Assessment 6: Assessment that addresses language: Typical and

Assessment 6: Teaching Vocabulary Using Full Rich Instruction to Students with Learning
and Behavioral Differences
NOTE: The purpose of this assignment is to assess candidates’ proficiency in teaching ORAL
language. WRITTEN language proficiencies (reading, spelling, handwriting, composition, and
technologies to assist in written communication) are incorporated into other key assessments.
A complete vocabulary teaching program consists of teaching many words in relatively brief
form and a smaller set of words using full rich instruction. This field-based assignment requires
the teacher candidate to design full rich vocabulary instruction for a group of words selected
based on the characteristics of the learners (including language proficiency and cultural and
linguistic differences). Teacher candidates then implement instruction, including initial
instruction and multiple practices using methods taught in class, and assess student learning. The
practice phase of instruction requires the candidate to design a vocabulary game that provides
multiple exposures to multiple uses within a unifying context.
The teacher candidate designs the game and then brings the game to class for feedback and
debugging by other candidates and the instructor. The candidate then conducts the fieldassignment and produces a written paper with the following components.
Written Report
A. Describe the students with whom you worked and how many times you played the
game. Include informational items such as ages; grade; number of students you worked
with; type of setting; language proficiency and development, including English language
natives and English language learners; cultural factors and language background
(ICC6K1); reading levels, special services, etc. Try to go beyond these details to give a
real picture of the students.
B. Elucidate:
(1) Why you choose the words (items) you did for your own game.
(2) How did you tailored the cards to suit these particular students, taking into
consideration cultural differences (ICC6K2), differences in use of language
(ICC6K2), and differences in language development (LD6K1)?
C. Fully describe your experience playing the game.
(1) Describe how you initially taught the vocabulary (LD6S1), and what happened
each subsequent time you played it.
(2) Then, discuss what you learned about your students, your teaching, and about
teaching vocabulary (ICC6K2).
D. Also discuss:
(1) …how you instructed the students to monitor for listening comprehension and to
monitor their oral communication (LD6S4).
(2) …what you noticed about the students’ communication and related behaviors
across different cultures (including primary English speakers and English
language learners), with attention to examples of resulting cultural
misinterpretations (ICC6K3).
(3) …how you adapted, modified, and differentiated instruction for the students’
differing learning, behavioral, cultural, and linguistic characteristics (including
primary English speakers and English language learners) (ICC6S2).
(4) …how you used augmentative/assistive communication strategies to facilitate
language instruction (ICC6K4).
(5) …the impact of the students’ receptive and expressive language (listening
comprehension and communicative skills) on their academic and social responses
within this interactive instruction (LD6K2).
E. Offer any questions or commentary you have on this learning activity, including
insights into teaching vocabulary (LD6S1).
F. Attach a typed copy of your vocabulary game (what you put on each card).
Language: Teaching
Vocabulary Using Full, Rich
Instruction to Students with
Learning and Behavioral
(CEC Standard 6)
Teacher candidate …
1. demonstrates understanding of the characteristics of the learners, including linguistic and
cultural characteristics (ICC6K1)
2. demonstrates understanding of selecting content for language instruction based on cultural and
linguistic differences of individual students with learning disabilities (ICC6K2)
3. demonstrates understanding of selecting content for language instruction based on language
development and proficiency of individual students with learning disabilities (LD6K1)
4. demonstrates understanding of selecting augmentative and assistive communication strategies for
language instruction (ICC6K4)
5. demonstrates skills in planning, implementation of instruction, and instructional technique for
teaching vocabulary (LD6S1)
6. demonstrates skills in instructing individuals with learning disabilities to monitor for errors in
oral communication (LD6S4)
7. demonstrates skills in observing behavior and communication across different cultures
(including English language native and English language learners) and cultural
misinterpretations (ICC6K3)
8. demonstrates skills in adapting, modifying, and differentiating instruction to facilitate
understanding among students with learning, behavior, cultural, and linguistic differences
(including English language native and English language learners) (ICC6S2)
9. demonstrates understanding of the impact of language development and listening
comprehension on learners’ academic and social responses to instruction (LD6K2)
10. provides original insights into aspects of teaching vocabulary (LD6S1)
Performance Items
(Knowledge / Skills)
Rating Key   
Not Acceptable: Skill not performed appropriately
Developing: Skill performed somewhat appropriately
Proficient: Skill performed at appropriate level
Exemplary: Skill performed with sophistication
The scoring guide for the assessment
Key Assessment 6: Language – Vocabulary (detailed rubric)
The teacher candidate ….
Under-developed (0 or 1 pt)
Developing (2 or 3 pts)
Proficient (4, 5, 6 pts)
Exemplary (7 or 8 pts)
___ inadequately describes
characteristics of learners, which
demonstrates misconceptions
about characteristics of this
particular group of learners
___ some aspects of characteristics
of the learners are inadequately
described, which demonstrates
incomplete knowledge of the
characteristics of the learners;
___accurately describes the
relevant characteristics of the
learners (age; grade; number of
students you worked with; type of
setting; language proficiency,
development and differences for
both English language natives and
English language learners; cultural
factors and language background;
reading levels, special services),
which demonstrates adequate
understanding of the characteristics
of learners
___ selects inappropriate content
for language instruction based on
cultural and linguistic differences
of individual students with
learning disabilities
___ selects inappropriate content
for language instruction based on
language development and
proficiency of individual students
with learning disabilities
___ most selected content is
appropriate for language instruction
and is based on cultural and
linguistic differences of individual
students with learning disabilities
___ most selected content is
appropriate for language instruction
and is based on language
development and proficiency of
individual students with learning
___most augmentative and
assistive communication strategies
are appropriate for language
___some aspects of planning and
instruction are inadequately
described, demonstrating partiallydeveloped skills in planning,
implementation of instruction, and
instructional technique.
___selects content appropriate for
language instruction based on
cultural and linguistic differences of
individual students with learning
___selects content appropriate for
language instruction based on
language development and
proficiency of individual students
with learning disabilities
___accurately, fully, and richly
describes the relevant
characteristics of the learners (age;
grade; number of students you
worked with; type of setting;
language proficiency, development
and differences for both English
language natives and English
language learners; cultural factors
and language background; reading
levels, special services),creating a
real picture of the learners and
demonstrating a thorough
understanding of the characteristics
of learners
___ selects content for language
instruction that is uniquely suited to
the students based on cultural and
linguistic differences of individual
students with learning disabilities
___ selects content for language
instruction that is uniquely suited to
the students language development
and proficiency of individual
students with learning disabilities
___selects augmentative and
assistive communication strategies
that are appropriate for language
___accurately and clearly describes
planning and implementation of
instruction, which demonstrates
satisfactorily-developed skills in
planning, implementation of
instruction, and instructional
___ selects augmentative and
assistive communication strategies
that are uniquely suited to the
___ accurately, clearly, fully and
richly describes planning and
implementation of instruction,
demonstrating well-developed skills
in developed skills in planning,
implementation of instruction, and
instructional technique.
___selects inappropriate
augmentative and assistive
communication strategies
___inadequately describes
planning and implementation of
instruction, demonstrating
weakly-developed skills in
planning, implementation of
instruction, and instructional
Under-developed (< 4pts)
Developing (5 or 6 pts)
Proficient (7 or 8 pts)
Exemplary (9 or 10 pts)
___ inadequately describes
methods to teach individuals with
learning disabilities how to
monitor for errors in oral
communication, demonstrating
weakly-developed skills
___ observations about behavior
and communication across
different cultures (including
English language native and
English language learners) and
resulting cultural
misinterpretations are
inadequately described and/or
___ inadequately describes or
uses methods to facilitate
understanding among students
with learning, behavior, cultural,
and linguistic differences
(including English language
native and English language
___ some methods of teaching
individuals with learning disabilities
how to monitor for errors in oral
communication are inadequately
described, demonstrating partiallydeveloped skills
___ accurately and clearly
describes methods to teach
individuals with learning disabilities
how to monitor for errors in oral
communication, demonstrating
satisfactorily-developed skills
___ accurately, clearly, richly, and
fully describes methods to teach
individuals with learning disabilities
how to monitor for errors in oral
communication, demonstrating welldeveloped skills
___ some observations about
behavior and communication across
different cultures (including English
language native and English
language learners) and resulting
cultural misinterpretations are
___ accurately and clearly
describes observations about
behavior and communication across
different cultures (including English
language native and English
language learners) and any
resulting cultural misinterpretations
___ accurately, clearly, richly, and
fully describes observations about
behavior and communication across
different cultures (including English
language native and English
language learners) and any
resulting cultural misinterpretations
___ some methods of adapting,
modifying, and differentiating
instructions to facilitate
understanding among students with
learning, behavior, cultural, and
linguistic differences (including
English language native and
English language learners) are
described or used inadequately
___ some ideas about the impact of
language development and listening
comprehension on these learners
are inadequately described
___ accurately, clearly, richly, and
fully describes and uses methods of
adapting, modifying, and
differentiating instructions to
facilitate understanding among
students with learning, behavior,
cultural, and linguistic differences
(including English language native
and English language learners)
___ accurately, clearly, richly, and
fully describes the impact of
language development and listening
comprehension on learners’
academic and social responses to
provides original insights into
aspects of teaching vocabulary.
___ inadequately describes the
impact of language development
and listening comprehension on
these learners
demonstrates misconceptions
about aspects of teaching
demonstrates little insight into
aspects of teaching vocabulary.
___ accurately and clearly
describes and uses methods of
adapting, modifying, and
differentiating instructions to
facilitate understanding among
students with learning, behavior,
cultural, and linguistic differences
(including English language native
and English language learners)
___ accurately and clearly
describes the impact of language
development and listening
comprehension on learners’
academic and social responses to
demonstrates satisfactory insight
into aspects of teaching vocabulary.
(Below C) = Not acceptable
(C, C+, B-) = Developing
(B, B+, A-) = Proficient
(A,A+) = Exemplary