CHHS Outstanding Alumna/Alumnus Award College of Health and Human Sciences Alumni Awards NOMINATION DEADLINE: MONDAY , JULY 27, 2015 (by 5 p. m. MDT ) A ll n o m in at io n s m u st b e R ECEI V ED by th i s t im e/ d at e. AWARD DESCRIPTION This award honors outstanding alumni from the College who, through their distinguished careers and/or service to the university, state, nation, or world, have brought honor to Colorado State University and to themselves. One or more honorees may be selected each year among alumni from any department/school within the College. AWARD CRITERIA Ideal candidate must have: Obtained a degree from one of the departments/schools in the College of Health and Human Sciences; Have a record of distinction and accomplishment in his/her field; Have demonstrated service to the university, state, nation, or world; Have demonstrated achievements that have brought honor to CSU, CHHS, and to himself/herself. GUIDELINES Eligibility Awardees must be graduates of a department/school within the College of Health and Human Sciences (including previous College and Department/School names). CHHS academic units can be found here: Awards may not be given to persons whose election would generate a potential conflict of interest with their current responsibilities and their selection as an Alumni Award recipient, such as: Any person currently running for an elected political office or being considered for an appointed political office. Any person receiving monetary compensation from Colorado State University or its affiliates during the nomination process. Current Colorado State University System governing board members, CHHS Executive Leadership Council and Emerging Leaders Council members, Alumni Association board members, and CSU Foundation and CSU Research Foundation board members. Any person, who by other position of potential conflict of interest not previously identified above, is determined by the Awards Committee to be ineligible for this award. General Guidelines Nominations must be RECEIVED by the posted deadline July 27, 2015 (by 5 p.m. MDT) Nominations received after the deadline are not guaranteed full consideration. All nominations must follow specific award guidelines and criteria outlined above . Format All nominations must adhere to the size/length limitations specified within the guidelines for each award. Nominations exceeding limitations may not receive full consideration. ELECTRONIC NOMINATION PROCESS To submit a nomination, attach the following documents in an email to The official nomination form (download either the PDF for MS Word version and SAVE it to your computer before filling it out) The candidate's vitae/resume (limited to four pages or fewer; 11 point font size minimum) Optional supporting documentation (i.e., newspaper articles, letters of support, and other pertinent information. Limited to four pages or fewer; 11 point font size minimum.) SCREENING & SEL ECTION Nominations will be reviewed by the selection committee, and award recipient selections will be made in early fall. Nominations for those individuals not selected may be resubmitted in future years. NOTIFICATION Immediately upon selection, award winners and nominators will be notified by the CHHS Dean, or designee. Recipients are highly encouraged to attend the annual CHHS Homecoming Breakfast event. Should an award recipient be unable to attend, another person may be chosen by the recipient to accept on his/her behalf. Official Nomination Form on Following Page CHHS Outstanding Alumna/Alumnus Award College of Health and Human Sciences Alumni Awards Official Nomination Form NOMINATION DEADLINE: MONDAY , JULY 27, 2015 (by 5 p. m. MDT ) A ll n o m in at io n s m u st b e R ECEI V ED by th i s t im e/ d at e S av e t h is f or m to y o ur c o m pu t er b ef or e fil li n g i t o u t. *denotes required fields/sections NOMINEE INFORMATION First Name*: Middle Initial: Last Name*: City*: State*: Zip*: Daytime Phone*: E-mail*: CSU Grad Year(s)*: Department/School(s)*: Address*: Degree(s): Non-CSU Degree(s) (identify university and graduation year): Occupation/Profession: Title: Business Name: Business Address: Business Phone: NOMINATOR INFORMATION First Name*: Last Name*: Address*: City*: State*: Daytime Phone*: E-mail*: Zip*: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS * Along with this nomination form, please email the following (11 pt size font size minimum) to 1. Nominee’s vitae/resume (please limit the vitae/resume to no more than 4 pages.) 2. No more than 4 pages of supporting documents (i.e. letters of support, newspaper clippings, etc.) QUESTIONS* Respond to each of the following questions in 300 words or less (no more than 900 words total): 1. How has the nominee established a record of distinction and accomplishment in his/her field? 2. Please describe specific contributions the nominee has made in the areas of volunteer efforts and/or service to the University, state, nation, and/or world. 3. In what ways has the nominee brought honor to himself/herself and to CSU?