CARILION CLINIC INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD Standard Operating Guidelines Title: 6.7: Conduct of Research: POST-APPROVAL EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Original Date: April 2009 Primary Sponsor: Department of Biomedical and Research Ethics Date of Last Revision: Approved By: Director of Biomedical and Research Ethics, IRB Chair OBJECTIVE: To review research organization and procedures to ensure adherence with IRB policies and federal regulation, and to provide education to Principal Investigators and research team members. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Carilion IRB, in its efforts to fulfill its mandate of protecting human subjects, will provide education for research organization to Principal Investigators and research team members involved in investigator-initiated projects that have received Carilion IRB approval. The following methods may be used: 1) The Carilion IRB Research Organization Checklist will be mailed to all Principal Investigators and Research Coordinators after IRB approval of an investigator-initiated research study. 2) Investigator-initiated studies may be selected for a Research Education Session. If selected, the IRB Regulatory Affairs Administrator will meet with the Principal Investigator and research team members after IRB approval to review the following: Roles and responsibilities of the Principal Investigator and research team members Recruitment procedures Consent process and proper documentation of consent Enrollment tracking Study procedures Reportable events Storage of study documents, data, and specimens or samples Privacy and confidentiality protections IRB processes for submitting change/updates and continuing reviews Review of Research Organization Checklist 3) Investigators involved in IRB-approved research projects may request an education session similar to the Research Education Session. PROCEDURE: All Principal Investigators and Research Coordinators involved in investigator-initiated research studies will receive the Carilion IRB Research Organization Checklist in the mail along with the 6.7: Page 1 of 2 IRB approval letter at the time of initial IRB approval. The checklist should be used as a guide to the research organization and set-up of the study. At the time of IRB approval or immediately following approval, the IRB chair or Human Protections Administrator may select an investigator-initiated study for a Research Education Session with the IRB Regulatory Affairs Administrator. Once selected, the Principal Investigator will be sent a written notification. The IRB Regulatory Affairs Administrator will schedule the session within 2 months of the initiation of enrollment for the study. The sessions will take about 2-4 hours and will include a meeting with the Principal Investigator, Research Coordinator, and/or other key research team members. Upon arrival at the site, the IRB Regulatory Affairs Administrator will review the site’s research records and documentation including, but not limited to, the protocol and any amendments, the original consent and any revised versions, subject records, signed consents, source documentation, and research database, if applicable. The site will be toured for suitability with regard to privacy and confidentiality for subject records. The IRB Regulatory Affairs Administrator will then meet with the Principal Investigator, Research Coordinator, and/or other key research team members to discuss the progress of the study, answer questions, and provide further guidance and education based on the individual needs of the investigators and the project. Following the on-site Research Education Session, the IRB Regulatory Affairs Administrator will provide a written summary of the session to the research team. A copy of the summary also will be provided to the IRB Chair. A ‘By Request’ Education Session similar to the Research Education Session may be requested by the Principal Investigator or research team members at any time during a study. If a research team requests an Education Session, the above-mentioned procedures will be followed. The primary purpose of education sessions is to promote understanding of good research practices. If evidence of serious or continuing non-compliance or a serious protocol violation is found during an education session, then the procedures in the appropriate SOG will be followed. 6.7: Page 2 of 2