Kindred Bodies Acronyms and details of organisations utilized by the Museum Assistance Program. AC Australia Council The Australia Council is the Federal government’s arts funding and advisory body. 372 Elizabeth Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Tel: 02 9215 9000 Fax: 02 9215 9111 Email: Web address: AGWA Art Gallery of Western Australia Address: Perth Cultural Centre, Perth Western Australia 6000 Postal address: PO Box 8363 Perth Business Centre Perth WA 6849 Tel: 08 9492 6622 Email Enquiries Web address: AHC Australian Heritage Council The Australian Heritage Council is the principal adviser to the Australian Government on heritage matters. The Council assesses nominations for the National Heritage List and the Commonwealth Heritage List and compiles the Register of the National Estate. Australian Heritage Directory – a bibliographic database about significant places in our natural and cultural environment Web address: AICCM Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material The national organisation for conservators and people interested in the preservation of cultural material. Tel: 02 6295 9074 Fax: 02 6295 9277 Email: Web address: AICN Australian Indigenous Cultural Network (ACT based) Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Address: Lawson Crescent, Acton Peninsula, Canberra ACT 2601 Tel: 02 6246 1111 (International +61 2 6246 1111) Fax: 02 6261 4285 (International +61 2 6261 4285) Web address: ASA Australian Society of Archivists (Inc) Formed in 1975 the Australian Society of Archivists Inc. (ASA) is the peak professional body for archivists in Australia. CAN CHIN CIDOC HO Western Australian Branch Secretary Dr Roberta Cowan, Curtin Business School Address: Curtin University of Technology PO Box U1987 Perth WA 6845 Tel: 08 9266 7586 (w) Fax: 08 9266 4027 (w) Email: Web address: Collections Australia Network (Formerly AMOL – Australian Museums and Galleries Online) The Collections Australia Network (CAN) provides access to nationwide information on Australia's cultural heritage. Members of the public can also access an individual institution's own CAN website to explore its specific content, including: collection descriptions and objects; exhibitions and general events; news; useful tools, links, resources for people working in the sector. The CAN Coordination Unit operates from Sydney’s Powerhouse at 500 Harris Street, Ultimo, Sydney. Collections Australia Network Powerhouse Museum Box K346 Haymarket NSW 1238 Tel: 02 9217 0347 Fax: 02 9217 0616 Email: Web address: Canadian Heritage Information Network Digital preservation best practice and advice for museums Digital content development and heritage resources Web address: International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums ( ICOM-CIDOC ). Part of ICOM, CIDOC is the international focus for the documentation interests of museums and similar organisations. CIDOC provides a forum for discussing and providing advice on the application of documentation standards, and information and communication technologies, for the gathering, management and sharing of the knowledge carried in heritage collections. Web address: Heritage Office (NSW) The mission of the Heritage Office is "working with the community to know, value and care for our heritage". The work of the Heritage Office includes: working with communities to help them identify their important places and objects; providing guidance on how to look after heritage items and supporting community heritage projects through funding and advice. Postal Address: Locked Bag 5020, Parramatta NSW 2124 Tel: 61-2-9873 8500 Fax: 61-2-9873 8599 Email: Web address: IAA Interpretation Australia Association Interpretation Australia Association is a national membership-based organisation dedicated to the advancement of the profession of heritage interpretation. IAA was formed in 1992 to share issues and ideas, improve professional standards and raise the profile of heritage interpretation as a profession. It currently serves more than 400 members in Australia, New Zealand and other countries. Web address: ICOM International Council of Museums ICOM is the international organisation of museums and museum professionals which is committed to the conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world's natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible. Address: Maison de l'UNESCO 1.rue Miollis 75732 PARIS cedex 15 – FRANCE Web address: ICOM-CC International Committee for Conservation International Council of Museums – Committee for Conservation ICOM-CC aims to promote the conservation, investigation and analysis of culturally and historically significant works and to further the goals of the conservation profession. Web address: ICOM/ CECA International Committee for Education & Cultural Action CECA – The Committee for Education and Cultural Action is one of the oldest International Committees of ICOM. Members (from 70 countries) are professionals working in different sectors of the museum field or in institutions related to this field, such as educators, curators, professors, communication agents or interpreters interested in education and cultural action applied to a particular sort of heritage. Web address: ICOMOS International Committee on Monuments and Sites ICOMOS is a network of experts that benefits from the interdisciplinary exchange of its members, among which are architects, historians, archaeologists, art historians, geographers, anthropologists, engineers and town planners. The members of ICOMOS contribute to improving the preservation of heritage, the standards and the techniques for each type of cultural heritage property: buildings, historic cities, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites. ICOMOS International Secretariat 49-51, rue de la fédération 75015 Paris, France Tel: +33 (0)1 45 67 67 70 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 66 06 22 Email: Web address: IFLA International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession. Founded in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1927, IFLA now has 1700 members from 150 countries. Registered in the Netherlands in 1971, the Royal Library in The Hague houses its headquarters. For general information about IFLA or to contact the Secretariat: Postal Address: P.O. Box 95312 2509 CH The Hague Visiting Address: Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5 2595 BE The Hague Netherlands Tel: +31 70 3140884 Fax: +31 70 3834827 E-mail: Web address: MA Museums Australia Museums Australia is the national professional association advocating on behalf of museums and galleries and supporting the people who work in them. Web address: MA(WA) Museums Australia (Western Australia) Museums Australia (WA) Branch Co-ordinator PO Box 224 Northbridge WA 6865 Tel: 08 9427 2770 Fax: 08 9427 2882 Email: NT National Trust of Australia The National Trust of Australia is a community-based, nongovernment organisation, committed to promoting and conserving Australia's indigenous, natural and historic heritage through its advocacy work and its custodianship of heritage places and objects. 14/71 Constitution Avenue, Campbell ACT 2612 PO Box 1002, Civic Square ACT Australia 2608 Tel: 61 02 6247 6766 Fax: 61 02 6249 1395 Email: Web address: National Trust of Australia ( Western Australia ) 4 Havelock Street, West Perth PO Box 1162, West Perth 6005 Tel: 08) 9321 6088 Fax: (08) 9324 1571 Email: Web address: NETS (WA) National Exhibitions Touring Structure ART ON THE MOVE, the National Exhibitions Touring Structure for Western Australia Inc manages the touring of up to 18 exhibitions annually of West Australian artists within the state and nationally. Exhibitions with supporting education publications and SPECIAL EXHIBITION EVENTS for school students and the general public travel throughout a network of galleries across the state. PO Box 1835 Osborne Park DC Osborne Park WA 6916 8a Carbon Court Osborne Park Western Australia Tel: 08 9242 7887 Fax: 08 9242 7878 Email: OHAA Web: Oral History Association of Australia The OHAA was formed in 1978. There are branches in each state. The objectives of the Oral History Association of Australia are: To promote the practice and methods of oral history; to educate in the use of oral history methods; to encourage discussions on all aspects of oral history and to foster the preservation of oral history records. Web address: WA branch - Web address: Oral History Association of Western Australia PO BOX 1065 NEDLANDS WA 6909 RWAHS Margaret McKerihan, President, OHAA WA Branch Tel: (08) 9401 3241 The Royal Western Australian Historical Society (Inc) The Royal Western Australian Historical Society (Inc) has had a pioneering role in the conservation and interpretation of WA's social history and supports recognition and research of Aboriginal history and culture which predates and parallels the period of European history. Open 9.30am – 5.00pm Mon to Fri. Stirling House 49 Broadway Nedlands Tel: 08 9386 3841 Fax: 08 9386 3309 Email: Web address: