Group. International Myeloma Working Group recommendations for the
treatment of multiple myeloma related bone disease. Journal of Clinical Oncology
254. Maltezas D, Dimopoulos MA, Katodritou I, Repousis P, Pouli A, Terpos E, Panayiotidis
P, Delimpasi S, Michalis E, Anargyrou K, Gavriatopoulou M, Stefanoudaki A, Tzenou T,
Koulieris E, Sachanas S, Dimou M, Vassilakopoulos TP, Angelopoulou MK, Pangalis GA,
Kyrtsonis MC. Re-evaluation of prognostic markers including staging, serum free light chains
or their ratio and serum lactate dehydrogenase in multiple myeloma patients receiving novel
agents. Hematological Oncology 2013;31:356-62.
255. Regelink JC, Minnema MC, Terpos E, Kamphuis MH, Raijmakers PG, Pieters-van den
Bos IC, Heggelman BG, Nievelstein RJ, Otten RH, van Lammeren-Venema D, Zijlstra JM,
Arens AI, de Rooy JW, Hoekstra OS, Raymakers R, Sonneveld P, Ostelo RW, Zweegman
S. Comparison of modern and conventional imaging techniques in establishing multiple
myeloma-related bone disease: a systematic review. British Journal of Haematology
256. Anastasilakis AD, Polyzos SA, Makras P, Gkiomisi A, Savvides M, Papatheodorou A,
Terpos E. Circulating activin-A is elevated in postmenopausal women with low bone mass:
the three-month effect of zoledronic acid treatment. Osteoporosis International
257. Terpos E, Apperley JF, Milojkovic D. Imatinib and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: close to
the bone. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2013;54:1581-2.
258. Kastritis E, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Current treatments for renal failure due to
multiple myeloma. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2013;14:1477-95.
259. Dri AP, Politou M, Gialeraki A, Bagratuni T, Kanellias N, Terpos E. Decreased incidence
of EPCR 4678G/C SNP in multiple myeloma patients with thrombosis. Thrombosis
Research 2013;132:400-1.
260. Bagratuni T, Kastritis E, Politou M, Roussou M, Kostouros E, Gavriatopoulou M,
Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou E, Kanelias N, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Clinical and genetic
factors associated with venous thromboembolism in myeloma patients treated with
lenalidomide-based regimens. American Journal of Hematology 2013;88:765-70.
261. Diamantopoulos PT, Kalotychou V, Polonyfi K, Sofotasiou M, Anastasopoulou A,
Galanopoulos A, Spanakis N, Vassilakopoulos T, Angelopoulou M, Siakantaris M, Variami
E, Poziopoulos C, Terpos E, Kollia P, Viniou NA. Correlation of Fc-γ RIIA polymorphisms
with latent Epstein-Barr virus infection and latent membrane protein 1 expression in patients
with low grade B-cell lymphomas. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2013;54:2030-4.
262. Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Terpos E. Non-secretory myeloma: one, two, or more
entities? Oncology 2013;27:930-2.
263. Polyzos SA, Kountouras J, Papatheodorou A, Katsiki E, Patsiaoura K, Zafeiriadou E,
Zavos C, Papadopoulou E, Terpos E. Adipocytokines and cytokeratin-18 in patients with
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - Introduction of CHA index. Annals of Hepatology
264. Terpos E, Christoulas D, Kastritis E, Katodritou E, Pouli A, Michalis E, Papassotiriou I,
Dimopoulos MA. The Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration Cystatin-C
(CKD-EPI-CysC) equation has an independent prognostic value for overall survival in
newly-diagnosed patients with symptomatic multiple myeloma; is it time to change from
MDRD to CKD-EPI-CysC equations? European Journal of Haematology 2013;91:347-55.
265. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E, Niesvizky R. How lenalidomide is changing the treatment of
patients with multiple myeloma. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 2013;88 Suppl
266. Tsakiri EN, Sykiotis GP, Papassideri IS, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA, Gorgoulis VG,
Bohmann D, Trougakos IP. Proteasome dysfunction in Drosophila signals to an Nrf2dependent regulatory circuit aiming to restore proteostasis and prevent premature agin.
Aging Cell 2013;12:802-13.
267. Polyzos SA, Kountouras J, Slavakis A, Zafeiriadou E, Patsiaoura K, Katsiki E, Zavos C,
Papatheodorou A, Terpos E. A novel noninvasive index for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: a
pilot study. Biomarkers 2013;18:607-13.
268. Gkotzamanidou M, Christoulas D, Souliotis VL, Papatheodorou A, Dimopoulos MA,
Terpos E. Angiogenic cytokines profile in smoldering multiple myeloma: no difference
compared to MGUS but altered compared to symptomatic myeloma. Medical Science
Monitor 2013;19:1188-94.
269. Dimopoulos MA, Delimpasi S, Katodritou E, Vassou A, Kyrtsonis MC, Repousis P,
Kartasis Z, Parcharidou A, Michael M, Michalis E, Gika D, Symeonidis A, Pouli A,
Konstantopoulos K, Terpos E, Kastritis E. Significant improvement in the survival of
patients with multiple myeloma presenting with severe renal impairment after the
introduction of novel agents. Annals of Oncology 2014;25:195-200.
270. Katodritou E, Vadikolia C, Lalagianni C, Kotsopoulou M, Papageorgiou G, Kyrtsonis MC, Matsouka P, Giannakoulas N, Kyriakou D, Karras G, Anagnostopoulos N, Michali E,
Briasoulis E, Hatzimichael E, Spanoudakis E, Zikos P, Tsakiridou A, Tsionos K, Anargyrou
K, Symeonidis A, Maniatis A, Terpos E. “Real World” data on the efficacy and safety of
lenalidomide and dexamethasone in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma
who were treated according to the standard clinical practice; a study of the Greek Myeloma
Study Group. Annals of Hematology 2014;93:129-39.
271. Asimakopoulos JV, Terpos E, Papageorgiou L, Kampouropoulou O, Christoulas D,
Giakoumis A, Samarkos M, Vaiopoulos G, Konstantopoulos K, Angelopoulou MK,
Vassilakopoulos TP, Meletis J. The presence of CD55- and/or CD59-deficient erythrocytic
populations in patients with rheumatic diseases reflects an immune-mediated bone-marrow
derived phenomenon. Medical Science Monitor 2014;20:123-39.
272. Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Less strength and more fractures for MGUS bones. Blood
273. Terpos E, Christoulas D, Kastritis E, Katodritou E, Papatheodorou A, Pouli A, Kyrtsonis
M-C, Michalis E, Papanikolaou X, Gkotzamanidou M, Koulieris E, Gavriatopoulou M,
Zervas K, Dimopoulos MA. The combination of lenalidomide and dexamethasone reduces
bone resorption in responding patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma but has
no effect on bone formation: final results on 205 patients of the Greek Myeloma Study
Group. American Journal of Hematology 2014;89:34-40.
274. Terpos E, Berenson J, Raje N, Roodman GD. Management of bone disease in multiple
myeloma. Expert Review of Hematology 2014;7:113-25.
275. Engelhardt M, Terpos E, Kleber M, Gay F, Wäsch R, Morgan G, Cavo M, van de Donk
N, Beilhack A, Bruno B, Johnsen HE, Hajek R, Driessen C, Ludwig H, Beksac M,
Boccadoro M, Straka C, Brighen S, Gramatzki M, Larocca A, Lokhorst H, Magarotto V,
Morabito F, Dimopoulos MA, Einsele H, Sonneveld P, Palumbo A. European Myeloma
Network recommendations on the evaluation and treatment of newly diagnosed patients
with multiple myeloma. Haematologica 2014;99:232-42.
276. Diamantopoulos PT, Polonyfi K, Sofotasiou M, Mantzourani M, Galanopoulos A,
Spanakis N, Papadopoulou V, Kalala F, Iliakis T, Zareifi DS, Kodandreopoulou E,
Vassilakopoulos T, Angelopoulou M, Siakantaris M, Terpos E, Variami E, Kollia P,
Vaiopoulos G, Pangalis G, Viniou NA. Survivin messenger RNA levels in Epstein-Barr
Virus-positive patients with leukemic low-grade B-cell lymphomas expressing the latent
membrane protein 1: evidence of apoptotic function? Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma &
Leukemia 2014;14:56-60.
277. Katodritou E, Terpos E, Kelaidi C, Kotsopoulou M, Delimpasi S, Kyrtsonis MC,
Symeonidis A, Giannakoulas N, Stefanoudaki A, Christoulas D, Chatziaggelidou C, Gastari
V, Spyridis N, Verrou E, Konstantinidou P, Zervas K, Dimopoulos MA. Treatment with
bortezomib-based regimens improves overall response and predicts for survival in patients
with primary or secondary plasma cell leukemia: Analysis of the Greek myeloma study
group Treatment with bortezomib-based regimens improves overall response and predicts
for survival in patients with primary or secondary plasma cell leukemia: Analysis of the
Greek myeloma study group. American Journal of Hematology 2014;89:145-50.
278. Anastasilakis AD, Polyzos SA, Makras P, Savvides M, Sakellariou GT, Gkiomisi A,
Papatheodorou A, Terpos E. Circulating periostin levels do not differ between
postmenopausal women with normal and low bone mass and are not affected by zoledronic
acid treatment. Hormone & Metabolic Research 2014;46:145-9.
279. Kastritis E, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Think to prevent before than to treat renal
impairment in multiple myeloma: do not forget tubular damage mimicking Fanconi
syndrome-Reply. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2014;15:300.
280. Mohty M, Malard F, Mohty B, Savani B, Moreau P, Terpos E. The efects of bortezomib
on bone disease in patients with multiple myeloma. Cancer 2014;120:618-23.
281. Voskaridou E, Komninaka V, Karavas A, Terpos E, Akianidis V, Christoulas D.
Combination therapy of deferasirox and deferoxamine shows significant improvements in
markers of iron overload in a patient with β-thalassaemia major and severe iron burden.
Transfusion 2014;54:646-9.
282. Zagouri F, Kastritis E, Symeonidis AS, Giannakoulas N, Katodritou E, Delimpasi S,
Repousis P, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Immunoglobulin D myeloma: clinical features and
outcome in the era of novel agents. European Journal of Haematology 2014;92:308-12.
283. Terpos E, Christoulas D, Kastritis E, Roussou M, Migkou M, Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou
E, Gavriatopoulou M, Gkotzamanidou M, Kanellias N, Manios E, Papadimitriou C,
Dimopoulos MA. VTD consolidation, without bisphosphonates, reduces bone resorption and
is associated with a very low incidence of skeletal-related events in myeloma patients postASCT. Leukemia 2014;28:928-34.
284. Ludwig H, Miguel JS, Dimopoulos MA, Palumbo A, Garcia Sanz R, Powles R, Lentzsch
S, Ming Chen W, Hou J, Jurczyszyn A, Romeril K, Hajek R, Terpos E, Shimizu K, Joshua
D, Hungria V, Rodriguez Morales A, Ben-Yehuda D, Sondergeld P, Zamagni E, Durie B.
International Myeloma Working Group recommendations for global myeloma care.
Leukemia 2014;28:981-92.
285. Gkotzamanidou M, Terpos E, Bamia C, Kyrtopoulos SA, Sfikakis PP, Dimopoulos MA,
Souliotis VL. Progressive changes in chromatin structure and DNA damage response
signals in bone marrow and peripheral blood during myelomagenesis. Leukemia
286. Abdulkadyrov KM, Salogub GN, Khuazheva NK, Sherman ML, Laadem A, Barger R,
Knight R, Srinivasan S, Terpos E. Sotatercept in patients with osteolytic lesions of multiple
myeloma. British Journal of Haematology 2014;165:814-23.
287. Liatis S, Sfikakis PP, Tsiakou A, Stathi C, Terpos E, Katsilambros N, Makrilakis K.
Baseline osteocalcin levels and incident diabetes in a 3-year prospective study of high-risk
individuals. Diabetes and Metabolism 2014;40:198-203.
288. van de Donk NW, Palumbo A, Johnsen HE, Engelhardt M, Gay F, Gregersen H, Hajek
R, Kleber M, Ludwig H, Morgan G, Musto P, Plesner T, Sezer O, Terpos E, Waage A,
Zweegman S, Einsele H, Sonneveld P, Lokhorst HM. The clinical relevance and
management of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and related
disorders: recommendations from the European Myeloma Network. Haematologica
289. Melea PI, Melakopoulos I, Kastritis E, Tesseromatis C, Margaritis V, Dimopoulos MA,
Terpos E. Conservative treatment of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in
multiple myeloma patients. International Journal of Dentistry 2014;2014:427273.
290. Makarona K, Caputo VS, Costa JR, Liu B, O’Connor D, Iskander D, Roper D, Robertson
L, Bhatnagar N, Terpos E, Georgiou E, Papaioannou M, Layton M, Luzzatto L, Roberts I,
Karadimitris A. Transcriptional and epigenetic basis for restoration of G6PD enzymatic
activity in human G6PD-deficient cells. Blood 2014;124:134-41.
291. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. Solitary bone plasmacytomas need to flow. Blood
292. Dimopoulos M, Kastritis E, Owen RG, Kyle RA, Landgren O, Morra E, Leleu X, GarcíaSanz R, Munshi N, Anderson KC, Terpos E, Ghobrial IM, Morel P, Maloney D, Rummel M,
Leblond V, Advani RH, Gertz MA, Kyriakou C, Thomas SK, Barlogie B, Gregory SA, Kimby
E, Merlini G, Treon SP. Treatment recommendations for patients with Waldenström's
Macroglobulinemia (WM) and related disorders: consensus from the Seventh International
Workshop on WM. Blood 2014;124:1404-11.
293. Stamatelopoulos K, Athanasouli F, Pappa T, Labrinoudaki I, Papamichael C, Polymeris
A, Georgiopoulos G, Vemmou A, Sarika L, Terpos E, Alevizaki M. Hemodynamic markers
and subclinical atherosclerosis in postmenopausal women with primary hyperparathyroidism. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2014;99:2704-11.
294. Katodritou E, Terpos E, Symeonidis AS, Pouli A, Kelaidi C, Kyrtsonis MC, Kotsopoulou
M, Delimpasi S, Christoforidou A, Giannakoulas N, Viniou NA, Stefanoudaki E,
Hadjiaggelidou C, Christoulas D, Verrou E, Gastari V, Papadaki S, Polychronidou G,
Papadopoulou A, Giannopoulou E, Kastritis E, Kouraklis A, Konstantinidou P,
Anagnostopoulos A, Zervas K, Dimopoulos MA. Clinical features, outcome, and prognostic
factors for survival and evolution to multiple myeloma of solitary plasmacytomas: A report of
the Greek myeloma study group in 97 patients. American Journal of Hematology
295. Zagouri F, Kastritis E, Gavriatopoulou M, Sergentanis TN, Psaltopoulou T, Terpos E,
Dimopoulos MA. Lenalidomide in patients with POEMS syndrome: A systematic review and
pooled analysis. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2014;55:2018-23.
296. Gkotzamanidou M, Terpos E, Kastritis E, Dimopoulos MA. Hematologic response and
stabilization of renal function in a patient with light chain deposition disease after
lenalidomide treatment: a novel therapeutic approach? Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma &
Leukemia 2014;14:e179-81.
297. Kastritis E, Zagouri F, Symeonidis A, Roussou M, Sioni A, Pouli A, Delimpasi S,
Katodritou E, Michalis E, Michael M, Hatzimichael E, Vassou A, Repousis P,
Christophoridou A, Kartasis Z, Stefanoudaki E, Megalakaki C, Giannouli S, Kyrtsonis MC,
Konstantopoulos K, Spyroupoulou-Vlachou M, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Preserved levels
of uninvolved immunoglobulins are independently associated with favorable outcome in
patients with symptomatic multiple myeloma. Leukemia 2014;28:2075-9.
298. Rajkumar SV, Dimopoulos MA, Palumbo A, Blade J, Merlini G, Mateos MV, Kumar S,
Hillengass J, Kastritis E, Richardson P, Landgren O, Paiva B, Dispenzieri A, Weiss B,
LeLeu X, Zweegman S, Lonial S, Rosinol L, Zamagni E, Jagannath S, Sezer O, Kristinsson
SY, Caers J, Usmani SZ, Lahuerta JJ, Johnsen HE, Beksac M, Cavo M, Goldschmidt H,
Terpos E, Kyle RA, Anderson KC, Durie BG, Miguel JF. International Myeloma Working
Group updated criteria for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Lancet Oncolοgy
299. Pianko MJ, Terpos E, Roodman GD, Divgi CR, Zweegman S, Hillengass J, Lentzsch S.
Whole-Body Low-Dose Computed Tomography and advanced imaging techniques for
multiple myeloma bone disease. Clinical Cancer Research 2014;20:5888-97.
300. Kastritis E, Moulopoulos LA, Terpos E, Koutoulidis V, Dimopoulos MA. The prognostic
importance of the presence of more than one focal lesion in spine MRI of patients with
asymptomatic (smoldering) multiple myeloma. Leukemia 2014;28:2402-3.
301. Voskaridou E, Balassopoulou A, Boutou E, Komninaka V, Christoulas D, Dimopoulou M,
Delaki EE, Loukopoulos D, Terpos E. Pregnancy in beta-thalassemia intermedia: 20-year
experience of a Greek thalassemia center. European Journal of Haematology 2014;93:4929.
302. Dimopoulos MA, Hillengass J, Usmani S, Zamagni E, Lentzsch S, Davies FE, Raje N,
Sezer O, Zweegman S, Shah J, Badros A, Shimizu K, Moreau P, Chim CS, Lahuerta JJ,
Hou J, Jurczyszyn A, Goldschmidt H, Sonneveld P, Palumbo A, Ludwig H, Cavo M,
Barlogie B, Anderson K, Roodman GD, Rajkumar SV, Durie BG, Terpos E. Role of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the management of patients with Multiple Myeloma: a
consensus statement. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2015;33:657-64.
303. Palumbo A, Bringhen S, Mateos MV, Larocca A, Facon T, Kumar SK, Offidani M,
McCarthy P, Evangelista A, Lonial S, Zweegman S, Musto P, Terpos E, Belch A, Hajek R,
Ludwig H, Stewart AK, Moreau P, Anderson K, Einsele H, Durie BG, Dimopoulos MA,
Landgren O, San Miguel JF, Richardson P, Sonneveld P, Rajkumar SV. Geriatric
assessment predicts survival and toxicities in elderly myeloma: an International Myeloma
Working Group report. Blood 2015;125:2068-7.
304. Anastasilakis AD, Polyzos SA, Makras P, Gkiomisi A, Sakellariou G, Savvidis M,
Papatheodorou A, Kokkoris P, Terpos E. Circulating semaphorin-4D and plexin-B1 levels
in postmenopausal women with low bone mass: the 3-month effect of zoledronic acid,
denosumab or teriparatide treatment. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 2015;19:299306.
305. Kastritis E, Roussou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Migkou M, Kalapanida D, Pamboucas C,
Kaldara E, Ntalianis A, Psimenou E, Toumanidis S, Tasidou A, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA.
Long term outcomes of primary systemic light chain (AL) amyloidosis in patients treated
upfront with bortezomib or lenalidomide and the importance of risk adapted strategies.
American Journal of Hematology 2015;90:E60-5.
306. Psaltopoulou T, Sergentanis TN, Sergentanis IN, Karadimitris A, Terpos E, Dimopoulos
MA. Alcohol intake, alcoholic beverage type and multiple myeloma risk: a meta-analysis on
26 observational studies. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2015;56:1484-501.
307. Gertz MA, Terpos E, Dispenzieri A, Kumar S, Shah RA, Orlowski R, Kastritis E,
Dimopoulos MA, Shah J. Therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome/acute leukemia after
multiple myeloma in the era of novel agents. Leukemia & Lymphoma 2015;56:1723-6.
308. Kastritis E, Gavriatopoulou M, Dimopoulos MA, Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou E, Kanellias
N, Roussou M, Pamboucas C, Toumanidis ST, Terpos E. Osteoprotegerin is a significant
prognostic factor for overall survival in patients with primary systemic amyloidosis
independent of the Mayo staging. Blood Cancer Journal 2015;5:e319.
309. Dimopoulos MA, Petrucci MT, Foa R, Catalano J, Kropff M, Terpos E, Zhang J, Grote L,
Jacques C, Palumbo A. Impact of maintenance therapy on subsequent treatment in
patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: use of "progression-free survival 2" as a
clinical trial end-point. Haematologica 2015;100:e328-30.
310. Kastritis E, Gavriatopoulou M, Kyrtsonis MC, Roussou M, Hadjiharissi E, Symeonidis A,
Repoussis P, Michalis E, Delimpasi S, Tsatalas K, Tsirigotis P, Vassou A, Vervessou E,
Katodritou E, Gika D, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Dexamethasone, rituximab, and
cyclophosphamide as primary treatment of Waldenström macroglobulinemia: final analysis
of a phase 2 study. Blood 2015;126:1392-4.
311. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. Reply to D.L. Cooper. Journal of Clinical Oncology
312. Liapis K, Kastritis E, Bagratouni T, Vassiliou S, Papachristidis A, Charitaki E,
Alevizopoulos N, Harhalakis N, Terpos E, Delimpasi S, Dimopoulos MA. Early tumor-cell
gene expression changes may predict the response to first-line bortezomib-based therapy
in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Journal of BUON 2015;20:1314-21.
313. Terpos E, Kleber M, Engelhardt M, Zweegman S, Gay F, Kastritis E, van de Donk
NWCJ, Bruno B, Sezer O, Broijl A, Bringhen S, Beksac M, Larocca A, Hajek R, Musto P,
Johnsen HE, Morabito F, Ludwig H, Cavo M, Einsele H, Sonneveld P, Dimopoulos MA,
Palumbo A. European Myeloma Network Guidelines for the management of Multiple
Myeloma-related complications. Haematologica 2015;100:1254-66.
314. Komninaka V, Kolomodi D, Christoulas D, Marinakis T, Papatheodorou A, Repa K,
Voskaridou E, Revenas K, Terpos E. Evaluation of bone involvement in patients with
Gaucher disease: a semi-quantitative magnetic resonance imaging method (using ROI
estimation of bone lesion) as an alternative method to semi or quantitative methods used so
far. European Journal of Haematology 2015;95:342-51.
315. Kastritis E, Kyrtsonis MC, Morel P, Gavriatopoulou M, Hatjiharissi E, Symeonidis AS,
Vassou A, Repousis P, Delimpasi S, Sioni A, Michalis E, Michael M, Vervessou E,
Voulgarelis M, Tsatalas C, Terpos E, Dimopoulos MA. Competing risk survival analysis in
patients with symptomatic Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia: the impact of disease
unrelated mortality and of rituximab-based primary therapy. Haematologica 2015;100:e4469.
316. Zagouri F, Terpos E, Kastritis E, Dimopoulos MA. An update on the use of lenalidomide
for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2015;16:186577.
317. Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E, Niesvizky R, Palumbo A. Clinical characteristics of patients
with relapsed multiple myeloma. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2015;41:827-35.
318. Katodritou E, Terpos E, Kastritis E, Delimpasis S, Symeonidis AS, Repousis P,
Kyrtsonis MC, Vadikolia C, Michalis E, Polychronidou G, Michael M, Papadaki S,
Papathanasiou M, Kokoviadou K, Kioumi A, Vlachaki E, Hadjiaggelidou C, Kouraklis A,
Patsias I, Gavriatopoulou M, Kotsopoulou M, Verrou E, Gastari V, Christoulas D,
Giannopoulou E, Pouli A, Konstantinidou P, Anagnostopoulos A, Dimopoulos MA. Lack of
survival improvement with novel anti-myeloma agents for patients with multiple myeloma
and central nervous system involvement: the Greek Myeloma Study Group experience.
Annals of Hematology 2015;94:2033-42.
319. Papassotiriou GP, Kastritis E, Gkotzamanidou M, Christoulas D, EleutherakisPapaiakovou E, Migkou M, Gavriatopoulou M, Roussou M, Margeli A, Papassotiriou I,
Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E. Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin and Cystatin C are
sensitive markers of renal injury in patients with Multiple Myeloma. Clinical Lymphoma
Myeloma & Leukemia 2016;16:29-35.
320. Charitaki E, Kastritis E, Petraki C, Liapis K, Adamidis K, Apostolou T, Christodoulidou C,
Nikolopoulou N, Terpos E, Nakopoulou L, Dimopoulos MA. Glomerular expression of
matrix metalloproteinases in AL-amyloidosis and association with renal function at the time
of kidney biopsy. Clinical Nephrology 2016;85:44-54.
321. Raje N, Vadhan-Raj S, Willenbacher W, Terpos E, Hungria V, Spencer A, Alexeeva Y,
Facon T, Stewart AK, Feng A, Braun A, Balakumaran A, Roodman GD. Evaluating results
from the multiple myeloma patient subset treated with denosumab or zoledronic acid in a
randomized phase 3 trial. Blood Cancer Journal 2016;6:e378.
322. Vassilakopoulos TP, Pangalis GA, Chatziioannou S, Papageorgiou S, Angelopoulou MK,
Galani Z, Kourti G, Prassopoulos V, Leonidopoulou T, Terpos E, Dimopoulou MN,
Sachanas S, Kalpadakis C, Konstantinidou P, Boutsis D, Stefanoudaki E, Kyriazopoulou L,
Siakantaris MP, Kyrtsonis MC, Variami E, Kotsianidis I, Symeonidis A, Michali E, Katodritou
E, Kokkini G, Tsatalas C, Papadaki H, Dimopoulos MA, Sotiropoulos V, Pappa V, Karmiris
T, Meletis J, Apostolidis J, Datseris I, Panayiotidis P, Konstantopoulos K, Roussou P,
Rondogianni P. PET/CT in primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma responding to
rituximab-CHOP: An analysis of 106 patients regarding prognostic significance and
implications for subsequent radiotherapy. Leukemia 2016;30:238-42.
323. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Kountouras J, Makras P, Papatheodorou A, Kokkoris P,
Sakellariou GT, Terpos E. Circulating sclerostin and Dickkopf-1 levels in patients with
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 2016; in press.
324. Body JJ, Pereira J, Sleeboom H, Maniadakis N, Terpos E, Acklin YP, Finek J, Gunther
O, Hechmati G, Mossman T, Costa L, Rogowski W, Nahi H, von Moos R. Health resource
utilization associated with skeletal-related events: results from a retrospective European
study. European Journal of Health Economics 2016; in press.
325. Laubach J, Garderet L, Mahindra A, Gahrton G, Caers J, Sezer O, Voorhees P, Leleu X,
Johnsen HE, Streetly M, Ludwig H, Mellqvist UH, Chng WJ, Pilarski L, Einsele H, Hou J,
Turesson I, Zamagni E, Chim J, Mazumder A, Westin J, Lu J, Reiman T, Kristinsson S, Joshua
D, Roussel M, O'Gorman P, Terpos E, Dimopoulos M, Moreau P, Anderson K, Palumbo A,
Kumar S, Rajkumar V, Durie B, Richardson P. Management of relapsed multiple myeloma:
Recommendations of the international myeloma working group. Leukemia 2016; in press.
326. Dimopoulos MA, Sonneveld P, Leung N, Merlini G, Ludwig H, Kastritis E, Goldschmidt
H, Joshua D, Orlowski RZ, Powles R, Vesole DH, Garderet L, Einsele H, Palumbo A, Cavo
M, Richardson PG, Moreau P, San Miguel J, Rajkumar SV, Durie BGM, Terpos E.
International Myeloma Working Group recommendations for the diagnosis and
management of myeloma-related renal impairment. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016; in
327. Cohen YC, Joffe E, Benyamini N, Dimopoulos MA, Terpos E, Trestman S, HeldKuznetsov V, Avivi I, Kastritis E. Primary failure of bortezomib in newly diagnosed multiple
myeloma - understanding the magnitude, predictors, and significance. Leukemia &
Lymphoma 2016; in press.
328. Bagratuni T, Terpos E, Eleutherakis-Papaiakovou E, Kalapanida D, Gavriatopoulou M,
Migkou M, Liacos CI, Tasidou A, Matsouka C, Mparmparousi D, Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E.
TLR4/TIRAP polymorphisms are associated with progression and survival of patients with
symptomatic myeloma. British Journal of Haematology 2016; in press.
1. Terpos E, Rahemtulla A. New insights into the treatment of multiple myeloma. Postgraduate
Doctor Journal 2005; 21: 123-8.
2. Mountzios G, Pavlakis G, Terpos E, Sakorafas G, Revelos K, Bamias A, Nikolaou N,
Papasavas P, Soria JC, Dimopoulos MA. Concurrent development of testicular seminoma
and choriocarcinoma of the superior mediastinum, presented as cervical mass: a case report
and implications about pathogenesis of germ-cell tumours. BMC Clinical Pathology 2006;6:8.
3. Voskaridou E, Terpos E. Pathogenesis and management of osteoporosis in thalassemia.
Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 2008;6 Suppl 1:86-93.
4. Terpos E, Voskaridou E. Interactions between osteoclasts, osteoblasts and immune cells:
implications into pathogenesis of bone loss in thalassemia. Pediatric Endocrinology
Reviews 2008;6 Suppl 1:94-106.
5. Polyzos SA, Anastasilakis AD, Terpos E. Paget’s disease of bone: emphasis on treatment
with zoledronic acid. Expert Reviews of Endocrinoly and Metabolism 2009;4:423-34.
6. Polyzos SA, Kountouras J, Zavos C, Papatheodorou A, Katsiki E, Patsiaoura K, Zafeiriadou
E, Michael S, Terpos E. Serum ferritin in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease:
evaluation of ferritin to adiponectin ratio and ferritin by homeostatic model of assessment
insulin resistance product as non-invasive markers. Immuno-Gastroenterology 2012; 12:119-125.
7. Kyrtsonis M-C, Koulieris E, Maltezas D, Tzenou T, Harding S, Kastritis E, Kafassi N, Bartzis
V, Efthymiou A, Bitsanis K, Gavriatopoulou M, Terpos E, Kalpadakis C, Angelopoulou MK,
Vassilakopoulos TP, Bradwell AR, Beris Ph, Pangalis GA, Panayiotidis P, Dimopoulos MA.
Prognostic contribution of the new immunoglobulin (Ig) biomarkers (FreeliteTM and
HevyliteTM) in Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia (WM). American Journal of Medicine and
Medical Sciences 2012;2:136-143.
8. Terpos E, Christoulas D. Effects of proteasome inhibitors on bone cancer. BoneKey
Reports 2013;2:395 (1-5).
9. Karadimou A, Gavalas N, Tsiatas M, Sereti E, Trachana P-S, Spyropoulou-Vlachou M,
Karga E, Terpos E, Tsitsilonis O, Dimopoulos MA, Bamias A. Pre-treatment status and
changes in autoantibodies, lymphocytic populations, cytokines and VEGF during sunitinib
treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Translational Medicine
10. Terpos E, Christoulas D, Kastritis E, Dimopoulos MA. Angiogenic cytokines levels in
Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia: clinical correlations. Current Angiogenesis 2013;2:1049.
11. Terpos E, Kanellias N, Giannopoulos K. Biology and management of mieloma-related bone
disease. Acta Haematologica Polonica 2014;45:107-21.
12. van de Donk NW, Palumbo A, Johnsen HE, Engelhardt M, Gay F, Gregersen H, Hajek R,
Kleber M, Ludwig H, Morgan G, Musto P, Plesner T, Sezer O, Terpos E, Waage A,
Zweegman S, Einsele H, Sonneveld P, Lokhorst HM.De klinische relevantie en aanpak van
MGUS en MGUS-gerelateerde ziekten: aanbevelingen van het “European Myeloma
Network”. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Hematologie 2014;7:302-17.
13. Terpos E, Confavreux CB, Clézardin P. Bone antiresorptive agents in the treatment of
bone metastases associated with solid tumours or multiple myeloma. Bonekey Reports
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