JLAB-TN-02-014 April 23, 2002 Design details of the IR 10 kW Upgrade Free-electron Laser Resonator Stephen Benson, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Abstract The design of a high power laser resonator for use in a ten-kilowatt class free-electron laser (FEL) with a wavelength range of 1–14 µm is described. The resonator design chosen consists of a simple, nearlyconcentric resonator with dielectric mirrors and output coupling through one of the mirrors. The upstream mirror will have an actively controlled radius of curvature. The center of the optical cavity mode will not always be in the geometric center of the optical cavity. The change in the center position will be described. 1. Introduction Jefferson Lab is in the process of building a free-electron laser in the mid-infrared to demonstrate scalability of energy recovering FELs. Due to cost and schedule constraints it was decided to use a resonator design similar to the one used in the IR Demo FEL. This is a near concentric resonator with transmissive output coupling. The customer (the Navy) requires a laser with approximately ten kilowatts of output power operating at some wavelength in the mid-infrared with excellent wavelength and power stability, nearly transform limited bandwidth, and a nearly diffraction limited optical mode (here "nearly" means as close to ideal as possible but no worse than a factor of two larger than the ideal value). The full specifications are detailed in reference [1]. 2. Requirements Free-electron lasers have some characteristics which set them apart from conventional lasers and some which are in common with certain conventional lasers. The small signal gain in a FEL is typically low (<100%). The low gain is advantageous in reducing the number of transverse resonator modes that are above threshold, as noted in reference [2]. A near concentric cavity is nearly degenerate however and so gain guiding will have to be studied even at saturation. The higher the losses, the more important this is. We use the general characteristics of FELs to derive the following requirements: 1. The gain medium in a FEL is smaller than the optical mode. This leads to the need for careful alignment to get the optical mode overlapping the electron beam. It also leads to a spatial filtering effect that almost guarantees excellent mode quality. The optical cavity and optical transport system must be designed so that this excellent mode quality is not degraded. One source of beam quality degradation is aberration in the output coupler. To keep the mode quality better than two times the diffraction limit we have limited the phase distortion from each cavity mirror to less than 10% of a wave and the distortion of the transmitted beam to less than 20% of a wave. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The saturation intensity in a FEL is very high, leading to very high power loading on the optics surfaces unless the resonator mode is designed to be large at all the optical surfaces. We have chosen limits of 100 kW/cm2 as the engineering limit for the average intensity and 1.5 mJ/cm2/micropulse for the micropulse fluence for optical cavity elements. The electron beam is pulsed and the laser will only lase when the optical cavity length is very close to the synchronous length, defined as the length at which the round trip time in the cavity matches the arrival time of the electron bunches. The mirror mounts must be designed to decouple the cavity length from the optical mode position and angle. The optical mounts must also be quite stable so that the optical cavity length does not drift. The wavelength range of the laser will be 1–14 µm. This range was chosen to allow for the use of ZnSe windows in the optical transport. The system should be designed so that nothing fundamentally forbids operation at longer wavelengths. The gain is optimized if the optical mode is wrapped tightly around the electron beam. The optical power output is optimized when the maximum number of electrons is enclosed in the optical mode. Typically, a compromise is made between these two effects. The beam size and divergence around an optical waist is determined by its Rayleigh range which is defined as the distance from a waist at which a Gaussian mode doubles in area. A good value for the Rayleigh range in the laser for most designs is approximately one third to one half the active wiggler length (200–350 cm in our case). Calculations of the FEL gain indicate that the optimum for our design is close to 200 cm. At long wavelengths the diffraction is rather large in the wiggler bore for this Rayleigh range so one wants to use 350 cm instead. At short wavelengths, the gain and the intensity on the mirrors are the most important factors, so the shorter Rayleigh range should be used. The interaction between the laser mode and the electrons is maximized when the waist is centered on the wiggler center. In this design the waist will stay in the wiggler center to a tolerance of one fifth of the Rayleigh range. The optical mode axis and the electron beam axis must be as collinear as is reasonably achievable. Estimates of the electron beam stability indicate that the electron beam mean position and angle can be maintained to an rms tolerance of better than 50 µm and 100 µrad, respectively. The optical mode position and angle should be maintained to this tolerance if possible but to no larger than one sixth of the 1/e2 mode radius and divergence in any case. With the photocathode drive laser presently in use, the maximum repetition rate of the electrons is 74.85 MHz. This means that the optical cavity must be an integer multiple of 2.0026 m in length. As the cavity is lengthened, the power loading on the mirrors will go down and the sensitivity to mirror misalignments will grow. A compromise must be found. In order to allow ease of frequency selection the cavity should be 2N times the minimum length. The optimum saturated gain is approximately one third to one fourth of the small signal gain. For a gain to loss ratio greater than 4, the efficiency slowly increases with cavity Q but the intensity on the mirrors also increases. This means that, for saturated gain less than one fourth the small signal gain, the laser output will probably be limited in power by mirror heating rather than extraction efficiency. For our standard design, 2 10. 11. the small signal gain is approximately 50%. This means that the losses should be close to 15%. Extraneous cavity losses should be maintained as low as reasonably achievable. The main sources of loss are scatter by the mirrors, absorption by the mirrors, and diffraction by apertures in the cavity. To minimize the diffraction, all apertures should be at least three waists of the optical mode and four for high power operation. This will not only minimize the diffractive losses but will also reduce phase front distortion in the optical mode. Mirror substrates should be as smooth as reasonable and coatings should use low loss materials. In addition to the laser requirements there are requirements for the optics as far as environmental effects are concerned. The accelerator tunnel is a relatively harsh environment with great quantities of ionizing radiation and the need for high vacuum mounting of the optical elements. Optics and mounting hardware must be compatible with ionizing radiation, and high vacuum. All controls must be remotely operated and all diagnostics must be remotely monitored. We have summarized the requirements that are implied by the FEL and electron beam properties in Table 1. Other requirements must be derived from the properties of the resonator itself. These will be derived in section 5. Table 1. Requirements taken from FEL and electron beam properties Parameter Requirement Comments Resonator type Stable, near-concentric Produces excellent mode quality and is straightforward to design. Aberration If there is little aberration in the <l/20 P-V surface high reflector, one may relax the distortion surface distortion limit. <l/5 P-V transmitted wavefront distortion. Circulating Intensity <100 kW/cm2 Factor of two below the state of the art. 2 Circulating fluence <1.5 mJ/cm Allows operation at 75 MHz Length stability ~1 µm Passive control preferred. Wavelength Range 1-14 µm Limited by ZnSe windows. Rayleigh range ~200 cm for short Gain is optimized for 200 cm. wavelengths and ~350 cm Diffraction is minimized for 350 for long wavelengths cm. Waist position Within 0.2zR of cavity May start away from center and center. cross through center as mirrors heat up and distort. 2 Mode position and If this is less than 50 µm and <1/6 of the 1/e mode angle stability 100 µrad then 50 µm and 100 radius and divergence µrad can be used. Cavity length N*2.0026 m N can be 4,8,16... More discussion on choice below. Output coupling 15% Smaller output coupling needed for commissioning. 3 Extraneous losses Controls and diagnostics <1% of circulating power from all sources but output coupling. Remotely controlled and read out. 4 Should be as low as possible. Even at 1% the extraneous loss might be greater than 1 kW. Should also be computer interfaced. 3. Defining Equations Let us assume that the resonator modes are given to a good approximation by the Gauss-Laguerre or Gauss-Hermite modes. Assume a general two-mirror resonator for now with radii of curvature R1 and R2. The variable L represents the cavity length. Define the cavity stability parameters g1 and g2 as g1 1 L L and g2 1 R1 R2 (1) The Rayleigh range of the cavity can be calculated from these parameters. We will work backwards and assume the Rayleigh range and calculate the g parameters and therefore the radii of curvature. The mode size at the resonator mode waist is given by w z A0 0 R 2 2 2 (2) A resonator is defined as geometrically stable if 0 g1g2 1 (The term "stable resonator" is misleading since an unstable resonator is, in many ways, more stable than a stable resonator, but the terminology is still commonly used). We will find in our design that the product g1g2 for our resonator is quite close to unity and therefore that the cavity is nearly unstable. Since we will be able to control the radius of curvature of one of the mirrors and not the other the cavity will not be symmetric. It will not be far from symmetric however. The following formulas from Siegman [3] are useful. g1 g2 (1 g1g2 ) zR L (g1 g2 2g1 g2 ) 2 2 (3) The distance from the mode waist to the downstream mirror (defined here as mirror 1) is given by: z1 g2 (1 g1 ) (4) L g1 g2 2g1g2 The mode area at the downstream mirror divided by the mode area at the waist is given by A1 w1 2 L 2 A0 w0 zR g2 g1 (1 g1 g2 ) (5) If one exchanges the subscripts 1 and 2, one finds the formula for the mode area on the upstream mirror. Cavity misalignments in a symmetric resonator can be represented as a linear combination of two modes. The first mode is a rotation of both mirrors by equal angles. The second is a rotation of both mirrors by equal and opposite angles. The first case will cause the cavity mode to rotate about its center. The second will lead to a displacement of the optical mode. In the first case, the cavity mode will rotate by an angle 5 2 (g1 g2 ) m (6) 1 g1 g2 is the angle that both mirrors rotate. The displacement in the second case is where m given by x L(1 (g1 g2 ) 2) m 1 g1 g2 (7) 4. Derived Equations Let us define a parameter M 1 L 2zR . In our case we also have M1 and M2, which are the magnifications of the mode from the waist to mirrors 1 and 2. These are defined according to equation (5). 2 Let us define a mean stability parameter g and an offset variable so that g1g2 g so g1 g(1 ) and g2 g/(1 ) (8) It is possible to rewrite equation (3) in terms of M as 1 (g1 g2 ) (g1 g2 )2 (4g 2 ) M 2 1g (9) Plugging equation (8) into equation (9) we find M Ms 1 where 2 2(1 ) (10) and where Ms 2 (1 g) is the magnification a symmetric resonator with the same mean stability parameter g. The quantity is second order in the resonator asymmetry and so is quite small. For example, if g1/g2=1.5 we find that is only 0.02. For most calculations it is reasonable to use the formulas for M and Ms interchangeably. The offset of the optical waist from the cavity center can be found from substituting equation (8) into equation (4) and subtracting half the cavity length: zoff L L 2 1 g 2 1g (11) Note that, if desired, one can start with a negative and move to a positive thereby moving from a positive zoff to a negative zoff,, always staying close to the center. To satisfy the requirements the waist position must be within a certain fraction of a Rayleigh range of the center. This is true if zoff zr z L M 2zr 1 g 2 M 1 zR li m (12) If we assume that we start with a negative and move to positive as the mirror heats up and we assume that we keep the Rayleigh range constant by distorting the high reflector we find that: 6 2g 1 c1Pl (13) L R 8MzRF where the second relation is derived from equation (12) of TN-97-005. We use the same definition of F as in that technical note: kth (14) F e (h B s s t c ) where kth is the thermal conductivity, tc is the output coupler transmission, B is the bulk absorption per cm, s is the coating absorption, e is the expansion coefficient, and h is the mirror thickness. This figure of merit depends explicitly only on measurable properties of the mirror coatings and substrate. Since the bulk and surface absorption are wavelength dependent, the figure of merit will depend implicitly on the wavelength as well. The units for F are in power per unit length. For this technical note we choose to use kilowatts/micron to make the values small. We can use equations (12) and (13) to derive a limit for the power due to waist movement: Pl 16(M 2) z 13.7(M 2) z F F c1 M zR li m M zR li m (15) For an asymmetric cavity the magnifications from the waist to each mirror will be different. Substituting equation (8) into equation (5) we have M1 L zR g2 Ms and M2 Ms (1 ) 2 g1(1 g ) 1 (16) We can now see that Ms is just the geometric mean of the magnification to each of the two mirrors. When the output coupler distorts it will move the waist away from itself. This will increase the magnification on the output coupler. It will also decrease the magnification on the high reflector but the power will be reduced by the output coupling so the intensity on the mirrors will be approximately balanced. If both mirrors are allowed to freely distort, the power limit given in TN-97-005 applies [4]. This limit, that the Rayleigh range must not change by more than a factor of two, is given by 32 M 1 27.4 M 1 F F (17) c1nm M nm M where nm is the number of mirrors that are distorting (1 or 2). In fact the limit must be calculated self-consistently since the distorted mode will have a different magnification and therefore a different change in Rayleigh range. When the limit is found self consistently, it is found that the real limit is 75% of the one in equation (17). Pl Note that the power limit in equation (17) is inversely proportional to the square root of M for large M. This argues for a smaller magnification. The need to keep the intensity on the mirrors less than 100 kW/cm2 argues for a larger magnification. If we hold the Rayleigh range constant using deformable mirrors, this tradeoff no longer exists. Nevertheless, the power is limited by the aberrations induced by the mirror distortion, both in the mirror surface and in the transmitted radiation. From TN-97-005 and TN-98-015 [5] we find the power limits for aberration as: 7 Pl 41.2 ab F and Pl 20.6abt (18) F 1 dn (n 1) e dT where ab is the surface aberration limit per mirror and abt is the transmission aberration limit. If both mirrors are distorting ab is usually 1/20. If only one mirror is distorting, it may be as large as 1/10. The quantity abt is usually 1/5 but may be larger if aberration correction in the form of a deformable mirror is included in the optical transport system. The quantity in brackets in the denominator of equation (18) depends only on measured properties of the mirror substrate. It is dimensionless and weakly dependent on wavelength. Smaller numbers are preferable. For sapphire at 3 µm the denominator is 2.28. For calcium fluoride it is –0.003. For zinc selenide it is 9.4 to 9.6 depending on the wavelength. The power limit produced from an intensity limit on the mirrors is given by: Ilim Mz R (19) 2Q where Ilim is the intensity limit on the mirror and Q is the resonator Q. Since M is inversely proportional to zR2 for large M, one wants a small Rayleigh range, long cavity length, and a low cavity Q to get the highest power. This means that the magnification will get rather large. Pl One cannot make the magnification arbitrarily large when using a near concentric resonator. The magnification is limited by the angular tolerance in the mirrors. Substituting equation (8) and using equation (10) in equations (6) and (7) we find M 2 1 s M s m and Ms 1 2 x (20) L Ms 1 (Ms 2) m 2 Ms 1 2 For large Ms and small these are closely approximated by Ms m and x Lm 2 . The magnification is limited by the engineering limit of how well the mirrors can be stabilized in angle. The limit is given by: 1 1 . (21) 6 zR lim where lim is the limit of the mirror angular feedback system. It is worth noting here that the factor of 1/6 is a conservative estimate of the angular tolerance and is not based on a rigorous study of the power or gain vs. the angle of the resonator mode. The value based on a more thorough study may be larger than 1/6. M 8 5. Derived requirements Modeling shows that the IR upgrade might be capable of extracting 20 kW from a 150 MeV, 10 mA electron beam. For the extremely low loss coatings envisioned for the IR upgrade, the losses in the output coupler may be dominated by the bulk absorption. For example, if the bulk absorption is 0.1%/cm, the coating absorption is less than 100 parts per million, the output coupling is 15%, and the mirror thickness is 1 cm, the bulk losses will be 30% larger than the coating losses. For higher bulk absorption the ratio will be even higher. The figure of merit F for sapphire at this wavelength is around 5 kW/µm for these parameters. Cavity Length (32.0416 m): Using equation (19) we find that, for 15% losses, a Rayleigh range of 200 cm, and 20 kW power output at 3 µm, the magnification must be greater than 45. This means that the optical cavity must be at least 26.5 meters long. If we use multiples of the IR Demo length of 8.0104 meters, the closest one larger than this is 32.0416 meters. For this design we have therefore chosen a Rayleigh range of 200 cm and a length of 32.0416 meters. The magnification M is therefore 65.17 and the mean stability parameter g is –0.9693. The required angular stability from equation (21) is 1 µrad. for operation at 1 µm. Mirror radii of curvature (see table 2): To reduce the cost and increase the availability of the output coupler we propose to use an even number of meters for the output coupler radius of curvature for the 200 cm Rayleigh range cavity and use a rather lenient tolerance of 1% for the mirror. This means that the high reflector must have an adjustment range to compensate for the possible range of radii of curvature of the output coupler from 1584 to 1616 cm. It must also be able to handle the change in the radius of curvature due to mirror distortion. Assuming that the mirror distortion is limited by the surface distortion aberration (equation (18)), one can use equation (13) to show that this should be limited to R R 0.301 M 1 . This is 3.8% for zR =200 cm. Since the distortion is unidirectional, one only needs range in the shorter direction. The design cold cavity radius of curvature for the high reflector should therefore be 1654 cm+1%/-4.8% or 1671 to 1575 cm for zR = 200 cm. The range of radii of curvature for the high reflector can be made smaller if the tolerance for the output coupler is tightened. The central value can be changed by changing the central value of the output coupler, e.g. if the output coupler is 1600 cm+0/-1%, the HR range will be 1654+1%/-3.8% or 1671 to 1591 cm for zR = 200 cm. Note that this satisfies the desire to start with a negative and move to a positive as the output coupler distorts. For the radius of curvature of 16 meters, moves from –0.034 to 0.039 as the mirror surface aberration grows from zero to 5% of a wave. For zinc selenide the distortion is limited by the allowable distortion in the output coupler. If we assume that we compensate the output coupler aberration to within a factor of three, the maximum internal aberration is only 3% of a wave P-V. This means that the range for the ZnSe mirrors can be smaller and the short end of the range is 1600 cm instead of 1575 cm. For zR =350 it is better to use a larger radius of curvature of 16.5+0.17/-0 m for the design value. The longer Rayleigh range will be used for wavelengths longer than 9 µm so that the output from the laser is not too large for the optical transport. In this wavelength range the output coupler substrate will be zinc selenide. For this substrate the power limit will again be due to the transmitted wavefront error. The change in the radii of curvature should still be less than 3%. The range of the radius of curvature for the high 9 reflector is therefore 1700-1624 cm. This can be covered using a deformable mirror with a starting radius of curvature of 17 meters. Mirror diameters (5.08 for <4 µm, 7.62 cm for >4 µm): A good rule of thumb for the mirror diameter is that the useful aperture of the mirror be greater than four waists in diameter at the longest wavelength used. For a Rayleigh range of 350 cm and a wavelength of 25 µm, the optical waist on the mirror is 24.7 mm. The mirrors must therefore be greater than 9.9 cm in diameter. We choose to use a 4-inch diameter mirror for the longest wavelengths. At 3.9 microns with a 200 cm Rayleigh range the mirror should be greater than 5.1 cm diameter so a 2-inch mirror will do. For operation out to ~9 µm a 3 inch mirror will do. From 9 to 14 microns we can use a 350 cm Rayleigh range and the waist size will range from 1.5–1.9 cm and so a 3 inch mirror can still be used. For broadband operation we will use hole coupling to outcouple the laser light. This is a standard method for output coupling in broadband cavities. It has two disadvantages. The first is that the output coupling efficiency is typically less than 50%. About half of the power loss is in absorbed and scattered light. Since the broadband cavity will only be used at “low” power levels of approximately 1 kW, this should not be a critical problem. The second disadvantage is that the output coupling is a function of wavelength. Ming Xie has shown that the wavelength can vary over a range of a factor of two with little change in the output coupling [6]. Since we have the ability to change the Rayleigh range, we can keep the output coupling constant over an even large range. If we choose to operate at 14 microns with a 350 cm Rayleigh range and change the Rayleigh range proportional to the wavelength down to 175 cm at 7 microns, we find that the spot size on the mirror barely changes over the entire range. The output coupling should therefore be approximately constant over that range. The output coupling will then increase as the wavelength is increased from there (though one could also decrease the Rayleigh range even more at that point) but should only increase slightly from that point since the mode tries to avoid the hole as the output coupling gets larger. If we make the hole 6 mm in diameter, the output coupling will be approximately 5% over the 7 to 14 micron wavelength range, growing slightly for shorter wavelengths. The total losses should be approximately 12%. These are rough numbers and will have to be confirmed by more detailed simulations. Ming Xie used a variable aperture on the high reflector to keep the output coupling efficiency constant. With a variable aperture and variable Rayleigh range we may be able to operate over a very large wavelength range. Note that, if windows with the right transparency range are used, the laser can be used to even longer wavelengths. The output coupling will drop slowly to 3% at 25 µm. This is still a very usable number. The size of the broadband mirror should therefore be sufficiently large to operate out to 25 microns. This means that is must be at least 10 cm in diameter. 10 Table 2. Derived specifications for the IR Demo resonator. Cavity magnification M 65.17 (29.52 for long ) Mean cavity parameter g -0.969 for zR=200 cm -0.909 for zR=350 cm Mirror tilt tolerance(@1 µm) 1.0 µrad Mirror radii of curvature 1600 cm±1% for OC, zR=200 cm 1650+1%/-0% for zR = 350 cm 1575–1700cm for HR Mirror diameters 5.08 cm for <4 µm 7.62 cm for <9 µm (zR=200 cm) 7.62 cm for 9–14 µm (zR=350 cm) 10.16 cm for broadband The cold cavity waist position will be 27.5±16.2 cm for zR = 200 cm. It will be 30-18/+0 for zR =350 cm. For the sapphire cavity, the waist will move ~0.3zR=60 cm as the mirror heats up to operating temperature. The movement is negative so the waist will nominally move from about 30 cm downstream of the cavity center to 32 cm upstream of the cavity center. This should be negligible in a 6-meter wiggler. For zR = 350 cm the waist will move by 70 cm. In table 3 we show the power limits calculated assuming a 20th wave aberration limit on the surface distortion and a 5th wave aberration on the optical wavefront distortion. The allowed displacement of the waist from the cavity center is one fifth of a Rayleigh range and it is assumed that one starts one fifth of the Rayleigh range upstream. The mirror intensity limit is 100 kW/cm2. Let us assume that the high reflector has radius of curvature control that allows the Rayleigh range to be held constant as the mirrors heat up. This means that the power limit from the change in zR can be ignored. The power limit at 1 µm is due to the intensity at the mirror. With a different wiggler, which would allow a shorter Rayleigh range, one could increase this even further before running into a limit of tolerable angular stability. At 3 µm the ultimate power limit of 28.6 kW will be from surface aberration. Before that limit is reached, however, the output beam quality will degrade below desirable limits. This can, in principle, be corrected using a deformable mirror in the optical transport. At 6 µm the ultimate power limit is 16.6 kW but the output beam quality will be quite poor at that power. To operate at 6 µm at 10 kW with decent mode quality will require a deformable mirror or lower losses in the output coupler. Since the bulk absorption at 6 µm is not well known, this may be possible. At 10 µm the ultimate power limit is quite high at 38.7 kW. The limit before output beam quality is poor is much lower but close to 10 kW at 8.3 kW. It is interesting to note that calcium fluoride can provide up to seven times the power obtained in the IR Demo due to the higher output coupling, the longer cavity, and the radius of curvature control in the high reflector. 11 Table 3. Power limits for some different resonator materials and wavelengths. Values in boldface are the ultimate power limits. Values in italics are limits due to output beam quality. The differences in F vs. wavelength for a given substrate are due to differences in the bulk and/or coating absorption. Substrate Sapphire Sapphire ZnSe ZnSe CaF2 1 3 6 10 6 Bulk absorption(cm-1) 0.001% 0.1% 0.1% 0.05% 0.05% Surface absorp.(ppm) 50 100 100 100 100 Thickness(cm) 0.625 0.625 1 1 1 F (kW/µm) 16.5 4.62 1.35 1.88 0.41 Pl (kW) change in zR 20.9 17.5 10.2 23.7 30.7 Pl (kW) change in z 43.8 36.8 21.4 49.8 6.5 Pl (kW) surf. aberr. 34.7 28.6 16.6 38.7 5.0 Pl (kW)Intensity limit 9.8 29.3 58.7 97.8 58.7 Pl (kW) trans. aberr. 29.7 25.4 3.5 8.3 333.9 Angular stab.(µrad) 1.02 1.77 2.50 3.23 2.50 Wavelength(µm) It is interesting to turn around the power limit and define a limit for absorbed power in the mirror. If we assume that the aberration limit in equation 18 is the determining limit for maximum laser power, it is possible to show that the maximum absorbed power is given by: k Pabs 41.2 ab th Pli m (22) e For sapphire the absorbed power per micron of wavelength is Plim = 13.3 W/µm. For zinc selenide it is Plim = 4.9 W/µm. For calcium fluoride, it is Plim = 1.1 W/µm. Aberration from the output coupler yields separate limits of 11.4 W/µm for sapphire and 1.04 W/µm for ZnSe. As noted above the aberrations can, in principle, be compensated. Beam collimation Since the focus of the output beam will change as the mirrors heat up, the collimator will have to change its focus to compensate. We will need a collimator to match the beam into the long optical transport to the user labs. The aperture of the transport is 6.4 cm. We would like to have a reflective collimator as we did in the IR Demo. Assume that the beam is kicked sideways 1.2 m downstream of the OC to a 12 deformable mirror 1 meter away. The reflected beam is sent to a third mirror, which deflects the beam to the ceiling. Polarization order is s-n-p-p-s-p-p. The output beam for the sapphire mirror will be expanding rapidly, which is good from the standpoint of making the beam fill the aperture of the transport mirrors. One must merely collimate the beam in the collimator to obtain good beam transport to the end of line. For ZnSe however the beam is already larger at the exit of the optical cavity than the 6.4 cm aperture of the optical transport. It is therefore better to focus the beam at the output coupler and defocus the beam in the collimator. The effect is that of a Galilean telescope. This focusing can be accomplished by putting a convex 8 meter radius of curvature on the output coupler. As the mirror heats up it will focus the beam more and a deformable mirror in the collimator must defocus the beam more. For sapphire, the focal length of the output coupler varies from -22.5 m in the cold cavity to -28.1 m for a 20% transmitted aberration. A deformable mirror with a focal length range of 11–12 m will collimate the beam.to a 4-waist dia. less than 6.1 cm at 3.6 µm, which is the longest wavelength where we can use sapphire. For zinc selenide, a Rayleigh range of 200 cm, and a 8 m backside radius of curvature, the focal length of the output coupler varies from 11.2 m cold cavity to 10.1 m for 20% aberration. A deformable mirror with a focal length range of -150 m to -30 m will collimate the beam to a 4-waist dia. less than 6.3 cm at 9 µm. For zinc selenide, a Rayleigh range of 300 cm and an 8 m backside radius of curvature, the focal length of the output coupler varies from 10.9 m to 9.5 m. The same deformable mirror will collimate the beam to a 4 waist dia. Less than 6.3 cm at 14 µm. Since we do not have a design for a deformable mirror that corrects spherical aberration we need a way to compensate for aberrations induced in the zinc selenide output coupler. One possible way to do this is to have an absorbing calcium fluoride mirror that distorts dynamically with the power level. Since the beam is being reflected from the mirror, the optical phase distortion is opposite in sign from the phase distortion of the output coupler. If the spot size is the similar, the radial dependence of the distortion will match as well. If the absorption can be tailored to be just the right amount, the phase distortion of the collimator mirror can exactly compensate the phase distortion of the output coupler. If the absorption is approximately correct, one might trim the power absorption by having a CO2 laser incident on the backside of the collimator mirror. This is a very ambitious but elegant way of correcting the output coupler aberrations but it may not work. A simpler solution is to insert a diamond-turned correction plate that has a phase error machined into it that is double the size and opposite in sign to a 0.2 wave aberration from the output coupler. This would be withdrawn at low power. When the aberration reached 20% of a wave, it would be inserted and change the aberration to –20%. The mirror would then continue to heat up until the 20% aberration is reached again. At this point the laser power level is 3 times as high as without the correction plate but has the same beam quality. Of course one can continue this by adding more correction plates and get as high as one wants. This assumes that the aberrations are exactly cancelled though and this will only be true at one wavelength. At other wavelengths, the spot size on the mirror will be different than the one assumes in making the correction plate. Also note that the correction plate must have a very effective anti-reflection coating on it over the wavelength range in which it must work. When the 13 wave plate is inserted it will also provide a defocusing of the beam that the collimator must compensate The broadband cavity output is basically a top-hat profile in the near field, which transforms into an Airy pattern in the far field. If a focussing element is placed at least 10 meters from the cavity, it can collimate this Airy pattern and produce a nice optical mode for the rest of the beam transport. The closest we can come to this is to use the second and third mirror cassettes to focus the beam. The mean distance of these two mirrors from the output coupler is 14 meters. If two spherical mirrors with 60 meter radii of curvature are used, the net focal length of the pair is 14.8 meters (assuming 3 meter separation). This is enough to collimate the beam. At the longer wavelengths, only the central lobe of the Airy pattern survives. At shorter wavelengths, the outer rings will also propagate. Miscellaeous features: All the discussion of collimation and aberration compensation assumes that the output coupler is the only transmissive optic in the laser. To this end, we have designed the system to have a gradual transition from beamline vacuum to transport vacuum over the first few meters of optical transport. No window will be in the beam transport with the exception of the vacuum windows in the labs. During commissioning we may have some optical beam position monitors which use near-Brewster-angle, calcium fluoride plates as pickoffs. These limit the wavelength range to around 7 to 8 microns or less. When a new OBPM design has been commissioned, these calcium fluoride pick-offs will be removed. Since the angular stability of the optical cavity will be as small as 1 microradian, it is important that the resonator have a feedback system on the resonator mirror steering. Since we have to hold the Rayleigh range constant as the mirrors distort, a feedback system that compensates for the change in the radius of curvature is also necessary. Finally, as we have found in the IR Demo, active feedback in the optical transport is also necessary. 6. Conclusion We have derived a simple design for a high power laser resonator for a ten kilowatt free-electron laser. Unlike the IR Demo FEL, the cavity parameters must be measured and maintained real time. This implies the existence of good diagnostics for measuring the radii of curvature (or the Rayleigh range) and the mirror steering. A power output of over 10 kW will be possible without mirror limitations for operation near 3 microns. For operation from 4 to 14 microns, laser output in excess of 10 kW should be easily achievable but the mode quality will have to be corrected in the collimator. It should be possible to correct the aberrations for up to 10 kW of laser output. 14 References 1. “Engineering Design for the Upgrade FEL optical cavity” Michelle Shinn, JLABTN-02-013, April 22, 2002. 2. “Optical modeling of the Jefferson Laboratory IR Demo FEL”, Stephen V. Benson, Paul S. Davidson, Ravi Jain, Peter K. Kloeppel, George R. Neil, Michelle D. Shinn, Nucl. Inst. and Meth., A407 (1998) 401–406. 3. “Lasers”, A. E. Siegman, University Science Books, Mill Valley CA, 1986. 4. “Heat induced mirror distortions in the IR Demo Free-Electron Laser resonator” Stephen Benson, Paul Davidson, Peter Kloeppel, George Neil, Michelle Shinn, JLab-TN-97-005. 5. “Focusing effects due to mirror heating in the IR demo optical resonator,” S. Benson, M. 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