Great Western Highway upgrade at Kelso

Community Update
Great Western Highway upgrade at Kelso
The NSW Government is planning for the future upgrade of a section of the Great Western
Highway at Kelso.
The detailed design is now complete and on display until 27 September 2013.
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is proposing to upgrade the Great Western Highway through Kelso.
The proposed 2.4 kilometre extends from just west of the Stockland Drive intersection in Kelso to just
east of Ashworth Drive near the Gold Panner Motor Inn.
In April 2012, detailed design started to refine the preferred concept design. The detailed design reflects
community feedback from the preferred concept design phase, Review of Environmental Factors, and
information collected during site investigations carried out in 2012.
The detailed design also addresses issues raised during meetings with stakeholders, business owners
and operators, property owners and residents held over the last 18 months.
Details of display locations and staffed displays are provided on the back page.
The detailed design provides:
 An additional two lanes to improve traffic flow and relieve existing congestion problems on
the highway.
 A concrete median to separate opposing lanes of traffic. This would reduce the number of rear-end
crashes by controlling where people can turn right. Most right hand turns would no longer be
possible. Left turns in and out of side roads and driveways are retained.
 New pedestrian and cyclist access along both sides of the highway, and across the highway.
 Improved landscaping to enhance the visual appeal of the eastern gateway to Bathurst.
 Duplication of Boyd Creek Bridge.
 Upgraded intersections, as follows:
– Stockland Drive – new traffic lights and u-turn bay to provide safer traffic turns onto highway.
– Boyd Street – new protected right turn bay providing all traffic turning movements.
– Gilmour Street – upgraded pedestrian crossing and intersection kerbs to allow heavy vehicles
to turn safely.
– View Street – new protected right turn bay for right turn into View Street. Left-in and left-out
turns would not change, but no right turn out.
– Pat O’Leary Drive – new traffic lights and protected right turn bays for east and
westbound traffic.
– New roundabouts at Littlebourne Street and Ashworth Drive. Large two lane roundabouts
to allow drivers to access premises on either side of the road.
New design features
 Bus stop on the north side near Boyd Street moved east to the end of the footway. South side bus
stop would not be moved.
 All power lines would be relocated underground.
 Two new pedestrian refuge crossings. One at the end of the footway opposite the takeaway shop,
and the second near the Boyd Creek Bridge opposite the fruit and vegetable shop.
 Right turn bay for eastbound traffic at Devro at the new driveway on the eastern side of
the property.
 Right turn bay for westbound traffic at Bathurst Supa Centre (near Harvey Norman).
 Roadside tree planting between Littlebourne Street and Ashworth Drive.
 Entrance to Bathurst signs on the new roundabouts at Littlebourne Street and
Ashworth Drive.
 Low plantings on new roundabouts at Littlebourne Street and Ashworth Drive.
 New retaining walls and fences for some properties. All retaining walls facing the highway would
be built using Bathurst heritage brick.
How will the project be delivered?
The project will be delivered in two parts. Early work will be from Stockland Drive to Gilmour Street and a
construction contract from Gilmour Street to Ashworth Drive.
 Stockland Drive to Gilmour Street
To improve safety, new traffic lights and u-turn bay at Stockland Drive are to be completed as early
work. Other work includes the upgrade of the kerbs at Gilmour Street, utility adjustments
(communication cables) and road resurfacing between Stockland Drive and Gilmour Street. The
work is expected to start in late 2013.
 Gilmour Street to Ashworth Drive
Subject to construction funding, the upgrade from Gilmour Street to Ashworth Drive
is the second part of the Kelso upgrade project. The work includes relocating utilities (gas, water,
power, and communication cables), upgrading intersections and rebuilding the road.
RMS would complete the early work by mid-2014. Gilmour Street to Ashworth Drive would be sent
to tender and a construction contractor appointed by RMS to complete the work.
Detailed drawings will be available at the staffed display sessions.
Display locations
The detailed design plan will be on public display for three weeks from Monday 9 September to
Friday 27 September at the following locations.
 Bathurst Regional Council foyer,
158 Russell Street, Bathurst.
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am–4.45pm.
 Bathurst Motor Registry, corner of Mitchell Highway and Bradwardine Road.
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am–5pm; and Saturday 8.30am–12noon.
 Kelso Hotel, corner of Great Western Highway and Lee Street.
Open: Monday to Sunday 11am–11pm.
Staffed displays
Members of the project team will be available to discuss the detailed design at the old Evans Shire
Council meeting room, 7 Lee Street, Kelso.
 Tuesday 17 September from 2pm until 6pm
 Wednesday 18 September from 10am until 2pm
Contact us
Your comments and feedback on the detailed design are welcomed.
You can contact us for more information:
Phone: 1800 633 332 (toll free)
Post: RMS Kelso upgrade project, PO Box 334, Parkes NSW 2870
Visit the website at:
What happens next?
Thank you for your participation in this project.
Roads and Maritime Services
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All information in correspondence is collected for the sole purpose of assisting in the assessment of this
proposal. The information received, including names and addresses of respondents, may be published
in subsequent documents unless a clear indication is given in the correspondence that all or part of that
information is not to be published. Otherwise RMS will only disclose your personal information, without
your consent, if authorised by the law. Your personal information will be held by RMS at 27 Argyle
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You have the right to access and correct the information if you believe that it is incorrect.