ALBANIA/MONTENEGRO Lake Skadar-Shkoder Integrated Ecosystem
Management Project (LSIEMP) – TF091939 (Montenegro)
International Technical Advisor – KAP Assignment
The World Bank is implementing agency for a GEF Grant to the Governments of Montenegro and
Republic of Albania focused on Strengthening Joint Cooperation for Management of the Lake
Skadar-Shkoder Ecosystem. The project complies with the strategy for bilateral cooperation on
Skadar-Shkoder Lake defined in the Agreement for the protection and sustainable development of
the Skadar-Shkoder Lake, signed by the Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Montenegro
(present Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment), and by the Ministry of Environment,
Forestry, and Water Administration (MEFWA) of the Republic of Albania.
One of the jointly agreed threats to the Lake is contamination from a large industrial Aluminum
Factory (Kombinat aluminijuma Podgorica-KAP), upstream of the Lake in Montenegro. Most
important pollutants present are heavy metals, PCBs, PAHs which have been detected in the lake
water, sediments, adjacent springs, wells, and some fish. The Government of Montenegro has
requested support from the GEF project to help catalyze action at the site, and taking action at this
site was one of the highest priorities which emerged from a participatory Transboundary
Diagnostic Analysis, developed under the project. Aluminum Factory was privatized with
agreement that the Government of Montenegro would retain liability for remediation of the
hazardous waste portion of a waste dump site on the property. A “zero state” analysis report
prepared (2006) at the time of privatization however did not fully clarify the extent and boundaries
of the site contamination.
Lake Skadar-Shkoder Integrated Ecosystem Management Project TA funds will support an
inventory and characterization of on-site waste and feasibility study/preliminary design of options
study for remediation, recycling, and/or disposal. To complement this work, the project will also
finance an International Technical Adviser (ITA) to strengthen Government environmental
management capacity and support the project management for this activity. A third contract will
support an EIA on recommended actions from the feasibility study.
The objective for the International Technical Advisor (ITA) is to strengthen Government’s and
supervision capacity for this activity to help prepare bidding documents, review KAP consultant
work, and advise a Government’s stakeholder Steering Committee. This support will supplement
and not replace Bank and Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment (MSPE) supervision. The
International Technical Advisor will work directly with the Project Management team of the MSPE.
He/she will also liaise closely with the KAP Assignment Consultant(s), and work with the KAP Site
Steering Committee (KSC), and MSPE and newly established Environmental Protection Agency
The four primary objectives of the Adviser’s assistance are:
1. Ensure the development of links between Project Management team of the MSPE, the KAP
Assignment Consultant(s), the KAP Site Steering Committee (KSC), and MSPE/EPA. To reflect
these links in project activities, and to ensure that the necessary understanding is developed by all
stakeholders of the constraints and the processes through which objectives will be achieved. To
have an overseeing and co-ordinating role in project implementation, which will involve, for
Reviewing, on behalf of the Project Management team of the MSPE, all proposals and
technical reports from the KAP Assignment Consultant (s) for their consistency with the
project ToR and compliance with EU standards and best practice;
Support Project Management team of the MSPE, the KAP Site Steering Committee (KSC),
and MSPE/EPA, in order to ensure that studies and recommendations from the KAP
Assignment Consultant(s) build upon international good practice of hazardous waste
management and aluminum waste remediation;
2. Facilitate the technical discussions and meetings of the KSC, which will involve:
Preparation for, and attendance at, the regular KSC meetings;
Liaise with members of the KSC concerning their technical issues and priorities for the KAP
Ensure the development of links between Project Management team of the MSPE, the
KAP Assignment Consultant(s), the KAP Site Steering Committee (KSC), and MSPE/EPA.
In order to reflect them in project activities, and the necessary understanding is developed
by all stakeholders of the constraints and the processes through which objectives will be
achieved; and ensure that KSC stakeholders’ decision-making is timely.
3. Support the MSPE and EPA permitting and regulating and waste department(s) with those
activities stemming from the KAP assignment and environmental chapter of the National Plan for
Integration. This will require periodic:
Monitoring of developments in Montenegrin environmental legislation during the period of
the ITA assignment;
Technical support concerning the implementation of the environmental legislation (eg
aspects of IPPC such as evaluation of BAT, public consultation and negotiation with private
sector etc);
Monitoring of and liaison with any other parallel and related donor assistance to the sector.
4. Technical support and advice to the Project Management team with their response to the KAP
Consultant by reviewing outputs from the KAP assignment, for example with evaluation of bidding
documents, eg ToR, facility specifications, etc.
The main requirements for the Consultant are as follows:
Seniority of at least 10 years international environmental consultancy, including experience in preaccession and transition countries (Central and South-East European), availability to demonstrate
significant experience in donor technical assistance programs for the environment sector. The
Consultant will have the capacity to mentor and transfer his knowledge to the MSPE/EPA, facilitating
their training in the field of the environmental reforms.
Qualifications and skills: degree in environmental science/chemistry/engineering, strong oral
and written communication skills, good knowledge of European legislation and regulations
concerning industrial pollution control, and fluency in English. Knowledge of Montenegrin language
would be an asset.
General professional experience: working experience of at least 10 years international
environmental consultancy, including experience in pre-accession and transition countries (Central
and South-East European), and significant experience in donor programs providing technical
assistance for the environment sector in the subject field of a similar nature (ie environmental
institutional capacity building, assessment and remediation of contaminated sites, and landfill
design and operation) and complexity;
Specific professional experience: proven experience in the legal and institutional aspects
associated with transposition and implementation of EU environmental Directives (especially IPPC
and Landfill Directives), IPPC implementation for metals sector, hazardous wastes’ classification
and management, contaminated sites’ assessment and remediation, and landfill design and
operation. Experience in project of similar nature and complexity, environmental regulation (ie
permitting / inspection), primary aluminum production, in the region will be an asset.
The Consultant will execute his tasks in a period of twenty four (24) months, with a total input of at
least 100 working days. The tasks will probably require up to 10 (ten) visits to Montenegro
spending at least 80% of the time in the country, consistent with the workplan agreed with the
Project Management Team.
The commencement of services will be scheduled to match with the other KAP Consultants’
activities to ensure the optimum overlap of their inputs.
Project Management Team of Lake Skadar-Shkoder Integrated Ecosystem Management
Project (LSIEMP) in Montenegro now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their
interest in providing described services. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating
that they are qualified to perform the services (CVs, including past experience and description of
similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, etc.). This Request for Expression of Interest
will lead to the preparation of a short-list of consultants. For evaluation of the expressions of
interest of the mentioned assignment the following criteria will be applied:
Degree in environmental science/chemistry/engineering relevant to the assignment – 20
Experience in the legal and institutional aspects and institutional capacity building
associated with transposition and implementation of EU environmental Directives
(especially IPPC and Landfill Directives) - 25 points;
Experience of hazardous wastes’ classification, contaminated sites’ assessment and
remediation programs development (especially from metal sector industry), as well as
hazardous waste landfill design and operation - 35 points;
Experience in contracts of similar nature and complexity implemented in transition
countries/South East European countries – 20 points.
An individual consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World
Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May
Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from
09:00 to 17:00 hours (CET).
Expressions of Interests must be delivered to the e-mail address given below not later than July 6,
Project Implementation Unit of Lake Skadar-Shkoder Integrated Ecosystem Management
Project (LSIEMP)
Viktor Subotić, Project Coordinator
Rimski trg 46, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Tel: +382 67 231 142
Fax: +382 20 228 512