CHEMICAL OCEANOGRAPHY AND THE CARBON CYCLE STEVEN EMERSON And JOHN HEDGES Book Title A CHEMICAL PERSPECTIVE ON OCEANOGRAPHY: Authors: Steven Emerson and John Hedges Outline: PART I. INTRODUCTION TO CHEMICAL OCEANOGRAPHY Chapter I. A Chemical Perspective (22 p., 6 tables, 15 Figures) A. Constituents of seawater B. Ocean circulation C. Ocean biology Chapter II. Geochemical Mass Balance (24 p., 5 Tables, 15 Figures) A. Mass balance between input from land and authigenic mineral formation B. Reverse weathering C. Hydrothermal circulation D. Summary and conclusions Appendix II-1: A short review of the chemistry of rocks and minerals Appendix II-2: The meaning of residence time Chapter III. Thermodynamics Background (31 p., 8 Tables, 15 Figures) A. Properties of water and ions B. Ion-ion interactions and activity coefficients C. Thermodynamics basics D. Equilibrium constants and chemical activities E. Redox reaction basics Appendix III-1: Solubilities of major atmospheric gases Chapter IV. Carbonate Chemistry (22 p., 8 Tables, 6 Figures) A. Acids and bases in seawater B. Carbonate equilibria--Calculating the pH of seawater C. Kinetics of CO2 reactions in water D. Processes that control alkalinity and DIC of seawater Appendix IV-1: The carbonate system equations in seawater Appendix IV-2: Evaluating the carbonate system equilibrium constants Chapter V Stable and Radioactive Isotopes (33 p., 5 Tables, 20 Figures) A. Stable isotopes B. Radioactive isotopes and radioactive decay processes Appendix V-1: Relating K, δ, α and ε terms for stable isotopes Appendix V-2: Derivation of the Rayleigh fractionation equation Chapter VI Life Processes in the Ocean (35p., 3 Tables, 23 Figures) A. A simple model of ocean circulation and biological processes B. The Euphotic zone C. Biologically-driven export from the euphotic zone D. Respiration below the euphotic zone Chapter VII. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (33p., 23 Figures) A. The sedimentary record: 0-800 kyr B. The ice core records: 0-800 kyr C. Abrupt (Millenial-scale) Climate Change PART II: ADVANCED TOPICS IN MARINE GEOCHEMISTRY Chapter VIII. Marine Organic Geochemistry (27 p., 8 Tables, 21 Figures) (Kenia Whitehead, co-author) A. The nature of organic matter B. Methods of organic matter characterization C. Major organic compounds and biomarkers Chapter IX. Molecular Diffusion and Reaction Rates (26 p., 7 Tables, 10 Figures) A. Molecular diffusion B. Reaction rates C. Reaction rate catalysis Chapter X. Gases and Air-Sea Exchange (26 p., 3 Tables, 14 Figures) A. Air-sea gas transfer models C. Measurements of gas exchange in nature D. Physical mechanisms of gas departure from saturation F. Surface films and chemical reactions Chapter XI. The Global Carbon Cycle (27 p., 5 Tables, 10 figures) A. The global carbon cycle B. The biological and solubility pumps of the ocean C. The fate of anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean Chapter XII. Sediment Diagenesis (29 p., 4 Tables, 21 Figures) A. Diagenesis and Preservation of Organic matter B. Diagenesis and preservation of CaCO3 C. Diagenesis and preservation of silica D. Diagenesis and preservation of metals Appendix XII-1: Approximating the calcite dissolution kinetics