BOSTON BOROUGH COUNCIL LICENSING SUB COMMITTEE VARIATION OF A PREMISES LICENCE Licence Number: 32UBB05149 Premise: After Dark Night Club, Craythorne Lane, Boston Applicant: Mighty Pub Company Hearing Date: 1000 hours – 10 July 2008 1 The Application 1.1 An application has been received for a variation of premises licence for After Dark Night Club, Craythorne Lane Boston. A plan indicating the premises location can be found at Appendix 1 and a plan of the layout of the premises is attached at Appendix 2. 1.2 The application for variation of the licence is as follows: To permit adult entertainment, namely erotic dancing such as pole dancing and table dancing To extend the hours for the sale of alcohol and provision of regulated entertainment (except showing of films) and late night refreshment on Friday and Saturday until 0400 hrs the following day (currently 0300 hrs) and Sunday until 0300 hrs the following day (currently 0200 hrs) To extend the opening hours on Friday and Saturday until 0415 hrs (currently 0330 hrs) and on Sunday until 0315 hrs (currently 0200 hrs) 1.3 .A copy of the application is attached at appendix 3. 2 Promotion of the Licensing Objectives 2.1 In submitting the application the applicants are required to describe any steps, in addition to those already required by the licence conditions, intended to be taken in order to promote the following 4 licensing objectives: The Prevention of Crime and Disorder Public Safety The Prevention of Public Nuisance The Protection of Children from Harm 2.2 The additional steps the applicants intends to take to meet the licensing objectives, should the variation be granted, are in accordance with the operating schedule at section P on page 19 of the application form at Appendix 3 and in the Guidelines of Operation at Appendix 4. The Operating Schedule and Guidelines of Operation will be converted into conditions on the licence. 3 Representations 3.1 Inspector Sharpe, on behalf of Lincolnshire Police, made representation objecting to the application for extended hours on the grounds of failing to meet the prevention of public nuisance, public safety and prevention of crime and disorder licensing objectives. A copy of the representation is attached at Appendix 5. 3.2 No representation has been made in respect to the variation to permit erotic dancing. 3.3 A representation has been received from an interested party objecting to the application for extended hours. A copy of that representation is attached at Appendix 6. 4 Considerations 4.1 Each application must be considered on its own merits, standardised conditions cannot be applied across the board to all licences of a similar type. 4.2 With respect to the representations the committee must satisfy themselves whether or not the licensing objectives are being met as the application stands. 4.3 In making its decision the committee must consider the application in line with the following: The Licensing Act 2003 And must have regard to: The Section 182 Guidance made under the Act – See Appendix 7. The Licensing Authority’s Licensing Policy Statement – See Appendix 8. Reasons must be given if a decision to depart from the Section 182 Guidance or the Licensing Authority’s Licensing Policy Statement is made. 4.4 The Committee may only consider the parts of the application for variation on which representation has been made. 5 Options 5.1 There are four options available to the committee Option 1 To grant the variation, as applied for, with no additional conditions. Option 2 To grant the variation with conditions attached to alleviate the concerns raised through representation. Conditions cannot be attached with respect to any part of the application on which no representations were received. Option 3 Refuse or place limitations on any part of the application to vary the licence upon which representation was made. Option 4 If the committee are of the opinion the whole application has been objected to, refuse the whole application allowing applicants only to operate as permitted by their existing licence. This is a matter for the committee to determine in light of the above matters and any others it considers material. 6 List of Associated Papers Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Map detailing location of the premises Plan of the premises Application form Guidelines of Operation Police Representation Interested Party Representation Relevant section of Section 182 Guidance Relevant section of Statement of Licensing Policy