Chapter 3-13. Sensitivity Analysis (Bias Analysis) In this chapter, we discuss using sensitivity analysis as a way to address misclassification error. We cannot just recode the data, because that would be guessing. But we can discover what the impact of a possible misclassification error would have on the result. Sensitivity analysis provides “what if” senarios. For example, “Assuming that the outcome variable is misclassifed 10% of time, so that 10% of the cases were missed, what would the odds ratio be if this misclassification had not occurred.” A chapter on this subject, written by Greenland, is found in the Rothman and Greenland text (1998, chapter 19), updated in Rothman, Greenland, and Lash (2008, chapter 19). Greenland (1998, p. 343) advises “Potential biases due to unmeasured confounders, classification errors, and selection bias need to be addressed in any thorough discussion of study results.” Basic Approach In a sensitivity analysis, the investigator imputes what the data would be if the bias did not occur and then analyzes the imputed data. In this chapter, we apply this basic approach to two types of bias: 1) verification bias (diagnostic test problem) 2) misclassification bias _____________________ Source: Stoddard GJ. Biostatistics and Epidemiology Using Stata: A Course Manual [unpublished manuscript] University of Utah School of Medicine, 2010. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 1 Correction for Verification Bias Problem in Evaluating a Diagnostic Test Verification bias is a problem in cohort studies where the screened positive cases are more completely verified for true disease status than are the screened negative cases. That is, the gold standard variable is collected a greater proportion of the time when the diagnostic test is positive than when it is negative. Other terms for verification bias are work-up bias, referral bias, selection bias, and ascertainment bias. (Pepe, 2003, pp.168-169). The bias introduces a sensitivity estimate that is too high and a specificity that is too low, when using ordinary formulas (naïve estimates) for these test characteristics based on your sample data. You can quote Pepe (2003, p.169) as a citation for this: “When screen positives are more likely to be verified for disease than screen negatives, the bias in naïve estimates is always to increase sensitivity and to decrease specificity from their true values.” Pepe (2003, p. 168) gives the following example. The table on the left shows data for a cohort where all screens are verified with the gold standard. On the right, all screen positives are verified but only 10% of screen negatives are verified. Fully observed Disease = 1 Disease=0 (gold) (gold) Screen = 1 40 95 (test) Screen = 0 10 855 (test) 50 950 Selected data Disease = 1 Disease=0 135 40 95 135 865 1 85 86 1000 41 180 221 Fully observed: Sensitivity = True Positive Fraction (TPF) = 40/50 = 80% Specificity = 1 – FPF = 855/950 = 90% (Bias) naïve estimates based on selected data Sensitivity = TPF = 40/41 = 97.6% Specificity = 1 – FPF = 85/180 = 47.2% In this example, the naïve sample estimates are biased, with sensitivity being too high and specificity being too low, which is consistent with the known direction of this bias. If the estimates were not biased, the sample (selected data table), which is assumed representative of the population (fully observed table), should provide estimates that accurately reflect the population values. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 2 Inverse Probability Weighting/Imputation One approach to this problem is to use the Beggs and Greenes bias adjusted estimates, which applies Bayes Theorem (Begg and Greenes, 1983; Pepe, 2003). More simply, we can also get an unbiased estimate by re-creating the fully observed table from the selected data based on the probability of verification of the screened result. This is called the Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) approach. The IPW and Beggs-Green approaches provide identical unbiased estimates. Defining a variable V, which is an indicator variable for disease verification status (Pepe, 2003, p.169), 1 if D is ascertained V 0 if D is not ascertained we then multiply every cell in the selected data table by 1 , which is the inverse of the estimated selection probability. P̂[V 1| Screen result] This formula is just a fancy way to say multiple the observed table frequencies by 1/(proportion for which disease is verified). The result is called the inverse probability weighted table or the imputed data table (Pepe, 2003, p.171). In the example, P̂[V 1| Screen 1] = 1.0 , since all screened positives were verified P̂[V 1| Screen 0] = 0.1 , since 10% of screened negatives were verified. Inverse weighting the cells of the selected data table, S=1 S=0 Selected data D = 1 D=0 40 95 1 85 41 180 135 86 221 × 1/1.0 × 1/0.1 Imputed data D = 1 D=0 40 95 10 850 50 945 135 860 995 and then calculating the test characteristics using ordinary formulas, Sensitivity[IPW] = 40/50 = 80% Specificity[IPW] = 850/945 = 90% which are equal to the original population values, and so are unbiased. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 3 Confidence intervals can be computed for these IPW estimates using a formula by Beggs and Greenes, which uses the observed sample size, rather than the imputed sample size (Begg and Greenes, 1983; Pepe, 2003). Pepe (2003, p.174), however, suggests using a bootstrap approach to obtain the confidence interval, because the Beggs and Greenes formula does not appear to be reliable for sample sizes that investigators normally collect. Software I programmed this for you. The Begg and Greenes unibased estimates for sensitivity and specificity, as well as the IPW estimates, along with the Begg-Greenes confidence interval, can be computed using the Stata ado-file, begggreenes.ado found in ado files subdirectory]. Note: Using begggreenes.ado In the command window, execute the command sysdir This tells you the directories Stata searches to find commands, or ado files. It will look like: STATA: C:\Program Files\Stata10\ UPDATES: C:\Program Files\Stata10\ado\updates\ BASE: C:\Program Files\Stata10\ado\base\ SITE: C:\Program Files\Stata10\ado\site\ PLUS: c:\ado\plus\ PERSONAL: c:\ado\personal\ OLDPLACE: c:\ado\ I suggest you copy the file begggreenes.ado and begggreenes.hlp from the ado files subdirectory to the c:\ado\personal\ directory. Alternatively, you can simply make sure these two files are in your working directory (the directory shown in bottom left-corner of Stata screen). Having done that, begggreenes becomes an executable command in your installation of Stata. If the directory c:\ado\personal\ does not exit, then you should create it using Windows Explorer (My Documents icon), and then copy the two files into this directory. The directory is normally created by Stata the first time you update Stata. To get help for begggreenes, use help begggreenes in the command window. To execute, use the command begggreenes followed by the two required variable names and three options. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 4 The syntax is found in the help file. help begggreenes Syntax for begggreenes ---------------------------------------------------------------------[by byvar:] begggreenes yvar dvar [if] [in] , cohortsize( ) pv1( ) pv0( ) where yvar is name of dichotomous test variable dvar is name of dichotomous disease variable (gold standard) cohortsize(n), where n= size of study cohort pv1(x), where x=number between 0 and 1 is the proportion of the yvar=1 subjects in the cohort that have nonmissing dvar (have verification of disease) pv0(y), where y=number between 0 and 1 is the proportion of the yvar=0 subjects in the cohort that have nonmissing dvar (have verification of disease) Note: the two variables and 3 options are required. Description ----------begggreenes computes the Begg and Greenes (1983) unbiased estimators for sensitivity and specificity, along with both asymptotic and bootstrapped CIs. Reference --------Begg CB, Greenes RA. Assessment of diagnostic tests when disease verification is subject to selection bias. Biometrics 1983;39:207-215. Example -------begggreenes yvar dvar , cohortsize(1000) pv1(1) pv0(.1) Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 5 To obtain the statistics discussed in the example, first bring the data into Stata using clear input yvar dvar count 1 1 40 1 0 95 0 1 1 0 0 85 end expand count drop count Then, to compute the statistics, use begggreenes yvar dvar , cohortsize(1000) pv1(1) pv0(.1) Sample Data test disease (gold) + ---------------+ | 40 95 | 135 - | 1 85 | 86 ----------------------41 180 | 221 Imputed Inverse Probability Weighting Population Data disease (gold) + ---------------test + | 40 95 | 135 - | 10 850 | 860 ----------------------50 945 | 995 Sensitivity (Begg & Greenes) = 0.7991 95% CI (0.3571 , 0.9661) Specificity (Begg & Greenes) = 0.9000 95% CI (0.8791 , 0.9176) Sensitivity (Inverse Probability Weighted) = Specificity (Inverse Probability Weighted) = Cohort N = 1000 Proportion cohort with positive test disease Proportion cohort with negative test disease 0.8000 0.8995 verified = 1.0000 verified = 0.1000 These results agree with the results in the above text, as well as agree with those shown in Pepe (2003) where she presented this example, which should give you some confidence that it was programmed correctly. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 6 To get bootstrapped confidences intervals, as suggested by Pepe (2003), use the following command. It will use four bootstrapping methods. The most popularly reported approach is the bias-corrected CI, although the bias-corrected and accelerated CI is supposed to be superior. bootstrap r(unbiased_sensitivity_BG) r(unbiased_specificity_BG), /// reps(1000) size(221) seed(999) bca: /// begggreenes yvar dvar , cohortsize(1000) pv1(1) pv0(.1) estat bootstrap, all Bootstrap results command: _bs_1: _bs_2: Number of obs Replications = = 221 1000 begggreenes yvar dvar, cohortsize(1000) pv1(1) pv0(.1) r(unbiased_sensitivity) r(unbiased_specificity) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Observed Bootstrap | Coef. Bias Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------_bs_1 | .79907085 .0366465 .15247002 .5002351 1.097907 (N) | .5238683 1 (P) | .4854757 1 (BC) | .3863797 1 (BCa) _bs_2 | .89999388 5.30e-06 .0074108 .885469 .9145188 (N) | .8849489 .9142065 (P) | .8843828 .9136888 (BC) | .8843828 .9136316 (BCa) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------(N) normal confidence interval (P) percentile confidence interval (BC) bias-corrected confidence interval (BCa) bias-corrected and accelerated confidence interval Article Suggestion Here is an suggestion for reporting this approach in the Statistical Methods section of your article. Given that 100% of the patients who tested positive on the screening test had their disease verified using the gold standard test, while only 10% of the patients who tested negative on the screening test had their disease verified, ordinary estimates of sensitivity and specificity are subject to verification bias (Pepe, 2003). Therefore, we report Begg and Greenes estimates of sensitivity and specificity, where the estimates are corrected for verification bias using a Bayes Theorem approach (Begg and Greenes, 1983; Pepe, 2003). Pepe has shown the asymptotic confidence intervals to be unreliable for sample sizes used in research studies and instead recommends bootstrapped confidence intervals (Pepe, 2003). Thus, we report boostrapped confidence intervals using the “bias-corrected” method (Carpenter and Bithell, 2000), where “bias” used in this sense is not referring to verification bias, but rather is making the confidence intervals closer to their expected value. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 7 Misclassification Bias In a misclassification problem, the following probabilities are useful for quantifying the misclassification error (Greenland, 1998, p.347): Exposure (predictor variable) Classification Sensitivity = probability someone exposed is classified as exposed = Prob(data: exposed = 1 | truth: exposed = 1) Specificity = probability someone unexposed is classified as unexposed = Prob(data: exposed = 0 | truth: exposed = 0) Disease (outcome variable) Classification Sensitivity = probability someone diseased is classified as diseased = Prob(data: diseased = 1 | truth: diseased = 1) Specificity = probability someone unexposed is classified as unexposed = Prob(data: diseased = 0 | truth: diseased = 0) These definitions are identically the standard definitions for sensitivity and specificity when comparing a diagnostic test to a gold standard (see box). In Greenland’s chapter, he gives a method that involves solving a system of simultaneous equations to derive the adjusted cell frequencies. After that, you use standard methods for calculating the odds ratio and confidence interval. This approach is available in PEPI and in Stata. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 8 Test Characteristics: Sensitivity and Specificity With the data in the required form for Stata’s diagt command: Gold Standard “true value” disease present ( + ) disease absent ( - ) Test “probable value” disease present ( + ) disease absent ( - ) a (true positives) b (false negatives) c (false positives) d (true negatives) a+c b+d a+b c+d We define the following terminology expressed as percents: sensitivity = (true positives)/(true positives plus false negatives) = (true positives)/(all those with the disease) = a / (a + b) 100 specificity = (true negatives)/(true negatives plus false positives) = (true negatives)/(all those without the disease) = d / (c + d) 100 PEPI Software: Misclassification of Exposure, Disease, or Both A sensitivity analysis of nondifferential (assumed same for cases and controls) misclassification of exposures, as well as differential misclassification (different for cases and controls), as described in Greenland’s Chapter 19, can be computed using the PEPI software (Abramson and Gahlinger, 2001). The software performs a sensitivity analysis for any of the three basic study designs: cross-sectional, case-control, or cohort. These can be matched or non-matched analyses. It allows for misclassification in the disease variable, the exposure variable, or both. The module we need, misclass.exe, is in the PEPI Windows Programs subdirectory. It is a DOS program that runs in Windows, but a Macintosh version is not available. Greenland (1998, p.344, Table 19-1) presents the following crude data for an unmatched casecontrol study of occupational resins exposure and lung cancer mortality, with an odds ratio of 1.76. Cases (D = 1) Controls (D = 0) Exposed (E = 1) 45 257 Nonexposed (E = 0) 94 945 Total 139 1202 source: Greenland S, Salvan A, Wegman DH, et al. A case-control study of cancer mortality at a transformer-assembly facility. Int Arch Occup Env Health 1994;66:49-54. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 9 In Greenland’s (1998, p.349) Table 19-4, he presents a sensitivity analysis for a variety of scenarios. For the following scenario of differential misclassification of resin exposure: Controls: Sensitivity = 0.80 Specificity = 0.90 Cases: Sensitivity = 0.90 Specificity = 0.90 the corrected odds ratio is 2.00. We will practice with the PEPI software, by seeing if we can duplicate Greenland’s result. Since PEPI is a DOS program, it cannot execute unless the directory name is no more than eight characters with no embedded spaces. We can accomplish this by copying misclass.exe from the datasets & do files subdirectory to the desktop. Do that now. Double clicking on the misclass.exe icon on the desktop, Screen 1. Press <Ent> to put the results on the screen only just hit the enter key Screen 2. Type of study enter 2, since this is an unmatched case-control study design Screen 3. Where the same sampling ratios used for both samples (Y/N)? enter N, since there are an unequal number of cases and controls Enter an estimate of the disease rate (per 1000) in the target population, according to the diagnostic method used in this study. This is referring to the population disease prevalance. It does not seem to matter so just enter a number. [In the PEPI manual, it states that this number is used to base the calculations on the population frequencies, but then it scales the corrected frequencies down to match the sizes of the samples]. Since it does this scaling down, it really does not matter what is entered here. enter 1 Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 10 Screen 4. Enter the sensitivity of the disease measure (percent): Among the exposed (or just press <Ent> if 100%) just hit the enter key – in this example we are assumption no misclassification of the disease measure Among the nonexposed (or just press <Ent> if the same) just hit the enter key Enter the specificity of the disease measure (percent): Among the exposed (or just press <Ent> if 100%) just hit the enter key Among the nonexposed (or just press <Ent> if the same) just hit the enter key Enter the sensitivity of the exposure measure (percent): Among the diseased (or just press <Ent> if 100%) enter 90 Among the nondiseased (or just press <Ent> if the same) enter 80 Enter the specificity of the exposure measure (percent): Among the diseased (or just press <Ent> if 100%) enter 90 Among the nondiseased (or just press <Ent> if the same) just hit the enter key, to repeat the 90 Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 11 Screen 5. Enter the observed frequencies: Diseased and exposed enter 45 Diseased and not exposed enter 94 Not diseased, exposed enter 257 Not diseased, not exposed enter 945 Screen 6. Shows output ----------------------------------------------------------------Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity of of of of disease measure: disease measure: exposure measure: exposure measure: exposed 100%, nonexposed 100% exposed 100%, nonexposed 100% diseased 90%, nondiseased 80% diseased 90%, nondiseased 90% Observed frequency Diseased and exposed Diseased and not exposed Not diseased, exposed Not diseased, not exposed Observed odds ratio = 1.760 Adjusted frequency 45 94 257 945 38.87 100.13 195.43 1006.57 Corrected odds ratio = 2.000 If the adjusted frequencies are rounded off: corrected OR = 2.014 (approx. 95% CI = 1.349 to 3.006) enter Q to quit ----------------------------------------------------------------- Enter Q to quit PEPI. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 12 The PEPI software is using the method given in Greenland’s chapter, which involves solving a system of simultaneous equations to derive the adjusted cell frequencies, after standard methods are then used for calculating the effect estimate (odds ratio) and confidence interval. We can verify this using Stata. Open Stata, and use the menus Statistics Epidemiology and related Tables for epidemiologists Case-control odds ratio calculator 39 100 195 1007 Exact confidence intervals (the default) OK cci 39 100 195 1007 Proportion | Exposed Unexposed | Total Exposed -----------------+------------------------+-----------------------Cases | 39 100 | 139 0.2806 Controls | 195 1007 | 1202 0.1622 -----------------+------------------------+-----------------------Total | 234 1107 | 1341 0.1745 | | | Point estimate | [95% Conf. Interval] |------------------------+-----------------------Odds ratio | 2.014 | 1.31109 3.046162 (exact) Attr. frac. ex. | .5034757 | .2372758 .6717181 (exact) Attr. frac. pop | .141263 | +------------------------------------------------chi2(1) = 12.11 Pr>chi2 = 0.0005 We see the odds ratio for rounded adjusted frequencies matches the PEPI output. The confidence interval does not, because PEPI uses a Woolf confidence interval. To get that, we can use, Statistics Epidemiology and related Tables for epidemiologists Case-control odds ratio calculator 39 100 195 1007 Woolf approximation OK cci 39 100 195 1007 , woolf Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 13 Proportion | Exposed Unexposed | Total Exposed -----------------+------------------------+-----------------------Cases | 39 100 | 139 0.2806 Controls | 195 1007 | 1202 0.1622 -----------------+------------------------+-----------------------Total | 234 1107 | 1341 0.1745 | | | Point estimate | [95% Conf. Interval] |------------------------+-----------------------Odds ratio | 2.014 | 1.349303 3.006142 (Woolf) Attr. frac. ex. | .5034757 | .2588765 .6673477 (Woolf) Attr. frac. pop | .141263 | +------------------------------------------------chi2(1) = 12.11 Pr>chi2 = 0.0005 This time the CI agrees with PEPI. The result agrees with Greenland’s Table 19-4. The OR=2.00 (exact) or OR=2.01 (frequenies rounded) is the odds ratio that we would expect if no misclassification was present. That is, in our manuscript, we show the result from our observed data. Then we use PEPI to come up with the effect measure that we would get if our data did not have the possible misclassification error. We usually do this for a number of scenarios to provide a broad sensitivity analysis. Using PEPI With Confounding Variable(s) In his chapter, Greenland points out the that same approach can be used when confounders are present. You simply use PEPI to compute the stratum-specific adjusted frequencies for each strata of the confounder, and then obtained the summary effect measure by the Mantel-Hanszel approach. That is, we use PEPI to get the stratum-specific adjusted frequencies, and then enter these into Stata to the get the summary effect measure. To illustrate, suppose the following data are the bias-corrected cell frequencies from PEPI. Infants with congenital heart disease and Down syndrome and healthy controls, by maternal spermicide use before conception and maternal age at delivery Age <35 years Age 35 years Used Not Used Used Not Used Spermicide Spermicide Spermicide Spermicide Cases 3 9 1 3 Controls 104 1059 5 86 Odds Ratio 3.39 5.73 Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 14 We would then enter this data into Stata using a do-file as follows: clear input age case spermicide cellcount 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 9 0 0 1 104 0 0 0 1059 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 5 1 0 0 86 end drop if cellcount==0 expand cellcount drop cellcount To get the Mantel-Haenzsel pooled odds ratio (also called the summary odds ratio), we use Statistics Epidemiology and related Tables for epidemiologists Case-control odds ratio Main tab: Case variable: case Exposed variable: spermicide Options tab: Stratify on variable: age Within-stratum weights: Use Mantel-Haenszel OK cc case spermicide, by(age) age | OR [95% Conf. Interval] M-H Weight -----------------+------------------------------------------------0 | 3.394231 .5811941 13.87411 .7965957 (exact) 1 | 5.733333 .0911619 85.89589 .1578947 (exact) -----------------+------------------------------------------------Crude | 3.501529 .808085 11.78958 (exact) M-H combined | 3.781172 1.18734 12.04142 ------------------------------------------------------------------Test of homogeneity (M-H) chi2(1) = 0.14 Pr>chi2 = 0.7105 Test that combined OR = 1: Mantel-Haenszel chi2(1) = Pr>chi2 = 5.81 0.0159 The Summary OR = 3.78 would be our bias-corrected odds ratio after adjusting, or stratifying on, age. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 15 Logistic Regression When the Outcome is Measured with Uncertainty Software for computing a sensitivity analysis for logistic regression when the outcome variable is potential misclassification bias is available in Stata. This is the logitem command, which you have to update Stata to get (see box). Update your Stata now. Updating Stata to get logitem command In the Command Window, run the command, findit logitem This will display, SJ-5-3 sg139_1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Software update for logitem (help logitem if installed) . . . . . . . . . M. Cleves and A. Tosetto Q3/05 SJ 5(3):470 updated to include prediction program file logite_p STB-55 sg139 . Logistic reg. when binary outcome is measured with uncertainty (help logitem if installed) . . . . . . . . . M. Cleves and A. Tosetto 5/00 pp.20--23; STB Reprints Vol 10, pp.152--156 estimates a maximum-likelihood logit regression model using an EM algorithm when the outcome variable is measured imperfectly but with known sensitivity and specificity Click on the sg139_1 link, INSTALLATION FILES sg139_1/logitem.ado sg139_1/logitem.hlp sg139_1/logite_p.ado and then click on the (click (click here to install) here to install) link. This will install everything, including what was available from the link sg139, which it updates. This logistic regression approach is described in Magder and Hughes (1997). The article is a good citation for your manuscript if you use the logitem command. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 16 Madger and Hughes (1997, p. 198) provide the following example. In a randomized trial of a smoking cessation program among pregnant women, the subgroup of women randomized to the smoking cessation program are considered. It is of interest to know what patient characteristics predict successful smoking cessation. The outcome of smoking cessation is measured by self-report, and there were concerns about the accuracy of the patients’ reports. The researchers believed that among those who actually quit smoking, there was no reason to lie, so the probability that they reported quitting was quite high (sensitivity 100%). However, among those who did not quit, some might report that they did (specificity <100%). Assuming that up to 10% of these women lied about quitting smoking, the task is to compute a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact that an outcome specificity of 90% would have on estimates of the various characteristics used to predict smoking cessation. Using Magder and Hughes’ Example 2 (p.198) data not adjusted for uncertainty, and entering it Stata, clear input habit quit cellfreq 1 1 101 1 0 153 0 1 15 0 0 92 end drop if cellfreq==0 // not needed this time, but necessary sometimes expand cellfreq drop cellfreq save magder, replace This step has been completed [magder.dta] The variables are scored as: habit 1 = reported smoking less than one pack per day 0 = reported smoking at least one pack per day quit 1 = reported quitting smoking 0 = reported not quitting smoking Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 17 Reading the data into Stata, File Open Find the directory where you copied the course CD Change to the subdirectory datasets & do-files Single click on magder.dta Open use "C:\Documents and Settings\u0032770.SRVR\Desktop\ Biostats & Epi With Stata\datasets & do-files\magder.dta", clear * which must be all on one line, or use: cd "C:\Documents and Settings\u0032770.SRVR\Desktop\” cd “Biostats & Epi With Stata\datasets & do-files" use magder.dta, clear Computing a logistic regression, Statistics Binary outcome Logistic regression (reporting odds ratios) Model tab: Dependent variable: quit Independent variables: habit OK logistic quit habit Logistic regression Log likelihood = -214.06611 Number of obs LR chi2(1) Prob > chi2 Pseudo R2 = = = = 361 25.19 0.0000 0.0556 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------quit | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------habit | 4.048802 1.24112 4.56 0.000 2.220236 7.383358 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We observe a four-fold increase in odds of quitting smoking if the one’s smoking habit was less than one pack per day, relative to a habit of at least one pack per day. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 18 Performing a sensitivity analysis for our logistic regression model, to correct for a potential misclassification of 10% error in overreporting having quit (specificity = 90%), logitem quit habit ,sens(1.0) spec(.9) logistic regression when outcome is uncertain Number of obs = 361 LR chi2(1) = -0.00 Log likelihood = -214.06611 Prob > chi2 = 1.0000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------habit | 10.57174 9.384482 2.66 0.008 1.855835 60.22181 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Whereas the odds ratio for our observed data was OR=4.04, if our data did not have this much misclassification in the outcome, we would expect to get OR=10.57. The advantage of the logitem command is that it allows for as many predictor variables as we want to model. The shortcoming of the logitem command is that it does not allow you to adjust for misclassificaiton in the exposure (predictor) variables. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 19 A More Up-to-Date Approach The Greenland chapter on sensitivity analysis (Greenland, 1998), which the PEPI software was based on, was expanded considerably in the later edition of the textbook (Greenland, 2008). The approach implemented in PEPI-4 is called deterministic sensitivity analysis. Deterministic sensitivity analysis assumes that the bias parameters (our guesses of sensitivity and specificity of the exposure and disease variables) are specified without error. That is, the bias parameters are treated as if they are perfectly measured themselves, or as if they can only take on a limited combination of values, being the different combinations we choose to consider if we show a table of possibilities. Neither treatment is likely to be correct. (Greenland, 2008, p.364). The deterministic sensitivity analysis, then, does not adjust the p value and confidence intervals to take into account the uncertainty of the bias parameters. Probablistic sensitivity analysis does make this adjustment. It chooses the bias parameters from a distribution, computes the unbiased estimates, and then repeats the process a number of times, a type of Monte Carlo simulation. The distribution of adjusted values can then be summarized using percentiles. The 50th percentile, or median, represents the adjusted estimate, such as a risk ratio. The 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles represent a 95% confidence interval around this estimate. (Greenland, 2008, p.365) The methods described in Greenland (2008) are now implemented in Stata-10. This software performs both deterministic and probablistic sensitivity analysis. It also permits simultaneous bias adjustment for misclassification bias, selection bias, and uncontrolled confounders. To use this in Stata, you first have to update your Stata to include it. While inside Stata, run the following command: findit episens SJ-8-1 st0138 . . . . . Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis . . . . . N. Orsini, R. Bellocco, M. Bottai, A. Wolk, and S. Greenland (help episens, episensi if installed) Q1/08 SJ 8(1):29--48 A tool for deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis of epidemiologic studies that adjusts the relative risk for exposure misclassification, selection bias, and an unmeasured confounder Clicking on the “SJ 8(1):29—48” link will take you to the StataCorp website, where you can purchase the article $7.50. It will also provide you with the abstract of the article (Orsini et al, 2008), which is: Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 20 Abstract. Classification errors, selection bias, and uncontrolled confounders are likely to be present in most epidemiologic studies, but the uncertainty introduced by these types of biases is seldom quantified. The authors present a simple yet easy-to-use Stata command to adjust the relative risk for exposure misclassification, selection bias, and an unmeasured confounder. This command implements both deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis. It allows the user to specify a variety of probability distributions for the bias parameters, which are used to simulate distributions for the bias-adjusted exposure–disease relative risk. We illustrate the command by applying it to a case– control study of occupational resin exposure and lung-cancer deaths. By using plausible probability distributions for the bias parameters, investigators can report results that incorporate their uncertainties regarding systematic errors and thus avoid overstating their certainty about the effect under study. These results can supplement conventional results and can help pinpoint major sources of conflict in study interpretations. Next, click on the st0138 link to install the episens command. Returning to the example, we will first see if the deterministic sensitivity analysis using episensi give the same result as PEPI. Recall the 2 x 2 table was: Cases (D = 1) Controls (D = 0) Exposed (E = 1) 45 257 Nonexposed (E = 0) 94 945 Total 139 1202 and we wanted to make the following misclassification bias adjustments for the exposure variable: Controls: Sensitivity = 0.80 Specificity = 0.90 Cases: Sensitivity = 0.90 Specificity = 0.90 Doing that in Stata, we use (use the /// to specify a continuation inside the do-file editor, omit that and put everything on one line in the command window): episensi 45 94 257 945 , st(cc) dsenc(c(.90)) dspnc(c(.80)) /// dseca(c(.90)) dspca(c(.90)) where: st(cc) = study is case-control dsenc( ) = sensitivity noncases dspnc( ) = specificity noncases dseca( ) = sensitivity cases dspca( ) = specificity cases the c(#) means constant parametric (deterministic) rather than specifying a probability distribution (probablistic). Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 21 Stata outputs the result: Se|Cases : Sp|Cases : Se|No-Cases: Sp|No-Cases: Constant(.9) Constant(.9) Constant(.8) Constant(.9) Observed Odds Ratio [95% Conf. Interval]= 1.76 [1.20, 2.58] Deterministic sensitivity analysis for misclassification of the exposure External adjusted Odds Ratio = 2.00 Percent bias = -12% The “percent bias” comes from : (1.76 – 2.00)/2.00 × 100 Comparing this to the PEPI output produced above: ----------------------------------------------------------------Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity of of of of disease measure: disease measure: exposure measure: exposure measure: exposed 100%, nonexposed 100% exposed 100%, nonexposed 100% diseased 90%, nondiseased 80% diseased 90%, nondiseased 90% Observed frequency Diseased and exposed Diseased and not exposed Not diseased, exposed Not diseased, not exposed Observed odds ratio = 1.760 Adjusted frequency 45 94 257 945 38.87 100.13 195.43 1006.57 Corrected odds ratio = 2.000 If the adjusted frequencies are rounded off: corrected OR = 2.014 (approx. 95% CI = 1.349 to 3.006) enter Q to quit ----------------------------------------------------------------- We see that we get the same result. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 22 Exericise: Look at Takkouche’s simple approach for a sensitivity analysis (Takkouche et al, 2002) Read last two paragraphs of Results section (page 856). This allowed them to say in the Second paragraph of Discussion section on page 857, “Thus, the inverse association we found is not easily ascribed to confounding, misclassifcication, or selection bias due to loss to follow-up.” Exercise: Look at Rauscher’s simple approach for a sensitivity analysis (Rauscher et al, 2000). In the Discussion section, 2nd paragraph of 2nd column, they state, “Methods of sensitivity analyses described by Greenland (42) were used to explore the effect of potential control selection bias and differential recall of cases and controls....Sensitivity analyses of potential control selection bias revealed this explanation to be highly unlikely for the association observed (data not shown).” Exercise: For an example of a sensitivity analysis where the results are shown, look at the Korte paper (Korte et al, 2002). The approach is described in the section called “Simulations of misclassification” on page 501, and the results are shown in Tables 5 and 6 on page 502. Chapter 3-13 (revision 16 May 2010) p. 23 References Abramson JH, Gahlinger PM. (2001). Programs for Epidemiologists: PEPI Version 4.0. Salt Lake City, UT, Sagebrush Press. Begg CB, Greenes RA. (1983). Assessment of diagnostic tests when disease verification is subject to selection bias. Biometrics 39:207-215. 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