ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Provisional Consultation Schedule The provisional consultation activity has been listed by statutory activity, each of the Council’s corporate priorities (as identified in the People & Performance Corporate Plan), and ‘other’. The most important of the planned consultation activities are those that are classified as statutory and those that support the Council’s Key Priorities. The remainder (under ‘other’) may need to be prioritised, depending on external factors and capacity. Statutory Consultation Consultation Project Name Likely Consultation Method Identified By To ascertain residents’ views on their perceived ‘fear’ of crime. Quantitative – Citizen’s Panel Sara Blake - Policy April (finish date) To seek views to feed into the development of a Statement of Licensing Policy (stage 2). Quantitative – via schools Quantitative and qualitative Environmental Health Enforcement Concordat March To draw up clear standards setting out the level of service and performance the public and business people can expect to receive – BV 166. To inform the development of this policy. Best Value Performance Summary March To seek the opinion of layout and clarity of the BVPS and the service received from the Council Tax department. Perception of crime Licensing Act Food Framework Agreement ‘The Standard’ Chapter 2, paragraph 10 Month January to February April Objective / Area Covered To work with local businesses to help them comply with the law. Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking Environment Likely Level of SIU Involvement Rachel Kay – Env’al Health Environment / Licensing Minimal – advice and QA only To be scoped out David Rowley – Env’al Health Environment Minimal – advice and QA only Survey at the back of the BVPS/Council Tax information booklet (sent to all households) To be scoped out SIU / Revenues Strategy & Resources / Financial Policy Panel Conducting the survey David Rowley – Env’al Health N/A Minimal – advice and QA only Conducting the survey Page 1 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Consultation Project Name Month Objective / Area Covered Likely Consultation Method Identified By Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking Social Likely Level of SIU Involvement Minimal – advice and QA only Housing Needs April to September To identify the levels of housing need in the Borough. Qualitative (doorto-door approach has been used previously – externally contracted research) Graham Waters Housing Building Control pricing structure Summer TBC To consult on likely changes to the charging structure (options available for pricing not announced yet). To be scoped out Environment Minimal – advice and QA only Statement of Community Involvement Summer – TBC (legislation not yet published) To set out the standards that the Council intends to achieve in relation to involving the community in the preparation, alteration and continuing review of all local development documents and in significant development control decisions, and also how the local planning authority intends to achieve these standards. This document will be inspected. To be scoped out Ray Woolston – Regulatory Services Peter Edwards / Nick Ide Planning Planning Conducting the consultation, with assistance from Planning Crime Audit (2005 to 2008) November to December To conduct the first stage of the crime audit consultation. Quantitative and qualitative Sara Blake - Policy Environment Conducting the consultation Community Safety Strategy (2005 to 2008) December (to March 2005) To inform the Community Safety Strategy. Quantitative and qualitative Sara Blake - Policy Environment Conducting the consultation Page 2 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Consultation Project Name Month Environmental Health – assessment of DTI Performance Framework Section C: Assessment of community expectations and feedback Not known TBA Environmental Health – BV 166 Not known TBA Objective / Area Covered Likely Consultation Method Identified By To assess the needs and expectations of customers and local businesses and to assess the awareness of Environmental Health. Quantitative (incorporate some questions into the 2004 Residents Survey?) David Rowley – Env’al Health To find out whether the Council has a range of mechanisms in place to consult stakeholders affected by their service regarding satisfaction levels, and whether the consultation responses are considered and acted upon. To be scoped out David Rowley – Env’al Health Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking Environment Likely Level of SIU Involvement Environment Not known Not known Page 3 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Consultation Supporting the Council’s Corporate Priorities Please note that consultation project names appearing in italics indicate statutory consultation that was detailed in the ‘Statutory Consultation’ section. Consultation Project Name Month Objective / Area Covered Likely Consultation Method Identified By Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking Likely Level of SIU Involvement Quantitative (via Citizen’s Panel) Jon Gransden Streetcare Environment Conducting the survey 1. To reduce anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime. Perception of Crime January to See statutory section. February Crime Audit (2005 to 2008) November to December See statutory section. Community Safety Strategy (2005 to 2008) December (to March 2005) See statutory section. 2. To improve the visual appearance of the local environment. Streetcare Easter To measure the progress of this new initiative, to see how much of a difference it is making in the June local community. Incorporate as part of the annual Borough Survey Page 4 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Consultation Project Name Month Objective / Area Covered 3. To improve services for young people. Sports Development January to To inform the development and agreement to a Strategy April new Sports Development Strategy that meets the needs of specific groups within the community, including BMEs and young people. Best Value Review of Improving Services for Young People (TBC) 2004/05 To conduct the consult element of the Best Value Review process. Likely Consultation Method Identified By Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking Likely Level of SIU Involvement Quantitative and qualitative (budget dependent) Sam Beak - Policy Leisure Conducting the consultation Quantitative and qualitative (dependent on budget) Directors S&R / Leisure Conducting the consultation Quantitative and qualitative (dependent on budget) Directors S&R / Leisure Conducting the consultation Quantitative (via Citizen’s Panel) Ian Dyer – Op’al Services Environment Conducting the consultation 4. To secure additional key worker, social and affordable housing. Housing Needs Survey April to Sept See statutory section. 5. To secure improved transport facilities for particular sections of the community. No consultation planned at present. 6. To cut bureaucracy and improve cost-effectiveness. Best Value Review of 2004/05 To conduct the consult element of the Best Cutting Bureaucracy Value Review process. (TBC) Other: Continued commitment to recycling. Recycling and Waste Not known To ascertain levels of satisfaction with the Minimisation Council’s enhanced kerbside collection service, June and to gain an understanding of what residents are prepared to do to minimise waste in the future. Incorporate into annual Residents Survey Page 5 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Consultation Project Name Month Objective / Area Covered Other: Continued commitment to services for the vulnerable and the elderly. Black & Minority Ethnic January to To establish the different needs of black and Groups February ethnic minority groups. This will incorporate 2004 whether BMEs use the Council’s leisure facilities, and if they don’t, to gain an understanding to what the barriers are in using these facilities (to inform the development of the new sports development strategy). Likely Consultation Method Identified By Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking Likely Level of SIU Involvement Quantitative and qualitative (taking along questionnaires to BME group meetings) Serena Powis / Katie Ruck Leisure (TBC) Conducting the consultation (reliant on Serena gaining access to these groups) To be scoped out Graham Waters Venues Leisure / Strategy & Resources Conducting the consultation This is also related to improving services for young people. Social / day centres Early 2004 To understand why people do and do not use the Council’s centres, and to identify what the community wants from them (to feed into the Best Value Review of Venues Improvement Plan). Page 6 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Other Consultation Consultation Project Name Horton ‘B’ site Month Objective / Area Covered Likely Consultation Method Identified By Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking Planning Likely Level of SIU Involvement January to February To seek views on the draft planning brief for the area of the former Horton Hospital site (now Livingstone Park). Qualitative (exhibition, Q&A session, written responses required) – likely to be joint consultation Anthony Evans Planning January (TBC) To consult with users regarding the venue (likely to be consulting with tenants / other agencies) To be scoped out Steve Davies / Graham Waters Leisure Not known Community Strategy Early 2004 To follow on from the draft consultation on the Community Strategy (March 2003) now that the targets have been set. To be scoped out Policy Strategy & Resources / Scrutiny Not known Decriminalised Parking Early 2004 To inform the development of the decriminalised parking process. To be scoped out (may be jointly conducted with Surrey CC, or Surrey CC may directly conduct) Jon Gransden Streetcare TBC Not known To measure levels of satisfaction (specific to residents in this area), excluding the Hospital Cluster site, as a basis for future comparison. Quantitative (postal survey using addresses from Electoral Role) and qualitative (workshop) Policy Strategy & Resources Conducting quantitative; qualitative not known Ewell Court House Ruxley Ward February Not known Page 7 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Consultation Project Name Best Value Review of Sustainability Month Objective / Area Covered Likely Consultation Method Identified By February to March To feed into the consultation element of the Best Value Review process. Quantitative (via Citizen’s Panel) John Vadgama – Review Team Leader Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking Strategy & Resources Likely Level of SIU Involvement Conducting the consultation Hospital Clusters Spring To measure levels of satisfaction (specific to residents in this area) as a basis for future comparison. Quantitative (postal survey using addresses from Electoral Role) and qualitative (workshop) Policy Strategy & Resources Conducting quantitative; qualitative not known Longmead Area Spring To measure the levels of satisfaction (specific to residents in this area (to identify any improvements to the previous consultation conducted a few years ago. Quantitative (postal survey using addresses from Electoral Role) and qualitative (workshop) Policy Strategy & Resources Conducting quantitative; qualitative not known Town Centre Spring To measure levels of satisfaction (specific to residents in this area) as a basis for future comparison. Quantitative (postal survey using addresses from Electoral Role) and qualitative (workshop) Policy Strategy & Resources Conducting quantitative; qualitative not known Page 8 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Consultation Project Name Month Objective / Area Covered Likely Consultation Method Identified By St Ebbas Spring To seek views on the draft planning brief for this area of the St Ebbas Hospital Cluster site. Qualitative (exhibition, Q&A session, written responses required) – likely to be joint consultation Anthony Evans Planning Parks’ Users Spring To measure levels of satisfaction with parks’ users. Qualitative (interviewing people using the parks, using a structured survey approach) Council Website Redevelopment March / April To show local residents and businesses a prototype of the redeveloped website to obtain their views. Bourne Hall May To consult with users and members of the public on possible reconfiguring work. Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking Planning Likely Level of SIU Involvement Anthony Eperson Policy Leisure Not known Inviting members of the Citizen’s Panel and members of the public in to view and feedback comments; holding a series of open evenings (TBC) ITCS N/A Conducting the consultation, with IT To be scoped out – likely to be a stand at Bourne Hall and in the Town Hall Steve Davies / Graham Waters Leisure Not known Not known Page 9 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Consultation Project Name Month 2004 Borough Survey June to July Policy Planning Car Parks June to August September June Objective / Area Covered To measure levels of satisfaction with the Council’s services, identify key priorities for the future and to ascertain residents’ views on different areas / issues. To ascertain residents’ views on important issues and service improvements for the following year. To measure levels of satisfaction with the Council’s car parks, and to identify any areas of improvement. Incorporate into annual Residents Survey Likely Consultation Method Identified By Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking ALL Likely Level of SIU Involvement Quantitative (postal questionnaire to Citizen’s Panel) SIU / Directors To be scoped out Andrew Eperson – Policy ALL Conducting the consultation Quantitative (postal questionnaire to Citizen’s Panel) and qualitative (budget permitting) Jon Gransden Streetcare Environment Conducting the consultation Conducting the consultation Environmental Health Charter Mark Not known (likely to be ongoing) To consult with customers, potential customers, partners and staff to set and review standards. To be scoped out David Rowley – Env’al Health Environment Not known Environmental Health Not known – likely to be ongoing To assess user satisfaction levels with stakeholders affected by the Environmental Health service. To be scoped out David Rowley – Env’al Health Environment Not known Council Tax Collection Ongoing To measure levels of customer satisfaction with the Council Tax service (Charter Mark requirement). Quantitative (letter / postcard with questions sent to people having contact with the service area) Sheila Coburn Revenues N/A None Page 10 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards Consultation Project Name Month Objective / Area Covered Likely Consultation Method Identified By Housing Grant Applications Ongoing To measure levels of satisfaction with all housing grant applications. Quantitative (after each grant process has been completed). David Rowley – Env’al Health Out of Hours Noise Service (Environmental Health) Ongoing To measure levels of satisfaction with the out-ofhours noise service. Quantitative (sent to local residents who have utilised the service) David Rowley – Env’al Health Committee Results will be fed into for Decisionmaking N/A Likely Level of SIU Involvement N/A Re-developing the survey; analysis of results twice a year None Please note that the list of consultation activity that is ‘ongoing’ is likely to be added to, as consultation information is shared with the Service Improvement Unit. Page 11 of 13 ANNEXE Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards 2004 Consultation Using the Citizens Panel - FEEDBACK New members of FEEDBACK are committed to completing up to five postal surveys per annum. Each planned activity is listed by the month in which the questionnaire will be distributed. Month Consultation Project Name Purpose Request By Perception of Crime Survey (statutory) To ascertain residents’ views on their perceived ‘fear’ of crime Sara Blake - Policy 1. January (week 2) 2. End Feb / beg March Best Value Review of Sustainability To conduct the consultation element of the Best Value Review process BV Review Team 3. June (week 1) Borough Survey (annual) To measure levels of satisfaction with the Council’s services, identify key priorities for the future and to ascertain residents’ views on different service areas / issues ALL 4. TBC Best Value Review of Improving Services for Young People To conduct the consultation element of the Best Value Review programme BV Review Team 5. TBC TBC Notes: The Best Value Review for Cutting Bureaucracy has not been included in planned consultation using FEEDBACK, as this review is likely to be inwardly focused. It is possible for an additional consultation activity to be ‘piggy-backed’ on the back of the surveys listed above. Page 12 of 13 Provisional Consultation Programme for 2004 Onwards ANNEXE Provisional Consultation 2005+ 2005 (early): Court Recreation Survey – Jon Gransden. 2005 (early): Crime Audit Strategy Consultation (last stage) – Sara Blake - STATUTORY. 2005 (June to July): Borough Survey – Service Improvement Unit. 2005: Environmental Health – Annual review of DTI Performance Framework Section C: Assessment of Community Expectations and Feedback – David Rowley STATUTORY. 2005 (April): Environmental Health – Food Framework Agreement ‘The Standard’ Ch 2 para 10 – David Rowley - STATUTORY. 2005/06: Consultation element of Best Value Reviews. 2006: Best Value Surveys: Benefits, Planning and General Survey – to measure customer satisfaction and to collect Best Value Performance Indicators. Statutory requirement, conducted on a three-yearly basis. 2006: Building Control - To seek customer views of the service, establish the level of satisfaction and make changes where appropriate – Ray Woolston. 2006: Licensing Act: Three-yearly review and revision of Statement of Licensing Policy – David Rowley - STATUTORY. 2006: Environmental Health – Annual review of DTI Performance Framework Section C: Assessment of Community Expectations and Feedback – David Rowley STATUTORY. 2006 (April): Environmental Health – Food Framework Agreement ‘The Standard’ Ch 2 para 10 – David Rowley - STATUTORY. 2006/07: Consultation element of Best Value Reviews. Page 13 of 13