Table of Contents 1. 2. Exception Handling ............................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. Try Catch block – Handling the exception in the same method ................................................... 2 1.2. Try Catch block – Handling the exception in the caller method .............................................. 2 1.3. No try catch block – Exception handled by JVM ........................................................................... 3 Multi-Threading .................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Using Thread Class ........................................................................................................................ 3 2.2. Using Runnable Interface .............................................................................................................. 4 2.3 Using synchronized keyword in methods ........................................................................................... 5 3. 4. 5. Static Keyword ...................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1. Use of Static .................................................................................................................................. 6 3.2. Calling non static from static – This will give compile time error. ................................................ 6 String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder ......................................................................................................... 7 4.1. String ............................................................................................................................................. 7 4.2. StringBuffer ................................................................................................................................... 8 4.3. StringBuilder ................................................................................................................................. 8 Collections ............................................................................................................................................. 9 5.1. List ................................................................................................................................................. 9 5.2. Set ............................................................................................................................................... 10 5.3. Map ............................................................................................................................................. 10 5.3.1. 6. Using Entry Set Class ............................................................................................................... 11 Generics .............................................................................................................................................. 12 1. Exception Handling 1.1.Try Catch block – Handling the exception in the same method Use the try and catch block to throw and handle exception. Arithemetic Exception is unchecked exception. So, not using try/catch block is also fine. package com.sample.example; public class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ try{ int a=100; int b=0; int c = a/b; System.out.println("The result of a/b is "+c); }catch(ArithmeticException aex){ System.out.println("Cannot divide by 0"); } } } Output: Cannot divide by 0 1.2.Try Catch block – Handling the exception in the caller method The try catch code blocks are in the caller method and the exception generated will be handled in the caller. package com.sample.example; public class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ int a=100; int b=0; try{ System.out.println("The result of the a/b is "+returnResultOfDivision(a, b)); }catch(ArithmeticException aex){ System.out.println("In the caller method - Cannot divide by zero"); } } public static int returnResultOfDivision(int a, int b)throws ArithmeticException{ return a/b; } } Output: In the caller method - Cannot divide by zero 1.3.No try catch block – Exception handled by JVM Remove the try and catch block and use the throws clause to throw the exception generated to the caller method. As Arithmetic Exception is an unchecked exception, we need not write it using the throws clause. The exception will travel up the exception stack and finally is handled by jvm. package com.sample.example; public class Example { public static void main(String args[])throws ArithemeticExcpetion{ int a=100; int b=0; System.out.println("The result of the a/b is "+returnResultOfDivision(a, b)); } public static int returnResultOfDivision(int a, int b)throws ArithmeticException{ return a/b; } } Output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at com.sample.example.Example.returnResultOfDivision( at com.sample.example.Example.main( 2. Multi-Threading 2.1.Using Thread Class Create a mythread class by extending the Thread class and overriding the run method. The run method is the starting point for the thread. Thread.start() method starts the thread and puts it in the Ready state. package com.sample.example; class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ myThread t1 = new myThread(); myThread t2 = new myThread(); myThread t3 = new myThread(); t1.setName("t1"); t2.setName("t2"); t3.setName("t3"); t1.start(); t2.start(); t3.start(); } } class myThread extends Thread{ public void run(){ System.out.println("This is thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName()); } } Output: This is This is This is (May differ for different machines based on JVM) thread t1 thread t3 thread t2 2.2.Using Runnable Interface Create a myThread class implementing the run method and implementing the Runnable interface. Set the name of individual threads as t1, t2 and t3 and observe the results. The order of thread execution is determined by different parameters and cannot be controlled. package com.sample.example; class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ Thread t1 = new Thread(new myThread()); Thread t2 = new Thread(new myThread()); Thread t3 = new Thread(new myThread()); t1.setName("t1"); t2.setName("t2"); t3.setName("t3"); t1.start(); t2.start(); t3.start(); } } class myThread implements Runnable{ public void run(){ System.out.println("Running thread "+Thread.currentThread().getName()); } } Ouput: (May differ for different machines based on JVM) Running thread t2 Running thread t1 Running thread t3 2.3 Using synchronized keyword in methods Create a class myCustomClass with a count variable. Increment the count variable using different instances of thread and see the observe the value of count. Observe the value of count without the synchronized keyword for inconsistency. package com.sample.example; class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ myCustomClass customClass = new myCustomClass(); Thread t1 = new Thread(new myThread(customClass)); Thread t2 = new Thread(new myThread(customClass)); Thread t3 = new Thread(new myThread(customClass)); t1.setName("t1"); t2.setName("t2"); t3.setName("t3"); t1.start(); t2.start(); t3.start(); customClass.printValue(); } } class myCustomClass{ private int count=1; public synchronized void increment(){ count++; } public void printValue(){ System.out.println("Count is "+count); } } class myThread implements Runnable{ private myCustomClass customClass; public myThread(myCustomClass object){ customClass=object; } public void run(){ customClass.increment(); } } Output: Count is 2 3. Static Keyword 3.1. Use of Static Create a class myStaticExample with a static variable count. In the main method we can directly access the variable using the class name. Only a single copy of the variable is maintained which is bound to the class. package com.sample.example; class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Value of count before increment "+myStaticExample.count); myStaticExample.count++; System.out.println("Value of count after increment "+myStaticExample.count); } } class myStaticExample{ public static int count = 0; } Ouput: Value of count before increment 0 Value of count after increment 1 3.2. Calling non static from static – This will give compile time error. package com.sample.example; class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Value of count before increment "+myStaticExample.count); myStaticExample.count++; System.out.println("Value of count after increment "+myStaticExample.count); printHello(); // Compile Time error } public void printHello(){ System.out.println("Hello"); } } class myStaticExample{ public static int count = 0; } Output: Compile Time error at line “printHello() ” because we cannot access non static methods from static classes as they are available only after class instantiation. To fix this change the function to public static void printHello(){ // Your code here } 4. String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder 4.1.String Create two string objects using the literal form and the new keyword. The output of the equals method will be true because, the equals method compares the strings in the object. The “==” operator compares the memory locations and as they are two different objects and are not the same, returns false. package com.sample.example; class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ String s1 = "Hello"; String s2 = new String("Hello"); if(s1.equals(s2)){ System.out.println("s1 is equal to s2"); } else{ System.out.println("s1 is not equal to s2"); } if(s1==s2){ System.out.println("s1 is equal to s2"); } else{ System.out.println("s1 is not equal to s2"); } } } Output: s1 is equal to s2 s1 is not equal to s2 4.2.StringBuffer Create a stringBuffer object and invoke the append method to append text to the object. New objects are not created when the stringbuffer is manipulated. package com.sample.example; class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ StringBuffer sbuffer1 = new StringBuffer(); sbuffer1.append("Hello! "); sbuffer1.append("This "); sbuffer1.append("is "); sbuffer1.append("an "); sbuffer1.append("example."); System.out.println(sbuffer1.toString()); } } Output: Hello! This is an example. 4.3. StringBuilder Create a stringBuilder object and invoke the append method to append text to the object. New objects are not created when the stringBuilder is manipulated. package com.sample.example; class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ StringBuilder sbuffer1 = new StringBuilder(); sbuffer1.append("Hello! "); sbuffer1.append("This "); sbuffer1.append("is "); sbuffer1.append("an "); sbuffer1.append("example."); System.out.println(sbuffer1.toString()); } } Output: Hello! This is an example. 5. Collections 5.1.List The index is used to access any specific element. We can use the iterator in the List to iterate through elements. The order is preserved in the List. package com.sample.example; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ List myList = new ArrayList(); myList.add(new String("Hello")); myList.add(new String("This is")); myList.add(new String("an")); myList.add(new String("example")); System.out.println("This is the size "+myList.size()); Iterator keyIter = myList.iterator(); System.out.println("\t\tPrinting the keys"); while(keyIter.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } System.out.println("\t\tPrinting using index"); for(int i=0;i<myList.size();i++){ System.out.println(myList.get(i)); } } } Output: This is the size 4 Printing the keys Hello This is an example Printing using index Hello This is an example 5.2.Set Use the add method in the Set to add objects to the Set. The order is not guaranteed. package com.sample.example; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; public class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ Set myset = new HashSet(); myset.add(new String("Hello")); myset.add(new String("This is")); myset.add(new String("an")); myset.add(new String("example")); System.out.println("This is the size "+myset.size()); Iterator iter = myset.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } } } Ouput : This is the size 4 This is an example Hello 5.3.Map Us e the put(key, value) method to insert values in to the map, Use the keySet() and values() methods to iterate over the keys and values. package com.sample.example; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; public class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ Map mymap = new HashMap(); mymap.put("1",new String("Hello")); mymap.put("2",new String("This is")); mymap.put("3",new String("an")); mymap.put("4", new String("example")); System.out.println("This is the size "+mymap.size()); Iterator keyIter = mymap.keySet().iterator(); System.out.println("Printing the keys"); while(keyIter.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } Iterator valiIter = mymap.values().iterator(); System.out.println("Printing the values"); while(valiIter.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } } } Output: This is the size 4 Printing the keys 3 2 1 4 Printing the values an This is Hello example 5.3.1. Using Entry Set Class The Entry class is an inner class of the Map Interface which stores both the key and the corresponding value together. We can iterate over the entry set to extract the key and value package com.sample.example; import import import import java.util.HashMap; java.util.Iterator; java.util.Map; java.util.Map.Entry; public class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ Map mymap = new HashMap(); mymap.put("1",new String("Hello")); mymap.put("2",new String("This is")); mymap.put("3",new String("an")); mymap.put("4", new String("example")); System.out.println("This is the size "+mymap.size()); Iterator keyIter = mymap.keySet().iterator(); System.out.println("Printing the keys and values"); Iterator iter = mymap.entrySet().iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()){ Entry e = (Entry); System.out.println("Key is "+ e.getKey()+" and value is "+e.getValue()); } } } Output: This is the size 4 Printing the keys and Key is 3 and value is Key is 2 and value is Key is 1 and value is Key is 4 and value is values an This is Hello example 6. Generics Create a GenericClass with a parameter E. During runtime the parameter E will be removed and replace with the type provided. In the first object, the type of E is String and the setKey would only accept String and any other type would raise a compile time error. In the second object, the type of E is integer and would only accept integers. package com.sample.example; class Example { public static void main(String args[]){ GenericClass<String> gc = new GenericClass<String>(); gc.setKey("Hi! This is a sample"); gc.printE(); GenericClass<Integer> gc1 = new GenericClass<Integer>(); gc1.setKey(2);// Autoboxed System.out.println("This is the integer Value"); gc1.printE(); } } class GenericClass<E>{ E key; public void setKey(E e){ key=e; } public void printE(){ System.out.println(key); } } Output: Hi! This is a sample This is the integer Value 2