Keywords - The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center

New Library Materials
April 30, 2004
Muller, Eve and Markowitz, Joy. (2004). English language learners with disabilities. Alexandria, VA: Project
Forum at NASDSE.
Call Number: FF-DIVR-08894
Keywords: Diversity/ Special Education
Early Intervention
Hebbeler, Kathleen and Scarborough, Anita. (2004). Cognitive and social outcomes for early intervention
participants at 36 months: Preliminary analysis.
Call Number: FF-EAIN-08901
Keywords: Early Intervention (General)/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Social or Emotional/Behavior
and Mental Health Challenges
Dunst, Carl J. (2000). Revisiting "Rethinking early intervention".
Call Number: FF-EAIN-08908
Keywords: Early Intervention (General)/ Overview/Research Report/ Families/Family Focused/Family Support
Services/Family Systems
Education – Early Care and
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Child Care Bureau.
(2003). Supporting an early learning framework: State Child Care Administrators Meeting, August 6-7, 2003.
Washington, DC: Author.
Call Number: SS-CD-08897
Keywords: Education, Early Care and/Administration or Management/Administrators/Child Care Services/Child
Care Providers/Literacy or Reading/Personnel Issues or Disciplines/Training of Personnel/Finance/Interagency
Coordination/Conference Proceedings
Muller, Eve and Markowitz, Joy. (2004). Disability categories: State terminology, definitions & eligibility criteria.
Alexandria, VA: Project Forum.
Call Number: FF-ELIG-08886
Keywords: Eligibility/Disability or Risk Descriptors/State level/Cross-State Analysis
Shackelford, Jo. (2004). State and jurisdictional eligibility definitions for infants and toddlers with disabilities
under IDEA.
Call Number: NECTAC Notes Notebook. Journal Shelves.
Keywords: Collaborator or UNC Product/Early Intervention (General)/NECTAS/IDEA/Infancy B through
2/Collaborator or UNC Product/Eligibility/Part C Infants and Toddlers
Early Childhood Outcomes Center. (2004). Considerations related to developing a system for measuring outcomes
for young children with disabilities and their families: Draft. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.
Call Number: FF-EVAL-08898
Keywords: Assessment (or) Evaluation and Assessment
Klein, Stanley D. and Kemp, John D. (2004). Reflections from a different journey: What adults with disabilities
wished all parents knew. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Call Number: SS-FAMI-08892
Keywords: Family Education or Training/Disability or Risk Descriptors
The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, National Early Childhood Technical
Assistance Center. (2004). Selected resources on financing early childhood systems to support inclusive options for
young children with disabilities - Minibibliography. Chapel Hill, NC: Author.
Call Number: NECTAC Minibibliography Notebook
Keywords: Finance/Early Childhood Education/Early Head Start/Early Intervention (General)/LRE or Inclusion//
Collaborator or UNC Product
Goode, Susan E. (2004). Funding of assistive technology for infants, toddlers and young children with disabilities Minibibliography. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, National
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center.
Call Number: NECTAC Minibibliography Notebook
Keywords: Finance/Assistive Technology/Collaborator or UNC Product
Interagency Coordination
Hutson, Rutledge Q. (2004). Providing comprehensive, integrated social services to vulnerable children and
families: Are there legal barriers at the federal level to moving forward? Washington, DC: CLASP.
Call Number: FF-INTC-08895
Keywords: Interagency Coordination/Interagency Service Delivery/Federal Programs and Legislation
Shackelford, Jo. (2003). ICC chair notebook. Chapel Hill, NC: National Early Childhood Technical Assistance
Center (NECTAC).
Call Number: SS-INTC-08885
Keywords: Interagency Coordinating Council/Interagency Coordination/Legislation, Legislative
Resolution/Collaborator or UNC Product/NECTAC/IDEA/Part C Centers and Services/EEPCD (HCEEP) Program
LREN/ Inclusion
deFosset, Shelley. (2004). Including preschool-age children with disabilities in community settings: A resource
packet - Book 1. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, National
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center.
Call Number: FF-LREN-08058 (3rd ed.)
Keywords: Preschool 3 through 5/NECTAC/LRE or Inclusion/Collaborator or UNC Product
Personnel - training
Brekken, Linda, Ducey, Linda, Knapp-Philo, Joanne, and Turbiville, Vicki. (2002). Special Quest training guide:
The Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. Rohnert Park, CA: California Institute on Human Services, Sonoma
State University.
Call Number: SS-AVIS-08887-Guide
Keywords: Training of Personnel/Early Head Start /Migrant Head Start/Early Intervention (General)/Early
Childhood Education/Disability or Risk Descriptors
California Institute on Human Services, Sonoma State University. (2002). Creating bright futures videotape:
Special Quest, The Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. Rohnert Park, CA: California Institute on Human
Services, Sonoma State University.
Call Number: SS-AVIS-08887-Video 1
Keywords: Training of Personnel/Early Head Start /Migrant Head Start/Early Intervention (General)/Early
Childhood Education/Disability or Risk Descriptors
California Institute on Human Services, Sonoma State University. (2002). Arcelly and Elizabeth videotape: Special
Quest, The Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. Rohnert Park, CA: California Institute on Human Services,
Sonoma State University.
Call Number: SS-AVIS-08887-Video 2
Keywords: Training of Personnel/Early Head Start /Migrant Head Start/Early Intervention (General)/Early
Childhood Education/Disability or Risk Descriptors
California Institute on Human Services, Sonoma State University. (2002). Together we are better videotape:
Special Quest, The Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. Rohnert Park, CA: California Institute on Human
Services, Sonoma State University.
Call Number: SS-AVIS-08887-Video 3
Keywords: Training of Personnel/Early Head Start /Migrant Head Start/Early Intervention (General)/Early
Childhood Education/Disability or Risk Descriptors
California Institute on Human Services, Sonoma State University. (2002). Lighting the journey's path videotape:
Special Quest, The Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. Rohnert Park, CA: California Institute on Human
Services, Sonoma State University.
Call Number: SS-AVIS-08887-Video 4
Keywords: Training of Personnel/Early Head Start /Migrant Head Start/Early Intervention (General)/Early
Childhood Education/Disability or Risk Descriptors
National Institute for Early Education Research. (2003). The state of preschool: 2003 state preschool yearbook.
New Brunswick, NJ: Author.
Call Number: SS-REFE-08893
Keywords: Data Collection/Statistics /Education, Early Care and/Preschool 3 through 5/Preschool in Public
Schools/State level/Quality or Effectiveness Indicators
Oser, Cindy and Cohen, Julie. (2003). America's babies: The Zero to Three Policy Center data book. Washington
DC: Zero to Three Press.
Call Number: SS-REFE-08899
Keywords: Data Collection/Statistics/Child Development or Developmental Areas/Child Care Services/Infancy B
through 2/Preschool 3 through 5/Education, Early Care and/Family Strengths and Needs/Violence Issues
Glover, J. and DeCarme, J. (2003). Personnel Preparation: Discretionary projects supported by the Office of
Special Education Programs under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, fiscal year 2003. Arlington, VA:
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).
Call Number: SS-REFE-08722 (2004 ed.-v.2)
Keywords: Reference/Directory Listing/Special Education/Federal Programs and Legislation/Grants/Personnel
Issues or Disciplines
Whaley, Kathy T. and Goode, Susan E. (2004). Transitions from infant toddler services to preschool education –
Minibibliography. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, National
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center.
Call Number: NECTAC Minibibliography Notebook
Keywords: Transition/Early Intervention (General)/Preschool 3 through 5/ / Collaborator or UNC Product