Vegetation Analysis Final Lab Report Katy Flinn Biology 112 Due: December 5, 2005 Introduction: Ordination is a process that utilizes complex mathematical and graphical analyses to analyze the effects of several variables. By linking how multiple variables are related to each other, ordination enables one to see how many different factors come into the composition of a community. This process helps in defining and categorizing communities. In our experiment, we use woody species stem count data collected from Duke Forest. We were also able to correlate this information with environmental data collected from the same plots. We used the program called PCOrd for our analyses. With this program we were able to correlate both environmental and species-specific data. Ultimately, we correlated these two data sets in an attempt to determine the prominent features of the examined plots. We used several layers of analysis: we analyzed the number of axes that would be most useful, overlaid environmental data, separated the plots into groups, and examined how indicator species played into the group composition. Methods: Our first step in analyzing the Duke Forest data was to determine the appropriate number of axes to use in our ordination analysis. Using a step-down ordination enabled us to examine the data on several different numbers of axes – we examined up to 6 axes in attempting to discern the usefulness of each. Stress values indicate how divergent the data is from the created axes – lower stress values indicate better fits. After examining the stress levels of each, the stress levels stopped declining at three axes. Therefore after three axes, the analysis stops becoming more accurate. The next step in our ordination analysis is to run a focal ordination which will enable us to graphically view the results of the ordination on three axes. We choose to use a focal nonmetric multidimensional scaling, NMS, run. Next we overlay a second matrix. An overlay of the same matrix results in a graph displaying the divergence of species from the axes. An overlay of the environmental data matrix enables us to examine how environmental features vary with the axes. Overlaying the environmental and species data enabled us to examine how various environmental features vary with each axis. R-values indicate how closely linked the vector diagrammed is to the actual data. An r-value of 1 indicates that the data and vector are the same. I decided that rvalues of less than 0.2 were not strong enough to yield significant results, and so excluded any indicators lower than that from my analysis. In the next step of analysis, the data is divided into groups based on similarities. We use cluster analysis in PCOrd. This step provides us with a dendrogram (see appendix 1). The percent chaining of the dendrogram is key to determining how biologically useful it is: if the percent chaining is more than 25%, then the groups created by the cluster analysis may not accurately tell us about the features of the data and forest. The cluster analysis also divides the data into groups and, like with the step-down analysis, shows which grouping levels are most useful. The grouping analysis strives to make the smallest number of groups with the highest amount of biological meaning. This means that while two groups would be small and convenient, it would have so much variation among group members that it would have little significance scientifically. We strive for a grouping level that is both easy to analyze and meaningful biologically. The final step in our ordination is to examine indicator species. Indicator species are species which help to characterize a group of plots. We examine these species by looking at three values: fidelity, constancy and indicator values. Fidelity is a measure of how much of the total abundance of a species occurs within a group. Constancy measures how many times the species occurs in plots within a group. Indicator values are a combination of constancy and fidelity. This analysis examines p-values to determine how many groupings will be most useful in examining the data. Lower p-values mean that a species is more useful, so we take the p-values from groupings of 3, 4, 5 and 6 groups and examine which has the highest number of p-values below a threshold of 0.05. Our indicator analysis then examines the setup with 6 groups to see which species play most heavily into defining the community structure. Finally we take all these analyses together to examine which environmental features and major species groups determine the composition of the plots within each group. Results: The step-down analysis in the first section of our experiment shows us, by examining stress levels at increasing axis numbers, that after three axes the stress planes (see figure 1). After three axes, adding more axes only complicates the graph and does little to actually assist in the analysis. Figure 1: Scree plot indicating changing stress values with number of axes. The environmental and species overlay data enable more precise examination of each group. In looking at only r-values above 0.2, Figure 2 shows how environmental data vary by axis and grouping. Figure 3 is a display of the same 6 groups with the species data as the second matrix. These displays help to visualize how the species and environmental features correlate to each group. Figure 2: Figure 3: Our dendrogram yields a percent chaining of 1.66%, which means that chaining does not play a role in impeding our analysis (see appendix 1). I found the cluster analysis to show that a grouping of 6 groups would be most useful. According to a plot of stress values by grouping, the stress continues to decline after even 6 groups, but I felt that the six group analysis was most useful because the decline in stress after this point is less significant. Next in our analysis, we determine results for indicator species. Using 6 groups proved to have the highest number of p-values below 0.05 and also the highest number of significant indicator values, which I set as those above 50 (see Figure 4). This analysis indicates that the most useful set of groupings is 6 groupings. IV's and p-values by Group Figure 4 Number of Items 30 25 Number of p-values below 0.05 20 15 Number of IV's above 50 10 5 0 3 4 5 6 Group Num ber The results of the indicator species tests showed that many groups were strongly grouped by species. The primary species present in each group can be seen in Table 1. Table 1: Five most Significant Species/Group in Varying Values Grp 1: Grp 2: Grp 3: Grp 4: Top 5 Species Abundanc e AMAR CRAT CAOL QUVE OXAR Top 5 Species Abundanc e ACNE CACA QUSH ILDE QUMI Top 5 Species Abundanc e MATR FAGR LITU ILOP ULAM Top 5 Species - Abundanc e 82 65 51 45 44 Top 5 Species in Frequency ACRU QUAL COFL NYSY CATO Frequenc y 100 100 98 98 95 Top 5 Species in IV QUAL OXAR QUVE CATO COFL Abundanc e 100 100 100 97 97 Top 5 Species in Frequency LIST COFL FRAX ULAL ACRU Frequenc y 100 82 82 82 73 Top 5 Species in IV ULAL ILDE LIST CACR ULRU Abundanc e 100 88 68 53 47 Abundanc e Top 5 Species in Frequency ACRU COFL LITU NYSY FAGR Top 5 Species in Frequency Frequenc y 100 93 86 86 83 Frequenc y Top 5 Species in IV FAGR LITU COFL QURU ACRU Top 5 Species in IV IV 44 37 35 34 33 IV 66 62 60 49 49 IV 73 58 34 30 29 IV Grp 5: Grp 6: Abundanc e CAPA QUPR CRUN QUCO QUMA Top 5 Species Abundanc e PRAM FRAX CECA OSVI QURU Top 5 Species Abundanc e PITA PIVI JUVI QUST PIEC 100 99 85 82 76 ACRU NYSY QUPR OXAR COFL 100 100 100 91 82 QUPR OXAR QUCO ACRU CAPA Abundanc e 100 74 59 52 43 Top 5 Species in Frequency CECA FRAX JUVI MORU QUAL Frequenc y 100 100 100 100 100 Top 5 Species in IV FRAX CECA OSVI QURU QUAL Abundanc e 84 69 63 59 39 Top 5 Species in Frequency ACRU CAOV CATO DIVI FRAX Frequenc y 100 100 100 100 100 Top 5 Species in IV PITA PIVI JUVI QUST PIEC 99 37 37 33 18 IV 74 59 45 38 35 IV 84 69 63 59 39 Discussion: Our evaluation on different levels using ordination enables us to decipher, so some extent at least, the composition and primary features of our 6 groups. Group 1 seems to be primarily affected by Quercus alba and Oxydendrum arboretum, according to the species overlay. These two species also appear as the most significant when looking at overall indicator values. Looking at the environmental overlay, fewer minerals seem to be present in these plots. They also seem to have higher elevations and be father from water. Group 2 is characterized by higher mineral content, closer proximity to water and has a slight correlation with lower elevation. Species that help define this plot are Liquidambar styriciflua, which is present in every plot, ULMUS ALATA and ILEX OPACA. ACER NEGUNDO, CARYA CAOLINAE and QUERCUS SHUMARDII appear only in group 2, and so also help distinguish it from other groups. Group 3 appears to be correlated with high concentrations of mineral, calcium and magnesium specifically, lower elevations, higher levels of pH and lower elevation. According to the IV calculations, the most important species in this group are FAGUS GRANDIFOLIA, LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA and CORNUS FLORIDA. ACER NEGUNDA appears in every plot in the group, and MAGNOLIA TRIPETALA appears only in group 3. In looking at the vector plot, CARPINUS CAROLINA, ULMUS ALATA and Liquidambar styriciflua seem to be most strongly correlated with this group, but the numerical data from the IV does not support this. Group 4 correlates with higher elevation, lower pH, higher concentrations of aluminum and lower concentrations of calcium and magnesium. NYSSA SYLVATICA, ACER NEGUNDA and QUERCUS PRINUS appear in every plot, and CARYA PALLIDA appears only in this group. QUERCUS PRINUS seems to be the best indicator species for this group. The fifth group is marked by a high volume of Fraxinus sp, which appears in every plot in the group along with JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA, CERCIS CANADENSIS, MORUS RUBRA and Quercus alba. I think that the smaller number of plots in this group make for the heightened number of species with 100% frequency. This group also shows to have higher pH compared to the other groups. PRUNUS AMERICANA appears only in group 5. Group six was extremely small and difficult to categorize. It had no strong environmental correlations, but the higher IV value went with PINUS TAEDA, whose r- value was too small for it to appear on the vector plot. I think that the fact that ACER NEGUNDA appears in almost every plot makes it a feature of the forest in general, and relatively useless in distinguishing the groups from each other. Overall, however, we were able to define the groups with relative certainty because of the numerical and visual data available to us through to ordination process. Appendix: Apendix 1: Dendrogram: