Grading - Greenwich Public Schools

Honors Latin Seminar (Block 8)
Greenwich High School, 2012-2013
Ms. Fusco
TENTATIVE1 syllabus2 for 29 August 2012-27 November 2012
29 August 2012
30 August 2012
31 August 2012
5 September 2012
6 September 2012
7 September 2012
11 September 2012 (B)
12 September 2012
13 September 2012
18 September 2012
19 September 2012 (G)
Catullus 1 (translation and workbook)
More on Catullus 1 (discussion)
Cover textbooks;
Read pp. 1-18;
Answer questions 1-8 on p. 213;
Prepare Comparison questions p. 22 and Discussion 4 on p. 23
Catullus 2 and 2 b
Re-read pp. 1-18;
Answer questions 9-16 on pp. 22-234;
Translate Catullus 2 and 2B (pp. 25-29)
Catullus 3
Translate Catullus 3 (pp. 303-2)
Graded Quiz Catullus 2 and 3
More on Catullus 3;
Review Catullus 2, 2b, and 3
Catullus 4 (workbook)
Translate Catullus 4 (pp. 34-41)
Review present subjunctive (LFA II pp. 60-61)
Graded Quiz on Catullus V; Catullus VII
Review Catullus V;
Workbook pp. 20-22
Obtain Catullus 6 translation and read it
More on Catullus VII (workbook)
Translate Catullus 7 (pp. 54-59)
Graded Quiz (present subjunctive);
Type out and scan Catullus 55
Catullus 8 (workbook)
Translate Catullus 8 (pp. 60-65)
Scansion mini-quiz
Translate Catullus 9 (pp. 66-69)
Obtain and listen to Salt and’ Pepa’s “Let’s Talk About . . “
and Pat Benatar’s “Gonna Harden My Heart . . “;
type out and scan Catullus 9
These assignments are truly tentative and are always superseded by verbal instructions in class.
This is a list of DUE DATES!
All assignments are in Love and Betrayal (LAB) unless otherwise noted.
All assignments are in Love and Betrayal (LAB) unless otherwise noted.
You might find it interesting to listen to the link found on my website!
Honors Latin Seminar (Block 8--drop A & E)
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20 September 2012
24 September 2012 (B)
25 September 20126 (C)
27 September 2012 (D)
Catullus 11
Translate Catullus 11 (lines 1-8) (pp. 78-87);
Obtain Catullus 10 translation and read it
Review Day I
“Make a diagram showing the pattern of relationship among the poems in
the collection, noting how the themes of Lesbia, travel and the whore
intertwine.” (p. 87)
Re-read and carefully consider pp. 85-87; p. 64; 58-59
Resolve any issues in Catullus I-XI;
bring six unresolved questions;
bring a recording of a song you feel relates to a Catullus poem
re-read p. 87
Oral presentations; group review
review pp. 1-87
1 October 2012
2 October 2012
3 October 2012
Review Catullus 12; (workbook; discuss hw?—group’s choice!)
create a vocabulary list for Catullus 12;
write five notes you wish were there;
bring any unresolved questions;
prepare (not necessarily write out) Initial Explorations pp. 89-91
5 October 2012
Catullus 13
translate Catullus 13 (pp. 92-95)
type out (triple-spaced) and scan Catullus 13 (lines 1-10);
prepare (not necessarily write out) Initial Explorations 1-6 (pp. 93-95)
9 October 2012
Discuss Catullus 13 via groups and workbook
review Catullus 13 (pp. 92-95)
create a vocabulary list for Catullus 13;
list unresolved translation issues in Catullus 13;
write out Initial Explorations 7 (p. 95)** [be sure to hand in]
10 October 2012
Vocabulary Quiz on Catullus 12 and 13
sight read Catullus 14A lines 1-7 (handout)
12 October 2012
Catullus 14A; sight-read Catullus 14A lines 21-22 (workbook Catullus 14)
translate Catullus 14A lines 8-20;
type out (triple-spaced) and scan Catullus 14A lines 8-15
TEST (Focus on I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, XI)
Meter: more on hendecasyllabic; Catullus 12
translate Catullus 12 (pp. 88-91)
type out (triple-spaced) and scan Catullus 12 (lines 1-5);
study p. 14 and pp. 16-17;
study pp. 436-437 (LFAII7) and meter discussion in book
Progress Reports are due on 1 October 2012. Unfortunately, I shall not have any real major grades by then . . .
LFAII=Latin for Americans Book II (big textbook)
Honors Latin Seminar (Block 8--drop A & E)
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15 October 2012
Discuss Catullus 14 A; write test questions
create a vocabulary list for Catullus 14A
16 October 200***(H)
Test (Catullus 12, 13, 14A) {includes meter, poetic figures, etc.)
18 October 2012
Catullus 22
translate Catullus 22 lines 1-11 (pp. 96-101)
type out (triple-spaced) and scan Catullus 22 (lines 1-8);
prepare (not necessarily write out) Initial Explorations 1-4 (pp. 97-99)
19 October 2012
In-class writing: draft essay
22 October 2012
Catullus 22
translate Catullus 22 lines 12-21 (pp. 96-101)
write out Initial Explorations 5-9 (pp. 99-101)
24 October 2012
In class writing polished revised essay due for peer review
Discuss Catullus 22 in groups (workbook)
(you may wish to think about Discussion questions on p. 101 in advance)
25 October 2012
26 October 20128
Memorization Project Due
Creative Project
Catullus 30 (sightread—in packet)
30 October 2012
Review Catullus 30
list (with line number) and analyze 12 challenging forms in Catullus 30
Think about: With which poem would you pair this one? Why was it
added into the AP Syllabus?
31October 2012
Catullus 31 (LaB pp. 104-107)—workbook or discussion
translate Catullus 31 lines 1-14 (pp. 104-107) but do not write out;
type out (triple-spaced) TWICE!;
scan Catullus 31 (lines 1-10) over one of the preceding;
write out Initial Explorations 1-12 (pp. 104-107)
1 November 2012
Translate Catullus 31
prepare (not necessarily write out) Discussion 1-3 (p. 107)
5 November 2012
Sight-read Catullus 34 (pp. 108-111)
7 November 2012
Catullus 35 (pp.112-115)
translate Catullus 35 lines 1-18
type out (triple-spaced) and scan Catullus 35 (lines 1-10)
8 November 2012
Review Catullus 35 (pp. 112-115)—group presentations
Initial Explorations 1-12 (pp. 112-115) in groups
list and analyze all verbs (if subjunctive, explain use and tense) in order
Grades close in this course for First Marking Period
Honors Latin Seminar (Block 8--drop A & E)
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13 November 2012
Sight read Catullus 36 (lines 1-10), pp. 116-119
14 November 2012
Create test questions for Catullus 22, 30, 31, 35, 369
15 November 2012 (D) Oral Recitation Due
Take each other’s tests
19 November 2012
Review Catullus 36
Translate Catullus 36 (lines 11-20), pp. 118-121
Type out and scan two lines with a partner
20 November 2012
Group review (22, 30, 31)
Bring five unresolved issues for these three poems
21 November 2012
Group Review (35, 36)
Bring five unresolved issues for these three poems
27 November 2012(B)
TEST (22, 30, 31, 35, 36)
daily work (homeworkR10, class participation,11 classworkR)
quizzesR, testsR, and projectsR
Grading Symbols and Standards
√+ = 150%
√ = 100%
√- = 0%
Homework must be on time, accurately labeled, legible and represent a significant effort (that is correct);
such homework will earn a √. Inaccurately labeled, illegible, careless, late homework will receive a √-.
Occasionally homework will earn a conventional grade based on accuracy. Homework will be collected
rarely and sporadically. Written assignments must be accomplished independently. Be sure to adhere
to GHS Honor code.
Class participation will also be evaluated with the √ system. As long as a student makes an effort, has a
positive attitude, is prepared and on time, is consistently on task, and respects his or her colleagues, each
day he or she will earn a check, i.e., 100% for class participation. If, however, the student does not meet
these requirements, he or she will earn a zero.
Be sure to bring packet and LaB everyday!!! I’ll try to remind you for days when you will need to bring LFAII.
This will be collected sporadically and unannounced! Sometimes class translation will count as a homework grade.
Must be on time, completely prepared, and totally cooperative to earn credit.
Honors Latin Seminar (Block 8--drop A & E)
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Graded Quizzes and tests will be graded in a conventional way, i.e., the number right divided by the number
of possibilities for a correct response.
The creative project will be graded on accuracy and creativity; an excellent presentation may raise this grade
but in no case will the presentation lower the project grade. The oral recitation projects and memorization
project will be graded using the attached standards.
Extra help
Ms. Fusco is available before and after school by appointment. In addition, peer tutoring can be arranged
with Ms. Fusco. Ms. Fusco can be reached via e-mail before 9 p.m. at
but only GPS Gmail accounts!
Make-up quizzes and tests will be in Bella Learning Center.
All work must be made-up within three days of an excused absence.
Oral Recitation Project
Due by 27 September 2012
This is an oral project that you must present individually by appointment to Ms. Fusco. You may do this
during class or by appointment. You must present an elegant, accurate translation of Catullus ( 1 or 2 or 3
or 4 or 11). You must present the last sentence without using any notes. You must hand in a copy of your
notes at the start of the presentation12 .
Grading (tentative)
One point off for each error will generate the following grades and points.
0 -2
11-14 B
14-15 B-
16-17 C+
18-21 C
22-23 C-
24-25 D
26-29 D-
more than 29 errors and less than 35 errors--E
Catullus Memorization Assignment
more than 35 errors--no credit
Due: 25 October 2012
You must memorizefive to eight lines of any poem of your choice that we have read this quarter. The lines
must form a logical sense unit. You must recite with GREAT expression that demonstrates that you know
both the meaning and context of your lines. Be prepared to explain to the class why you chose the lines
that you did. Counts as double hw and quiz grade.
Lingua Latina Vivit Project
At least once per marking period, each student will submit an example of Latin that he or she found in daily life. This will
count as a mini-project grade (.5 of other project grades).
This means you need to bring TWO copies of your notes to your appointment as well as your book or text of poem.
Honors Latin Seminar (Block 8--drop A & E)
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Oral Recitation II
Due: 15 November 2012
This is an oral project that you must present in a group by appointment to Ms. Fusco. Appointments may
be made during class time.
You must present an elegant, accurate translation of Catullus (12 or 22 or 30 or 31). You must present the
last sentence without using any notes. You must hand in a copy of your notes at the start of the
Grading (tentative)
One point off for each error will generate the following grades and points.
0 -2
11-13 B
13-14 B-
15-16 C+
17-21 C
22-23 C-
24-25 D
26-29 D-
more than 29 errors and less than 35 errors--E
more than 35 errors--no credit
Creative Project Requirements
The creative project is worth approximately nine percent of your first marking period grade. No late
projects will be accepted--if you are not in school, your project must be there to earn credit. Please follow
the directions below with great care! Choose only ONE project! You may work in pairs or trio except
as noted.
Date due: 26 October 201214
Create a list of 25 English derivatives from 25 different Latin words from the poems we have
read this quarter.
Be sure to meet the following requirements:
number and type your list with complete and absolute precision;
give the Latin word from the text with poem and line number first;
give the necessary for the Latin word from which the English word is derived next;
finally give an English derivative;
spell everything accurately.
Each derivative will be worth four points and you may do more (maximum=30) for extra credit.
BEWARE: no partial credit!
This means you need to bring TWO copies of your notes to your appointment as well as your book or text of poem.
14 Be sure to see Ms. Fusco with any questions! NO
Honors Latin Seminar (Block 8--drop A & E)
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Create an original work of art based on the Latin that we have read in class. This may be a story, a
poem, a painting, a drawing, a photograph, a model, a piece of pottery, a sculpture. Be sure,
however, that all the details from the text are obvious in your work. Please label your work with the
page from your text. This is an independent project.
*III. Create a list of 20 English derivatives from Latin words that you have found in Jude the Obscure
(Hardy) or Middlemarch (Eliot) or Hard Times (Dickens).
Be sure to meet the following requirements:
photocopy the pages from the novel15 and highlight the derivatives;
make a typed list of the English words that you have underlined;
give the necessary for the Latin word from which the English word is derived with
meticulous accuracy writing out all forms and following the pattern we have established in
spell everything accurately.
Each derivative will be worth five points and you may do more (maximum=24) for extra credit.
BEWARE: no partial credit! This is an independent project.
Set a Catullus poem to music and perform it.
Create a “talk show” (Jerry Springer?!) based on the poems. Be sure to have props and costumes!
The whole class may do this.
Translate Horace I.11 elegantly and accurately. You may do this as an oral or written project. If
you choose to accomplish this in writing, be sure that your work is flawless, typed, and triplespaced.
Date due:
Oral Recitation Project
26 October 2012
Due: ?
This is an oral project that you must present in a duet or trio in class to Ms. Fusco. You must present an
elegant, accurate translation of Catullus (35 or 36). You must present the last sentence without using any
notes. You must hand in a copy of your notes at the start of the presentation16 .
Grading (tentative)
One point off for each error will generate the following grades and points.
0 -1
14-15 C
18-20 D-
more than 20=no credit
Be sure to give the author and title.
This means you need to bring TWO copies of your notes to your appointment as well as your book or text of poem.
Honors Latin Seminar (Block 8--drop A & E)
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