Lower critical fields of superconducting PrFeAsO1-y single crystals Ecole Polytechnigue more options R.)1, M.)2, J.)2, T.)1, Author(s): Okazaki R (Okazaki, Konczykowski M (Konczykowski, van der Beek CJ (van der Beek, C. Kato T (Kato, Hashimoto K (Hashimoto, M.)3, Kito H (Kito, H.)4,5, Iyo A (Iyo, A.)4,5, Eisaki H (Eisaki, H.)4,5, Shamoto S (Shamoto, S.)3,5, Shibauchi T (Shibauchi, T.)1, Matsuda Y (Matsuda, Y.)2,1 Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Times Cited: 0 Volume: 79 References: 51 Issue: 6 Article Number: 064520 K.)1, Shimozawa M (Shimozawa, M.)1, Shishido H (Shishido, H.)1, Yamashita M (Yamashita, M.)1, Ishikado M (Ishikado, Published: FEB 2009 Citation Map Abstract: We have studied the lower critical fields H-c1 of superconducting iron oxipnictide PrFeAsO1-y single crystals for H parallel and perpendicular to the ab planes. Measurements of the local magnetic induction at positions straddling the sample edge by using a miniature Hallsensor array clearly resolve the first flux penetration from the Meissner state. The temperature dependence of H-c1 for H parallel to c is well scaled by the in-plane penetration depth without showing any unusual behavior, in contrast to previous reports. The anisotropy of penetration lengths at low temperatures is estimated to be similar or equal to 2.5, which is considerably smaller than the anisotropy of the coherence lengths. This is indicative of multiband superconductivity in this system in which the active band for superconductivity is more anisotropic. We also point out that the local induction measured at a position near the center of the crystal, which has been used in a number of reports for the determination of H-c1, might seriously overestimate the obtained H-c1 value. Document Type: Article Language: English Author Keywords: electromagnetic induction; magnetic anisotropy; Meissner effect; penetration depth (superconductivity); praseodymium alloys; superconducting critical field; type II superconductors KeyWords Plus: LAYERED QUATERNARY COMPOUND; PHASE-DIAGRAM; 43 K; GAPS; MAGNETIZATION Reprint Address: Okazaki, R (reprint author), Kyoto Univ, Dept Phys, Kyoto 6068502, Japan Addresses: 1. Kyoto Univ, Dept Phys, Kyoto 6068502, Japan 2. Ecole Polytech, CEA DSM IRAMIS, CNR UMR 7642, Solides Irradies Lab, F-91128 Palaiseau, France 3. Japan Atom Energy Agcy, Quantum Beam Sci Directorate, Naka, Ibaraki 3191195 Japan 4. Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Nanoelect Res Inst NeRI, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 3058568 Japan 5. TRIP, JST, Tokyo 1020075, Japan Funding Acknowledgement: Funding Agency Grant Number JSPS KAKENHI 20224008 Global COE program MEXT, Japan 17001001 [Show funding text] Publisher: AMER PHYSICAL SOC, ONE PHYSICS ELLIPSE, COLLEGE PK, MD 20740-3844 USA IDS Number: 413TO ISSN: 1098-0121 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.064520