Time Complexity
The total number of steps involved in a solution to solve a problem is the function of the size of the
problem, which is the measure of that problem’s time complexity.
some general order that we can consider
(c) < O(log n) < O(n) < O(n log n) < O(nc) < O(cn) < O(n!), where c is some constant.
Space Complexity
Space complexity is measured by using polynomial amounts of memory, with an infinite amount of time.
The difference between space complexity and time complexity is that space can be reused.
Space complexity is not affected by determinism or nondeterminism.
Amount of computer memory required during the program execution, as a function of the
input size
A small amount of space, deterministic machines can simulate nondeterministic machines,
where as in time complexity, time increase exponentially in this case. A nondeterministic
TM using O(n) space can be changed to a deterministic TM using only O 2(n) space.
Complexity: why bother?
When you write/run a program, you need to be able to predict its
needs, its requirements.
Usual requirements
- execution time
- memory space
Quantities to estimate
execution time  time complexity
memory space  space complexity
It is pointless to run a program that requires:
- 6TeraB of RAM on a desktop machine;
- 10,000 years to run. . .
You do not want to wait for an hour:
- for the result of your query on Google;
- when you are checking your bank account online;
- when you are opening a picture file on Photoshop;
- etc.
 It is important to write efficient algorithms
Complexity Classes
Deterministic Polynomial Time
Hardest problems in P solvable on parallel computers
Nondeterministic polynomial time and YES answers checkable in
polynomial time
Nondeterministic polynomial time and NO answers checkable in
polynomial time
Hardest problems in NP
Hardest problems in CO-NP
At least as hard as NP-complete problems
Solvable parallel computation efficiency
Polynomial memory with unlimited time
Hardest problems in PSPACE
Exponential time
Exponential memory with unlimited time
Polynomial time on a quantum computer
Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, m
and n.
Program (in C):
int gcd(int m, int n)
/* precondition: m>0 and n>0.Let g=gcd(m,n). */
while( m > 0 )
{ /* invariant: gcd(m,n)=g */
if( n > m )
{ int t = m; m = n; n = t; } /* swap */
/* m >= n > 0 */
m -= n;
return n;
At the start of each iteration of the loop, either n>m or m?n.
(i) If m?n, then m is replaced by m-n which is smaller than the previous value of m, and still
(ii) If n>m, m and n are exchanged, and at the next iteration case (i) will apply.
So at each iteration, max(m,n) either remains unchanged (for just one iteration) or it decreases.
This cannot go on for ever because m and n are integers (this fact is important), and eventually a
lower limit is reached, when m=0 and n=g.
So the algorithm does terminate.
Good test values would include:
special cases where m or n equals 1, or
m, or n, or both equal small primes 2, 3, 5, …, or
products of two small primes such as p1×p2 and p3×p2,
some larger values, but ones where you know the answers,
swapped values, (x,y) and (y,x), because gcd(m,n)=gcd(n,m).
The objective in testing is to "exercise" all paths through the code, in different combinations.
We can also consider the best,average and worst cases.
Average vs. worst-case complexity
Definition (Worst-case complexity)
The worst-case complexity is the complexity of an algorithm when
the input is the worst possible with respect to complexity.
Definition (Average complexity)
The average complexity is the complexity of an algorithm that is
averaged over all the possible inputs (assuming a uniform
distribution over the inputs).
We assume that the complexity of the algorithm is T(i) for an
input i. The set of possible inputs of size n is denoted In.
Big-O Notation Analysis of Algorithms
Big Oh NotationA convenient way of describing the growth rate of a function and hence the time complexity
of an algorithm.
Let n be the size of the input and f (n), g(n) be positive functions of n.
The time efficiency of almost all of the algorithms we have discussed can be characterized by
only a few growth rate functions:
I. O(l) - constant time
This means that the algorithm requires the same fixed number of steps regardless of the size
of the task.
Examples (assuming a reasonable implementation of the task):
A. Push and Pop operations for a stack (containing n elements);
B. Insert and Remove operations for a queue.
II. O(n) - linear time
This means that the algorithm requires a number of steps proportional to the size of the task.
Examples (assuming a reasonable implementation of the task):
A. Traversal of a list (a linked list or an array) with n elements;
B. Finding the maximum or minimum element in a list, or sequential search in an unsorted
list of n elements;
C. Traversal of a tree with n nodes;
D. Calculating iteratively n-factorial; finding iteratively the nth Fibonacci number.
III. O(n2) - quadratic time
The number of operations is proportional to the size of the task squared.
A. Some more simplistic sorting algorithms, for instance a selection sort of n elements;
B. Comparing two two-dimensional arrays of size n by n;
C. Finding duplicates in an unsorted list of n elements (implemented with two nested loops).
IV. O(log n) - logarithmic time
A. Binary search in a sorted list of n elements;
B. Insert and Find operations for a binary search tree with n nodes;
C. Insert and Remove operations for a heap with n nodes.
V. O(n log n) - "n log n " time
A. More advanced sorting algorithms - quicksort, mergesort
VI. O(an) (a > 1) - exponential time
A. Recursive Fibonacci implementation
B. Towers of Hanoi
C. Generating all permutations of n symbols
The best time in the above list is obviously constant time, and the worst is exponential time which, as
we have seen, quickly overwhelms even the fastest computers even for relatively small n.
Polynomial growth (linear, quadratic, cubic, etc.) is considered manageable as compared to
exponential growth.
Order of asymptotic behavior of the functions from the above list:
Using the "<" sign informally, we can say that
O(l) < O(log n) < O(n) < O(n log n) < O(n2) < O(n3) < O(an)
A word about O(log n) growth:
As we know from the Change of Base Theorem, for any a, b > 0, and a, b != 1
loga n = C logb n
where C is a constant equal to loga b.
Since functions that differ only by a constant factor have the same order of growth, O(log2 n) is the
same as O(log n).
Therefore, when we talk about logarithmic growth, the base of the logarithm is not important, and we
can say simply O(log n).
A word about Big-O when a function is the sum of several terms:
If a function (which describes the order of growth of an algorithm) is a sum of several terms, its order
of growth is determined by the fastest growing term. In particular, if we have a polynomial
p(n) = aknk + ak-1nk-1 + … + a1n + a0
its growth is of the order nk:
p(n) = O(nk)