Lab 1

Lab 5, p. 63
Honors Biology
Date ________
Lab Partner: ______________________
Name _________________________________
Period _____
Score _____ Sign-Off ______
Mitosis and Meiosis
Additional Directions: Whenever you see “sig. _____” this means to put your initials after you completely
read the following section.
1. Name the three stages of the cell cycle:
2. Define the following terms: (from reading your lab)
a. chromatids:
b. centromere:
d. nucleoli:
e. chromatin:
3. What does mitosis permit in…..
a. multicellular organisms:
b. eucaryotic unicellular organisms:
5.1 The Cell Cycle sig. _____
1. What occurrs during…
a. G1:
b. S:
G 2:
Mitosis sig. _____
1. What is a spindle?
Animal Mitosis Stages sig. _____
1. What is the chromosome number for the cells in Figure 5.3? ______
2. Take turns with your partner each describing one of the stages of Mitosis using Fig 5.3.
Observation: Animal Mitosis
Animal Mitosis Models: skip
Whitefish Blastula Slide
1. What is a blastula?
2. Identify a cell in metaphase on a slide under a microscope and put the pointer on it. Call me over to
check it and ask for my initials here: ________
Honors Biology Lab Five: 1
Plant Mitosis Phases sig. _____
1. Name the stages:
Plant Mitosis Models skip
Onion Root Tip Slide
1. Identify a cell in anaphase on a slide under a microscope and put the pointer on it. Call me over to
check it and ask for my initials here: ________
Summary of Mitosis:
Read about Cytokinesis on the next page (p. 70), before filling in the chart. sig. _____
Table 5.2 Comparison of Mitosis in Plant and Animal Cells
Cell Type
Centrioles (Yes/No)
Aster (Yes/No)
Cytokinesis by Means of What?
5.2 Gametogenesis
Read and study the diagrams in Gametogenesis in Mammals and Gametogenesis Models (Slide of
Testis and Ovary) sig. _____ (We do not have slides of testis or ovaries so just study the diagrams.)
A zygote contains the same number of chromosomes as the parent, but are they the exact same
chromosomes? ________
What is another way that sexual reproduction results in genetic
recombination? ______________________________________________________________________
Meiosis in Animals sig. _____
1. Define meiosis:
2. Define homologous chromosomes:
Phases of Meiosis sig. _____
1. List the stages (In Fig. 5.12) that are…
a. 2n
b. n
Experimental Procedure: Meiosis Skip this part, we did the clay.
Honors Biology Lab Five: 2
5.4 Mitosis Versus Meiosis
Table 5.3 Differences between Mitosis and Meiosis
Number of Divisions:
Chromosome # in daughter cells
Number of daughter cells
Table 5.4 Mitosis Compared to Meiosis I . Mitosis is done for you, do Meiosis.
Meiosis I
Prophase: no pairing of chromosomes
Prophase I:
Metaphase: chromosomes at plate
Metaphase I:
Anaphase: sister chromatids separate
Anaphase I:
Telophase: chromosomes have one chromatid
Telophase I:
Table 5.5 Mitosis Compared to Meiosis II
Metaphase: chromosomes at plate
Meiosis II
Metaphase II:
Anaphase: sister chromatids separate
Anaphase II:
Telophase: chromosomes have one chromatid
Telophase II:
Laboratory Review 5
1. _______________________________
6. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
7. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
8. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
9. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
10. _______________________________
Thought Questions:
Honors Biology Lab Five: 3
Honors Biology Lab Five: 4