Minutes - Genomics Forum

Genomics at APHA
Tuesday January 16, 2007
3:00 PM EST
Present on call:
Frances Atkinson, APHA
Sylvia Au, Hawaii Department of Health
Janice Bach, Michigan Department of Community Health
Lisa Bashert, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Life Sciences & Society Program
Donald Barr, Stanford University, Department of Sociology
Teresa Doksum, Abt Associates Inc.
Deb Duquette, Michigan Department of Community Health
Lacy Fehrenbach, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)
Emily Galpern, Center for Genetics and Society
Penny Kyler, HRSA, Maternal and Child Health Bureau
Rick Kittles, University of Chicago, Department of Medicine, Section of Genetic Medicine
Elizabeth Levy, CDC, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
Joe McInerney, National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG)
Sally Meyer, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Center for Public Health & Community
Andel Nicasio, Dominican Women's Development Center
James O'Leary, Genetic Alliance, Inc.
Perry Payne, The George Washington University, Law School
Jody Platt, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Life Sciences & Society Program
Kate Reed, National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG)
Emylou Rodriguez, Community Genetics Education, March of Dimes
Rebecca Santos, University of Chicago, Department of Medicine, Section of Genetic Medicine
Carol Stone, Connecticut Department of Health
FORUM: A Forum is a new membership unit composed of APHA members who are working
together on cross-cutting issues in public health and engages expertise that may reside in more
than one section or SPIG. To be recognized as a Forum, we need 75 APHA members. Once
approved, a Forum can seek funding opportunities, but APHA asks that we get permission
(show letter) to avoid competing applications. A Forum can sponsor two scientific sections and
gets a business meeting at the Annual Conference, as well as a listserv. A Forum must reapply
every 3 years.
SPIG: A SPIG requires 100 new APHA members and it is understood to be on the trajectory of
becoming a Section. A Forum may become a SPIG after a minimum of 18 months, if desired.
To assure that new members to the Forum may be part of the 100 new members required for a
SPIG, new members may be asked to not sign up for a Section.
CAUCUS: According to the recently created memo of understanding, a Caucus is a group that
shares demographic characteristics or a shared philosophy. Given this definition, this is not the
appropriate organizational unit for our group as originally thought.
With further questions, contact frances.atkinson@apha.org 202-777-2483.
Decision: We decided to begin work on the APHA Forum application.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Forum application procedure is as follows: review of application
and Forum approval by the Intersectional Council; they have 30 days to say yea or nay; then it
is reviewed by the Executive Board; the entire process should not take longer than 3 months.
Because of the stay on new organizational units, there is an approximately 6 month backlog of
applications. Official approval is probable this year (before the annual meeting). While it is not
possible to sponsor scientific sessions this year, it is likely that there will be meeting space
available for a business meeting. Jody will follow up with Fran to find out when space will be
confirmed; if necessary, the Genetics and Bioethics unit of the MCH section might be able to
provide meeting space as well. A tentative timeline for application completion is 6 months.
POSSIBLE SUPPORTING UNITS: Population & Family Planning, Reproductive Health section
is convening a new Task Force on Emerging and Reproductive Technologies; and could be a
possible supporter. (See Emily Galpern). Also, the Maternal and Child Health Section has a
Genetics & Bioethics Unit (Penny Kyler) that could help as we put this forum together.
Community Health Planning and Policy Development Section is another possible place to seek
support (Emylou Rodriguez).
While genomics is relatively new to APHA (with the exceptions noted above), we do not
anticipate reluctance in working to bring a greater presence of genomics to the public health
There was a brief discussion of goals & objectives and areas of interest and expertise.
Decision: Goal should be broad and objectives should more specific, reflecting the
interests of Forum members. Some of these included 1) linking social science and medical
science, 2) increasing genetics literacy, 3) promoting values of equality in genomics and public
health, 4) bioethics, etc. It was noted that this is not explicitly requested in the application.
Decision: Participants will send information on areas of expertise and interest to Jody;
these will provide initial framework for draft Statement of Intent.
Writing Group - Joe McInerney (add genetic input), Carol Stone, Rebecca Santos, Liz Levy, Deb
Duquette, Jody Platt
Review Group - James O’Leary, Penny Kyler, Liz Levy, Emylou Rodriguez, Emily Galpern,
Teresa Doksum, Andel Nicasio will review from Hispanic perspective.
At our next meeting, a draft of main points will be presented.
Emylou Rodriguez will talk to the Community Health Planning and Policy Development Section
about a letter of support. Penny Kyler will be a contact to the Maternal and Child Health
Emylou Rodriguez and Liz Levy said that they would be willing to help identify members.
Decision: Emylou Rodriguez will ask CHPPD Section if they would be willing to write a
letter of support.
Target date to complete application is June 2007. Approval should be in place by the APHA
conference in Washington DC (November 3-7, 2007). Jody will ask Fran if this timeframe is
 Listserv: genomics.forum@umich.edu
 Conference call line – Provided by March of Dimes, Thank you.
 Website TBD
Action Items:
 All give summary of expertise & area of work to Jody, she can compile them into themes
for discussion of Statement of Intent.
 Jody will create an online presence or site
 Jody will talk to Fran about getting a copy of a previously submitted forum application
from another group, ask about our target completion date for the application, and confirm
business meeting (or get a date for confirmation)
 Jody will send out minutes from this meeting within a week.
Next call will be 2/20/07 at 3PM EST.