The students are provided with these materials during the

The students are provided with these materials during the “Presentation” Stage of the third lesson.
Annie: “Oh Gosh, It’s stuck!”
Hallie: “Thanks”
Annie: “You’re welcome” “Here’s your…”
Hallie: “Cuppy”
Annie: “Any of your pictures ruined?”
Hallie: “Only the beautiful Leo di Caprio”
Annie: “Who?”
Hallie: “You’ve never heard of Leonardo di Caprio?” “How far away is London anyway?”
Annie: “Well, from here…it’s 3 thousand miles…but sometimes…it seems much further” “How far
away is your home?”
Hallie: “California is at the other end of the country…actually…here’s a picture of my house!”
Annie: “Wow it’s beautiful!!”
Hallie: “ Yeah…We built it when I was little. We’ve got this incredible porch that looks over the
entire vineyard…and then…
Annie: “Oh who’s that?”
Hallie: “That’s my dad!” He didn’t know that I was taking the picture then he would have seen it
when he turned around…It’s kind like my best friend…we do everything together…” “What’s the
Annie: “It’s chilly in here.”
Hallie: “Want one?”
Annie: “Oh sure. I love Orios. At home I eat them with peanut butter!”
Hallie: “You do?? That is so weird!! So do I!!”
Annie: “You’re kidding!! Most people find that totally disgusting…”
Hallie: “I know I don’t get it!”
Annie: “Me either!”
Hallie: “What’s your dad like? I mean…Is he a father you can talk to or one of those workaholic
dads who says “I’ll talk to you later” and never really does?...I hate that!”
Annie: “I don’t have a father actually. I mean: I had one once, I suppose…but my parents divorced
years ago…my mother never even mentions him. It’s like he evaporated…”
Hallie: “It’s scary the way nobody stays together anymore…”
Annie: “Don’t tell me about it”
Hallie: “How old are you?”
Annie: “I’ll be twelve on October the 11th”
Hallie: “Cough Cough…So do I”
Annie: “Your birthday is on October the 11th??”
Hallie: “yeah…”
Annie: “How weird is that!”
Hallie: “Extremely…Oh hey it stopped raining! Do you want to get popcorn or something?”
“What’s the matter??”
Annie: “Hallie…what’s your mother like?”
Hallie: “I never met her. She and my dad split up when I was a baby, maybe even before. I’m not
sure…He doesn’t like to talk about her…but I know she was really really beautiful…”
Annie: “How do you know that?”
Hallie: “Well because my dad had this old picture over his strongbox and he caught me looking at
it like all the times so he gave me the key…look I’m really thirsty…shall we go and get a lemonade
or something?”
Annie: “How can’t you stop thinking at you stomach at a time like this!!”
Hallie: “At a time like what??”
Annie: “Don’t you realize what’s happening??” “I didn’t think about it…I only have my
mother…and you only have your father…you’ve never seen your mom and I’ve never seen my dad.
You have one old picture of your mom and I have one old picture of my dad…but, at least yours is
probably going to be a whole picture…mine is a pathetic little thing, wrinkled and ripped right
down in the middle…what are you rummaging in your trunk for?”
Hallie: “This…is a picture of my mom…and it’s ripped too…”
Annie “Right down in the middle?”
Hallie: “Right down in the middle…”
Annie: “this is so freaky…ok on the count of three we’ll show them to each other, ok?”
Hallie: “OK”
Annie: “One”
Hallie: “Two”
Annie & Hallie: “Three” “Oh…”
Hallie: “That’s my dad!”
Annie: “That’s my mom!” “That’s the lunch bell”
Hallie: “I’m not so hungry anymore…So if your mom is my mom and my dad is your dad and we
were both born on October 11th then you and I are like…like sisters!”
Annie: “Sisters?? Hallie…We’re like twins!!”
They hug.
Stuck: blocked
To build: to fabricate
Porch: colonnade
Vineyard: a space in the countryside dedicated to the plantation of grapes
Chilly: cold
Workaholic: obsessed by their jobs
Weird: bizarre
To split up: to separate
Strongbox: cashbox where one keeps “secret things”
Wrinkled and ripped: ruined
To rummage: to search/look for
Trunk: luggage
Who are the two protagonists of the movie?
Where do they come from?
When were they born?
What is their reaction when they discover to be sisters? Do they have a positive or negative
reaction? Why do they react this way according to you?
1. …………………………………………………….
Its name is Cuppy.
My father is very nice!
Usually I have Orios with peanut butter.
He is Leo di Caprio, my favourite actor!
Hallie and Annie discover that they are sisters from a bracelet.
Hallie and Annie live in the same country with their parents.
Hallie doesn’t get on well with her father.
Hallie and Annie meet during a school trip.